
In order to understand someone, you need to consider all aspects of their personal hidden symmetry—all three of their numbers and how they dance together. The effects of some qualities can be modified by the influence of others, so it’s important to remember that the numbers all interact. For instance, if someone is a 6.2.9, their Nine can make them reach out to someone in their desire for a heart-to-heart connection. But as soon as they’ve made an intimate contact, their Two’s lack of confidence and their Six’s sensitivity to that person’s energy can kick in and make them pull back. This can be a bewildering experience for the other person … unless they’ve read this book!

What follows are brief descriptions of each of the 81 different Nine Star Ki combinations to help you start to see ways the qualities can interact. When someone is in balance, they’ll live the healthy version of their numbers; if they are out of balance, however, the expression becomes unhealthy. Each section gives you brief snapshots of both so that you can learn to identify where someone is in their personal evolution. I’ve also included some examples of noteworthy people with those numbers. You’ll most likely recognize them as famous names from the world of self-empowerment; along with celebrities in entertainment, sports, or politics.

Of course, these are very abbreviated readings and show only a sampling of the ways these influences can weave together. To really understand someone, read the descriptions for each of their numbers in the previous chapters and then observe how these characteristics play out in your experience of them.

A note about twins: Because twins share the same birth date, they have the same Nine Star Ki numbers, but of course they have different personalities, so you might wonder how this system could have meaning here. Yet what you’ll find is that while they’ll both carry the essence and influence of their numbers, one twin will be the yang version of these qualities and the other will be the yin expression. In other words, the yang twin will be the more active and outgoing version of their numbers, more externally expressive; and the other will show the more introverted and quiet side of the same characteristics, more focused on their inner world. Every parent of twins whom I’ve worked with has immediately been able to identify which one is the yang twin and which is the yin.

Interestingly, I’ve worked with three sets of triplets over the years, and in every case, they recognized one sibling as the yang version, one as the yin, and for the third they all agreed it was as if that one had been dropped in from outer space—totally different in personality from the other two!


Healthy expression: You’re born with natural intuition, deep willpower, and a strong need for freedom and independence. Highly creative, you’ll probably live an unusual life. You have a magnetic personality and can develop your inner strength to help others do the same.

Unhealthy expression: You have the potential for arrogance, secretiveness, or suspicion.

Famous examples: Jennifer Hudson, Serena Williams, the Reverend Al Sharpton


Healthy expression: You have an adaptable and caring nature, and people find you easygoing and very likable. You may be artistic, yet cautious in life overall; even after you choose a direction, your life path just naturally involves lots of change.

Unhealthy expression: You can let fear and self-doubt block your progress.

Famous examples: Whitney Houston, Beyoncé Knowles, John McCain


Healthy expression: You have a creative nature and an idealistic desire to change the world, and people may be surprised by your incredible drive and determination. If you can tap into your strong inner discipline, you can achieve all your goals.

Unhealthy expression: You can be too direct and disregard others’ feelings.

Famous examples: Nelson Mandela, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chödrön


Healthy expression: Your gentle way of being belies your deep inner strength. You always want to help others and are willing to patiently set your own needs aside to do so. With your creative nature, you’re sure to find ways to express your artistic side.

Unhealthy expression: You may struggle with self-doubt or give away your power to others.

Famous examples: Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman, Kris Kristofferson


Healthy expression: You have a deep emotional nature and incredible willpower. Your need for freedom and independence will factor into every decision you make. Highly creative and intuitive, you might live the life of an artist or healer.

Unhealthy expression: You may be overly ambitious or secretive and ruled by fear.

Famous examples: Priscilla Presley, Mike Myers, Wayne Brady


Healthy expression: You’re a creative free spirit, independent and adventurous. Warm and gracious with others, you can put anyone at ease. But you’re not always extroverted—you also benefit from regular times of solitude.

Unhealthy expression: You can feel overwhelmed and anxious, especially if life goes too fast.

Famous examples: Michelle Obama, Jackie Chan, Jet Li


Healthy expression: Thanks to your imaginative nature, you may end up working in the arts. You love private time because that’s when your creative juices flow. There’s a lot you may not say in order to spare others’ feelings or because you don’t believe they’d understand.

Unhealthy expression: You can be insecure, secretive, or stubborn.

Famous examples: Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Mary Tyler Moore


Healthy expression: You need your space in life, and regular solitude is like vitamins for you. You can power through difficult times with your deep inner strength. You have a natural charm with people because you’re so good at reading them.

Unhealthy expression: You may have secrets or just say whatever you think people want to hear.

Famous examples: John Travolta, Ron Howard, Bette Midler


Healthy expression: You’re intuitive and sensitive, with insights other people lack, and because of this you can be a very inspiring influence. You’ll have a strong vision of what to do in any situation and care about doing things right.

Unhealthy expression: You can be obstinate or try to manipu-late people.

Famous examples: Jenny McCarthy, John Lithgow, Henry Winkler


Healthy expression: Kind and caring, you highly value family and all your relationships. You’ll be able to take charge when necessary and do whatever needs to be done. You have an emotional depth others may not recognize.

Unhealthy expression: You may act like a victim or hold on to hurt feelings far too long.

Famous examples: Ewan McGregor, Rosie O’Donnell, Diana Ross


Healthy expression: You feel compelled to help others and may end up at the center of a movement or organization, even as you struggle with self-confidence. You want deep and long-lasting friendships and will invest time and energy in all your relationships.

Unhealthy expression: You can be critical or controlling or feel sorry for yourself.

Famous examples: Chelsea Clinton, Woody Allen, Martha Beck


Healthy expression: You want to make the world a better place and will do best working within an organization to gently change the system from the inside rather than being a rebellious activist. People respond to your kind, gentle nature.

Unhealthy expression: You can get lost in self-doubt, overthink things, or struggle with depression.

Famous examples: Thich Nhat Hanh, Tony Shalhoub, Winona Ryder


Healthy expression: You have an enormous drive to be of service, and you can be a real force for change in the world. You can help motivate people to create a new vision for moving forward in life and keep them headed in the right direction.

Unhealthy expression: You may struggle with frustration, anger, or depression.

Famous examples: Louise Hay, Amma (“the Hugging Saint”), Lance Armstrong


Healthy expression: You’re kind and generous, with a sincere desire to do good work. It will be important to you to establish a good home and have lifelong friends. Your attention will always go toward the needs of others, and you enjoy being a source of support for those you care about.

Unhealthy expression: You can criticize and complain or act like a victim.

Famous examples: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Alfred Hitchcock, Steve Carell


Healthy expression: You work hard on any project because you care so much and want to get it right. You need freedom and flow in life, yet you honor your responsibilities and devote time and energy to authentic connections with friends and family.

Unhealthy expression: You may expect others to take care of you without doing much in return.

Famous examples: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Kristi Yamaguchi, Wesley Snipes


Healthy expression: You’re warm, affectionate, and attuned to communicating in ways people can understand. Your strong sense of devotion can move you toward careers involving helping others, especially ones that center around teaching. Your life may revolve around your work.

Unhealthy expression: You’re hypersensitive and may sacrifice yourself for others to the extreme.

Famous examples: the Dalai Lama, Benazir Bhutto, Tom Cruise


Healthy expression: Incredibly loyal and caring, you have a quiet depth of strength and provide a sense of safety and stability for the people in your life. You can work long and hard and will always be the one to help the underdog.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental and resistant to change.

Famous examples: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, George Lucas


Healthy expression: You have a sincere desire to help others and make them happy, and you’re far more sensitive to people’s energy than they may realize. Charming and gracious, you can excel at inspiring people to live better lives.

Unhealthy expression: Your responsibilities may feel too heavy, and you struggle with perfectionism and a sensitivity to energy.

Famous examples: Oprah Winfrey, Howard Stern, Justin Timberlake


Healthy expression: You’re energetic and enthusiastic and can easily charm people to your benefit. You’re more sensitive and emotional than others recognize. Highly creative, you’ll want to use your ideas to make the world a better place.

Unhealthy expression: You overreact to criticism and may be driven by the desire for status.

Famous examples: Princess Diana, Liam Neeson, Ricky Gervais


Healthy expression: You’re driven to prove yourself and want to feel proud of your achievements. When you get down to work, you manage any self-doubt and then really take charge and attend to all the details so that things are done and done well.

Unhealthy expression: You can be competitive, judgmental, or critical.

Famous examples: Tina Fey, George Clooney, Katharine Hepburn


Healthy expression: You have a powerful vitality that draws other people’s attention. You’re very goal oriented, and it’s important to you to stay active. You’ll always feel driven to learn, grow, and achieve and may help others do the same.

Unhealthy expression: You may struggle with anger, depression, or addiction.

Famous examples: Elvis Presley, Jim Carrey, Kate Hudson


Healthy expression: Your gentle, adaptable nature helps you work well with people; and you may assist others in improving their lives. Your active mind can think of more than one solution to any problem. If plan A doesn’t work, you have B and C ready to go.

Unhealthy expression: You can be skeptical, judgmental, or challenged by depression.

Famous examples: Gloria Steinem, Queen Latifah, Mariah Carey


Healthy expression: You may be a catalyst for others; you don’t coddle people but get them moving again toward positive growth. Your logical mind can see what’s wrong in the world, and you’ll feel a strong drive to change things for the better.

Unhealthy expression: You can struggle with anger, depression, or addiction.

Famous examples: George Harrison, Caroline Myss, Meg Ryan


Healthy expression: You’re driven and dedicated, with firm ideas of what you want from life. You have the energy to achieve your goals and the patience to finish what you start. Relationships will give you important lessons.

Unhealthy expression: You can be selfish or demanding and sensitive to criticism.

Famous examples: k. d. lang, Margaret Thatcher, Jeff Goldblum


Healthy expression: Highly creative, you’re ambitious and driven, yet you always honor your need for freedom. Your vitality and determination can take you far—and as you trust your intuition, life can carry you to interesting places.

Unhealthy expression: You may be stubborn, pushy, or ruled by fear.

Famous examples: Pink, Julio Iglesias, Chevy Chase


Healthy expression: With your strong personality and powerful energy, you’re able to inspire and motivate others. You combine a logical approach with warmth and enthusiasm, and your focused drive helps you achieve your goals.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental, pushy, or impulsive.

Famous examples: Robert De Niro, Jay Mohr, Roger Waters


Healthy expression: You’re a hard worker, and your focus may be on helping others or making the world a better place. If you combine your logical mind and intuitive insight with your single-minded determination, you can accomplish great things.

Unhealthy expression: You can be a workaholic or struggle with anger.

Famous examples: Barack Obama, Mick Jagger, Marianne Williamson


Healthy expression: You have an adaptable nature and an emotional depth others might not recognize. You’re a hard worker with high moral principles, and you’ll be a lifelong student, always looking for ways to develop yourself.

Unhealthy expression: You can be skeptical, judgmental, or lack self-confidence.

Famous examples: Jimmy Carter, Sting, Zach Galifianakis


Healthy expression: An excellent communicator, you’re witty and charming with other people, able to make everyone feel welcome. As you learn to manage your perfectionism, you empower yourself to create a beautiful life and feel proud of your accomplishments.

Unhealthy expression: You can overanalyze, procrastinate, or be too self-critical.

Famous examples: Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Jack Black


Healthy expression: It’s important to you to feel proud of your achievements, and you may rise to the top within a structured system. You’ll always be focused on getting work done and learning new things, and you don’t like to waste time or effort.

Unhealthy expression: You can be cynical or easily frustrated with others.

Famous examples: Harrison Ford, Amelia Earhart, Jennifer Lopez


Healthy expression: You have an easygoing, diplomatic nature, and you may be influential in your career. An excellent thinker and an idealist, you can use your analytical ability to help others. Life will be full of change and growth.

Unhealthy expression: You can be indecisive or suffer from anger or depression.

Famous examples: George H. W. Bush, Paul McCartney, Rupert Sheldrake


Healthy expression: You idealistically work to make the world a better place, and you can easily deal with a variety of personalities. Life will take you in many different directions, and you’re adaptable enough to deal with all the changes.

Unhealthy expression: You can be moody, overthink everything, or deal with depression.

Famous examples: Bono, Anne Heche, Kristin Scott Thomas


Healthy expression: You’re focused and goal oriented; with your logical mind, you really can get things done. You work hard to do things right, and you can adjust your plans to suit changing circumstances, always looking to the future.

Unhealthy expression: You’re too hard on yourself and can be challenged by fear of others’ judgment.

Famous examples: Carol Burnett, Janis Joplin, Barbra Streisand


Healthy expression: You’re kind and sensitive and adapt easily to others’ needs, always aware of what they’re feeling. Naturally artistic, you have good common sense as well; you’ll feel drawn to helping others no matter what job you do.

Unhealthy expression: You tend to overthink everything and doubt yourself and others.

Famous examples: Albert Einstein, Michael Eisner, Katie Holmes


Healthy expression: You combine a powerful mind with a creative and intuitive nature, and you’ll always need freedom in how and when you do your work. You’ll experience change throughout life, but can stay centered through all that movement.

Unhealthy expression: You can struggle with self-doubt, anger, or depression.

Famous examples: Byron Katie, Jennifer Aniston, Javier Bardem


Healthy expression: With your bright spirit and great sense of humor, everyone likes you on first sight, and you can make people feel uplifted and inspired. If you focus consistently to complete projects, you could make real progress.

Unhealthy expression: You can deal with depression or anxiety, or repeatedly put everything into a project only to have it all fall apart.

Famous examples: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kathy Griffin, Sanjay Gupta (neurosurgeon)


Healthy expression: You’re a people magnet with a big personality, and your emotions are even more powerful than others realize. You’re driven to get to the top in your career and may end up in the spotlight.

Unhealthy expression: You can be controlling or have an in-satiable need to be the center of attention.

Famous examples: Lady Gaga, Howard Hughes, Celine Dion


Healthy expression: You’re a powerful force in the world, always drawn to helping others, and you have a strong need for connection and community. Incredibly generous with your time and energy, you’ll always work hard at whatever you do.

Unhealthy expression: You can constantly create drama or be extremely demanding.

Famous examples: Elizabeth Taylor, Daniel Craig, Margaret Cho


Healthy expression: An excellent communicator, you’re very charming—if you wanted to, you could wrap anyone around your little finger. Family and relationships are very important to you, and you need to create a beautiful home to enjoy them in.

Unhealthy expression: You may manipulate or use people to get what you want.

Famous examples: Hugh Jackman, Marie Osmond, Sarah Ferguson


Healthy expression: You’re driven to achieve big things and can hold a powerful place in the world. It will be important to you to earn the genuine respect and recognition of others, and you’ll work hard to feel that you’ve reached a certain level of success.

Unhealthy expression: You may be controlling and demanding in your desire for power.

Famous examples: Mohandas Gandhi, Will Smith, Jesse Jackson


Healthy expression: You are a force of nature, resourceful and resilient and with a powerful need for authentic relationships. As you learn to accept your power, you can do great work, which for you will always center around helping others.

Unhealthy expression: You may feel vastly unappreciated, and your anger can be epic.

Famous examples: Magic Johnson, Shaun White, Rachael Ray


Healthy expression: It will be key for you to do something important in the world, especially to right wrongs or improve others’ lives. Life may take you in different directions, but in the midst of change, you’ll always want a sense of rootedness.

Unhealthy expression: You can be demanding and controlling or act without integrity.

Famous examples: Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson,

Martha Stewart


Healthy expression: You have a powerful personality, with a strong drive and enthusiasm for living life to the fullest. You need to stay active, and it’s good to always be thinking of what’s next. Lifelong friendships are essential for you to feel fulfilled.

Unhealthy expression: You can try to dominate others or push too hard for what you want.

Famous examples: Lindsay Lohan, Kanye West, Hugh Laurie


Healthy expression: You’re a generous friend, and it’s important to you to stay connected to a community of people who you feel really know and appreciate you. You love to help others and are especially thrilled when they act on your advice.

Unhealthy expression: You can be a know-it-all or needy and selfish.

Famous examples: Stevie Wonder, Robert Pattinson, Nora Ephron


Healthy expression: You’re creative and strong willed and need to express your talents in order to feel fulfilled. You want freedom in how you live your life, but at the same time will always need a sense of stability.

Unhealthy expression: You can be demanding and may behave without integrity.

Famous examples: Muhammad Ali, Ashley Judd, Jay Leno


Healthy expression: You’re intuitive and creative, and you’ll want to do things your way—not only because you care so much about the quality of your work, but because you’re so independent. You can develop into quite a visionary in your field.

Unhealthy expression: You’re insecure, fearful, and can have secret agendas.

Famous examples: Prince, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep


Healthy expression: You have the potential to become an authority with your work, and it will be important to you to achieve a certain level of power and recognition. Life will offer you key lessons about managing your sensitivity in order to reach your goals.

Unhealthy expression: You can be narcissistic, arrogant, and dismissive.

Famous examples: Wayne Dyer, Colin Farrell, Drew Carey


Healthy expression: You have high principles and work hard to achieve your goals. With your idealistic nature, you place a lot of value on doing the right thing. It can be frustrating to work with people who are less aware than you are.

Unhealthy expression: You can be arrogant, controlling, or disdainful.

Famous examples: Ram Dass, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dick Cheney


Healthy expression: You’re charming and sensitive to others and put a lot of care into everything you do. You may go back and forth on decisions before you settle on a direction, but then you can be sure it’s the right one.

Unhealthy expression: You can be critical, controlling, or status-driven.

Famous examples: Rupert Murdoch, Edgar Cayce, Alec Baldwin


Healthy expression: Highly aware, you’re sensitive to the subtleties and nuances in any situation and care about each little detail of a project. As you learn to manage your sensitivity, you can achieve your goals and even hold a place of authority and power.

Unhealthy expression: You may be overly sensitive, controlling, or critical.

Famous examples: Bonnie Raitt, Kurt Cobain, Jeff Bridges


Healthy expression: You’re a leader, not a follower, and carry a natural sense of authority. It will be important to you to feel you’ve earned the respect of others and that you’ve done quality work. You have the potential to be a visionary in your field.

Unhealthy expression: You can be demanding, controlling, or hypersensitive.

Famous examples: John Lennon, Anna Wintour, Julia Roberts


Healthy expression: Your idealistic and perfectionistic nature makes you care very much about doing things right. You have a gentle charm with other people and will always strive for meaning and authenticity in relationships and your life in general.

Unhealthy expression: You can overanalyze, and be both critical and self-critical.

Famous examples: Desmond Tutu, Sigourney Weaver, Bruce Springsteen


Healthy expression: Your focused drive can land you in a position of power, and it’s important to you to do something special with your life. With your high principles, you don’t want to waste your time on small talk or superficialities.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental, arrogant, or disdainful.

Famous examples: Madonna, Michael Jackson, Richard Gere


Healthy expression: Your kindness and warmth makes it easy for people to immediately like you. You have a strong sense of obligation; it’s important to you to do a good job. Relationships will teach you important lessons.

Unhealthy expression: You can lack energetic boundaries or be controlling.

Famous examples: Martin Sheen, James Brolin, Philip Seymour Hoffman


Healthy expression: You’re attuned to the energy around you and can make anyone feel welcomed and appreciated. Extremely sensitive, you’ll notice subtle things about people, and you’re naturally drawn to helping others with what you observe.

Unhealthy expression: You can be hypersensitive and too cautious, or lack confidence.

Famous examples: Kate Winslet, Avril Lavigne, Fran Drescher


Healthy expression: Your quiet charm and sincere desire to make things better for people serve you well personally and professionally. You’re intuitive, creative, and highly aware; and it’s best to have freedom in how you do your work.

Unhealthy expression: You can be insecure, fearful, and challenged by indecisiveness.

Famous examples: Julia Child, Lily Tomlin, Sean Connery


Healthy expression: Creative and expressive, you’re an excellent communicator with a good sense of humor and natural warmth. While you shouldn’t choose a career that keeps you isolated, you also need regular solitude and lots of freedom in your work.

Unhealthy expression: You can be emotionally reactive or manipulative.

Famous examples: Charlize Theron, Garry Trudeau, Cat Stevens


Healthy expression: You have high standards and work very hard to achieve the results you want. Extremely aware, you’re a kind, caring friend. Your career may involve helping others, although you’ll always need to do your work your way.

Unhealthy expression: You can lack confidence or get blocked by insecurity.

Famous examples: Frank Lloyd Wright, John Cusack, Julianna Margulies


Healthy expression: You’re articulate and charming and can read other people well, which makes you an excellent communicator. You have a natural sense of style; and as you learn to manage your sensitivity, you’ll enjoy creating a beautiful life.

Unhealthy expression: You can be critical, controlling, or highly anxious.

Famous examples: Angelina Jolie, Russell Brand, Janet Jackson


Healthy expression: Your quiet reserve may belie your high level of awareness. You have a lovely way with people, and your work is always beautifully done. As you learn to manage your perfectionism, you no longer hide your light under a bushel.

Unhealthy expression: Your perfectionism and hypersensitivity can keep your life too limited.

Famous examples: Richard Nixon, David Beckham, Ellen DeGeneres


Healthy expression: You’re extremely charming and adept at creating wonderful experiences for people, no matter what your career. With your high level of sensitivity, you pay great attention to details and focus on making everything as perfect as possible.

Unhealthy expression: You can be controlling and anxious or present a false front.

Famous examples: J. Edgar Hoover, Tiger Woods, Steven Tyler


Healthy expression: You have a sincere charm and people naturally feel comfortable with you. You want to make a real difference in the world; with your high standards, you can achieve powerful results with your work.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental and easily frustrated.

Famous examples: Drew Barrymore, Gordon Ramsay, Scarlett Johansson


Healthy expression: You’re creative, expressive, and witty, and this can take you far. It will be important to you to feel you’ve achieved something meaningful and important—and as you learn to manage any anxiety, there’s no stopping you.

Unhealthy expression: You can be highly anxious or manipulative.

Famous examples: John Cleese, Katy Perry, Ralph Lauren


Healthy expression: You’re ambitious, hardworking, and a very loyal friend. Driven and devoted to doing good in the world, you can use your determination and strong will to accomplish powerful results that can potentially help large groups of people.

Unhealthy expression: You can be easily frustrated or act childishly.

Famous examples: Elton John, Glenn Close, Ryan Seacrest


Healthy expression: With your generous nature, you care very much about everyone being treated fairly, and work hard to support the people in your life. You like to put down roots and need a community of like-minded friends.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental and take things too seriously.

Famous examples: Ronald Reagan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Stiller


Healthy expression: You have the wisdom and willpower to push through difficult circumstances and do powerful work in the world. You’ll always need solid relationships and a sense of home, but you also require plenty of alone time on a regular basis.

Unhealthy expression: You can be antisocial or struggle with anger and obstinacy.

Famous examples: Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Carrie Fisher


Healthy expression: You’re warm and caring; while you take your work seriously, it will also be important to you to have time for fun. You may achieve some level of fame, but you’ll still need regular private time.

Unhealthy expression: You can be insecure and too much of a pleaser.

Famous examples: Amy Winehouse, David Copperfield, Jimmy Fallon


Healthy expression: You’re incredibly kind and generous to family and friends, and all your relationships are important to you. You learn from your mistakes in life—they only deepen your growing wisdom—and you’re driven to share what you’ve learned with others.

Unhealthy expression: You can be judgmental, angry, or reclusive.

Famous examples: Charlie Sheen, Kenny Rogers, Kim Cattrall


Healthy expression: Your kind sincerity combines with a deep sensitivity to give you a lovely presence with people. Strong willed and dedicated, you’ll work hard to help others. You find that life becomes easier as you learn to manage your boundaries.

Unhealthy expression: You can be anxious, perfectionistic, and controlling.

Famous examples: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Tom Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger


Healthy expression: You’ll want to live a meaningful life and make the world a better place. It will be important to you to always have a sense of the sacred, and you have the ability to inspire others to live their best lives as well.

Unhealthy expression: You can be arrogant, critical, and demanding.

Famous examples: Anne Frank, Randy Jackson, Salman Rushdie


Healthy expression: You have enormous inner strength and are a nurturing presence for everyone in your life. You’ll always look for opportunities to help make things better for others, and you have the patience to set your own needs aside to do so.

Unhealthy expression: You can be too driven, stubborn, and judgmental.

Famous examples: Brooke Shields, Alanis Morissette, La Toya Jackson


Healthy expression: You come across as quite easygoing and charming, and you have a generous spirit and caring heart. You will be a lifelong student and will want to share what you learn to make the world a better place.

Unhealthy expression: Your strong emotions can cause impulsiveness or poor choices.

Famous examples: Audrey Hepburn, Katie Couric, Penélope Cruz


Healthy expression: You’re personable and fun loving and naturally attract attention, yet you feel things more deeply than others may know. Life will bring lots of change, but you’d be bored if it were any other way.

Unhealthy expression: Lust for fame can negatively affect your judgment.

Famous examples: George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Sandra Bernhard


Healthy expression: It’s important to you to live your passion, although you may not stick with things long-term because you seek change and new challenges. It’s better not to work in isolation because you need more stimulation than most people do.

Unhealthy expression: You can be overly emotional or aggressive.

Famous examples: Chow Yun-Fat, Wynonna Judd, Heidi Klum


Healthy expression: You’re naturally warm and affectionate and have a passion for life. With your inherent ability to inspire people, you have the potential to teach them the important lessons you learn about compassion and acceptance.

Unhealthy expression: You may have trouble letting go of a relationship, or the other person could refuse to leave—to the point of stalking.

Famous examples: Martin Luther King, Jr.; Russell Crowe; Paula Deen


Healthy expression: You have a warm and easygoing presence, yet a delicate emotional nature. You’ll always need change and variety, to experience new things in life, and to express your creativity.

Unhealthy expression: You can be insecure or overly sensitive to rejection.

Famous examples: Maya Angelou, Steven Spielberg, Jane Fonda


Healthy expression: Creative and expressive, you’re driven to live your passion and spread love; if you can stay focused, you have the potential for great success. To you, nothing is worth doing unless it lights you up.

Unhealthy expression: You can be vain and manipulative.

Famous examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Marisa Tomei


Healthy expression: You want to achieve a level of power in life; because you’re so motivated, you may well rise to the top. You’re hardworking and dedicated, and people may be surprised by how seriously you take your work.

Unhealthy expression: You can be controlling or critical.

Famous examples: Bill Gates, Deepak Chopra, Maria Shriver


Healthy expression: Warm and gracious, you’re very attuned to the energy of other people and sincere in your desire to make them happy. Everything you create will be beautiful, including the experiences you give to others.

Unhealthy expression: You can be anxious and need constant attention.

Famous examples: Yo-Yo Ma, Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Jones


Healthy expression: You’re charismatic and driven to do something meaningful with your life, and you’ll be single-minded in your desire to reach your goals. At the same time, you’re a natural at inspiring others to do their best.

Unhealthy expression: You can be ambitious or unsympathetic to others.

Famous examples: Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, Dustin Hoffman


Healthy expression: Extremely creative and passionate and with a love of stimulation, you may end up as the center of attention wherever you go. You’re emotionally open, and this makes you a great friend to everyone.

Unhealthy expression: You may manipulate people or be a show-off.

Famous examples: Sandra Bullock, Courtney Love, Jimmy Smits


The descriptions in this chapter are only meant as brief examples, of course. There are many diverse and fascinating ways that you can express your unique nature. The more you can recognize your inner design, the more easily you’ll be able to express it in healthy ways, and genuinely love and accept yourself. In the next chapter, we’ll explore this even more deeply.
