It’s been a great honor and great fun to play in this playground, so thanks to 20th Century Fox for the invitation and all of the support, advice, and feedback I received while doing so. Thanks especially to Josh Izzo and Lauran Winarski for finding answers so quickly and efficiently when I had questions—and I had questions often.

On the Titan side of things I would like to thank Steve Saffel for quick and skillful editing. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and contributions of Nick Landau, Vivian Chrung, Katy Wild, Cath Trechman, Alice Nightingale, Tim Whale, Jenny Boyce, Katharine Carroll, and Ella Bowman.

Thanks also to Dafna Pleban and BOOM comics for helping coordinate this enterprise. Finally, many thanks to Warren Roberts and Terri Hunnicutt for letting me tap their years of experience with great apes. Any mistakes herein are mine, not theirs.