Aaron, Joyce 81, 88, 293
Action 5, 93–96, 242, 270, 307
Adams, Brooke 212
Adolphs, Ulrich 298
Adult Children of Alcoholics 145
Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England 71
Aesthetic Illusion 302
Affliction 290
“Ain’t No Fortunate Son, I” 66
Albee, Edward 1, 2, 8, 12, 186, 269–270, 293
Aldrich, Robert 184
Alexander the Great 203
Allen, Jennifer 32
Allen, Michael 39, 40
Almereyda, Michael 288
Altman, Robert 135, 220, 308
American Drama Criticism 293
American Drama since, 1960 300
American Dramatists 294
American Dream Myth 69–71, 198, 300
American Dreams 299
American Literature and the Arts 302
American Place Theatre 34, 36, 57, 262, 308
American Playhouse 308
American Playwrights 304
Anderson, Reed 32
Andrews, Raymond 104
Angel City 19, 23, 73, 124–126, 128, 131, 189, 199, 206, 210, 238–239, 307
Angels in America 1, 274
Antigone 41
Antonioni, Michelangelo 81, 89, 124, 210, 214, 228
Apollo 124
Argnot, Pierre 220
Aristotle 203
Arredondo, Jeri 165
Ars Moriendi 191
Artaud, Antonin 4, 47, 100, 275, 297
Auerbach, Doris 172, 198, 301
Bach, J. S. 261
Bachman, Charles 301
Back Bog Beast Bait 58, 231–232, 271
Backus, Margot Gayle 111
Bad Day at Black Rock 174, 176
Bakhtin, Mikhail 295
Bakker, Jim 202
Baltimore Waltz, The 258
Banks, Rosemarie 301
Barish, Jonas 201
Barnes, Clive 306
Barnes, Theo 41
Barsha, Tony 41, 44, 46, 48–49, 51, 57, 59, 61
Basinger, Kim 221
Bataille, Georges 260
Bataille, Georges 267
Bates, Alan 165, 224
Bates, Kathy 217
Beard, The 58
Beat poetry 4
Beatles, The 2
Beckett Translating/Translating Beckett 301
Belgian Essays on Language and Literature 302
Benet, Carol 298
Beresford, Bruce 217
Bertin, Michael 304
Bettelheim, Bruno 89
Beyond Naturalism 303
Bigsby, Christopher 31, 142, 294, 300, 302–303
Birthday Party, The 303
Black Panthers 9, 56, 66
Blessing, Lee 269
Blood Wedding 15
Blow-Up 210
Blue Bitch 190
“Blue Bouquet, The” 4, 271
Blumenthal, Eileen 100, 102, 304
Bock, Hedwig 302
Body Across the Map, A 295
Bodyguard, The 190, 195, 206, 214
Bottoms, Steven J. 31, 32, 121, 143, 144, 199, 276, 294–295
Bowen, Elizabeth 285
Box, The 44
Boy Life on the Prairie 212
Brantley, Ben 273
Brater, Enoch 147
Brecht, Bertolt 84, 85, 297, 301
Brennan, Walter 176
Brienza, Susan 301–302
Brook, Peter 18
Brooks, Peter 101
Brustein, Robert 247
Buford, Kate 185
Buried Child 2, 5, 8, 14, 19, 21, 24, 27, 52, 58, 67–68, 72–73, 111–121, 140, 163, 172–173, 176–177, 179–181, 187, 213, 235, 261, 266, 269, 289, 293, 297, 301, 304–305, 307
Burnett, T-Bone 67, 231, 280
Burning Plane, The 78
Burstyn, Ellen 198, 212
Burwick, Frederick 302
Caffe Cino 35–37, 40, 65, 305
Callens, Johan 294–296, 298–299, 302, 304
Cambridge History of American Theatre, vol. III, The 300
Canby, Vincent 220
Cannes film festival 212
Cardinal, Tantoo 167
Cardullo, Bert 112, 118
Carmines, Al 37
Carpenter, Charles A. 293
Carroll, Beeson 36, 48
Carson, Hunter 160, 219
Cassavetes, John 183
Catch-22 2
Chaikin, Joseph 4, 6, 74–75, 79, 83–110, 189, 235–236, 250, 257, 293, 298, 304, 308–309
Chandler, Raymond 129
Changeling, The 190, 195, 214
Chaudhuri, Una 141
Chekhov, Anton 4, 78
Chénetier, Marc 302
Cherry Lane Theatre 216, 223
Chicago 3, 9, 35–36, 41–43, 89, 154, 305
Chocrón, Isaac 299
Chubb, Kenneth 6, 32, 300
Cities of the Dead 103
Clark, William 70
Clement, Aurore 162
Clurman, Harold 307
Cocteau, Jean 16
Coen, Stephanie 33, 139
Cohn, Ruby 46, 302
Coleman, Ornette 41, 237
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 123–124
Coltrane, John 237
Communists, Cowboys, and Queers 172
Connection, The 8
Contemporary Authors 294
Cook, Ralph 37–41, 43, 46, 49, 56, 58–59, 233, 305
Cooper, Gary 171, 176, 184–186, 210
Coppola, Francis Ford 193
Corkery, Daniel 285
Corso, Gregory 41
Cott, Jonathan 139
Cowboy Mouth 57–58, 93, 172, 198, 228–230, 302, 306
Cowboys 3, 34–35, 38–39, 43, 92, 163, 292, 297, 305
Cowboys #, 2 92, 305
Cranham, Ken 66
Creedence Clearwater Revival 66
Crimes of the Heart 213, 217
Critical Angles 302
Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama, A 302
Crucible, The 1, 75, 189
Cruising Paradise 2, 14–15, 27, 29, 77–78, 174, 247–248, 254–255, 257, 284
Crumb, Jane Ann 158–159
Current Bibliography 294
“Curse of the Raven’s Black Feather, The” 250
Curse of the Starving Class 2, 5, 8, 15–16, 19, 20–22, 27, 67–68, 72–73, 87, 111–122, 140, 146, 163, 172, 174, 177–179, 187, 196–197, 206, 213–214, 217, 219, 235, 240, 260–261, 270, 289, 293, 307
Customs Collector in Baggy Pants, The 41–43
Daniels, Barry 33, 89
Darwin, Charles 290
Day of the Locust, The 23, 129–130
“Days of Blackouts” 254
Days of Heaven 212–213
de Beauvoir, Simone 89
Death of a Salesman 72, 119
Deats, Sarah Munson 192–193, 196
Debusscher, Gilbert 302
Delicate Balance, A, 270
Demastes, William 143, 301, 303
DeRose, David J. 114, 265, 294, 297
Desire Under the Elms 20, 301
Devils of Loudun, The 189, 205
Dickey, James 89
Die Tyrannei der Bilder: Sam Shepard’s Dramen 298
Dionysius 13, 124, 193
Doctor Faustus 71, 189–209
Dostoyevsky, Fedor 47
Douglas, Kirk 55, 184
Dr. Strangelove 2
Dramatic Dialogue 303–304
Dugdale, John 294
Dumb Waiter, The 126
Duran, Manual 32
Durning, Charles 221
Dylan, Bob 9, 45, 87, 197, 229–230, 307
Early, Michael 123
Ecrits 155
Eddleman, Floyd E. 293–294
Edson, Margaret 1
Eisenhower, Dwight 7, 71, 202
El Teatro de Sam Shepard 299
Eliot, T. S. 100, 119, 191, 200
Ellis-Fermor, Una 196
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 123
Endgame 73, 176
Essays on Contemporary American Drama 302
Essays on Modern American Drama 301
“Everything is Broken” 9
Eyes for Consuela 2, 4, 77, 243, 257–278, 309
Faludi, Susan 60, 173
Falwell, Jerry 202–205
Far North 22, 26, 215, 221–225
Faulkner, William 189
Fay, Stephen, n., 16, 32
Feingold, Michael 267
Feminist Rereadings of Modern American Drama 301
Ferencz, George 241–242
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 4, 41–43
Figgis, Darrell 285
Finnerty, Warren 43
Finney, Albert 218
Fluck, Winifred 304
Fonda, Jane 65
Fool For Love 2, 5, 8, 13, 15, 22, 24, 58, 60, 67–68, 73, 111, 124, 133–135, 140, 154, 163, 193, 211, 214–215, 219–221, 243, 279, 298, 301, 308
Fool Moon 67
Foote, Horton 269–270
Ford, John 175, 184
Fornes, Maria Irene 58
Fourteen Hundred Thousand 89
Foutz, Anthony 214
Fractured 203, 214–215
Francis 213
Frank, Robert 81, 89, 105
Frazier, James 301
Frescoes of the Skull 139
Freud, Sigmund 100
Friedman, Alan 301
From Middleton and Rowley’s “Changeling” to Sam Shepard’s “Bodyguard” 296
Frye, Northrop 118
Gammon, James 59, 280, 288
Ganz, Arthur 304
Garber, Marjorie 196, 200
Garcia, David 56–57
Gardner, Fred 210
Garland 212
“Gary Cooper or the Landscape” 174
Geis, Deborah 303
Gelber, Jack 8
General History of Virginia, The 70
Genet, Jean 40
Geography of a Horse Dreamer 8, 17, 19, 59, 66, 124, 126, 128, 130–131, 190, 306–307
Gerard, Jeremy 258
Gere, Richard 212
Gerould, Daniel 302
Getting Out 1
Ghosts 119
Ginsberg, Allen 4, 41, 105
Glaspell, Susan 1
Glaudini, Robert 57
Goad, Jim 50, 53
Godfather, The 193
Golden Bough, The 301
Golden Screw, The 44–46
Gordon, Stephanie 40
Gothic Family Romance, The 111
Goulet, Robert 87
Grabes, Herbert 304
Graham, Billy 202, 205
Graham, Laura 296
Grant, Gary 294
Greenstreet, Sydney 127
Guests of the Nation 284
Guide to Critical Reviews, A 293
Gurdjieff, Georgei 12
Gussow, Mel 308
Hadler, Georgia 36
Hadler, Walter 36, 46, 48–51, 53, 55–56, 61
Hall, Ann C. 300
Hamlet 77, 213, 288
Hammill, Graham 203–205
Handke, Peter 4
Handman, Wynn 36
Hansberry, Lorraine 1
Harrelson, Woody 280
Harris, Ed 59, 293
Harris, Richard 165, 224
Hart, Bill 36, 59
Hart, Lynda 114, 157, 177, 294–295, 297, 301
Hauser, Kaspar 100
Hawk, The 14, 19, 22, 44, 46–47
Hawk Moon 18, 77, 88, 247–249, 252–253
Hawke, Ethan 293
Hemingway, Ernest 25, 189
Herman, William 303
“Hero Is in His Kitchen, The” 254
High Noon 176
Hoffman, Abbie 306
Hoffman, Philip 69
Hoffman, William 49
Holy Ghostly, The 3, 48, 51–52, 144, 154, 163–164, 232, 279–280, 306
Holy Modal Rounders, The 67, 228, 233, 238–239, 306
Homecoming, The 20
Hoskins, Bob 59, 66
Houghton, James 269
How I Learned to Drive 258
Howe, Benjamin 31
Hughes, Howard 206, 307
Huneven, Michelle 248
Hunter 55
Huxley, Aldous 189
Hwang, David Henry 58
Ibsen, Henrik 119, 206
Icarus’s Mother 88, 93, 197–198, 206, 242, 305
Inacoma 89, 234–236, 242
Informed Heart, The 89
Inner Landscapes: The Theatre of Sam Shepard 298
Interview 102
Ionesco, Eugène 297
Issacharoff, Michael 280
Jagger, Dean 176
Jakobson, Roman 97
James, Caryn 224
James, Henry 112, 212
Jefferson, Thomas 69
Johnson, O-Lan 36, 46–47, 58, 308
Jones, Robin F. 280
Joplin, Janis 229
Joseph Chaikin: Exploring at the Boundaries of Theatre 304
Joyce, James 285
Judson Memorial Church 37, 41, 65
Judson Poets’ Theatre 35, 36–37
Jung, Carl Gustav 47, 193, 301
Kafka, Franz 89
Kalb, Jonathan 99, 104
Kanby 267
Katukani, Michiko 33
Kauffman, Stanley 220
Kaufman, Millard 176
Kaufman, Phil 213
Keaton, Buster 15
Keitel, Harvey 308
Kennedy, Adrienne 1, 48, 269
Kennedy, Andrew 304
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 2, 66, 101
Kerouac, Jack 4, 40, 47, 189
Kerr, Walter 306
Kibbee, Roland 184
Kierkegaard, Soren 89
Killer’s Head 270, 307
Kinski, Nastassja 160
King Lear 75, 101
King, Kimball 293, 299
King, Martin 66, 70
Kinski 219
Kissman, Lee 35–36, 46
Kleb, William 294–295
Knowles, Christopher 104
Knowlson, James 139
Kolin, Philip C. 294
Kopit, Arthur 301
Koutoukas, H. M. 34
Kramer, Mimi 264
Krekel, Michael 298
Kubrick, Stanley 2
Kushner, Tony 1, 259, 274
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club 35–37, 40, 43, 45, 57, 65, 241, 305
La Turista 77, 87, 93, 260, 262, 266, 271, 303–305
Lacan, Jacques 155–157
Lahr, John 258, 280, 306
Lancaster, Burt 184–186
Lange, Jessica 221, 308
Langer, Lawrence L. 147
“Language, Visualization, and the Inner Library” 203
“Late Henry Conran, The” 79, 284–285
Late Henry Moss, The 2, 79–80, 89, 279–291, 309
Laurel, Stan 15
Leary, Timothy 66
Lee, Eric 302
Lee, Jonathan Scott 155
Lee, Ralph 88
“Left-Handed Kachina” 250
Lenin, Vladimir 51
Lesson in Dead Language, A 48
Lester, Elenore 38
Leverett, James 302
Lewis, Meriwether 70
Lie of the Mind, A 1, 5, 8, 15–16, 21–25, 27, 67, 73, 111, 124, 134, 139–155, 157–160, 163, 166, 192, 214, 220, 225, 243, 251, 261–263, 269–270, 272, 289, 295, 299, 301, 303, 305, 308
Lincoln Center 228, 306
Lincoln, Abraham 69
Linney, Romulus 269
Lion, John 58
Lippman, Amy 31
Living Theatre, The 43
Lonely Are the Brave 55, 177, 182, 184
Long Day’s Journey into Night 1, 15, 21–22
Look Back in Anger 112
Looka Yonder 303
Lorca, Federico Garcia 12–15
Loynd, Roy 217
Lucille Lortel Theatre 270
Luedtke, Luther 302
Luria, A. R. 96
Lyons, Charles R. 111
MacNamara, Brinsley 285
MacNamara, Brook 304
Mad Dog Blues, The 35, 48, 57, 87–88, 90, 124, 171–172, 186, 229, 231, 279
Madison Square Garden 230
Magic Theatre 4, 74, 79, 114, 230, 234, 273, 280, 307
Major Strategies in Twentieth-Century Drama 303
Malkin, Jeanette R. 140–141, 303
Malkovich, John 215–216, 262, 308–309
Mamet, David 241, 259, 300, 302
Man Fly 189–206
“Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The” 189
Man with a Shattered World, The 96
“Man’s Man, A” 78, 254
Manhattan Theatre Club 271, 275
Manifest Destiny 2, 10, 70, 76, 120, 199
Marin, Cheech 280
Mark Taper Forum 189, 205
Marlowe, Christopher 189–206
Marranca, Bonnie 32, 299–300, 304
Marvin, Lee 176
Marx, Karl 51, 66
Maufort, Marc 301–302
Maxagasm 214
McClary, Michael 217
McClure, Michael 58
McCulloch, Jeanne 31
McDonough Carla J. 273, 300
McGhee, Jim 296
McNally, Terence 259
Me and My Brother 81, 89, 105
Mednick, Kathleen 214
Mednick, Murray 41, 43–48, 51, 55–57, 61, 214
Melfi, Leonard 43
Melodrama Play 35, 45, 47–49, 87, 93, 189, 231, 302, 305–306
Melville, Herman 123
Mencken, H. L. 24
Metamorphoses 203
Michel, Pierre 302
Middleton, Thomas 190, 195, 296
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 222
Miller, Arthur 1, 9, 18, 20, 119, 189, 280, 300
Miller, David 182
Mingus, Charles, II 41, 237
Mingus, Charles, III 39
Minh, Ho Chi 65
Modern American Drama 302
Modern Drama Scholarship and Criticism 293, 299, 301
Moffat, Donald 222
Monologue in Contemporary American Drama 303
Moore, George 285
Motel Chronicles 14–16, 19, 26–28, 77, 171, 178, 184, 237, 247–248, 251
Mottram, Ron 298
Mulroney, Dermot 165
Mutation Show, The 100–101
Nabokov, Vladimir 247
Nash, Thomas 118, 301
National Review, The 220
New American Dramatists 302
New England Trails 70
New Essays on American Drama 302
New Republic 220
New Theatre for Now 189
New York Public Theatre 265
Nietzsche, Friedrich 124
‘night, Mother 75
Nightwalk 81
Nixon, Richard M. 206
No Exit 198
“No More Masterpieces” 100
Nolte, Nick 218, 280, 290
Nora, Pierre 103
Not I 86
“Note to the Actors” 125, 239
Nugent, Frank S. 175
O’Connor, Frank 4, 78–79, 284–285
O’Donnell, Peadar 285
O’Flaherty, Liam 285
O’Horgan, Tom 48
O’Kelly, Seumas 285
O’Neill and the Emergence of American Drama 301
O’Neill, Eugene 1, 14–15, 20–22, 111, 206, 301–302
Oh! Calcutta! 265, 305
Old Times 24, 221
On the Road 4
On the Waterfront 74
Open Theatre 4, 74, 81, 87–92, 101–103, 235, 250
Operation Sidewinder 5, 9, 163, 199, 210, 214, 228, 231, 233, 302, 306
Oppenheimer, Joel 48
Orbison, Tucker 301
Orlovsky, Julius 105–106
Orr, John 301
Osborne, John 112
Other American Drama, The 303
Oumano, Ellen 292–294
Our Town 52
Overtone Theatre 236
Ovid 196
Page, Geraldine 308
Page, Walter 302
Paglia, Camille 196–197
Papp, Joseph 308
Paris, Texas 15, 21–22, 25, 132, 155, 160–163, 169, 171, 177–178, 181, 199, 218, 220–221
Parker, Charlie 41
Parker, Dorothy 301
Parks, Suzan-Lori 259
Parone, Edward 189
Pasolli, Robert 56
Patraka, Vivian M. 298
Patrick, Robert 45
Pattern, The 44
Paz, Octavio 4, 271
Pedro Paramo 78
Pelican Brief, The 213
Penn, Sean 280
Performance Group 306
Performing Drama/Dramatizing Performance 303
Perry, Frederick J. 297
Petrie, Daniel 198
Phantom Trailer, The 249
Phillips, Diana 302
Phoenix, River 165
Pilling, John 139
Pinter, Harold 4, 18, 20, 24, 40, 221–222, 304
Pirandello, Luigi 4, 297
“Place” 255
Plato 203
Playwrights Unit 305
Plummer, Amanda 308
Plutarch 204
Poe, Edgar Allan 47, 123
Poeta en Nueva York 13
Pollack, Jackson 41, 49, 302
Pollack, William 157
Ponti, Carlo 125
Postmodern Drama 303
Powe, Bruce 302
Power, Tyrone 212
Presence of the Actor, The 91, 95, 100
Proust 103, 139
Public Theatre 309
Quinlan, Karen Ann 89, 234
Quinn, Aidan 308
Rabe, David 259, 300–301
Raben, Estelle Manette 303
Rabkin, Eric 296
Rabkin, Gerald 307
Ragland-Sullivan, Ellie 156
Raisin in the Sun, A 1
Rea, Stephen 66
Reading for the Plot 101
Reagan, Ronald 202, 274
Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood 157
“Real Gabby Hayes,” 174, 254
Realms of the Self 304
Reconstruction-Analysis of “Buried Child”, A 297
Red Clay Ramblers 67, 225, 243
Red Cross 36, 41, 44, 240, 305
Redneck Manifesto, The 50
Reilly, John 69
Rereading Shepard 299
Resurrection 198, 206, 212–213
Rich, Frank 265, 308
Richardson, Tony 214
Right Stuff, The 213
Ringaleevie 214
Rivera, José 259
Roach, Joseph 103
Roach, Max 242
Robinson, James 301
Robinson, Marc 250–251, 303
Rock Garden, The 3, 34–36, 38–40, 43, 51, 67–68, 154, 198, 233, 298, 305
Rockwell, Norman 114
Rogers, Roy 174
Rogoff, Gordon 308
Rojo, Jerry 304
Rolling Stones, The 2, 214, 228
Rolling Thunder Logbook 230
“Rolling Thunder Review” 229
Rosen, Carol 31, 133, 162
Rossman, Charles 301
Roudané, Matthew 6, 24, 33, 52, 294, 300
Rowlands, Gina 183
Rowley, William 190, 195, 296
Royal Court Theatre 66, 112
Royal Shakespeare Company 189
Rulfo, Juan 4, 78
Sacks, Oliver 101
Sad Lament of Pecos Bill on the Eve of Killing His Wife, The 206, 270, 307
Sainer, Arthur 49
Salem, James 293–294
Sam Shepard 292–294, 297–298
Sam Shepard and the American Theatre 295
Sam Shepard on the German Stage 298
Sam Shepard, Arthur Kopit, and the Off-Broadway Theater 301
Sam Shepard: A Casebook 299
Sam Shepard: Between the Margins and the Centre 299
Sam Shepard: Stalking Himself 293
Sam Shepard: The Life and Work of an American Dreamer 292–294
Sam Shepard: Theme, Image, and the Director 296
Sam’s Shepard’s Metaphorical Stages 294, 297
Sander, Rick 41
Sankey, Tom 44
Sartre, Jean-Paul 198
Savage/Love 31, 81, 89–90, 98–99, 102, 236, 304, 308
Savran, David 95, 149, 172
Schechner, Richard 304, 306
Scherzer, Dina 301
Schlaeger, Jürgen 304
Schlueter, June 301
Schmitz, G. D. 218
Schvey, Henry 302
Searchers, The 174–177, 183, 185
Seduced 77, 199, 206, 210, 271, 279
“See You in My Dreams” 284–285
“Self-Made Man, The” 248–250
Serpent, The 87, 100–101
Sessums, Kevin 197
Seven Stages Theatre 89
Seventh Son 214
“Sex of Fishes, The” 250
Shakespeare, William 75, 288
Shane 174
Shaved Splits 36, 49, 56
Shepard, O-Lan 214, 235
Shepard, Samuel Rogers (father) 12, 51
Shewey, Don 228, 251, 276, 292
Siegel, Mark 298
Signature Theatre Company 89, 231, 258, 269–270, 295, 309
Silent 10, 23, 26, 155, 163–169, 194, 215, 219, 223–225, 257
Simard, Rodney 303
Simon, John 220
Simpatico 5, 7–8, 17, 19, 22–23, 26–30, 47–48, 59–60, 71, 206, 212, 214, 217–218, 243, 257–278, 309
Simpson, Mona 31
Sinise, Gary 72, 215–216, 269, 293, 308
Sleeping at the Wheel 249
Smash 49
Smith, John 70
Smith, Michael 38, 44, 58, 305
Smith, Patti 92–93, 229, 306
Smith, Susan Harris 259
“Snows of Kilimanjaro, The” 189
Socrates 249
Sodom 9
Solarium 48, 53
“Spencer Tracy Is Not Dead” 174, 255
Spivak, Gayatri 164
Springsteen, Bruce 227
St. Mark’s Church 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 56, 58–60, 65
Staclin, Andy 280
Stagecoach 213
Staging Difference 302
Staging Masculinity 300
Stampfel, Peter 239
Stanislavski, Konstantin S. 74
Stanton, Harry Dean 171, 219, 221
States of Shock 5, 8–9, 10, 13, 15, 59, 198, 205–206, 243, 257–278, 292, 297, 309
Steane, J. B. 191
Steel Magnolias 213
Stein, Gertrude 300, 303
Steppenwolf Theatre Company 72, 269, 308
Steppling, John 58
Stewart, Ellen 35, 38
Stiffed 60, 173
Stix, John 81
Stockwell, Dean 160
Stone, Catherine 234–235, 236, 238
Stone, Sharon 218
Stoppard, Tom 303
Stories of Love 259
Streetcar Named Desire, A 73
Studies in American Drama–Present 294
Sturgess, John 176
Suicide in B-flat 93, 298–299
Sung, Kim Il 51
Superstitions 236–237
Synge, John Millington 79–80
Take It Like a Man 172
Tallmer, Jerry 305
Tavv, Michael 295
Taylor, Robert 212
Ten Modern American Playwrights 293
Terminal 88, 100–101
Texts for Nothing 86–87
The Play and Its Critics 304
The Theatre of Sam Shepard 295
Theatre Genesis 8, 34–64, 88, 233, 257, 305
Theatre of Sam Shepard, The 294
Theatre on the Square 280
Theatre Quarterly 300
Theatrefacts 294
Theatres, Spaces, Environments 304
Thousand and One Nights 12
Three Tall Women 270
Todorov, Tzvetan 296
Tom Jones 214
Tongues 4, 31, 74, 81, 87, 89–90, 98–99, 102, 105, 189, 236, 304, 308
Tooth of Crime (Second Dance), The 231, 276, 309
Tooth of Crime, The 4, 8, 14, 17, 27, 49, 54, 59, 93, 124, 144, 186, 201, 205, 227, 229–232, 244, 260, 266, 293, 300, 303–306
Tousey, Sheila 165, 280
Tracy, Spencer 174–176, 255
Tragedy of Homer Stills 57
Tragicomedy and Contemporary Culture 301
“True Dylan” 197–198, 206
True Lies: The Architecture of the Fantastic in the Plays of Sam Shepard 296
True West 1, 2, 3, 5, 21–23, 27, 48, 51, 58, 60, 67–69, 72, 76, 93, 111, 124, 131, 133, 139–154, 161–164, 172–173, 175, 177, 181–187, 189, 203, 210, 212–217, 219–220, 223, 225, 266, 275, 286, 293, 298, 302, 308
Trunk, The 44
Tucker, Martin 128, 292–294
Twain, Mark 79, 189
Tynan, Kenneth 305
Understanding Contemporary American Drama 303
Unnamable, The 83, 86, 99
Unseen Hand, The 27, 35, 52, 55, 65, 163, 172, 206, 231–232, 306
Up to Thursday 3, 36, 38
Vallejo, César 25, 89
van Itallie, Jean-Claude 102
Vanden Heuvel, Michael 301, 303
Vera Cruz 171, 176, 184–186
Verbal Violence in Contemporary Dramav 303
Vermeulen, Michael 31
Village Gate 234, 305
Vogel, Paula 258–259, 274
Von Cowboys bis True West: Sam Shepard’s Dramen 298
Wade, Leslie A. 295–296
Wagner, Richard 192
Waiting for Godot 3, 143, 198
Walter, Sidney Schubert 89
War in Heaven, The 75, 81, 83–90, 95–96, 98–99, 101–106, 308
Warchus, Matthew 69, 218
Warhol, Andy 306
Warshow, Robert 177
Washington, George 69
Waste Land, The 119
Water Works at Lincoln, The 4–50, 54–55
Watt, Douglas 308
Wayne, John 174–176, 184
Webb, James 184
Webster, Duncan 303
Wenders, Wim 160, 171, 177
Wertheim, Albert 302
West, Mae 229
West, Nathanael 23, 129
Wetzsteon, Ross 127–128, 305
When the World Was Greenv 2, 5, 9, 75, 81, 89, 98, 102–103, 105, 243, 257, 270, 295, 309
Whiting, John 189, 205
Whitman, Walt 13, 14, 29, 123, 189, 205, 259, 302
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 2, 12
Wilcox, Leonard 128, 299
Wilde, Oscar 304
Wilder, Thornton 52
Wilhelm, Albert 197
Willadt, Susanne 264
Williams, Megan 143
Williams, Tennessee 9, 73, 302
Wilmeth, Don 300
Wilson, August 259, 300
Wilson, Lanford 38
Wilson, Robert 104
Wings of the Dove 212
Winter Project 89–90, 102
Wit 1
Woititz, Geringer 145
Wolfe, George C. 309
Wolfe, Tom 213
Wolter, Jürgen C. 294, 298
Woodruff, Richard 308
Woods, James 217
Wordsworth, William 199
Worstward Ho 86
Woyzeck 87
Yale Repertory Theatre 306
Yankowitz, Susan 88
Yeager, Chuck 213
Yearbook of Research in English 304
Young Man from Atlanta, The 270
Young, Barbara 38, 50
Zabriskie Point 77, 81, 89, 124, 128–130, 210, 214, 228, 306
Zapruder, Abraham 101
Zasetsky, Lev 96–98, 101
Zinman, Toby 198, 200
Zola, Émile 1
Zoo Story, The 8