
“actinide management,” 125

Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative, 36

Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors (AGR), 117

Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), 36

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 142143, 147

Alabama, 65

Albright, David, 144

alpha radiation, 47, 60

alternative energy. See renewable energy

Alveraz, Robert, 102104

ANL. See Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Annan, Kofi, 159

AP-600 and AP-1000 reactor designs, 118119

Archer, Christina, 168

argon, 5556

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 3536

Arkin, William, 145146

atmospheric nuclear testing, 73, 108

atomic bombs, 135

Atomic Energy Authority, 143

Atomic Energy Commission, 2223

Barnaby, Frank, 105

Beamhenge, 89

Belarus, 76, 7780

Benn, Tony, 142143

beta radiation, 47, 5657, 6263

Blanch, Paul, 90

Bolton, John, 149, 159

Bombs: atomic, 135; history of nuclear, 135140; hydrogen, 135136; plutonium and making of, 132

Bradford, Peter, 2829

Brand, Stewart, 34

breeder reactors, 123125, 134

Britain, 135136, 138, 182; alternative energy and, 171, 173174; Chernobyl and, 76;

India and, 152; reactor designs of, 117; Sellafield reactor in, 105, 132; subsidies and, 3132; Windscale reactor in, 124

British Royal Society, 133

Brookhaven National Labs, 36, 64

Browns Ferry (AL) reactor, 65

bunker busters, 140

Burnell, Scott, 87

Burson-Marsteller, xiii

Bush, George W., 146, 148, 152, 154, 165

Bush administration: energy policy of, 165167; India and, 152156; Iran and, 144147; North Korea and, 148150; nuclear policy of, 134135, 139140; Pakistan and, 158; reactor licensing process and, 2728; Yucca Mountain and, 111, 114

Byrd, Caren, 23

California, 8788; Public Utilities Commission, 173

Canada: CANDU reactors of, 116117; India and, 152; Pickering-4 station in, 116

cancer and ozone, 187n3

cancer and radiation, 4345, 49; Chernobyl and, 75, 7778, 7980, 196n91; children and, 45, 52, 6364, 6870, 7778; lung, 48, 61; in meltdown scenario, 9798; plutonium and, 61; spent fuel pools and, 102; Three Mile Island and, 6869, 71, 74; thyroid, 69, 73, 77, 80, 98, 196n91; weapons testing and, 7172

CANDU reactors,116117

carbon 14, 1314

carbon dioxide (CO2): global warming and, 87, 165167, 208n11; in nuclear fuel cycle, 67. See also greenhouse gas emissions

Carter, Jimmy, 100

cerium, 56

cesium, 64, 126; Chernobyl and, 7677; spent fuel pools and, 101102; Three Mile Island and, 69

CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) 114 gas, 10, 187nn3–4

Chavez, Hugo, 142

Cheney, Richard, 25, 145146, 162

Chernobyl, 62, 7480, 124

“Chernobyl on the Hudson” (Lyman), 200nn60, 63

Chesapeake Bay, 67, 195n57

children, 45, 52, 6364, 98; Chernobyl and, 7778; Three Mile Island and, 6870

China, 135136, 138; India and, 154155; Pakistan and, 157; wind power in, 170171

chlorine 36, 108, 112113

chromosomes, 43

“clean and green” claims, 3, 1617, 187n3

“clean tech,” 172

Clinton administration, 147148

Coal: conversion of, 161; -fired power, 1213, 1920, 22, 59; in nuclear fuel cycle, 411, 1516

cobolt 60, 12

Cochran, Tom, 180181

co-generation, 162164

cold shutdown, 55

Columbia University, Three Mile Island study, 72

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 153, 157

Connecticut, 59, 173

conservation of energy, 175183

containers, for radioactive waste, 14; dry cask, 103105; of uranium hexafluoride, 188n27; Yucca Mountain and, 110111

contamination: Chernobyl, 75; in India, 152153; Three Mile Island, 6971

cooling water, 1314, 54, 58, 59; spent fuel pools and, 99105

corrosion: reactors and, 13, 58, 8182, 116, 121; storage and, 110

costs: capital, 1920, 23, 118119; economic (See economic costs); energetic (See energetic costs); health (See health costs); levelized, 20

Craig, Paul, 111

critical mass, 53

Crowell, C. J., 69

CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified Deposits), 13, 58

Cummins, Ed, 20

cystic fibrosis (CF), 42

Davidson, Kathy, 91

Davis-Besse (OH) reactor, 8183, 116

decommissioning of reactors, 1213, 33

Denmark, 168169

Department of Energy (DOE), 90, 166, 178179; proliferation and, 129, 139; “shadow R&D” of, 3437; subsidies and, 2628; Three Mile Island and, 67; waste and, 107, 109114

depleted uranium (238) (DU), 5152, 122123, 125

deregulation, 2429

Design Basic Threat (BDT), 9092

Diablo Canyon (CA) reactor, 87

dioxide, uranium, 11

disease, radiation and, 4346

disposal of waste, 1415; plutonium and, 133134; at Yucca Mountain, 100101, 107114

DNA molecules, 4041

DOE. See Department of Energy (DOE)

Dominium Resources, 2627

“drip shields,” 110

“early in-vessel” phase, 94

early warning systems, 138139, 156

earthquakes, 8788, 102, 109, 156

economic costs, 1937, 163; alternative technologies and, 163164; conservation and, 180; deregulation and, 2429; of meltdowns, 99100; of renewable energy, 163164; socialized electricity and, 2124, 26, 37; subsidies and, 2124, 2637

Egypt, 151

ElBaradei, Mohamed, 137

electricity, generation of, 161, 208n11; cost comparison of alternative, 163164; decentralized vs. centralized, 162163, 180, 208n6; environmental impact of alternative, 164166; grid access and, 170; Manhattan project and, 4; output vs. capacity of, 162, 168; socialized, 2124, 37; by solar power, 171174; by wind power, 167171. See also economic costs; energetic costs

energetic costs, 418;fallacious assessments of, 16; mining and milling and, 710; nuclear fuel cycle and, 411; radioactive waste and, 1416; reactors and, 1114

energy, renewable. See renewable energy

energy conservation, 175183

energy consumption, 175

enrichment, uranium, 1011, 5153, 137

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 95, 98, 108,110111

Essick, Peter, 201n1

Europe: Chernobyl and, 7677; EU and liability limitations, 32; nuclear proliferation and, 131132; vs. U.S. energy use, 175. See also individual countries

Evacuation: meltdown scenario and, 9598; spent fuel pools and, 102103

evolution, radiation and, 3941

Exelon, 26

“ex-vessel” phase, 94

fast reactors, 123, 125126

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Fernex, Michael, 75

Fertel, Marvin, 9192

First Energy, 81

“first use” policy, 140

fluorine gas, 188189n27

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 6970

food contamination: Chernobyl and, 7678; Three Mile Island and, 6971

fossil fuel, in nuclear fuel cycle, 411, 1516

France, 135136; Chernobyl and, 7677, 80; Cogema facility in, 132; Electricite de France in, 86; Israel and, 150

fuel fabrication, 11, 53

fuel rods, 11, 15, 5354

“Future of Nuclear Power, The” (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 20, 163164

gamma radiation, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 64, 102

“gap release” phase, 94

gaseous diffusion method, 1011

gas-fired power, 1213, 1920, 22, 163

General Public Utilities, 74

Generation I reactors, 115

Generation II reactors, 115117

Generation III reactors, 117119, 130

Generation III+ reactors, 119121

Generation IV International Forum (GIF), 129, 131132

Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative, 35

Generation IV reactors, 121130

genes and disease, 4144

Germany: Chernobyl and, 7677; renewable energy and, 173

Gerusky, Thomas, 70

global warming, 6, 164165, 208n11; chlorofluorocarbon gases and, 187n3–4; Generation IV, reactors and, 130; meltdowns and, 8687; vs. ozone depletion, 186187n3. See also greenhouse gas emissions

Gofman, John, 64

granite, extracting uranium from, 78

graphite fuel assemblies, 120

greenhouse gas emissions, 17; emanation of, 167;future projections of, 179181; initiatives to reduce, 178; in nuclear fuel cycle, 188189n27; regional agreements on, 167. See also global warming

Greenpeace, 105, 117, 130

“groundshine,” 9698

Gulf Wars, and depleted uranium, 52

half-life of isotopes, 46

Halliburton, 25

Hargis, Lynn, 2526

health costs, 3980; cancer and, 4345, 4849, 52, 6061; Chernobyl and, 7480, 196n91; children and, 45, 52, 6364, 6870, 7778, 98; of enrichment and fuel fabrication, 5153; in meltdown scenario, 97100; of mining and milling of uranium, 4851; of nuclear accidents, 6480; of nuclear weapons testing, 73; nuclear workers and, 45, 4849, 51, 53, 75,152153;of radioactive waste, 6064; of routine nuclear plant operations, 5360; spent fuel pools and, 102103;Three Mile Island and, 6574

Hendrie, Joseph, 67

Hershey, 6971

hexafluoride, uranium, 10, 188n27

Hirsch, Seymour, 145

Holmstead, Jeffrey, 111

human reproduction, radiation and, 4143

Humbolt Bay (CA) reactor, 8788

hydrogen bombs, 135136

IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 124; programs, 3536

Illinois, 84

India, 117, 135, 138, 152156

Indian Point (NY) reactors, 84, 92100

Indo-U.S. Joint Statement, 152156

INL. See Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Chernobyl and, 7475; Iran and, 144145; Israel and, 151; North Korea and, 147, 149150; proliferation and, 129, 131132

International Institute for Strategic Studies, 143

International Nuclear Research Initiative (I-NERI), 36

International Projects on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), 129, 131132

iodine 131, 46, 55, 6263; Three Mile Island and, 6869

Iran, 142147

iron 55, 12

isotopes: half-life of, 4647; released from plants, 5557; types of radiation emitted by, 4748

Israel, 135, 138,150152

Jacobson, Mark, 168

Japan, 8788, 132

John Deere Corporation, 170

Johnson, Carl, 67

joules, 187n9; per separative work unit (SWU), 11

Kentucky, 1011, 51

Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 144, 156, 158

Kim Dae-jung, 148

Kim Jong-Il, 148149

Krugman, Paul, 166167

krypton, 5556, 68

Lahore Agreements, 157

Lake Ontario, 116

land contamination. See radioactive fallout

Large, John, 88

liability limitations, 32

licensing process, 2829

life, beginning of, 40

Lochbaum, David, 58, 83, 8586, 90; Congressional testimony of, 126129

Los Alamos National Labs, 139

Lovelock, James, 34

Lovins, Amory, “Nuclear Power: Economics and Climate-Protection Potential,” 162163

Lyman, Edwin, 91; “Chernobyl on the Hudson,” 200nn60, 63

M15, 131

MAGNOX reactors, 117

Manhattan Project, 4

Massachusetts, 33

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See MIT

McLeod, Gordon, 69

Melchett, Peter, 34

meltdowns, 64; from aging reactors, 8386; Chernobyl, 7480; economic consequences of, 99100; evacuations and, 9598; global warming and, 8687; from mechanical and human error, 8183; phases of, 9495; radiation doses and, 9698; scenario of, 92100; spent fuel pools and, 99105; terrorists-induced, 8894; Three Mile Island, 6574; from tsunamis and earthquakes, 8788. See also nuclear accidents “Melt-through to China Syndrome,” 9596

methane, 187n4

Metropolitan Edison Co., 74

milk contamination, Three Mile Island and, 6971

milling of uranium, 710, 5051

Millstone One (CT) reactor, 59

mining of uranium, 79, 4850

Minnesota, 169170 “Mirage and Oasis” (New Economics Foundation), 19

MIT, “The Future of Nuclear Power,” 20, 163164

monopolies, 2427

Montreal Protocol, 187n3

Moore, Patrick, 34

Morgan, Karl, 67, 73

MOX (mixed oxide fuel), 133134

Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), 145

Muller, H. J., 42

Musharraf, Pervez, 157158

mutations, 4044

National Academy of Sciences, 46, 92, 133

National Cancer Institute (NCI), 73

National Nuclear Security Administration, 139

Navajo and Pueblo tribal land, 4850

NCI. See National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Nevada, 173; Yucca Mountain in, 100101, 107114

New Economics Foundation, 164;

“Mirage and Oasis,” 19

New Hampshire, 2324

New Jersey, 23, 173 New Scientist, 1920, 164, 197n91

New York, 84, 92100

Nine Mile Point One reactor, 59

nitric acid, 187n4

noble gases, 5556, 59

North Korea, 138, 147150

NRC. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) nuclear accidents: Chernobyl, 7480, 124; loss of coolant, 124; reactivity excursion, 124; Three Mile Island, 6574, 124. See also meltdowns nuclear club, 136

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), 34

Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization, 35

Nuclear Energy Research Initiative, 35

Nuclear Energy Technologies, 35

nuclear fuel cycle: compounds required in, 188189n27; fossil fuel in, 411, 1516; Generation IV reactors and, 121129; uranium ores and, 69

Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative, 36

Nuclear Non-proliferation Review (UN), 159

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 136137

nuclear power, defined, 4

“Nuclear Power: Economics and Climate-Protection Potential”; (Lovins), 162163

nuclear power plants: radiation from, 4660. See also reactors; individual facilities “Nuclear Power—the Energy Balance” (van Leeuwen and Smith), 67, 1718

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): appointments to, 28; background radiation and, 4445; Davis-Besse reactor and, 8183; evacuation requirements of, 9598; need for reform of, 127; nuclear reactors and, 58, 83, 8586; NUREG-1633 report of, 200n59; potassium iodide tablets and, 98; security and, 8892; spent fuel pools and, 101103; Three Mile Island and, 6667; waste and, 110111

nuclear waste. See radioactive waste Nuclear Waste Policy Act, 100, 107108

nuclear weapons laboratory complex, 34

nuclear weapons proliferation, 62, 125, 131140; Bush Administration policy on, 134135, 139140; current state of, 137138; early warning systems and, 138139, 156; hair-trigger alerts and, 138, 141, 156; history of, 135140; plutonium and, 132135; rogue nations and, 141159; U.S. and Russian arsenals and, 141

nuclear weapons testing, 73, 108, 153

nuclear workers: below ground, 4849; enrichment and, 51; fuel fabrication and, 53; in India, 152153; “liquidators” at Chernobyl, 75; radiation doses and, 45


report (NRC), 200n59

Nustart Energy (consortium), 26, 119

Oakridge (TN) enrichment facility, 10, 51

Oconee (SC) Unit 3

reactor, 8384

Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE), 33

Ohio, 8183, 116, 173

Oregon, 173, 178

ores, uranium, 69

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 22

Oxera, 24

ozone layer, 40; depletion vs. global warming, 186187nn3–4

Paducah (KY) enrichment facility, 1011, 51

Pakistan, 135, 138, 156159

Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR), 119121

Pennsylvania, Three Mile Island, 6574, 124

permits for reactors, 2728

photovoltaic cells, 171172


station (Canada), 116

plutonium, 6162; availability of, 132135; bomb making and, 132; CANDU reactors and, 117; carcinogenic dose of, 133; Generation IV reactors and, 122126; stockpiles, 133; “transmutated,” 133134

Plutonium Economy, 122

Porter, Jon, 112

Portsmouth (OH) enrichment facility, 10, 51

potassium iodide tablets, 98

Potter, Tom, 178

preemptive attacks, 139140

Price-Anderson Act, 30, 32, 128

proliferation of weapons. See nuclear weapons proliferation psychic numbing, 78

Public Utilities Holding Company Act (PUHCA), 2426

“purges,” 55

Quad Cities (IL) Unit I reactor, 84

radiation, 3960; alpha, 47, 60; background, 40, 4445; beta, 47, 5657, 6263; and disease, 4346; doses of, 4445; doses of, during meltdown scenario, 9698, 200n59; and evolution, 3941; gamma, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 6263, 102; and human reproduction, 4143; magnitude of, in reactors, 15; man-made, 41, 4648, 53; released from nuclear power plants, 4660; routes of exposure to, 4748; sickness, 68, 96; uranium mining and milling and, 4851. See also Chernobyl;Three Mile Island radioactive decay period, 12

radioactive fallout: Chernobyl and, 7680; in meltdown scenario, 95100

radioactive hydrogen. See tritium radioactive waste, 1416; health costs of, 6064; reprocessing and, 122123; types of, 107, 200n1; unconfined, 60, 195n57; Yucca Mountain and, 100101, 107114

Radiological Facilities Management, 36

radium 226, 4950

radon, 4849, 51

Ray, Dixie Lee, 23

reactors: Advanced Gas Cooled (AGR), 117;Advanced Test (ATR), 36; aging, 8386; boiling water (BWR), 100, 116; breeder and fast, 123126, 134; CANDU, 116117; cleanup of, 13; construction of, 1112; cooling water of, 1314, 54, 58, 59, 100105; decommissioning and dismantling of, 1213; exportation of, 142143; Generation I, 115; Generation II, 115117; Generation III, 117119, 130; Generation III+, 119121; Generation IV 121130; heavy vs. light water, 116; high temperature, gas-cooled (HTGR), 119121; licensing process for, 2829; magnitude of radiation and, 15; MAGNOX, 117; no-fly zones and, 88; Pebble Bed Modular (PBMR), 119121; permits for, 2728; pressurized water (PWR), 100, 115116; radiation released from, 5360; “thermal,” 123. See also by country; individual plants

Reid, Harry, 111

remediation process, 910

renewable energy, 161174; economics of, 163164; environmental impact of, 164166; R&D on, 22; solar power as, 171174; subsidies for, 3637; wind power as, 167171

reprocessing, 100, 122123, 132133; research and development, 22, 3337

“Responsible Electricity Future, A,” (Synapse Energy Economics), 178183

Rice, Condoleezza, 149

rogue nations, 141159; India, 152156; Iran, 142147; Israel, 150152; North Korea, 147150; Pakistan,156159

Rotblat, Joseph, 140

Rumsfeld, Donald, 146

Russia, 117, 135136, 138139, 141; Chernobyl and, 75, 7780; Iran and, 143; Mayak facility in, 132; Pakistan and, 157

San Onofre (CA) reactor, 87

Scandinavia, Chernobyl and, 77, 79

Schulte, Gregory, 144

Schweitzer, Brian, 161

Seabrook (NH) reactor, 2324

security of nuclear power plants, 8992

Sharif, Nawaz, 157

Shays, Christopher, 92

Shoreham (NJ) reactor, 23

Singh, Manmohan, 152, 154155

Smith, Philip, 67, 1718

socialization of nuclear energy, 2124, 26, 37

solar power, 22, 171174

South Carolina, 8384

spent fuel: India and, 154; pools, 99105; terrorism and, 102

Speth, Gus, 34

steam generators tubes, 85

Stevens, Craig, 114

storage, 1516; dry cask, 103105; open-rack, 104; sites, 108;Yucca Mountain and,107114

stranded cost recovery, 3132

Strategic Command contingency plans,145146

strontium, 63, 126

subsidies, 2124, 2637

Summer (SC) reactor, 84

“sunshine units,” 4

Susquehanna River, 67

Sweden, Chernobyl and, 79

Synapse Energy Economics, “A Responsible Electricity Future,” 178183

tailings, mill, 910, 4951

tax credits, 28, 3031

Tennessee, 10, 51, 139

teratogenesis, 43, 61

terrorists-induced meltdowns, 8892, 9394, 102, 134

thermoluscent dosimeters (TLDs), 66

Three Mile Island, 6574, 124; court cases involving, 72, 74; milk contamination and, 6971; official health studies on, 7172; radiation release estimates, 6667

thyroid disorders, 69, 73, 77, 98, 196n91

TMI Public Health Fund, 72

transmission and distribution (T&D), 180

transportation of waste, 1516, 114

tritium, 1314, 54, 5657, 68; CANDU reactors and, 116; manufacturing of, 139

tsunamis, 8788

Ukraine, 76, 7780

ultracentrifuge method, 1011

UN Development Program-UN Children’s Fund (UNDP-UNICEF), 79

Union of Concerned Scientists, 84

United Nations Environment Protection (UNEP), 29

United States: radiation releases from plants in, 59; weapons arsenal of, 141. See also Bush Administration; individual departments and agencies

United States Enrichment Corp, 1011

University Reactor Infrastructure and Education Assistance Program, 35

uranium: 235, 10, 51; 238 (depleted), 5152, 122123, 125; dioxide, 11; enrichment, 1011, 5153, 137; grades of, 78; hexafluoride, 10, 188n27; mining and milling, 79, 4851; Navajo and Pueblo tribal land and, 4850; ores in nuclear fuel cycle, 69; reserves, 8

U.S. energy bill (2005), 2930, 162163

U.S. Geological Service (USGS), 111112

Vajpayee, Atal Bihari, 157

van Leeuwen, Jan Willem Storm and Philip Smith: “Nuclear Power—the Energy Balance,” 67, 1718

“venting,” 5455

Wackenhut Corporation, 91

Wang Zhongying, 171

Washington (state), 173

waste. See radioactive waste “waste burn-up,” 126

Watts Barr plant (TN), 139

weapons. See nuclear weapons proliferation Westinghouse, 118119, 143

wind power, 22, 37, 167171

Wing, Steve, 72

World Health Organization (WHO), 75

xenon, 5556

Yankee Rowe (MA) reactor, 33

yellow cake, 8

Yeltsin, Boris, 138

Yucca Mountain, 100101, 107114

zirconium fuel rods, 11, 5354