Abernathy, Ralph 21, 49
Abnaki, 16, 44n.5
Abnaki Archaeological Society, 16
Aboriginal title, 254-259
Abortion issue, 57, 264
Abourezk, James, 22-23
Activist movement, Indian, 4-24, 233, 236
Acupuncture, 285
Adam, 104, 109, 167
Adams, Hank, 20
Afterlife, 75, 166-171, 179-183
Ages in Chaos, 126, 131
Agnew, Spiro, 56
AIM. See American Indian Movement (AIM)
Akwesasne Notes, 8, 24n.2, 242
Alcatraz Island occupations, 10
Alcoholism, 242
Alexander VI, Pope, 255
Allotment Act of 1887 (Dawes Act), 30, 240
Altizer, Thomas J.J., 116
American Horse, 243
American Indian Movement (AIM), 13, 18, 47, 54, 244
1974 leadership trials, 21-22
American Indian Policy Review Commission, 22, 24n.7, 39
American Indian Press Association, 24n.4
American Indian Religious Freedom Resolution (1978), 23, 39, 247, 268
American Indians and Federal Aid, 31
Amish, 201, 215
Ancient astronauts, 158-163
Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile, The, 110
Anderson, Jack, 20
Anderson, Paul, 221
Andrews, Lynn
Medicine Woman, 42
Apache, 7, 103, 274, 279
Apologies to the Iroquois, 7
Arapaho, 122, 238
Arickara, 143
Aristotle, 92, 107, 257
Armstrong, Virginia
I Have Spoken, 30
Asian religions, 58
Astrological systems, 232, 284-285
Augustana College, 11, 47
Augustine, Saint, 107
Confessions, The, 95n.3
Australian aborigines, 259-260
Baalbek, large stones in, 158
Bad Heart Bull, Wesley, 20
Badoni v. Higginson, 282n.2
Bailey, V. A., 129
Baldwin, James, 33
Bandelier National Monument, 279
Banks, Dennis, 22
Bare Ruined Choirs, 56, 232
Barker, Ernest, 14
Bear tribe, 40-41
Beede, Fr. A.M., 238
Before Columbus, 112, 113n.6
Bellecourte, Vernon (Clyde), 13
Benedict, Saint, 83
Berger, Thomas
Little Big Man, 26
BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Big Brother’s Indian Programs; with Reservations, 31
Big Elk, 183
Billy Jack, 38
Biloxi, 210
Black Elk, 44n.6, 95n.1, 195, 240
Black Elk Speaks, 36
Black Hills, 273, 280
Black Hills Treaty Rights Council, 244
Black Mesa, 246, 279
Black theology, 233
Blackfeet, 280
Blakeney, Dean, 220-221
Blanca Peak, 279
Blue Lake, 247
Book of the Hopi, The, 102, 103
Borland, Hal
When the Legends Die, Stay Away, Joe,
Bowen v. Roy, 44n.5
Boyd, Malcolm, 50
Brando, Marlon, 7, 21
Bridges, Allison, 12
Bright, Bill, 224
Brightman, Lehman, 21
Bronowski, Jacob, 156-157
Brookings Institution, 31
Brown, Dee
Bury My Heart At Wounded knee, 21, 26, 30, 263
Brown, Joseph Epes
Sacred Pipe, The, 36, 184n.9
Bruce, Louis, 19
Bryan, William Jennings, 142
Buffalo Gap (South Dakota), 20, 273
Bultmann, Rudolf, 116
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
building takeover, 1972, 19-20, 23,
24n.6, 31, 39, 46
and Californian Indians, 6
and Chicago Indians, 11
and final draft of Abourezk commission report, 22-23
and Wounded Knee incident, 243-
Burnette, Robert, 19
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, 21, 26, 30,
Bush, George, 56, 193
Calendar stick, 99
California Indians, 5-6, 10-11, 24n.1
Camus, Albert
Rebel, The, 57-58
Cardinal, Harold
Unjust Society, The, 30
Cargo cults, 132-133
Carmichael, Stokely, 51
Carnarvon, Lord, 184n.3
Carson, Kit, 243
Carter, Forrest
Education of Little Tree, The, 44n.4
Carter, Howard, 167, 184n.3
Castaneda, Carlos, 45n.7
Separate Reality, A, 37
Teachings of Don Juan, The, 37
Cathedral of Tomorrow, 222
Cavet†, Dick, 12
Cayuse, 81
Chakras, 285
Chardin, Teilhard de, 232
Cherokee, 6, 122, 197, 199, 238
Cheyenne, 37, 100, 103, 122, 171, 174-177, 210, 238, 244
Chicago Indians, 11, 17
Chickasaw, 6
Chippewa, 40
Chivington, Colonel. See Chivington, Rev. John M.
Choctaw, 6
Christian Faith and Natural Science,93
Christian Indians, 39-40, 54, 199, 241-242
Christian religion
and aboriginal right, 254-266
and American culture, 218-235
and baptism, 168, 189
and business interests, 222-223
and church power, 188, 206-208
and Civil Rights movement, 49-52,
and clergy of, 213
and community, sense of, 204-211,
confession in, 168, 188
and conversion, 188-189
and creation, 80-82, 84, 88-89, 140-
and death, 163, 165-168, 179-183
and “demythologizing” history, 116
and divorce, 191
and doctrinal differences in, 188-
and ecology, 83-84, 288-289
and eternal life, 169
and Exodus, 69, 118-120, 123, 272-
273, 277
flood story, 72
and fundamentalism, 54, 57, 105-
106, 227, 229-230, 231, 232
and Genesis, 85, 89
and God, concept of, 79, 150-151,
152, 160-161, 266
and heaven. 144
and history, linear concept of, 63-
65, 87-88, 114-122, 203
and human personality, 185-194
Christian religion (continued)
and land, importance of 145-149
“left-wing,” 228-229, 232
and location of worship, 154-155
and nature, 80-81, 91-92, 153-154
and predicting future, 154
rejection of, 265
and resurrection, 120
and revelation, 66
“right-wing,” 224-227, 231
and sacred places, sense of, 67
and salvation, 155
and science, 92-93
sects of, 207-208
and secular movement within, 55-
56, 69
and sexuality, 182, 191-192, 209
and social involvement, 209
and soul, eventual disposition of,
and support of Indian movement,
tax exemption, 216
and teaching and preaching tech-
niques, 68, 107, 188
Chucksa Yuha, 41
Civil rights movement
and Christian religion, 48-50
collapse of, 52-53
in Indian contest, 50
Indian movement paralleled with,
and social gospel, 55
Civilization, difficulty in explaining beginning of, 157-158
Cochiti Pueblo, 279
Coler, Jack, 22
Collective unconscious, 17-18
Collier, Donald, 17
Collingwood, R. G.
Idea of Nature, The, 94
Colonialism, 64
Comanche, 274
Communism, 231
Confessions, The, 95n.3
Cornwall (Ontario) Bridge confrontation, 24n.2
Cottier, Allen, 9
Cox, Rev. Harvey Gallagher, 50, 81, 87, 117, 155, 196, 228, 233
Secular City, The, 51, 56, 117-118
Crab nebula supernova, 149n.1
Crain, Rev. Mike, 220
Cram, 200
Crazy Horse, 243-244
Christian view of, 79-81, 82, 85, 86-
Indian view of, 81-82, 85-86, 88-89
See also Genesis; Velikovsky,
Creation Science Research Center, 96n.11
Creek, 101
Crow, 148
Crow Dog, Leonard, 23
Cullman, Oscar
Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection
of the Dead?, 166, 179-182, 184n.1,
Culture heroes, 100, 103
Curley, 148
Custer Died for Your Sins, 26, 30
Custer, Gen. George Armstrong, 244
Dakota, 95n.1, 280
Dalton, Daniel, 14
Dances with Wolves, 6, 280
Darrow, Clarence, 142
Dawes Act. See Allotment Act of 1887 (Dawes Act)
Christian attitude toward, 165-170,
Indian attitude toward, 170-179, 181,
Death and Rebirth of the Senecas, The, 36
“Death of God” movement, 116
Death penalty, 264
Death song, 178
Deganiwidah, 100, 195
Delaware, 99, 199
Descartes, 92
Dine. See Navajo
Divorce, 191
Dodd, C. H., 116
Donner Foundation, 31
Dream interpretation, 197
Druidism, 147, 288
Dubos, René
“Theology of the Earth, A,” 83-84
Dupré, Louis
Other Dimension, The, 119-120
Durham, Douglas, 21
Duwamish, 101
Earth Chronicles, 133n.8, 158, 161
Earth in Upheaval, 128
Eastman, Charles, 85
Ecological crises, 2-3, 52, 64, 69, 74, 83-84, 96n.9, 274-275, 276, 284, 288-289
Ecumenical council, intertribal, 250
Education of Little Tree, The, 44n.4
Eikerenkoetter, Rev. Frederick J. II, 230
Einhorn, Arthur, 13
Employment Division v. Smith (1990), 217, 278
Enuma Elish, 141-142, 143
Epistle to the Romans, 167
Erdoes, Richard
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, 36-37,
42, 184n.12
Ethical systems, 73
Evangelism. See Fundamentalism
Excavation of Indian burial sites, 53
Illinois, 16-17
Iowa, 14-15
in light of collective unconscious
idea, 17-18
Minnesota, 13-14
New York, 13, 16
Pennsylvania, 16
Washington, 17, 35
Exodus, 69, 117-119, 123, 272-273, 277
Velikovsky’s theory about, 123-125,
135, 136
Explo 72, 224-225
Fairservis, Walter
Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile, The, 110
Farb, Peter, 30, 44n.3
Farb, Peter (continued)
Man’s Rise to Civilization as Shown by
the Indians of North America
from Primeval Times to the Coming of
the Industrial State, 29
Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, Illinois), 16-17
Fishing rights controversy, 7-8, 11-12, 35
Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, 178
Five Nations
Flood stories, 72, 102, 139
Flying wheels (Ezekiel), 158
Fonda, Jane, 10
Fools Crow, Frank, 23
Forbes, Robert James, 163n.4
Ford Foundation, 31
Fort Lawton incident, 10
Francis, Saint, 83
Franklin, Benjamin, 16
Fuller, Buckminster, 65
Fundamentalism, 54, 57, 105-106, 226, 229-230, 231, 232
Future Shock, 56, 64-65
Gallup (New Mexico) Ceremonial, 8, 28
Gambling, 242
Gaster, Theodore, 118-119, 120
Gemmill, Mickey, 10
Genesis, 79, 85, 86-87, 89, 141-143, 254, 264
See also Creation; Velikovsky,
Geronimo, 27
Ghost dance, 39
Ghosts, 147, 286
Gordon, Cyrus
Before Columbus, 112, 113n.6
Gordon, Nebraska incident, 18
Gortner, Marjoe, 230
Gorton, Slade, 9
Gospel of the Red Man: An Indian Bible, The, 200-201, 238
Graham, Billy, 56, 193, 225-227, 230, 233
Grazia, Alfred de
Velikovsky Affair, 133nn.8, 9
Great Pyramid of Cheops, 110-111
Greening of America, The , 56
Gregory, Richard, 7-8
Griffin, Merv, 9
Grossman, Aubrey, 24n.1
Gulf War, 59
Haas, Nico, 229
Handsome Lake, 36
Hanta Yo, 41-42
Healing ceremony, 241, 251-253, 289-290
Hebrew religion, 69, 104, 118-119, 209
Heidegger, Martin, 116
Heim, Karl
Christian Faith and Natural Science,
Heine, Heinrich
Religion and Philosophy in Germany,
Henry, Carl F.H., 230-231
Hesperus Peak, 279
Hetrick, Barbara
Big Brother’s Indian Programs; with Reservations, 31
Hiawatha, 27
Hill, Ruth Beebe
Hanta Yo, 41
“Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis, The,” 83
History Begins at Sumer, 159-161
Holyland USA, 222-223
Hopi, 28, 70, 89, 102, 138, 149n.2, 241, 246, 273, 279, 282n.2, 286, 288
Horton, Willie, 56
House Made of Dawn, 26
Huerfano Mountain, 279
Human personality
and Christian religion, 185-194
and Indian tribal religion, 185, 194-
Huron, 168
Hybrid peoples, 2, 157-159
I Have Spoken, 30
Idea of Nature, The, 94
Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead?, 179-181, 184n.1
Imposters, Indian, 44n.5
Indian Child Welfare Act (1978), 23
Indian Claims Commission (1946), 30-31, 279
Indian Heritage of America, The, 29
Indian police, 212
Indian Reorganization Act (1934) 6, 29, 212, 240
Indian studies programs, 36
Indian tribal religion
and afterlife, 168-169, 177, 179, 182
and American culture, 236-252
ban of, 212, 238, 240, 246, 267
books about, 36-38, 41, 42, 44n.6
calendar stick, use of, 99
and Christian Indians, 40-41, 54, 241-
and communalism, 210-215
and creation, 81-82, 85-86, 88, 137-
140, 143-144
cultural heroes of, 100, 195
and cumulative experience becoming truth, 291
and death, 163, 170-179, 181
and deity, concept of, 79, 95n.1, 153-
and divination, 251
and dream interpretation, 197
and foretelling, 154, 251-252
Ghost dance of, 39
and healing, 241, 251-253, 290-291
and history, concept of, 98-104
and human personality, 185, 194-
and Indian Reorganization Act
(1934), 212, 240
interest in by non-Indians, 40-41
and land, importance of, 1, 10, 145,
148-149, 172-1 74, 246-247
and location of worship, 154
and naming ceremonies, 241
and nature, unity of, 81-82, 88-89,
93-94, 96n.5, 154
nonphilosophical quality of, 291
and religious reality, 75-76
and revelation, 66-67
revival of 23, 39-40, 43, 54, 241-242
Indian tribal religionontinued)
and sacred places, 67-68, 70, 122,
145, 214, 267-281, 287-288
and salvation, 155, 194-195
and science, 91-92
and soul, eventual disposition of,
and spacial conception of time, 62,
68, 70-71
survival of, 247-248
threats to, 245-249
vision quests, 246-247
and winter counts, 98-99
and world ages idea, 102
See also specific tribes
Indians of All Tribes, 9, 10
Inter Caetera bull (Pope Alexander VI), 255
Inter District Council (Wounded Knee), 245
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, 22, 24n.4
Iowa graveyard incident, 14-15
Iroquois, 100, 101, 103, 168, 179
Iroquois Ceremonial of Midwinter The, 184n.10
Ishi in Two Worlds, 29
Israel: Its Life and Culture, 119
Jay Treaty, 9
Jeans, James
Physics and Philosophy, 93-94
Jesus, 104, 105, 106, 107, 167, 180, 185-186, 187, 190, 191, 204-205, 206, 230, 231, 254, 286, 288
Jesus movement, 219-220, 228
John, Saint, 185, 186, 187, 205
Jones, LeRoi, 33
Jonestown incident, 54
Joseph, Chief, 17, 27, 35, 198-199
Josephy, Alvin, 30
Indian Heritage of America, The 29
Jung, Carl, 95n.3, 146-147, 148
Wotan, 17
Kahn-Tineta Horn, 8
Kant, 92
Karok, 247
Kierkegaard, Sören A., 54-55
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 49, 51
Stride Toward Freedom, 33
Kiowa, 122, 178, 210, 273
Kiva, 154-155
Klamath, 210
Kramer, Samuel Noah
History Begins at Sumer, 159-161
Kunstler, William, 21
Kurile Islands, 266n.4
Lakota, 41, 179. See also Sioux
Lame Deer, John (Fire)
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, 37,
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, 37, 184n.12
importance to Christians, 145-149
importance to Indians, 1, 10, 145,
148, 172-174, 246-247
and religion, 287-289
Landowners Association (Wounded Knee), 244
Las Casas, Fr. Bartolomé de,. 257
Leakey, Louis, 109
Levitan, Sar
Big Brother’s Indian Programs; with
Reservations, 31
Lewis County Historical Society, 13
Linear time (conception of religious reality), 65-69, 71-75, 86-87
as view of history, 63-65, 102-106,
114-122, 203
creation and, 78-81, 87-88
Literature, about and by Indians, 26, 28-30, 42
anthologies, 30-31, 42, 53
fantasy, 53
government reports, 31
novels, 26-27
on ecology, 42
regarding religion, 35-37, 41, 42, 44-
works by Indians, 28
Little Big Man, 26
Little Feather, Sasheen, 21
Little Wound, 244
Liturgy of the Earth, 84
Logan, 211
Lummi Indians, 70, 240
Luther, Martin, 146
Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association (1988), 3, 247, 268-272, 275, 282n.3
MacKenzie, Dick, 10
Mails, Thomas, 42
Makahs, 132
Mandans, 143
Man’s Rise to Civilization as Shown by the Indians of North America from
Primeval Times to the Coming of the Industrial State, 29
Marjoe, 230
Matthiessen, Pete
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, 22, 24n.4
Maxey, Rev. Cecil, 229
May, Rollo, 182
McIntyre, Carl, 233
McKusick, Marshall, 15
McLuhan, T.C.
Touch the Earth, 30
Means, Russell, 18, 22, 23
Medicine bundles, 171
Medicine Creek, Treaty of, 101, 173
Medicine people, 41, 43, 85, 95n.1, 235
Medicine wheel, 37, 41
Medicine Wheel site, 280
Medicine Woman, 42
Memoirs of Chief Red Fox, The, 30
Menominee Termination, 11
Menzel, Donald, 129
Mesopotamia, dry-cell pottery battery of, 158
Metals, discovery of, 157, 163n.4
Metea, 172
Miami Indians, 16-17
Michener, James
Quality of Life, A, 56
Mingo, 211
Minnesota Historical Society, 13-14
Mohawks, Canadian, 8, 13, 24n.2, 241-242
Momaday, Scott
House Made of Dawn, 26
Monotheism, 66, 285-286
Montana Indian tribes, 280
Morgan, Michael, 19
Mormons, 201-202, 215
Mount Graham, 279
Mount Shasta, 10
Mount Taylor, 279
Movies, about Indians, 38
Mystic Warrior, 42
Naming ceremonies, 241
Nation of Strangers, A, 56
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons (NAACP)
Legal Defense and Education Fund, 49
National Council of Churches, 11
National Indian Youth Council, 8, 29,
Native American Church, 217, 239
and Christian view, 80-81, 90-91
and Indian view of, 81-82, 89, 93-94
Navajo, 7, 28, 122, 210, 241, 243, 246, 273, 279, 282n.2
Nazca, lines of, 158
Nebraska Human Rights Commission, 18
Neibuhr, Reinhold, 155 225-226
Neihardt, John
Black Elk Speaks, 36
New Age philosophy, 43, 44n.5, 56-57, 234-235, 252
New Indians, The, 26, 30
New Testament, 114, 197
Newcomb, Tom, 200-201
Nez Percé, 18, 172, 198
Nietzsche, Friedrich W., 54-55
Nisquallies, 12
Nixon Agonistes, 56
Nixon, Richard M., 21, 56
Nordwall, Adam, 9
Northwest Coast Indians. See Pacific Northwest Indians
Oak Creek Canyon, 279
Oakes, Richard, 10, 18-19, 24n.5
Oedipus and Akhnaton, 184n.3
Agreement of 1876, 244
Civil Rights Association, 244
Treaty of 1868, 244
Oklahoma Indians, 6-7
Old Tassel, 199
Old Testament, 69, 104, 106, 107, 108, 114-115, 118-119, 126, 131-132, 133, 144, 165, 197, 204, 272-273, 275
Omaha, 183
Onodaga, 288
Other Dimension, The, 119-120
Oursler, Fulton, 131
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 10
Pacific Northwest Indians, 90, 241
Packard, Vance
Nation of Strangers, A, 56
Papago, 7
Passamaquoddys, 7
Patuwvotas, 139
Paul, Saint, 85, 104, 167, 186, 187, 188, 205
Epistle to the Romans, 167
Pawnee, 103, 143
Paxton Boys, 16
Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 129
Peabody Coal Company 28, 279
Pedersen, Johannes
Israel: Its Life and Culture, 119
Peltier, Leonard, 22
Penobscots, 7
Pensée, 130, 134n.9
Pentecostal movement, 233
Peterson, Les, 14
Peyote, sacramental, 217, 239
Philadelphia Inquirer, The, 16
Physics and Philosophy, 93-94
Pima, 99
Pine Ridge Reservation, 18, 20, 23, 42, 54, 245
Pipe, 41
Pipe carriers, 43
Pipestone Quarry, 280
Pitt River Indians, 10
Plains Indians, 6, 41, 90, 95n.3
Plato, 92, 107, 166, 180
Poltergeists, 147
Potawatomi, 172
Powell, Fr. Peter
Sweet Medicine, 36
Protestant Reformation, 106, 107, 146, 207, 209
Pueblo, 143, 241, 273
Puyallups, 12-13
Quality of Life, A, 56
Quinault, 8-9
Rain dance, 70, 89. See also Hopi
Rauschenbusch, Walter, 55
Ray, Robert, 15
Reagan, Ronald, 54
Rebel, The, 57-58, 59
Red Cloud, 198, 243-244
Red Fox, Chief, 30, 44n.4
Red Jacket, 200
Red Man in the New World, 24n.1
Red Man’s Religion, 35-36
Reich, Charles
Greening of America, The, 56
Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 146
Religion, origin of, 135-149
Religious imagery, 71-73
Reservation(s), Indian, 5, 6, 7, 23, 212, 215, 239-240, 247, 251, 259
Revelation, 66-67
Roberts, Oral, 150-151, 167, 224, 230, 234, 251, 289
Robinson, John, 55
Rosebud Sioux, 19, 41, 245
Running Moccasins, 15
Sacred bundles, 237
Sacred Pipe, The, 36, 184n.9
Sacred places, 1-2, 67-68, 70, 76, 122, 145, 213, 267-232, 287
St. Augustine’s Indian Center (Chicago), 36
St. Regis Mohawk reserve, 10, 241-242
Sakokwenonk, 13
San Francisco Peaks, 279, 282n.2\
San Juan Pueblo, 279
Sand Creek Massacre, 272, 238
Santa Clara Pueblo, 279
Santee, 41
Satank, 178
Scopes trial, 85
Seattle Indians 10
Secular City, The, 51, 56, 195
Seeliger, Rev. Wesley, 219-220
Seneca, 200
Separate Reality, A, 37
Sepulveda, Juan de, 257, 260
Seton, Ernest Thompson
Gospel of the Red Man: An Indian
Bible, 200-201, 238
Seven Arrows, 37, 44n.2
Sexuality, 182, 191, 209
Shaman, 43, 252
Shaman’s Drum, 41
Shooter, 88-89
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Hildago, 147
Shrines, 147, 275
Sioux, 1, 18, 20-21, 36, 42, 60, 88-89, 95n.1, 99, 100, 102, 122, 179, 196, 238, 240, 272, 280
Sioux Treaty of 1868, 9, 10, 21
Sitchin, Zecharia
Earth Chronicles, 133-134n.8, 158-159,
Sitting Bull, 27, 198
Six Grandfathers, 95n.1
Six Nations, 7, 10
Smith, Ira F. III, 16
Smohalla, 195
Socrates, 180
Soderblum, Nathan, 66, 286
Son of Old Man Hat, 28
Sorkin, Alan
American Indians and Federal Aid, 31
Southwestern Indians, 6
Spatial time (conception of religious reality), 62, 68, 71-72, 73
and creation, 80-81, 85-86, 87-88
Speeches, Indian, 198-200
Spellman, Cardinal Joseph J., 108
Spirits of places, 285
Standing Bear, Chief Luther, 60, 91, 243
Stanley Island, 10
Staubach, Roger, 225
Steiner, Stan, 44n.1
New Indians, The, 26, 29, 30
Stevens, Isaac, 11
Stoney Indians, 90
Storm, Hyemeyohsts
Seven Arrows, 37
Storytelling, 99, 100
Street, Rev. Noel, 221-222
Stride Toward Freedom, 33
Suicide, 242
Sun Bear, 40-41, 44n.6
Sun Chief, 28
Susquehannock, 16
Sweat Lodge(s), 41, 154, 235
Sweet Medicine, 36
Sweet Medicine, 100, 195
Systemic Theology, 80-81, 121
Taneks aya. See Biloxi
Taos Pueblo people, 247, 279
Teaching and preaching, 68, 107, 188
Teachings of Don Juan, The, 37
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, 38
Temporal conception of religious reality
See Linear time (conception of reli-
gious reality)
Thayer, Bishop, 224
“The Year of the Indian,” 53
“Theology of the Earth, A,” 83
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 107
Tillich, Paul, 155
Systematic Theology, 79, 121
Toffler, Alvin
Future Shock, 56, 64–65
Tohono O’odhams, 99
Tooker, Elisabeth
Iroquois Ceremonial of Midwinter, The,
Topka, 138
Tortured Americans, 30
Touch the Earth, 30, 31, 35
Toynbee, Arnold, 165, 182
“Trail of Broken Treaties,” 19, 31
Treaties, 5, 7, 8, 10, 24n.1, 81, 101, 172, 244
Tribal religion. See Indian tribal religion
Tunicas, 7
Tutankhamen, 167 184n.3
Twenty Point platform, 19
Twin Cities Institute for Talented Youth, 13
U.S. Supreme Court cases
Bowen v. Roy, 44n.5
Employment Division v. Smith (1990),
217, 278
fishing rights, 11
Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association (1988), 3, 247,
268-272, 275, 282n.3
Udall, Stewart 30
Underhill, Ruth
Red Man’s Religion, 35
Unjust Society, The, 30
Ute, 274
Van Allen, James, 130
Velikovsky Affair, 133-4nn.8, 9
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 133-4nn.8, 9
Ages in Chaos, 126
Earth in Upheaval, 128
Oedipus and Akhnaton, 184n.3
Worlds in Collision, 123-132
See also Creation; Genesis
Victim compensation, 265
Vietnam War, 25, 51, 52, 63
Vision quest, 39, 196, 235
Vitoria, Francisco de, 257
Wakan Tanka, 88-89, 95n.1
Walking Buffalo, 90
Walla Walla, Treaty of, 81
Wallace, Anthony F.C.
Death and Rebirth of the Senecas, The,
War Bonnet, Matthew, 17
Washington Post, 20
Washoe, 210
Waters, Frank
Book of the Hopi, The 102, 149n.2
West Branch Project, 16
“When Our Grandfathers Had Guns”, 8
When the Legends Die, Stay Away, Joe, 26
Whistling Elk, Agnes, 42
Book of the Hopi, The, 103, 149n.2
White Buffalo Calf Woman, 100
White, Lynn, Jr.
“Historical Roots of Our Ecological
Crisis, The,” 83
White Mountain Apaches, 103
Whitehead, Alfred North, 92, 94-95
Whitten, Les, 20
Wilkerson, Don, 225
William Penn Memorial Museum, 16
Williams, Ronald, 22
Wills, Gary
Bare Ruined Choirs, 56, 232
Nixon Agonistes, 56
Wilson, Dickie, 20, 23
Wilson, Edmund, 242
Apologies to the Iroquois, 7
Winnebago, 17
Winter count, 98-99
Wise, Jennings
Red Man in the New World, 24n.1
Witchcraft, 90
Women’s Liberation, 228-229
Worcester, Rev. Samuel, 238
World ages idea, 102
Worlds in Collision., 123-132
Wotan, 17
Wotan myth, 148, 286
Wounded Knee incident, 1, 21, 22, 23, 24n.4, 39, 46, 244-245
Wovoka, 195
Wyoming Indian tribes, 280
Yahweh’s rainbow, 286
Yankton Sioux, 280
Yehochanan bone, 229
Yellow Thunder, Raymond, 18, 24n.4, 35
Young, Andrew, 49
Young Chief, 81-82
Young Chief Joseph, 172-173
Yurok, 247