Fig. 12.1 Palpable structures of the abdomen and pelvis
Anterior view. See pp. 2–3 for structures of the back.
Fig. 12.2 Quadrants and layers of the cavitas abdominopelvica
Anterior view. The location of the organs of the abdomen and pelvis can be described by quadrant and layer.
Table 12.1 Transverse planes through the abdomen
Planum transpyloricum |
Transverse plane midway between the superior borders of the symphysis pubica and the manubrium sterni |
Planum subcostale |
Plane at the lowest level of the costal margin (the inferior margin of cartilago costalis X) |
Planum supracristale |
Plane passing through the summits of the cristae iliacae |
Planum transtuberculare |
Plane at the level of the tubercula iliaca (the tuberculum iliacum lies ~5 cm posterolateral to the spina iliaca superior anterior) |
Planum interspinale |
Plane at the level of the spinae iliacae superiores anteriores |
Table 12.2 Regions of the abdomen
Regio epigastrica |
Regio umbilicalis |
Regio pubica |
Left regio hypochondriaca |
Left regio lateralis |
Left regio inguinalis |
Right regio hypochondriaca |
Right regio lateralis |
Right regio inguinalis |