With the growing amount of data available from web-based sources, it is increasingly important for machine learning projects to be able to access and interact with online services. R is able to read data from online sources natively, with some caveats. Firstly, by default, R cannot access secure websites (those using the https:// rather than the http:// protocol). Secondly, it is important to note that most web pages do not provide data in a form that R can understand. The data would need to be parsed, or broken apart and rebuilt into a structured form, before it can be useful. We'll discuss the workarounds shortly.

However, if neither of these caveats applies (that is, if data are already online on a nonsecure website and in a tabular form, like CSV, that R can understand natively), then R's read.csv() and read.table() functions will be able to access data from the Web just as if it were on your local machine. Simply supply the full URL for the dataset as follows:

R also provides functionality to download other files from the Web, even if R cannot use them directly. For a text file, try the readLines() function as follows:

For other types of files, the download.file() function can be used. To download a file to R's current working directory, simply supply the URL and destination filename as follows:

Beyond this base functionality, there are numerous packages that extend R's capabilities to work with online data. The most basic of them will be covered in the sections that follow. As the Web is massive and ever-changing, these sections are far from a comprehensive set of all the ways R can connect to online data. There are literally hundreds of packages for everything from niche projects to massive ones.

The RCurl package by Duncan Temple Lang supplies a more robust way of accessing web pages by providing an R interface to the curl (client for URLs) utility, a command-line tool to transfer data over networks. The curl program acts much like a programmable web browser; given a set of commands, it can access and download the content of nearly anything available on the Web. Unlike R, it can access secure websites as well as post data to online forms. It is an incredibly powerful utility.

After installing the RCurl package, downloading a page is as simple as typing:

> library(RCurl) 
> packt_page <- ("https://www.packtpub.com/")

This will save the full text of the Packt Publishing homepage (including all the web markup) into the R character object named packt_page. As shown in the following lines, this is not very useful:

> str(packt_page, nchar.max=200)
 chr "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n\t<head>\n\t\t<title>Packt Publishing | Technology Books, eBooks & Videos</title>\n\t\t<script>\n\t\t\tdata"| __truncated__

The reason that the first 200 characters of the page look like nonsense is because the websites are written using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which combines the page text with special tags that tell web browsers how to display the text. The <title> and </title> tags here surround the page title, telling the browser that this is the Packt Publishing homepage. Similar tags are used to denote other portions of the page.

Though curl is the cross-platform standard to access online content, if you work with web data frequently in R, the httr package by Hadley Wickham builds upon the foundation of RCurl to make it more convenient and R-like. We can see some of the differences immediately by attempting to download the Packt Publishing homepage using the httr package's GET() function:

Where the getURL() function in RCurl downloaded only the HTML, the GET() function returns a list with site properties in addition to the HTML. To access the page content itself, we need to use the content() function:

In order to use this data in an R program, it is necessary to process the page to transform it into a structured format like a list or data frame. Functions to do so are discussed in the sections that follow.


For detailed httr documentation and tutorials, visit the project GitHub page at https://github.com/hadley/httr. The quickstart guide is particularly helpful to learn the base functionality.

Because there is a consistent structure of the HTML tags of many web pages, it is possible to write programs that look for desired sections of the page and extract them in order to compile them into a dataset. This process practice of harvesting data from websites and transforming it into a structured form is known as web scraping.

The rvest package (a pun on the term "harvest") by Hadley Wickham makes web scraping a largely effortless process, assuming the data you want can be found in a consistent place within HTML.

Let's start with a simple example using the Packt Publishing homepage. We begin by downloading the page as before, using the html() function in the rvest package. Note that this function, when supplied with a URL, simply calls the GET() function in Hadley Wickham's httr package:

Suppose we'd like to scrape the page title. Looking at the previous HTML code, we know that there is only one title per page wrapped within <title> and </title> tags. To pull the title, we supply the tag name to the html_node() function, as follows:

This keeps the HTML formatting in place, including the <title> tags and the &amp; code, which is the HTML designation for the ampersand symbol. To translate this into plain text, we simply run it through the html_text() function, as shown:

Notice the use of the %>% operator. This is known as a pipe, because it essentially "pipes" data from one function to another. The use of pipes allows the creation of powerful chains of functions to process HTML data.

Let's try a slightly more interesting example. Suppose we'd like to scrape a list of all the packages on the CRAN machine learning task view. We begin as in the same way we did it earlier, by downloading the HTML page using the html() function. Since we don't know how the page is structured, we'll also peek into HTML by typing cran_ml, the name of the R object we created:

> library(rvest)
> cran_ml <- html("http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/MachineLearning.html")
> cran_ml

Looking over the output, we find that one section appears to have the data we're interested in. Note that only a subset of the output is shown here:

  <h3>CRAN packages:</h3>
    <li><a href="../packages/ahaz/index.html">ahaz</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/arules/index.html">arules</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/bigrf/index.html">bigrf</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/bigRR/index.html">bigRR</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/bmrm/index.html">bmrm</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/Boruta/index.html">Boruta</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/bst/index.html">bst</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/C50/index.html">C50</a></li>
    <li><a href="../packages/caret/index.html">caret</a></li>

The <h3> tags imply a header of size 3, while the <ul> and <li> tags refer to the creation of an unordered list and list items, respectively. The data elements we want are surrounded by <a> tags, which are hyperlink anchor tags that link to the CRAN page for each package.

With this knowledge in hand, we can scrape the links much like we did previously. The one exception is that, because we expect to find more than one result, we need to use the html_nodes() function to return a vector of results rather than html_node(), which returns only a single item:

Let's peek at the result using the head() function:

As we can see on line 6, it looks like the links to some other projects slipped in. This is because some packages are hyperlinked to additional websites; in this case, the RWeka package is linked to both CRAN and its homepage. To exclude these results, you might chain this output to another function that could look for the /packages string in the hyperlink.

These are simple examples that merely scratch the surface of what is possible with the rvest package. Using the pipe functionality, it is possible to look for tags nested within tags or specific classes of HTML tags. For these types of complex examples, refer to the package documentation.

Online applications communicate with one another using web-accessible functions known as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These interfaces act much like a typical website; they receive a request from a client via a particular URL and return a response. The difference is that a normal website returns HTML meant for display in a web browser, while an API typically returns data in a structured form meant for processing by a machine.

Though it is not uncommon to find XML-based APIs, perhaps the most common API data structure today is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Like XML, it is a standard, plaintext format, most often used for data structures and objects on the Web. The format has become popular recently due to its roots in browser-based JavaScript applications, but despite the pedigree, its utility is not limited to the Web. The ease in which JSON data structures can be understood by humans and parsed by machines makes it an appealing data structure for many types of projects.

JSON is based on a simple {key: value} format. The { } brackets denote a JSON object, and the key and value parameters denote a property of the object and the status of the property. An object can have any number of properties and the properties themselves may be objects. For example, a JSON object for this book might look something like this:

This example illustrates the data types available to JSON: numeric, character, array (surrounded by [ and ] characters), and object. Not shown are the null and Boolean (true or false) values. The transmission of these types of objects from application to application and application to web browser, is what powers many of the most popular websites.

Public-facing APIs allow programs like R to systematically query websites to retrieve results in the JSON format, using packages like RCurl and httr. Though a full tutorial on using web APIs is worthy of a separate book, the basic process relies on only a couple of steps—it's the details that are tricky.

Suppose we wanted to query the Google Maps API to locate the latitude and longitude of the Eiffel Tower in France. We first need to review the Google Maps API documentation to determine the URL and parameters needed to make this query. We then supply this information to the httr package's GET() function, adding a list of query parameters in order to apply the search address:

> library(httr)
> map_search <-
          query = list(address = "Eiffel Tower"))

By typing the name of the resulting object, we can see some details about the request:

> map_search
Response [https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Eiffel%20T ower]
  Status: 200
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  Size: 2.34 kB
   "results" : [
         "address_components" : [
               "long_name" : "Eiffel Tower",
               "short_name" : "Eiffel Tower",
               "types" : [ "point_of_interest", "establishment" ]

To access the resulting JSON, which the httr package parsed automatically, we use the content() function. For brevity, only a handful of lines are shown here:

To access these contents individually, simply refer to them using list syntax. The names are based on the JSON objects returned by the Google API. For instance, the entire set of results is in an object appropriately named results and each result is numbered. In this case, we will access the formatted address property of the first result, as well as the latitude and longitude:

These data elements could then be used in an R program as desired.

On the other hand, if you would like to do a conversion to and from the JSON format outside the httr package, there are a number of packages that add this functionality.

The rjson package by Alex Couture-Beil was one of the earliest packages to allow R data structures to be converted back and forth from the JSON format. The syntax is simple. After installing the rjson package, to convert from an R object to a JSON string, we use the toJSON() function. Notice that the quote characters have escaped using the \" notation:

To convert a JSON string into an R object, use the fromJSON() function. Quotation marks in the string need to be escaped, as shown:

This results in a list structure in a form much like the original JSON:

Recently, two new JSON packages have arrived on the scene. The first, RJSONIO, by Duncan Temple Lang was intended to be a faster and more extensible version of the rjson package, though they are now virtually identical. A second package, jsonlite, by Jeroen Ooms has quickly gained prominence as it creates data structures that are more consistent and R-like, especially while using data from web APIs. Which of these packages you use is a matter of preference; all three are virtually identical in practice as they each implement a fromJSON() and toJSON() function.