See also the bibliography in Peter J. Conradi, The Saint and the Artist: A Study of the Fiction of Iris Murdoch (3rd edition, London, 2001), and John Fletcher and Cheryl Bove, Iris Murdoch: A Primary and Secondary Annotated Bibliography (London and New York, 1995; new edition forthcoming).


Elizabeth Bowen, Bowen’s Court (London, 1942)

David Fitzpatrick, Oceans of Consolation (Melbourne, 1994)

Roy Foster, Paddy and Mr Punch: Connections in Irish and English History (London, 1993), Chapter 11, ‘Protestant Magic', pp.215ff

Roy Foster, W.B. Yeats: A Life, Vol. 1 (Oxford, 1997)

Arthur Green: ‘The Worlds of Iris Murdoch', Iris Murdoch Newsletter, no. 10, 1996

Lionel James, The History of King Edward’s Horse (London, 1921)

F.S.L. Lyons, Ireland Since the Famine (London, 1973)

R.B. McDowell, Crisis and Decline: The Fate of the Southern Unionists (Dublin, 1997)

John O’Hart’s Irish Pedigrees (Dublin, 1884)

Douglas Pike (ed.), Australian Dictionary of National Biography (Melbourne, 1968)

Meg Probyn (ed.), Marriage Lines: The Richardson Family Letters (Melbourne, 2000)

Jacinta Prunty, Dublin Slums, 1800–1935: A Study in Urban Geography (Dublin, 1998)

A. Rowan, Pevsner’s Guide to North-West Ulster (London, 1979)

H. Staples (ed.), The Ireland of Sir Jonah Barrington: Selections from his Personal Sketches (London, 1968)

Tullinisken Notebook V, LDS film 1279325, compiled by the Rev. Henry Gordon Waller Scott. Presented to Armagh County Museum, The Mall, East Armagh, by Mrs Gordon Scott

Patrick West, ‘When the IRA’s Alarm Clock Struck', Spectator, 16 January 1999, p.12

Max Wright, Told in Gath (Belfast, 1990)


Barbara Denny, The Play-Master of Blankenburg: The Story of Friedrich Froebel, 1782–1852 (London, 1982)

Margaret Gardiner, A Scatter of Memories (London, 1988)

Iris Murdoch, Barbara Denny and others, contributions to ‘The Early Childhood Collection’ held at Froebel College, Roehampton

Old Froebelians’ Newsletter, 1934 and 1936

Peter Weston, Friedrich Froebel: His Life, Times and Significance (Roehampton, 2000)


Badminton School Magazine

Robert Conquest, Reflections on a Ravished Century (London, 1999)

Joseph Cooper, Facing the Music (London, 1979)

Katherine Frank, Indira: The Life of Indira Gandhi (London, 2001)

Ideal Home and Gardening, August 1945, p.89 et seq

Dulcibel MacKenzie, Steps to the Bar (Greengate Press, 1988)

J. Storry (ed.), At Badminton with BMB, by Those who were There (Badminton School, Bristol, 1982)

Anne Valery, The Edge of a Smile (London, 1977)


Pauline Adams, Somerville for Women: An Oxford College (Oxford, 1996)

G. Bush, An Unsentimental Education (London, 1990), pp.111–12 Cherwell, LVI, no.3, 13 May 1939, pp.50–1

Vera Farnell, A Somervillian Looks Back (Oxford, 1948) E. Whitley (ed.), The Graduates (London, 1986), pp.73ff


Kingsley Amis, Memoirs (Penguin, 1991)

Perry Anderson, ‘Components of the National Scene', in Robin Blackburn and Alexander Cockburn (eds), Student Power (London, 1970)

M.P. Ashley and C.T. Saunders, Red Oxford (Oxford, 1934)

Susan Crosland, Tony Crosland (London, 1982)

Kenneth Dover, Marginal Comment (London, 1994)

Denis Healey, Time of my Life (London, 1989)

G. Hirschfeld, ‘Durchgangsland England? Die Britische “Academic Community” und die wissenschaftliche Emigration aus Deutschland', in England? Aber wo liegt es? Deutsche und österreichische Emigranten in Grossbritannien 1933–45, ed. C. Brunson et al (Munich, 1996), pp.59–70

Sally Humphreys, eulogy of Isobel Henderson, Somerville Report, 1967

Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre (London, 1992)

Nicholas Lash, obituary of Donald MacKinnon, Guardian, 5 March 1994

Donald MacKinnon, ‘Evil and Personal Responsibility', Listener, 18 March 1948, pp.457–9

Donald MacKinnon, ‘The Crux of Morality', Listener, 16 December 1948, pp.926–7

Donald MacKinnon, ‘Things and Persons', from Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Vol. XXII, 1948, pp.179–89

Arnaldo Momigliano, Quinto contributo all storia degli studi classici e mondo antico (Rome, 1977), pp. 1026–9

Philip Toynbee, Friends Apart (London, 1954)

Mary Warnock, A Memoir: People and Places (London, 2000)

Gordon Williams, ‘Eulogy of Eduard Fraenkel', Proceedings of the British Association, LVI, 1970 (Oxford, 1972), p.438


Jane Williams (ed.), Tambimuttu: Bridge Between Two Worlds (London, 1989)


Stowers Johnson, Agents Extraordinary (London, 1975)

Major Frank Thompson, Bulgarian TV film, 1977, now held in British Film Institute, London

Luisa Passerini, Europe in Love, Love in Europe. Imagination and Politics in Britain Between the Wars (London, 1999), pp.307–17

Arnold Rattenbury, ‘Convenient Death of a Hero', review of E.P. Thompson, Beyond the Frontier, London Review of Books, 8 May 1997, PP.12–13

Raina Sharova, in News Chronicle, 8 March 1945

State archives in Vielki Tarnovo (Bulgaria), letter N-4454/19–20 December 1945

E.P. Thompson, Beyond the Frontier (Stanford, 1997)

T.J. and E.P. Thompson (eds), There is a Spirit in Europe: A Memoir of Frank Thompson (London, 1947)

Slavcho Trunski, Grateful Bulgaria (Sofia, 1979)


Jo Grimond, Memoirs (London, 1979), pp.133–40

D. Johnson on J. Bennett’s Aragon, Londres et la France libre, in TLS, 10 December 1999, p.28


Dr Edgar Chandler, The High Tower of Refuge: The Inspiring Story of Refugee Relief Throughout the World (London, 1959)

John Corsellis, Slovenian Phoenix (forthcoming)

Donald MacKinnon, ed. A.R. Vidler, Objections to Christian Belief (London, 1963), pp.11ff

Donald MacKinnon, ‘Intercommunion: A Comment', in D. MacKinnon, The Stripping of the Altars (London, 1969)

Meeting Writers No 5, BBC European Productions, ref. no. 4222, 4 February 1957

Iris Murdoch, UNRRA reminiscences, Bodleian MSS.Eng.c.4718, fols. 132–62; C4733, item 16

New York Times, Living Arts section, 22 February 1990, p.B2

Nigel Nicolson, Long Life: Memoirs (London, 1997), Chapter 5, ‘The Witness’

Raymond Queneau, Journeaux 1914–1965 (Paris, 1966)

The Quest for Queneau, BBC Radio 3, 11 October 1985

Roger Shattuck, ‘Farce and Philosophy’ (article-review of Queneau’s Stories and Remarks), New York Review of Books, 22 February 2001, pp.22–5

Richard Symonds, ‘Amiable Despair – UNRRA in Austria', Bodleian MSS.Eng 4703, UN Careers Records Project

Nikolai Tolstoi, Victims of Yalta (London, 1977)

Nikolai Tolstoi, The Minister and the Massacres (London, 1986)

G. Woodbridge (ed.), The History of UNRRA (New York, 1950), 2 vols


Peter Geach (ed.), Wittgenstein’s Lectures on Philosophical Psychology in 1946–7 (London and New York, 1988)

Brian McGuinness, Wittgenstein, A Life: Young Ludwig (1889–1921)(London, 1988)

Ved Mehta, The Fly and the Flybottle (Harmondsworth, 1963)

Jeffrey Meyers, Privileged Moments: Encounters with Writers (Wisconsin, 2000)

P. Odifreddi, Kreiseliana: About and Around Georg Kreisel (Wellesley, 1996)

Adam Phillips, On Flirtation (London, 1994)

‘Some Hitherto Unpublished Letters from Ludwig Wittgenstein to Georg Henrik von Wright’, Cambridge Review, vol. 104, no. 2273, 28 February 1983, p.57

Ludwig Wittgenstein, ed. B. McGuinness and G.H. von Wright, Cambridge Letters (Oxford, 1995), P.305


S. Aldwinckle, Christ’s Shadow in Plato’s Cave: A Meditation on the Substance of Love, foreword by Iris Murdoch (Amate Press, Oxford, 1990)

Wendy Campbell-Purdie and Fenner Brockway, Women Against the Desert, with forewords by Iris Murdoch and Lord Boyd Orr (London, 1967), pp. 11–13

Humphrey Carpenter, The Envy of the World: Fifty Years of the BBC Third Programme and Radio 3, 1946–96 (London, 1996), p.111 et seq

Dan Davin, Closing Times (London, 1975)

Katrin Fitzherbert, True to Both My Selves (London, 1997), p.281

Jennifer Hart, Ask me no More (London, 1998), Chapter 9

Graham Lord, Just the One: The Wives and Times of Jeffrey Bernard, 1932–97 (London, 1997)

Basil Mitchell (ed.), Faith and Logic: Oxford Essays in Philosophical Theology (London, 1957)

Basil Mitchell, in Philosophers who Believe. The Spiritual Journeys of Eleven Leading Thinkers, ed. J.K. Clark (Intervarsity Press, 1993)

Frances Partridge, Memories (London, 1981)

Marjorie Reeves, St Anne’s College: An Informal History 1879–1979 (Abingdon, 1979)

Robin Waterfield, introduction to Iris Murdoch, The Existentialist Political Myth (Delos Press, 1989)


Jeremy Adler, ‘An Oriental in the West: The Originality of Franz Baermann Steiner as Poet and Anthropologist', TLS, 7 October 1994, pp.16–17

Jeremy Adler, ‘The One who Got Away: H.G. Adler and Theodor Adorno: Two Approaches to Culture After Auschwitz', TLS, 4 October 1996, pp.18–19

M. Atze (ed.), ‘Ortlose Botschaft: Der Freundekreis H.G. Adler, Elias Canetti und Franz Baermann Steiner im englischen exil', Marbacher Magazin, 84, 1998 for the exhibition in the Schiller Nationalmuseum, Marbach, September-November 1998

Michael Hamburger, A Mug’s Game: Intermittent Memoirs (London, 1975)

Franz Baermann Steiner, Fluchtvergnüglichkeit: Feststellungen und Versuche, eine Auswahl von M. Hermann-Röttgen (Flugasche Verlag, Stuttgart, 1988)

Franz Baermann Steiner: Modern Poetry in Translation, new series, no. 2, autumn 1992, with translations and an introduction by Michael Hamburger (King’s College, London, 1992)

Franz Baermann Steiner, ed. Jeremy Adler and Richard Fardon, Selected Writings Vol. I: Taboo, Truth and Religion (Oxford and New York, 1999)

Franz Baermann Steiner, ed. Jeremy Adler and Richard Fardon, Selected Writings Vol. II: Orientpolitik, Value and Civilisation (Oxford and New York, 1999)

‘Franz Baermann Steiner Celebrated: From Prague Poet to Oxford Anthropologist, a Workshop’ at the Institute of Germanic Studies, London, 11 February 2000

Franz Baermann Steiner papers in Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Schiller Nationalmuseum, Marbach, Germany


Jeremy Adler on Veza Canetti’s novel Die Gelbestrasse, in European, 22–24 June 1990

John Bayley, ‘Canetti and Power', London Review of Books, 17 December 1981–20 January 1982, pp.65–7

Saul Bellow, Herzog (New York, 1961), p.316

Douglas Botting, Gavin Maxwell: A Life (London, 1993)

Elias Canetti, Auto da Fé, trans. Veronica Wedgwood (London, 1946; US title Tower of Babel)

Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power, trans. Carol Stewart (London, 1962)

Elias Canetti, Aufzeichnungen (Munich, 1992–93)

Elias Canetti, Notes from Hampstead, 1954–71 (New York, 1998)

Elias Canetti, Memoirs (New York, 1999)

John Carey, The Intellectuals and the Masses, 1880–1939 (London, 1992), PP.29–31

Centre Georges Pompidou catalogue for the exhibition ‘Elias Canetti’, 1995

Rudi Nassauer, The Cuckoo (London, 1962)

Julian Preece, ‘The Rediscovered Writings of Veza Magd-Canetti: On the Psychology of Subservience', in Modern Austrian Literature, vol. 28, no.2, 1995,? ?.53–70

Kathleen Raine, Autobiographies (London, 1991)

Marcel Reich-Ranicki, The Author of Himself (London, 2001), Chapter 31, ‘Canetti, Adorno, Bernhard and Others’

Anna Sebastian, The Monster (London, 1944)

Anna Sebastian, The Dreams (London, 1950)

Secret History: Killer Fog, Channel 4 TV, September 1999

Susan Sontag, ‘Mind as Passion', New York Review of Books, 25 September 1980, pp.47–52

Frances Spalding, Stevie Smith (London, 1988)


John Bayley, Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (London, 1998; US title Elegy for Iris)

John Bayley, Iris and the Friends: A Year of Memories (London, 1999; US title Iris and her Friends)

John Bayley, Widower’s House (London, 2001)

Elias Canetti, The Human Province, trans. J. Neugroschel (London, 1985)

Clive Donner, ‘I Once Met Iris Murdoch’, The Oldie, September 1999, p.15

Yorick Smythies, The Changing World, no. 1, summer 1947, pp.72–81

A.N. Wilson, review of John Bayley, Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch, Literary Review, September 1998, p.18


Frank Baldanza, ‘The Manuscript of Iris Murdoch’s A Severed Head', in Journal of Modern Literature, February 1973, pp.75–90

Jeremy Lewis, Kindred Spirits: Adrift in Literary London (London, 1995) Chapter 7, ‘King William IV Street’

Raymond Mortimer, in Sunday Times, 5 May 1957


The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs Delaney, vol. 2 (London, 1861)

Roy Foster, Modern Ireland 1600–1972 (London, 1988)

Frances Gerard, Some Celebrated Irish Beauties of the Last Century (London, 1895)

Victoria Glendinning, Rebecca West: A Life (London, 1987), pp.116–17

The Grand Juries of Westmeath (privately printed, C1840; held at Westmeath County Library, Mullingar, County Westmeath)

Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont: Vol. 3, 1739–1747 (HMSO, London, 1923)

Gearoid O’Brien, Belvedere: House, Gardens and Park (Mullingar, 2000)

Peter Somerville-Large, The Irish Country House (London, 1995)


Noel Annan, The Dons (London, 1999)

Christopher Frayling, The Royal College of Art: 150 Years of Art and Design (London, 1987)

Paddy Kitchen, A Fleshly School (London, 1970)

Iris Murdoch, short tribute added to Eve Watt’s obituary of Esme Ross Langley, Guardian, 25 July 1992, p.35

Frederic Samson, Concepts of Man, foreword by Christopher Cornford (RCA, 1979)

Frederic Samson, Dotes and Antidotes (RCA, 1979)

Alex Seago, Burning the Box of Beautiful Things (OUP, 1995)


John Bayley, Tolstoi and the Novel (London, 1966)

Vladimir Bukovsky, To Build a Castle: My Life as a Dissenter (London, 1978)

Tim Devlin and Mary Warnock, ‘The Blackboard Jungle’, article-review of What Must We Teach?, New Statesman, 21 October 1977, pp.546–8

Andrew Motion, Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life (London, 1993), pp.318–19

Janet Stone, Thinking Faces 1953–79 (London, 1988)


Malcolm Bradbury, Who do you Think you Are? (London, 1976), pp. 166–71

British Library, Modern Manuscripts, Peggy Ramsey archive, deposit number 9625

John Fletcher, ‘A Novelist’s Plays: Iris Murdoch and the Theatre', in Essays in Theatre, vol. 4, no.1, November 1985, pp.3–20

A.N. Wilson, ‘In Memory of Iris Murdoch’, Spectator, 18–25 December 1999, pp.79–81

A.N. Wilson, ‘Iris Murdoch and the Characters of Love', in News from the Royal Society of Literature, 2000, pp.56–65


Elias Canetti, unpublished reminiscences

Andrew Harvey, The Making of a Mystic, Channel 4 TV, 1993

S.L. Jaki, Lord Gifford and his Lectures: A Centenary Retrospect (Edinburgh, 1995), p.42

Kate Kellaway, ‘Pile High Club', Observer Life, 24 September 1995, PP.68–9

Iris Murdoch on Harry Weinberger in brochures for Herbert Art Gallery, Jordan Well, Coventry, 26 March-24 April 1983; and Duncan Campbell Contemporary Art (undated, but autumn 1994)

Martha Nussbaum, ‘Love and Vision: Iris Murdoch on Eros and the Individual', in Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, ed. M. Antonaccio and W. Schweiker (Chicago, 1996)

Anthony Powell, Journals 1987–89 (London, 1996), p.186

Stephen Spender, ed. J. Goldsmith, Journals 1939–83 (London, 1985), PP.409–10

E.P. Thompson, ‘Diary', in London Review of Books, 7 May 1987, pp.20–1

W (formerly Women’s Wear Daily), 18–25 October 1985, p.54 et seq


Under the Net (London, 1954)

The Flight from the Enchanter (London, 1956)

The Sandcastle (London, 1957)

The Bell (London, 1958)

A Severed Head (London, 1961)

An Unofficial Rose (London, 1962)

The Unicorn (London, 1963)

The Italian Girl (London, 1964)

The Red and the Green (London, 1965)

The Time of the Angels (London, 1966)

The Nice and the Good (London, 1968)

Bruno’s Dream (London, 1969)

A Fairly Honourable Defeat (London, 1970)

An Accidental Man (London, 1971)

The Black Prince (London, 1973)

The Sacred and Profane Love Machine (London, 1974)

A Word Child (London, 1975)

Henry and Cato (London, 1976)

The Sea, The Sea (London, 1978)

Nuns and Soldiers (London, 1980)

The Philosopher’s Pupil (London, 1983)

The Good Apprentice (London, 1985)

The Book and the Brotherhood (London, 1987)

The Message to the Planet (London, 1989)

The Green Knight (London, 1993)

Jackson’s Dilemma (London, 1995)


Sartre: Romantic Rationalist (second edition, London, 1987)

The Sovereignty of Good (London, 1970)

The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato Banished the Artists (London, 1977)

Acastos: Two Platonic Dialogues (London, 1986)

Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (London, 1992)

Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature, ed. Peter J. Conradi (London, 1997)


A Severed Head (with J.B. Priestley) (London, 1964)

The Three Arrows with The Servants and the Snow (London, 1973)

Joanna, Joanna (London, 1994)

The One Alone (a radio play broadcast on BBC Radio 3, 13 February 1987) (London, 1995)


A Year of Birds (with wood engravings by Reynolds Stone) (London, 1984)

Poems by Iris Murdoch, ed. Yozo Muroya and Paul Hullah (Japan, 1997)


See also Gillian Dooley, Conversations with Iris Murdoch (University of South Carolina, forthcoming)


BBC European Productions, Meeting Writers, no. 5, ref. no. 4222, 4 February 1957

Anon, ‘Mainly about Authors', Bookman, 26 November 1958

Anon, ‘Portrait Gallery', Sunday Times, 17 May 1959, p.5


Dilys Rowe, ‘Sympathetic Fellow', Guardian, 1 February 1960, p.6 John Barrows, ‘Living Writers – 7’, John O’ London’s, 4 May 1961, P.495

Ved Mehta, ‘Onward and Upward with the Arts: A Battle Against the Bewitchment of our Intelligence', New Yorker, 9 December 1961, pp.59–159

Harold Hobson, ‘Lunch with Iris Murdoch’, Sunday Times, 11 March 1962, p.28

Frank Kermode, ‘Myth, Reality, and Fiction', Listener, 30 August 1962, p.311

Frank Kermode, ‘The House of Fiction: Interviews with Seven English Novelists', Partisan Review, xxx, 1963, pp.61–82

Anon, The Times, 13 February 1964, p.15

Ruth Heyd, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', University of Windsor Review, spring 1965, pp. 138–43

F. Dillistone, ‘Christ and Myth', Frontier, August 1965, pp.219–21 Stephanie Nettell, ‘An Exclusive Interview', Books and Bookmen, September 1966, pp.14, 15, 66

David McGill, ‘Talking with a Traditionalist', New Zealand Listener, 28 April 1967, p.7

Peter Lewis, ‘Crying Blue Murdoch', Daily Mail, 30 January 1968

Laura Cecil, ‘How to Write a Novel', Cover, no. 4, March 1968, pp.9–10

Ronald Bryden (with A.S. Byatt), ‘Talking to Iris Murdoch', Listener, 4 April 1968, pp.433–4

W.K. Rose, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Shenandoah, xix, winter 1968, pp.3–22

M. Jarrett-Kerr, ‘Good, Evil and Morality', CR: Quarterly Review of the Community of the Resurrection, no. 266, Michaelmas 1969, pp. 17–23


Ronald Hayman, ‘Out of the Tutorial', The Times, 30 September 1970, p.13

Jane Taylor, ‘Iris Murdoch Talks to Jane Taylor', Books and Bookmen, April 1971, pp;26–7

A.S. Byatt, ‘Now Read On', BBC Radio 4, 27 October 1971

David Pears, ‘The Idea of Freedom', Logic Lane/Oxford Philosophy series, Chanan Films Ltd, 1971

Hugh Hebert, ‘The Iris Problem', Guardian, 24 October 1972, p.10

Gill Davie, ‘I Should Hate to be Alive and not Writing a Novel: Iris Murdoch on her Work', Woman’s Journal, October 1975, pp.64–5

Malcolm Bradbury, ‘Iris Murdoch in conversation, 27 February 1976', British Council tape no. RI 2001

Simon Blow, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Spectator, 25 September 1976, pp.24–5

Malcolm Bradbury and Lorna Sage, Interview, A-V Centre, 20 October 1976

Stephen Glover, ‘Iris Murdoch Talks to Stephen Glover, New Review, iii, November 1976, pp.56–9

Michael Bellamy, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Contemporary Literature, xviii, 1977, pp. 129–40

Valentina Ivasheva, ‘Epistolatory Dialogue', Soviet Literature, xi, 1977, PP.48–61

H.D. Purcell, ‘Faust Lives OK', Books and Bookmen, November 1977, P.52

Bryan Magee, Men of Ideas: Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy (London, 1978), pp. 264–84

Jack Biles, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Studies in the Literary Imagination, xi, fall 1978, pp. 115–25

Peter Lewis, ‘On the Crest of a Wave', Daily Mail, 23 November 1978

Peter Lennon, ‘The Odd (but Triumphant) World of Iris Murdoch', Sunday Times, 26 November 1978

Derwent May, ‘Iris Murdoch’s Best Seller in the Swim', Observer, 26 November 1978

Jean-Louis Chevalier, ‘Rencontres avec Ms Murdoch’ (Centre de recherches de littérature et linguistique des pays de langue anglaise, Université de Caen, 1978)


Tom Sutcliffe, ‘Interview with Iris Murdoch', Guardian, 15 September 1980

Anon, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', American Vogue, March 1981, pp.329, 367

Antony Curtis, ‘Novels up to Now: Programme 3 – Ordeals and Fake Ordeals', radio interview, tape no.TLN22/207Y861, 1 August 1981

Anon, interview on Icelandic TV, shown on Bookmark, BBC TV, 4 September 1981

C.W.E. Bigsby, in H. Ziegler and C.W.E. Bigsby (eds), The Radical Imagination and the Liberal Tradition: Interviews with English and American Novelists (London, 1982), pp.209–30

Pamela Callaghan, ‘Interview with Iris Murdoch', Weekend, BBC Radio 4, 18 April 1982

Susan Hill, ‘Interview with Iris Murdoch', Bookshelf, BBC Radio 4, 30 April 1982

John Haffenden, John Haffenden Talks to Iris Murdoch’, Literary Review, lviii, April 1983, pp.31–5

Rachel Billington, ‘Crusading in a Fantasy World', The Times, 25 April 1983, p.9

Peter J. Conradi, unpublished interview, September 1983

Simon Price, ‘Iris Murdoch: An Interview with Simon Price', Omnibus, March 1984, pp.1–4

William Slaymaker, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Papers on Language and Literature, 21 April 1985, pp.425–32

Niall MacMonagle, ‘Murdoch Magic', Irish Times, 22 July 1985 Adam Mars-Jones, ‘Conversation with a Mastermind', Sunday Times, 29 September 1985

Edward Whitley, ‘Iris Murdoch', in E. Whitley (ed.), The Graduates (London, 1986), pp.63–74

Anon, ‘An Evening with Iris Murdoch', Bristol Medical-Chirurgical Journal, August 1986, p.91

Eric Robson, in Revelations: Glimpses of Reality, ed. R. Lello (London, 1985), pp.82–90

Niall MacMonagle, ‘A Fairly Honourable Success', Dublin Sunday Tribune, 6 September 1987

Bryan Appleyard, ‘Iris Murdoch as she is Writ', The Times, 23 January 1988

Barbara S. Heusel, ‘A Dialogue with Iris Murdoch', University of Windsor Review, xxi (1), 1988, pp.1–13

Jonathan Miller, My God, Granada TV, 3 April 1988

Sue Summers, ‘The Lost Loves of Iris Murdoch', Mail on Sunday, 5 June 1988, p.17

David Gerard, ‘Iris Murdoch', in Women Writers Talk: Interviews with Ten Women Writers, ed. O. Kenyon, (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1989), pp.134–47

Nigella Lawson, ‘The Warm-Hearted Crusader for Good', Sunday Times, 16 April 1989, p.C7

Ed Vulliamy, ‘The Murdoch Dialogues', Guardian, 22–23 April 1989, P.19

Anon, ‘A Believer in the Triumph of Good', Independent, 29 April 1989

Roger Lewis, ‘A Dangerous Dame', Telegraph Weekend Magazine, 8 July 1989, pp.16–19

Bookmark, ‘A Certain Lady', BBC TV, 29 December 1989


Jeffrey Meyers, ‘The Art Of Fiction: cxvii – Iris Murdoch', Paris Review, 115, 1990, pp.207–25

Richard Wollheim, unpublished interview with Iris Murdoch in California, 17 July 1991

Jeffrey Meyers, ‘An Interview with Iris Murdoch', Denver Quarterly, xxvi, 1992

Angela Lambert, ‘In the Presence of Great Goodness', Independent, 8 September 1992

Bryan Appleyard, ‘Paradox of All the Virtues', The Times, 3 October 1992, pp.4–5

Michael Kustow, ‘Boundary Breaker and Moral Maker', Guardian, 8 October 1992, p.23

Shena Mackay, ‘When Shena Met Iris', Independent, 11 September 1993, pp.40–3

David Blow, ‘The Unofficial Wandering Angel', Waterstone’s Christmas Catalogue, 1993, p.5

‘Who is the Experiencer?’, Iris Murdoch in conversation with Krishnamurti, in Questioning Krishnamurti (London, 1996), pp.99–128

For the Iris Murdoch Newsletter contact Dr Anne Rowe, 21 Upper Park Road, Kingston-on-Thames, KT2 5LB, in the UK; or Tony Bove, 5400 W. Autumn Springs Court, Muncie, Indiana 47304, in the the USA