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Works by Iris Murdoch appear under title; works by others under author’s name

Above the Gods see Acastos

Acastos(IM; earlier Above the Gods), 342, 548

Accidental Man, An (I M): US character in, 247; dedicated to Kreisel, 265; cottage in, 411; mishaps in, 426; writing of, 432, 468–9, 540; themes and characters, 540–1

Adam Smith, Janet, 292

Adelphi (magazine), 152, 172, 551n

Adler, Bettina, 339, 342

Adler, Gertrud, 321

Adler, Hans Gunther, 321, 324, 338–9, 341, 353, 358–60, 371; Theresienstadt 1941–45, 359

Adler, Jeremy, 342, 582n, 585

Adorno, Theodor W., 320

Ady, Peter, 284, 291, 294–5, 395, 583

Aeschylus: Agamemnon, 115–16, 120–1, 184, 454–5

‘Against Dryness’ (IM; essay), 406, 500, 519

Aldiss, Brian: The Twinkling of an Eye, 316n

Aldwinckle, Stella, 307–8

Aldwych Theatre, London, 531

Alexander, General Harold (later Field Marshal Earl), 241

Alexander, Samuel, 310

Alexandre, Maxime, 231

Allott, Miriam (née Farris), 39n, 40–2, 45–7

Amis, (Sir) Kingsley, 131, 270, 385, 428n, 512; Lucky Jim, 497

Amis, Martin, 540, 552, 559

Anand, Mulk Raj, 158, 169

Anglo-Catholicism, 223, 247, 249–51, 275–6, 298, 493

Anglo-German Fellowship, 89

animism, 277&n, 558

Annan, Gabriele, Lady, 526, 558, 563

Annan, Noel, Baron, 563

Anscombe, Elizabeth: Catholicism, 249, 382; taught and influenced by Wittgenstein, 263, 265–6; despoils IM’s room, 264; IM praises, 273–4; relations with IM, 275, 284–5, 310; character and qualities, 283–4; philosophical stance, 302; at Socratic Club, 307; invited to Paris with Kreisel, 315; Steiner visits with IM, 330; in IM’s journal, 490; on virtue ethics, 492; untidy house, 581

Aragon, Louis: Crève-Coeur, 154

Ardili, Ella (née Isabella Jane Shaw Murdoch; IM’s aunt), 6, 9, 21, 51, 445

Ardili, Willy, 9

Arena 3 (magazine), 484

Arendt, Hannah: Eichmann in Jerusalem, 455

Aristotelian Society: IM gives paper to, 304

Armitage, Joan, 41–2, 47

Arnold, Matthew, 536

Art and Eros (IM), 120

Arts Council: IM goes on writer’s tour for, 498

Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 567

Ashton, John, 300, 517–18

Atholl, Katharine Marjory, Duchess of, 277

Attlee, Clement (later 1st Earl), 211

Auden, W.H.: visits Badminton School, 77–8; Bayley writes on, 396; on unachievable perfection, 569; ‘The Horatians', 556; ‘It’s no use raising a shout', 405; ‘The Novelist', 173; ‘September 1, 1939', 73; ‘Soldiers Coming', 106; ‘A Summer Night', 92, 105

Augustine, St, 300

Auschwitz: Bayleys visit, 566; Canetti claims to visit, 584

Austin, John, 112, 266, 303

Austria: IM works for UNRRA in, 212, 225–6, 232, 235–9, 242–3

Avebury, Diana, Lady, 438n, 561

Ayer, (Sir) Alfred Jules, 265, 302–4, 378, 474, 526

Bacon, Francis, 470

Badminton School: Quakerism, 15; IM attends, 33, 50, 57–79; Marija Jancar works at, 278

Badminton School Magazine, 74–5, 134

Bailey, Paul, 500

Bain, Ethel M., 38–42, 44, 46, 48

Bainbridge, Beryl, 588

Baker, Beatrice May (‘BMB’): as Headmistress of Badminton, 57–60, 62–71, 79; political views, 63, 76; IM’s poem to, 72–3; and Chitra Rudingerova, 134n; IM names as referee, 206; intimidates Marija Jancar, 278; IM visits, 327, 489; John Bayley meets, 388, 395; offended by old man in Bruno’s Dream, 439; and death of Miss Rendali, 488–9

Baker, Josephine, 384

Baker, Kenneth (later Baron), 499, 573

Baker, Richard St Barbe, 43

Bakhtin, Mikhail: Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, 529

Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl, 262

Ballymullan House, Hillhall, County Down, 4–5, 8

Balogh, Thomas (later Baron): at Oxford, 127; teaches Philippa Foot, 127, 485; anti-Communism, 146; friendship with IM and Philippa in London, 166–7, 169, 220; wartime work, 167; affair with IM, 177–9, 185, 205, 220, 222, 245, 329, 373; Philippa borrows Oxfordshire cottage, 177; IM ends affair with, 205, 491; marriage, 209; supports Labour Party, 211; IM writes of to Hicks, 220–1; at Oxford fancy-dress party, 294; Steiner on, 329; as father-figure to IM, 522

Baran, Paul, 494

Barbier, Mme (French teacher), 42

Barrie, Sir James Matthew: Peter Pan, 543

Barrington, Sir Jonah, 18

Barth, Karl, 256, 422n

Barton, Revd A.W., 19

Basch, Ruth, 112n, 209

Baum, Fritz, 318

Bayley, Agnes (David’s wife), 581

Bayley, David (John’s brother), 403, 581

Bayley, Frederick (John’s father), 395

Bayley, John: first sees and meets IM, 3, 376–8; stammer, 15, 397; on IM’s birth, 21, 48; at Hughes’s funeral, 28; shares private mythology with IM, 34, 37, 61, 136, 513–14; impressed by June Duprez, 44; on IM’s parents’ marriage, 49; on sublimated love, 50; on Hughes’s respect for BMB, 58; on BMB’s beliefs, 64; on IM’s width of interests, 75; on Lucy Klatschko, 83; as Oxford undergraduate, 88; and IM’s relations with Noel Eldridge, 156; marriage to IM, 193, 282, 399–406, 456, 534–7, 562; on IM’s friendships and love-affairs, 201, 491; writes regimental history with Nigel Nicolson, 240; visits USA, 247; fury at Kreisel and Anscombe’s intrusion into IM’s room, 264; on IM’s universal compassion, 278; on vamps, 279; IM watches touching object, 287; and IM’s feminine demonstration in China, 316n; early relations with IM, 328, 379, 386, 394; on Canetti’s dominance, 358, 374; rescues IM from Canetti, 374; university teaching, 376; character and qualities, 377–9, 402, 534–6; Canetti intervenes over relations with IM, 386–9, 504; on publication of Under the Net, 386; accepted by Canetti, 393; engagement to IM, 394; teaches IM to drive, 395; delicate health, 396–7, 414; New College Fellowship, 396; upbringing, 396–8; military service, 397; family and background, 403; as literary critic, 403, 405; polymathy, 403; breaks leg (three times), 405, 426; literary influence on IM, 405; buys and occupies Cedar Lodge, 409–15; cooking and entertaining, 414–15; The Sandcastle dedicated to, 415; affected by The Bell, 424; contributes to and helps with IM’s novels, 432, 434, 534; reads IM’s novels before publication, 432; on origins of IM’s fictional characters, 442; visits Ireland with IM, 444; talks on Pushkin in Ireland, 445; cuts IM’s hair, 451; and Carolyn de Ste Croix’s suicide, 453; and IM’s attachment to St Anne’s colleague, 457–8; alters and enlarges Cedar Lodge, 461; on importance of physical self-satisfaction to Tolstoy, 480; supports student protesters, 495; on IM’s novels, 501; Lord David Cecil and, 507, 509; writes on Hardy, 509; amuses Janet Stone, 510; dress, 511; Janet Stone portrait photograph of, 511; social manner, 518; writes on Pushkin, 535; IM’s poem on, 536; visits Japan with IM, 545; and Bill Pease, 562; in France with IM, 562–3; on British Council lecture tours, 570; and IM’s mother’s decline and death, 576–7; moves back to Oxford with IM, 578, 580; wins Newdigate Prize, 579; purloins food, 581; and IM’s illness, 590; in Radnorshire, 590–1; The Characters of Love, 403; ‘Eldorado’ (poem), 579; In Another Country, 397, 415; Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (in USA as Elegy for Iris), 83, 280, 395n, 398n, 400, 591; Romantic Survival, 396; Tolstoi and the Novel, 418, 480

Bayley, Brigadier Michael (John’s brother), 396, 403–4, 437–8, 465, 514, 581, 591

Bayley, Olivia (née Heenan; John’s mother), 35, 395–6, 398

Beales, Lance, 473

Beaton, (Sir) Cecil, 556

Beauvoir, Simone de, 151, 214, 255, 272–3, 290; The Second Sex, 309

Beazley, Sir John, 87

Becher, Denys, 104–5

Beckett, Samuel, 517; Murphy, 168&n, 384

Bednarowska, Dorothy, 291

Beecham, Audrey, 295–6, 395

Beer, Patricia, 10n

Beginner’s Guide to Iris Murdoch, The, 587

Belfast: IM visits, 80

Bell family, 445&n, 463n

Bell, Alan ('Tom'), 24

Bell, Gertrude {née Richardson; IM’s aunt), 14, 20, 577n

Bell, John Effingham, 24

Bell, Quentin, 510

Bell, The (I M): character of Toby in, 45, 378; soldier-figure in, 151; Mailing Abbey depicted in, 250, 420; tormented gay male-seekers in, 256; physical touch in, 286; on the good, 374; written in country, 410; air display in, 411; publication and reception, 418, 423, 425, 427, 435; themes and characters, 418–24, 451, 542; dedicated to John Simopoulos, 421; Platonism in, 422; John Bayley’s contribution to, 432, 534; research for, 437; social range, 443; Burgess praises, 460; A.S. Byatt on, 501; epiphany in, 546

Bell, Thomas (Rene’s brother-in-law), 20, 24

Bell, Victor, 20, 24

Bellini, Giovanni, 210

Bellow, Saul, 270, 354; Herzog, 360

Belvedere, Robert Bellfield, 1st Earl of, 448

Benedikt, Ernst Martin, 347

Benedikt, Friedl ('Anna Sebastian'): relations with Canetti, 347–8, 352, 355, 357, 359, 361–3, 366, 505–6, 523; death, 363–5; character, 372; The Dreams, 364; The Monster, 365, 369

Benedikt, Susie see Ovadia, Susie

Benjamin, Walter, 173

Benny, Mark, 169

Bergman, S.H., 318

Berlin, Aline, Lady, 516

Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 200, 302, 304, 402–3, 470, 507, 516, 585

Bernard, Jeffrey and Anna, 316

Berry, Colonel, 49n

Berryman, John, 536

Best, Marshall, 417, 457n, 459–60

Betjeman, (Sir) John, 385, 470, 510

Beveridge plan and report (1943), 155

Bicester, Sybil, Lady, 104, 289

Biggs-Davidson, John, 130

Binding, Paul, 512

Bird, Marjorie (later Howard), 73&n

Black Paper 3 on Education, 499

Black Prince, The (IM): cites Treasure Island, 34; and sublimated love, 50; pigeon-shooting in, 63; personal betrayal in, 178; allusions to Frank Thompson in, 195; physical touch in, 286; dedicated to de Marchi, 309; on masochism, 358; on writing and marriage, 401; style, 405; newsagent’s shop in, 447; Golding praises for modern setting, 449; on strangeness of writers, 488; Freudians attacked in, 494, 537; themes and characters, 518–23, 584; satirises IM’s earlier novels, 520, 546; on sense of identity, 529; adapted for stage, 531; film prospects, 533; John Bayley’s advice on, 535; on letter-writing, 569; IM reads from in Vienna, 582; human consciousness in, 587

Blackpool: IM’s parents in, 141, 577

Blake, Peter, 475

Blin, Roger, 255

Bloom, Claire, 533

Bloom, Harold, 519, 595

BMB see Baker, Beatrice May

Bond, Miss (head gardener, Badminton), 60

Book and the Brotherhood, The (IM): Fraenkel portrayed in, 120, 483; on Ireland, 466; politics in, 499; reviewed, 558; themes and characters, 559, 574; on future, 561; publisher’s advance on, 561; publication, 574

Booker, Hylan, 474

Booker Prize: awarded to IM for The Sea, The Sea, 526

Bookmark (BBC TV programme), 570

Bosanquet, Marion see Daniel, Marion

Bosanquet, Philippa see Foot, Philippa

Bosley, Miss (Froebel teacher), 48

Boulton, Marjorie: at Oxford, 134n; asks IM about membership of Communist Party, 144–5&n; letter from IM in Europe, 212–13; IM writes to in Esperanto, 528; social background, 539; helps in IM’s final years, 590

Bourne, Captain, 103

Bowen, Elizabeth: on Anglo-Irish, 23, 25, 462; Irish identity, 26, 29, 448; writes to assuage loneliness, 46; on war years, 201n; IM visits in Ireland, 398, 415; marriage, 398–9, 441; offended by old man in Bruno’s Dream, 439; view of England, 444; on IM’s quietness, 512; Eva Trout, 398

Bowes & Bowes (publishers), 356

Bowra, Sir Maurice, 294, 296, 445, 496

Bradbury, (Sir) Malcolm, 500, 526, 541, 571, 595

Braithwaite, Richard, 268, 419

Brazil, Angela, 82

Brethren (Plymouth Brethren), 9–11, 15, 54, 251, 592n

Breton, André, 231

Bridge, Ann (Lady O’Malley), 438

Briggs, Asa (later Baron): at Oxford fancy-dress party, 295; signs IM’s plaster-cast, 339; comforts IM, 372; relations with IM, 378–9; on IM’s Under the Net, 385; on origins of IM’s fictional characters, 438; meets IM’s Irish cousins, 445

British Council: lecture tours, 570–1

Britten, Benjamin (later Baron), 510

Broad, Charles Dunbar, 262

Broadie, Fred, 309–10

Brod, Max, 227, 253, 318

Broderick, Dulcibel (later MacKenzie), 60, 77

Bronowski, Jacob, 307

Brook, Peter, 259

Brook Green, Hammersmith, 27, 30, 36

Brooke, Rupert, 100, 443

Brophy, Brigid, 50, 395–6, 428, 486–90, 518; Hackenfeller’s Ape, 486

Brown University, Rhode Island, 587

Browning, General Sir Frederick ('Boy'), 179

Bruno’s Dream (IM): Wittgenstein cited in, 263; research for, 432, 481; recycled character in, 433; marriage in, 438; old age in, 439; Stephen Gardiner portrayed in, 439; IM’s boredom with, 468; and David Morgan, 475; ambivalence in, 480–1; Seaforth life portrayed in, 485; and Simone Weil, 502; satirised in The Black Prince, 520; and idea of evil, 545

Brussels: IM in, 212–14, 216

Bryan-Brown, Armitage Noel, 116

Buber, Martin, 226

Buddhism, 382, 544–6, 553, 597

Buddhist Society, London, 545

Bukovsky, Vladimir, 77, 342, 498

Bulgaria: Frank Thompson’s mission in, 186–90, 192

Bultmann, Rudolf, 306

Burcot Grange, Oxford, 294

Burdett, Miss (Froebel schoolteacher), 38, 42, 44

Burgess, Anthony, 460

Burns, Emile, 129

Buruma, Ian, 377n

Buscot Park, Berkshire, 103, 106

Buxton, John, 32, 400

Byatt, Dame Antonia S.: encourages Arthur Green, 16; writes on IM as novelist, 500–1, 518; on IM’s frightening manner, 515; British Council pamphlet on IM, 518; relations with IM, 518–19; on IM’s centrality, 570; writing influenced by IM, 595; Degrees of Freedom, 500, 518

Caldwell, Erskine, 232

Callil, Carmen, 560–1

Cambridge: IM’s life in, 260, 261–5, 268; IM’s The Three Arrows performed in, 531; see also Newnham College

Cameron, Alan, 398, 441

Cameron, Rory, 563

Campbell, Clare, 96, 113, 122n, 157, 158n, 593

Campbell-Purdie, Wendy, 295

Camus, Albert, 214, 270; The Plague, 260

Canetti, Elias: on Hughes’s character, 52; and IM’s capacity to love, 201; IM introduces Julian Chrysostomides to, 298; friendship with Steiner, 320, 334, 345, 358–9, 505; disparages English and England, 324, 360, 371, 583; at Steiner’s funeral, 338; IM’s relations with, 344–6, 348–9, 351–2, 357–8, 361–4, 368–9, 372–3, 378, 386–7, 403, 449, 504, 581; and myth, 346, 357, 361–2, 365, 548; background and career, 347–8; and Friedl Benedikt, 347–8, 352, 355, 357, 361–6, 505–6, 523; and ‘transformations', 349–50, 353; wins Nobel Prize, 349; influence on IM, 350, 367–8, 372, 374, 434–5, 442, 452, 454–5, 460, 477, 503, 519, 523; on Steiner’s death, 350–1; character and qualities, 352–6, 358, 360, 368–9, 506; invites confidences, 352; portrayed in IM’s fiction, 352–3, 365, 371, 374, 390–1, 442, 503–7, 523–4, 585; friends and ‘apostles', 354–5; on God and religion, 354, 373, 455; and Veza’s death, 361; portrayed in Friedl’s The Monster, 365, 369; attitude to women, 366–7, 584; portrayed in Nassauer’s The Cuckoo, 367; IM translates, 370; and Angus Wilson’s comment on Under the Net, 385; and IM’s attachment to John Bayley, 386–9; IM wins freedom from, 392–3; accepts John Bayley, 393; on IM’s literary conversations with John Bayley, 405; IM asks for help with writing, 429; and IM’s The Unicorn, 454–5; favours Epic of Gilgamesh, 478; Canetti, Elias – cont. on modem novel, 500; Golding and Joll disparage, 505; as father-figure to IM, 522; on self as discontinuous, 548; letters from IM, 581; moves to Zürich, 582; records memories of IM, 582–5; jealousy, 584; death and burial, 585; Aufzeichnungen, 367, 581; Auto da Fé (German original: Die Blendung), 347, 349, 352, 356, 506, 584; The Comedy of Vanities (play), 370; Crowds and Power, 354, 359–61, 37 455, 506, 585; The Numbered (play), 584; The Play of the Eyes, 366; Voices of Marrakesh, 392

Canetti, Hera (formerly Buschor; Elias’s second wife), 355

Canetti, Johanna (Elias’s daughter), 355, 585

Canetti, Venetiana (Veza; née Taubner-Calderon; Elias’s first wife), 346–8, 355, 357, 359, 361, 363–4, 366, 369, 389

Caradon, Hugh Foot, Baron, 59

Carpenter, Gary, 531

Carr, Sir Raymond, 89, 552n, 572

Carritt, Anthony, 91, 172

Carritt, Gabriel, 154, 210n

Carson, Edward, Baron, 11

Carter, Angela, 596

Cary, Joyce, 295

Cascob, Radnorshire, 590–1

Casson, Sir Hugh, 474

Cavell, Stanley, 303

Cecil, Lord David, 292, 310, 398, 402, 439. 444. 507–9. 518

Cecil, Hugh, 508, 510, 539

Cecil, Jonathan, 539

Cecil, Laura, 221

Cecil, Rachel (née MacCarthy; Lady David Cecil), 398, 507–9, 513

Cedar Lodge, Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire: Bayleys buy and occupy, 409–15, 461, 511, 532; Bayleys leave and sell, 578

Celan, Paul, 320

Chamberlain, Neville, 81, 89

Chandler, Raymond, 470

Chaning-Pearce, Melville Salter ('Nicodemus'), 172–3

Chapman, Cleaver (IM’s cousin): on IM’s mother, 21, 51–2; and Hughes’s love of animals, 32; holidays in Portrush, 54; on IM’s crying at returning to Badminton, 62; friendship with James Henderson Scott, 80; IM stays with, 248; religious ideas, 251; IM visits, 445; writes to IM encouraging return to Christ, 592

Chapman, Muriel (IM’s cousin), 11, 54. 249. 4M. 445

Chapman, Sarah (née Murdoch; IM’s aunt), 5–10, 54

Chapman, William (Willy), 9–10, 54, 248

Charlbury Road, Oxford, 580

Charlton, Maurice, 280&n

Chatto & Windus (publishers): and IM’s family background, 16; publish IM, 368, 386, 417, 423, 560, 580; IM asks to publish Yorick Smythies, 382; publish Christopher Hood, 418; publish IM’s collected plays, 531; IM requests return of poems, 579; I M’s instructions to, 580

Chernyshevsky, Nikolai Gerasimovich: What is to be Done?, 464

Cherwell (Oxford magazine), 25, 102, 104, 130, 556

Chevalier, Jean-Louis, 556

Chicago, University of, 587

China: IM visits, 316, 536–7

Chinese Medical Aid Fund, 78

Ching P’ing Mei, 387

Chiswick see Eastbourne Road

Christiansen, Eric, 415, 438

Chrysostomides, Julian, 298, 385, 394, 416, 445, 521, 590

Chrysostomides, Nikos, 298

‘Chumman, the’ (unidentified woman friend), 457–8, 491, 518

Churchill, (Sir) Winston S., 190, 211, 234n, 240

Clark, Charlotte (née Murdoch; William’s daughter), 5

Clark, Sir Kenneth (later Baron), 210, 470, 510

Clark, Ossie, 471, 474

Claud Lorrain, 210

Clayre, Alastair, 547

Clement, Dick, 533

Clements, John, 47

Cleveland, Grover, 128

Clive, George, 514, 562

Clive, Lady Mary, 562

Cloake, Anne (later Jackson), 84, 89, 112, 128, 158

Coates, Dorothy, 41

Cobbe, Anne, 127, 165

Cohen, Mr (Hughes’s neighbour), 28

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 497

Cole, G.D.H., 134

Colebrook, Miss (Badminton School secretary), 59, 61

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 301, 356

Collet, Ernest, 213, 231, 269

Collins, Michael, 31

Coltart, Nina: Slouching Towards Bethlehem, 587

Colville, Alex, 557

Communist Party: IM’s membership of, 69, 78, 89, 128–31, 172, 246, 275–6; IM praises, 76; Frank Thompson in, 93, 130, 190–1; summer school, 98; view of World War II, 109–11; strength at Oxford, 129–31; attacked in Oxford march, 132; IM’s wartime connections with, 144–5; IM’s disillusionment with, 210–11; in Yugoslavia, 234

Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy, 443, 450n

Connolly, Cyril, 154

Connolly, Deirdre, 512

Connolly, James, 25, 462

Conquest, Robert, 130, 189n

Conrad, Joseph, 540

Conradi, Peter J., 302n, 593

‘Conversation’s with a Prince’ (IM; poems), 579

Convictions (collection), 497

Cookson, Christopher, 320

Cooper, Douglas, 562–3

Cornford, Christopher: death of brother John, 88; IM meets, 469–70; at Royal College of Art, 470–2, 481; encourages Samson, 481; on IM’s account of human nature, 501

Cornford, Frances, 510

Cornford, John, 88, 469

Cornford, Lucy, 469

Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington (London), 537

Cornwell, Mr (UNRRA area director), 242

Corsellis, John, 242, 244; Slovenian Phoenix, 242

Cosman, Milein, 97, 354, 356

Coutts, Jean (later Austin), 112

Coward, Sir Noël, 517

Cramp, Rosemary, 280, 308–9, 401

Cranborne, Dorset, 508

Crane, Vera (née Hoar), 48, 123, 125n, 129, 158, 162, 169, 424, 457n

Crombie, Ian, 306

Crosbie, Nick, 117

Crosland, Anthony, 131–2, 241, 294

Crossman, Richard H.S., 294n

Cruikshank, Andrew, 548

Crusaders (Christian organisation), 53–4, 54n, 248, 446, 463

Dacre Press, 248

Daily Worker. IM sells, 87, 106

Dalai Lama, 553

Dalby, Father, 285

Dalton, Hugh (later Baron), 294n

Dalton, Robin, 533 ‘dancing economists', era of, 294

Dane, Miss (Froebel teacher), 48

Daniel, Marion (née Bosanquet), 128, 142, 166, 212, 250, 289

Daniel, Peter, 289

Daniel, Samuel: ‘Love is a Sickness', 101

Dante Alighieri, 313–15

Danzig, 106&n

Darbishire, Helen, 84

Darell, Brigadier-General, 13

Dart, Canon, 248n

Darwin, Robin, 470–1, 474

David, Gwenda, 354, 367, 368, 393, 417, 457n, 460

Davie, Donald, 428n

Davies, Major Mostyn, 183–4

Davin, Dan, 169, 295

Davin, Win, 295

Dawson, Jennifer, 292, 299

Day Lewis, Cecil, 510, 531

Day Lewis, Jill (Balcon), 510

Degras, Jane, 169

de Grunne, Dominic, 6, 279, 469, 473, 492

de la Mare, Walter, 43, 499

Delany, Mary, 448

Demant, V.A., 306n

Denny, Barbara [née Roberts), 38, 40–1, 43–4, 47

de Ste Croix, Carolyn: suicide, 452–3 de Ste Croix, Geoffrey, 281&n, 452

Diamond, Cora, 303, 587

Dichev, Dicho, 190n Dick, Ray, 268, 353

Dickens, Charles, 277, 568, 585, 596

Dilthey, Wilhelm, 208

Dimitrov, Georgi, 192

Dipple, Elizabeth: Work for the Spirit, 549

Dirac, Gabriel Andrew, 315–16 Dix, Dom Gregory, 248

Djemboulate, Persian Princess, 226

Dodds, E.R., 87

Dostoevsky, Fedor, 272, 277, 290, 529, 536, 596; The Brothers Karamazov, 353n; Crime and Punishment, 462; The Devils (The Possessed), 208, 424, 439; The Idiot, 529, 566; Notes from Underground, 405

Douglas, Mary, 97, 323, 343; Purity and Danger, 433

Dover, Kenneth, 116, 122n

Downshire, Marquesses of, 6

Dreyer, Carl, 364

Drum Manor (Manor Richardson), Co. Tyrone, 16–17, 28, 444, 462

Dublin: IM’s mother’s upbringing in, 19–21; IM’s mother house-hunts in, 426–7; in The Red and the Green, 462–3; see also Trinity College Dublin

Dufferin and Ava, Serena, Marchioness of, 445

Duffy, Maureen, 486, 490

Dugdale, Rose, 291

Dummett, Anne, 338

Dummett, Michael, 249, 302–3, 338

Dumont, Louis, 351

Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 53, 55, 445, 446, 462, 589

Dunbar, Moira, 104, 107

Dunbar, Scott, 491

Duncan-Jones, Katherine, 414

Duprez, June, 44

Dury, Ian, 471

Dyson, Hugo, 301

Earle, Hazel, 66

Eastbourne Road, Chiswick: IM’s family move to, 36; life at, 48, 51; bombed in war, 141; house sold, 430

Easter Rising (Ireland, 1916), 461–4

Eddington, Paul, 461

Edward VIII, King (later Duke of Windsor), 70

Eldridge, Lilian, 113, 131, 156

Eldridge, Noel, 113, 156–7, 207

Eliot, George, 64, 451, 596

Eliot, T.S., 138, 170, 292, 325; ‘Burnt Norton', 113; Murder in the Cathedral, 91

Elizabeth, Sister (of Mailing Abbey), 250

Emmet, Dorothy, 419

Encounter (magazine), 406

Ensor, R.C.K., 116

Epiphany Philosophers (Cambridge), 419

Euan-Smith, Dame Magdalene Mary, 247–8, 250, 420

Euripides: IM translates Hippolytus, 245

European Voluntary Workers scheme, 136n, 245, 277

Evans-Pritchard, Edward, 323, 333

Eveleigh, Leila, 60, 73

Everett, Barbara, 436

Existentialism: IM’s interest in, 213–15, 226–7, 250, 253, 273, 493; exaltation of individual, 251; IM expounds and criticises, 269–71, 273n, 290, 552n; in IM’s characters, 272

‘Existentialist Hero, The’ (I M; broadcast talk), 290

Existentialists and Mystics (IM), 273n, 552n

Fairly Honourable Defeat, A (IM): on finding substitutes, 165; selfish idealisation in, 257; Kreisel supposedly portrayed in, 265; promiscuity in, 286; on hoping for love, 287; violation in, 363; Jewish character in, 371; Canetti portrayed in, 372, 438, 503; on happy marriage, 405; writing of, 432, 501; research for, 437; and modern world, 450; goodness in, 479; and Philippa Foot, 486; and Platonism, 502; reproduces Much Ado About Nothing, 502–3; themes and characters in, 503–5, 523; purloined letters in, 507; dedicated to Reynolds and Janet Stone, 510; satirised in The Black Prince, 520; bi-location in, 525; film rights, 533; art in, 546; physical intervention in, 569–70; on beauty of plants, 588; gay partnership in, 596

‘Fairyfield’ (house), Kinsale, Co. Cork, 448

Faith and Logic: Oxford Essays in Philosophical Theology (ed.? . Mitchell), 306

Falconetti, Renée, 364

Faringdon, Alexander Gavin Henderson, 2nd Baron, 103, 294

Farlough Lodge, Co. Tyrone, 17–18

Farnell, Vera, 82–3

Farrell, J.G., 444

Farrer, Austin, 305, 307

Farris, Miriam see Allott, Miriam

Faulkner, William, 232

Faulks, Sebastian, 560

Fedden, Mary (Trevelyan), 57, 65

Fenner, Rachel, 474, 481, 522

Field, Pamela, 504n

Finland, 110, 131

Fire and the Sun, The: Why Plato Banished the Artists (IM; lecture and book), 546–8, 597

Firth, Sir Raymond, 322

Fisher, Frances Elizabeth (née Richardson; IM’s great-great-aunt), 17–18

Fisher, Nancy, 85

Fitzalan-Howard, Miles (later 17th Duke of Norfolk), 404

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 527

Fitzherbert, Katrin, 293

Flaherty, Robert, 79

Fletcher, Tom, 101, 103–5, 107

Flight from the Enchanter, The (I M): Board workers in, 136; letting down hair in, 140; refugees in, 241; Riches’ yellow sapphire in, 261; ‘Master’ figure in, 263; Canetti portrayed in, 352–3, 365–6, 371–2, 390, 391, 504; dedicated to Canetti, 364; writing of, 388; Steiner portrayed in, 389–90; themes and characters, 389–93, 451–2; London setting, 410; reception, 435; IM’s affection for, 441; evil in, 504; film prospects, 533

Floud, Jean, 313

Foot, Michael (politician), 573

Foot, Michael Richard Danieli (M.R.D.): friendship with IM, 85, 253, 288; at Oxford, 94, 96–7, 99; and Leonie Marsh, 94, 96, 175; called up for military service, 106; petitions against conscription, 110; disparages bureaucracy, 134n; on IM’s Treasury work, 137; sends Aragon’s Crève-Coeur to Frank Thompson, 154n; in love with IM, 157, 175; letter of despair from Frank Thompson, 161; affair with IM, 176–8, 219, 252, 373; IM writes poem for, 177; affair with and engagement to Philippa, 178–9, 222; joins SAS, 179; Frank Thompson predicts literary future for, 185; on risks to SOE agents, 192; reported missing in action, 193; warns Frank Thompson against suicidal risks, 200; marriage to Philippa, 209, 220; on IM’s The Sandcastle, 257; IM lodges with in Oxford, 288–9, 485; separates from Philippa, 430; portrayed in The Red and the Green, 439

Foot, Philippa (née Bosanquet): and IM’s happy family life, 33; at Oxford with IM, 85, 97, 127–8; works with Nuffield Social Survey, 134; and IM’s work in Treasury, 135; in wartime London, 141n; shares IM’s London flat, 142, 146–7, 165–8, 177, 220, 222; letters from IM, 157–8, 201, 237, 252, 575; works at Chatham House, 165; and IM’s writing ambitions, 170–1, 583; friendship with IM, 174, 253–4, 268, 288–9, 484–6, 516; stays in Balogh’s Oxfordshire cottage, 177; affair with and engagement to M.R.D. Foot, 178–9, 220, 222; learns of Thompson’s being missing, 193; marriage to Foot, 209, 220; IM’s estrangement from, 223; sees IM after rejection by Hicks, 228; and IM’s religious ideas, 248; and IM’s visit to Mailing Abbey, 250; reads Existentialist essays, 253; in IM’s journal, 274, 490; sends details of St Anne’s philosophy tutorship to IM, 288; philosophical reputation, 302; attends Austin’s and Ayer’s discussion meetings, 303; on IM’s Under the Net, 385; on IM’s marriage, 401, 534; IM resumes intimacy with, 430–1; separates from Michael, 430; The Red and the Green dedicated to, 439; IM’s affair with, 485; portrayed in The Nice and the Good, 485; academic posts in USA, 486; on virtue ethics, 492; and IM’s fondness for wicked fictional characters, 506; and IM’s ‘train-fever', 521; and IM’s later political views, 572; on IM’s finding nobody boring, 584; declines IM’s Festschrift contribution, 586; entertains IM in last years, 590; on IM’s death, 593; obituary notice of IM, 597

Forbes, Allan, 363, 365–7, 505, 523–4, 583n

Forster, E.M., 282, 470, 561

Foster, Michael, 306&n

Foster, Roy, 10n, 26n, 28, 201n, 277n

Fraenkel, Eduard: at Oxford, 87, 97, 114–22, 482; commentary on Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, 120–1; portrayed in IM’s novels, 120, 171, 454, 479, 559; IM’s Poem on Agamemnon seminar, 121–2, 222; IM names as referee, 206; IM introduces Julian Chrysostomides to, 298; Steiner discusses with IM, 328; IM quarrels with over novels, 435, 483; IM’s reconciliation with, 483–4; daughter’s suicide, 484; The Time of the Angels dedicated to, 484; student hostility to, 495; death, 496; as father-figure to IM, 522; IM destroys correspondence from, 578

Fraenkel, Ruth, 119, 496

France: attraction to IM, 213–15, 562, 590; see also Paris

Franco, General Francisco, 98

Frank, Katherine, 58n, 75n

Frankfurter, Felix, 246

French, Percy, 31

Freud, Sigmund, 267, 271, 493, 537, 548

Frink, Elisabeth, 470

Froebel, Friedrich, 37

Froebel Demonstration School, Colet Gardens, London, 36–48, 50, 480

Frost, Honor, 319–21, 336

Furbank, Philip Nicholas, 460

Gadney, Reg, 471

Gaitskell, Hugh, 246&n, 294

Galitzine, Princess Natalya, 84

Gandhi, Indira (née Nehru): at Badminton School, 57–8, 66, 70, 75n, 571

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 322&n

Gardiner, Margaret, 348, 505

Gardiner, Patrick, 373, 376

Gardiner, Stephen, 439, 491–2 Gardiner, Susan, 395

Garrett, Tony, 405

Geach, Peter, 249, 284

Gellner, Ernest: Words and Things, 302

Geneva, 68–9, 75

Germany: pact with USSR (1939), 77, 106, 110&n; as threat (pre-1939), 88–9; invades Poland (1939), 105, 107; invades USSR (1941), 132

Gianetti, Antonia, 399

Gifford lectures (1982): IM delivers, 42, 113, 248n, 287, 501–2, 556, 561, 564–6

Gilgamesh, Epic of, 478 Gill, Eric, 559

Glendinning, Victoria, 440, 514

Glenstal Abbey, Co. Limerick, 587

Glock, Clement, 354, 369–70 Glock, William, 354

Gluckmann, Max, 321

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 54–5, 338

Golding, John, 504–5

Golding, (Sir) William, 249, 270, 449, 597; Lord of the Flies, 342

Goldman, Willy, 366

Gollancz, (Sir) Victor, 57

Gomme, A.W., 139

Gonne, Maud, 314

Good Apprentice, The (IM): Louisa Murdoch depicted in, 5; innocence in, 222; physical touch in, 287; Canetti represented in, 362; balloon in, 450; goodness in, 479; dedicated to Brigid Brophy, 487; psychotherapy in, 494; levitation in, 525; themes and characters, 559; language, 561; on modern living, 561; on icons, 566

Goode, John, 405

Gordon-Walker, Patrick (later Baron), 89

Graham, Katharine, 247

Graham-Harrison, Carol see Stewart, Carol

Grant, Duncan, 510

Grant, Mother, 297–8

Grantham, Mr and Mrs (of Steeple Aston), 410

Graz, Austria, 238, 242–3

Greco, Juliette, 255, 384

Greece: Frank Thompson’s admiration for, 181

Green, Arthur, 14, 15n, 16, 27

Green, Henry: Loving, 449

Green Knight, The (IM): fraternal tensions in, 5, 49; and Richardson family motto, 16; Gothic element in, 48; dog in, 438n; modern machinery in, 450; and IM’s attempted telekinesis, 525; theatre scenes in, 530; and idea of evil, 546; themes and characters, 559, 566–8; on ‘sedan chair life', 563; and fate of rare ferret, 589

Greene, Graham, 270; The Third Man, 237

Greenwich Theatre, 530

Greeves, Tom, 254

Griffeths, Elaine, 339, 376

Grigg, John (earlier 2nd Baron Altrincham), 399, 414, 438n, 452, 469

Grigg, Patsy, 414, 452

Grimond, Joseph (later Baron), 207n

Gross, Bettina (later Adler), 321

Gunn, Thom, 428n

Haffenden, John, 588

Haines, George, 590

Halifax, Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, 106

Hamburger, Anne, 355–6, 505

Hamburger, Michael, 322, 355, 505

Hamilton Road, Oxford, 578, 580

Hammond, Annie (née Gould), 21n, 56

Hammond, Harry, 21n

Hammond, Rae, 21n

Hammond, Richard Frederick, 21n, 56

Hampshire, Stuart, 302, 304, 398, 403, 414–15, 491, 494–5, 562

Handbook of Marxism, A (ed. Emile Burns), 129

Hardy, Robert, 461

Hare, Richard, 305–6

Harris, Mr (head of Badminton Junior School), 63

Harrisson, Tom, 95n

Hart, Jenifer, 71, 291–3, 312

Hart, Josephine, 531, 593

Hartley, Leslie Poles, 510

Hartley, Mildred, 86–7, 117, 530

Harvey, Andrew, 552–3, 593

Hawkes, Jacquetta: marriage to J.B. Priestley, 386

Hayle, Edward, 139

Hayter, Revd Michael, 410

Healey, Denis, Baron, 95n, 102, 111, 130, 168n, 246n

Healey, Edna, Lady (née Edmonds), 95

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 253

Heidegger (IM; unpublished), 586

Heidegger, Martin, 306, 586; Sein und Zeit, 303

Hemingway, Ernest, 270

Henderson, Isobel (née Munro): sets Oxford entrance exam paper, 71; teaches IM at Oxford, 86, 114–15; celebrates IM’s degree success, 133; IM names as referee, 206; and Honor Smith, 289; and Momigliano, 313

Henri, Adrian, 498

Henry and Cato (IM): innocence in, 222n; themes and characters, 543

Herbert, Sir Alan P.: The Water Gypsies, 39n

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 253

Hergé (Georges Rémi), 517

Hevesy, Jan, 473

Heywood, Christopher, 395n

Hicks, Barney (David’s son), 228

Hicks, David: later relations with IM, 85, 228–9; romance with and engagement to IM, 96, 157, 203–4, 213, 216–18, 223–5; letters from IM, 154n, 201n, 204, 207, 214, 218–21, 223–5, 229, 252, 317, 338, 450, 529, 569; character and style, 202–3, 217–18; ends engagement with IM, 202, 227, 231, 245, 485; religious scepticism, 223; marriages, 228; IM asks to help Pardanjac, 236; and IM’s wish to be loved, 283; and IM’s desire for children, 398n; and IM’s estimate of own novels, 450; praises IM, 556

Hicks, Greg, 548

Hicks, Katherine (née Messenger; David’s second wife), 228

Hijab, Wasfi, 261–5, 268, 288, 553

Hill, Derek, 511

Hill, Susan, 239, 526

Hillblom, Marianne, 233

Hilton, Robin, 474

Hinde, Ida, 61; At the Edge of a Dream (poems), 79

Hitler, Adolf: totalitarianism, 59, 78–9; invades Rhineland, 69; rise to power, 74; Munich agreement with Chamberlain, 81, 89; annexes Sudetenland, 88–9; and invasion of Poland, 106n; orders shooting of clandestine agents, 151; influence, 359–60; and Flight from the Enchanter, 392; effect on IM’s philosophy and fiction, 597

Hoar, Vera see Crane, Vera

Hobsbawm, (Sir) Eric, 98

Hobson, (Sir) Harold, 421–2, 441, 404&n

Hockney, David, 470–4

Hogg, Quintin McGarel (later Baron Hailsham), 89–90, 92

Hollinghurst, Alan, 595

Home Rule (Ireland), 11, 465

Hood, Christopher, 418

Horizon (magazine), 138

Horsfall, Miss (Badminton English teacher), 74

‘House of Theory, A’ (IM; essay), 422, 427

Housman, Alfred Edward, 119

Howard, Elizabeth Jane, 512

Howard, Maurice, 73n

Hughes, Gerry, 300

Hughes, Philip and Psiche, 590

Huntingdon, Gladys, 354

Hutchinson, Jeremy (later Baron), 210n

Huxley, Aldous, 155, 400

Huxley, Sir Julian, 470, 510

Ibsen, Henrik, 540

India: IM travels to, 571–2, 574

Innsbruck, 225, 227, 231–2, 235–6

IRA (Irish Republican Army), 25, 465

Ireland: religious differences, 9–11, 15; Home Rule, 11, 465; Protestant gentry in, 18, 25; Anglo-Irish in, 23–5, 27–8, 461; IM’s identification with, 22–9, 102–3, 180, 398, 445, 447, 449, 462–6; political disorder in, 27, 31–2; IM’s holidays in, 53–6, 80; in IM’s novels, 427, 433, 444, 447–9, 461–5; IM revisits, 444–5; IM and John Bayley visit with Stones, 511

Irish Club, Oxford, 462

Irish Peace Movement, 498

Isherwood, Christopher, 77–8

Israel: IM visits, 538

It Can Happen Here (OULC play), 92, 96–7, 354

Italian Girl, The (IM): innocence in, 222n; research for, 437; themes and characters, 459, 559; weaknesses, 459–60; dramatised, 531; screenplay, 533

Iverus, Ivar, 366

Jaboor, Margaret, 238, 244

Jacklin, Bill, 474

Jackson, Dr Bobby, 21n

Jackson’s Dilemma (IM), 444n, 589

Jacobson, Dan, 354, 435

Jaffé, Michael, 434, 473

James, Henry, 154, 200, 341, 371, 443–4, 508, 596; The Golden Bowl, – 247, 405; The Wings of the Dove, 565

James, Hugh Vaughan, 102–5, 107

James, Lieut-Col. Lionel (Jimmie'), 13

James, Mervyn, 169

James, William, 305

Jameson, Storm, 440

Jancar, Jože: in Britain, 126n, 245, 277–8, 459; on IM’s appearance, 228; IM pays for medical studies, 239, 278; background and career, 240–2, 245, 278; at refugee camp, 242–4; ill with TB, 244; re-arrested, 244; children, 278

Jancar, Marija (née Hribar): in Britain, 136n, 245, 277; friendship with IM, 136n, 228, 239, 244; background and career, 240–1, 245; at refugee camp, 244

Jancar, Sonja, 278&n

Japan: IM visits with John Bayley, 545, 571

Jarrett-Kerr, Father Martin, 249

Jay, Douglas (later Baron), 294n Jeffery, Miss (Badminton classics teacher), 74

Jenkins, Roy (later Baron), 131–2, 572

‘Jerusalem’ (IM; abandoned novel), 427–8, 433, 456, 499

Jews: IM’s admiration for, 43, 99–100, 256, 308–9, 325, 332, 437, 538; in IM’s novels, 371, 437; Barth on, 422n; Arendt on, 455

Joad, Cyril Edmund Mitchinson, 172, 307

Joanna, Joanna (IM; play), 468, 495, 531

Job: Prophet of Modern Nihilism’ (IM; talk), 447

Job (Biblical figure), 447

John-Paul II, Pope, 564

Johnson, D., 214n Johnson, Samuel, 500

Johnson, Stowers: Agents Extraordinary, 194

Joll, James, 504–5 Jones, Ernest, 521

Jones, John and Jean, 295, 339, 581

Joseph, Peggy, 222

Jowett, Benjamin, 86

Joyce, James, 18, 201, 446, 585; The

Dead', 22, 447; Ulysses, 11, 19–20, 112

Julian of Norwich, Dame, 267&n, 522, 555

Kafka, Franz, 227, 253, 267, 290, 318, 333, 335, 359, 382; Letters to Milena, 334

Kaldor, Nicholas (Mer Baron), 151, 166–7, 169, 206, 245, 281, 539

Kant, Immanuel, 253, 489

Kastner, Elliott, 516

Keats, John, 145, 280

Keegan, Mr (sports teacher), 38

Keenan, Sandra, 473

Keiller, Alexander, 77

Kellaway, Kate, 580

Keller, Hans, 354

Kenmare, Enid, Countess of, 563

Kenny, Anthony, 301

Kermode, Frank, 33, 423, 480, 495, 515

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 508

Kierkegaard, S0ren, 252, 253, 472–3

Killen, Mary, 581

King, Francis, 450n, 488, 526

Kingsbury, Ruth (later Mills), 76, 104, 146, 169&n, 556

Kirchbaum, Fraülein von, 256

Kitaj, R.B., 472, 474

Kitchen, Paddy: A Fleshly School, 476

Klagenfurt, Austria, 237–8

Klatschko, Lucy (later Sister Marian): at Oxford with IM, 82, 202; portrayed in Nuns and Soldiers, 286; enters Church, 343–4, 420–1; on sex imbroglios in IM’s novels, 423; letters from Honor Tracy about IM, 497, 528, 561, 570; letter from IM on Primo Levi, 560n

Koestler, Arthur, 169; Darkness at Noon, 129, 210; The Yogi and the Commissar, 210–11, 213n

Kotseva, Todorka, 189n

Kraus, Karl, 355

Kreisel, Georg, 262–5, 315–16, 505, 515, 559

Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 545

Krzyprowna, Emilia, 186n

Kullman, Michael, 200

Kun, Bela, 146

Kustow, Michael, 548

Labour Party (British): and Communism, 130; IM supports, 210–11, 486; policy on Northern Ireland, 466; IM believes too left-wing, 572–3

Laforgue, Jules, 203n

Lambert, Jack Walter, 379

Landor, Walter Savage, 455

Langley, Esmé Ross, 484, 518

Larkin, Philip, 133, 445

Lascelles, Mary, 85

Laski, Harold, 92

Lawrence, David Herbert, 270, 302n

Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 151, 160, 170, 321

Lazarov, Stoian, 190n

Leach, Bernard, 57

Leach, Sir Edmund, 321

League of Nations, 68–9, 75, 78

League of Nations Union, 42, 76–7, 119n

Leavis, F.R., 500

Lebowitz, Al and Nay, 247

Lecky, W.E.H., 462

Lee, Arnold, 447

Lee, Billy, 21n, 49&n, 53, 87, 445, 447, 530

Lee, Eva (née Robinson): lives with Mrs Walton, 2on, 53, 446–7; birth, 49n, 53, 447; on IM’s dress, 87, 530; attends revivalist meetings, 248, 446; gives New Testament to I? , 248n; Chrysostomides meets, 445; secretarial work, 447; IM visits, 462; on Black and Tan raid, 463; tells story to IM, 589

Leech, Ann, 59, 79

Lehmann, Alastine (née Bell), 204

Lehmann, George, 204

Lehmann, John, 232

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 172, 361; State and Revolution, 129, 296

Lepe, Hampshire, 562

Lepper, Miss (Oxford landlady), 112

Leslie Stephen lecture, Cambridge (1967), 492

Lessing, Doris, 214, 249

Levey, (Sir) Michael, 486–8

Levi, Primo, 560

Levinson, Deirdre, 293

Levy, Penny, 278n, 590

Lewis, Clive Staples, 307; The Allegory of Love, 96, 451

Lewis, Mrs (of UNRRA), 236, 238

Lewis, Wyndham, 440

Lichtheim, George, 309

Lidderdale, Hal: relations with IM, 85, 96, 161; war service, 157, 161–2; as prospective writer, 185; letters from IM, 202, 216; IM meets in Brussels, 213; IM describes Sartre to, 215; and IM’s broken engagement with Hicks, 227–8; IM tells of meeting Queneau, 231; and IM’s pessimism, 246; introduces IM to Geoffrey de Ste Croix, 281n; and IM’s relations with Robson, 311; wishes to marry IM, 311; and IM’s marriage, 401

Lidderdale, Jane, 292

Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop Lindsay, 1st Baron ('Sandy'), 89–90, 92

Lintott, Margaret, Lady (née Orpen), 60, 62, 64, 67, 75, 80–1

Litakovo, Bulgaria, 187–9, 190n, 260

Little, Ian, 294

Lively, Penelope, 296

Livingston, Reggie, 15&n, 28, 34, 465

Livingston, Sybil (née Chapman; IM’s cousin): on Louisa’s laundering practices, 7; marriage, 15&n; gains party frock from IM, 26; on IM’s Irish family, 26; at Festival of Britain, 34; on English unawareness of Irish differences, 35; on Hughes’s equanimity, 50; on Hughes’s domestic duties, 50–1; childhood holidays, 54; James Scott falls for, 80; on IM taking grandmother to ‘high’ church, 249; at John Bayley’s talk on Pushkin, 445

Lloyd-Jones, Frances, 590

Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, 115–16, 484

Locke, Marjory (Sister Ann Teresa), 442

Lodge, David, 596

London: IM’s holidays in, 80–1; IM works and lives in during war, 135, 137–48, 155, 166–9, 218; wartime social conditions, 146; bombed, 151, 166; fog in, 351; IM’s life in as RCA teacher, 471; IM’s attachment to, 537, 585

London Library, 387

Longford, Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl of, 25, 539

Lowe, Douglas, 92, 93–4

Lowell, Robert, 536

Lucy, Sean, 464

Luke, David, 495, 569

Luthi, Ann Louise (née Wilkinson), 293

Lyne, Richard, 374

Lyttelton, George, 512

McCarran-Walter Act (USA), 246

McDowell, John, 303

McGrath, John, 498

MacKinnon, Donald: teaches at Oxford, 114, 123–8, 167; portrayed in IM novels, 125n, 171, 257, 440, 559; radicalism, 130; maintains relations with IM and Philippa, 167, 179; and IM’s reviewing for Adelphi, 172; and IM’s religious ideas, 174; informs Philippa of Frank Thompson’s being missing, 193; IM names as referee, 206, 246, 254; IM writes of to Hicks, 220–1; estrangement from IM, 222–3, 255–6, 352; suggests IM visit Mailing Abbey, 248; in IM dream, 251, 555; suggests IM apply to Bangor for post, 253; IM resumes relations with, 256–8; IM’s affection for, 256–8, 421; appointed to professorships at Aberdeen and Cambridge, 258; in IM’s journal, 274, 490; supports Broadie, 310; and Carolyn de Ste Croix, 453; teaches Philippa Foot, 485; The Problem of Metaphysics, 248

MacKinnon, Lois, 255–8, 440

McNab, Jane Brown (Mrs Noel Eldridge), 157n

MacNeice, Louis, 444

McWilliam, Candia, 595

magic and the paranormal, 277, 451; in The Sea, The Sea, 525–6; see also animism; tarot divination

Magpie Players, 101–5, 107

Mahler, Anna, 348

Making of a Mystic, The (TV programme), 553

Malcolm, Norman, 262n, 284, 381

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 319

Mailing Abbey, Kent, 247–8, 250, 252, 259, 420, 428

Man and Society (magazine), 497, 538

Man of Aran (film), 79

Mann, Thomas, 519; Death in Venice, 434; ‘Mario and the Magician', 390

Mannerheim, General Carl von, 131

Manning, Olivia, 229n, 444, 488

Manov, Georgi, 190n Mantegna, Andrea, 210

Mantel, Hilary, 552n Manus, Max, 515

Marcel, Gabriel, 226, 252, 269–70, 304, 472

Marchi, ‘Tino’ de, 309

Marian, Sister see Klatschko, Lucy

Markievicz, Countess Constance, 462

Mars-Jones, Adam, 580

Marsh, Father Denis, 275

Marsh, Leonie see Platt, Leonie

Martin, Carol (or Gracie; née Nethersole), 112n

Martin, Noel: in IM’s journal, 85; at Oxford, 97, 99; infatuation with IM, 97, 157; agricultural work, 111, 112n; marriage, 112n; proposes to IM, 112; attends Fraenkel’s seminar, 115, 122n; meets IM in Brussels, 213, 245; sends Charles Morgan quotation to IM, 377; visits IM at Cedar Lodge, 401

Marxism, 276, 493

Mascall, Eric, 305

Masterman, Margaret, 419

Mathew, Revd Gervase, 251

Mathias, William, 531

Maxwell, Sir Aymer, 355, 363, 366, 369–70, 583

Maxwell, Gavin, 355

Maxwell, Thomas, 9

May, Derwent, 526

Medcalf, Stephen, 300–1, 566

Medlin, Brian, 316n

Mehta, Ved, 551n

Men of the Trees, The, 42–3

Menuhin, Yehudi (later Baron), 517

Merton, Thomas, 545

Message to the Planet, The: US character in, 247; Kreisel as character model for, 265, 559; themes and characters in, 559–60; dedicated to Villers, 567

Metaphysicals (High Anglican group), 304, 372

Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (I M; Gifford lectures), 248n, 272n, 285, 501–2, 559, 565, 597

Meyer, Edward, 47

Meyer, Madame, 346

Meyers, Jeffrey, 246n, 441

Midgley, Mary (née Scrutton): at Oxford with IM, 83–6, 95, 117, 122n, 216n; on IM’s championing USSR, 113; on MacKinnon, 126; lends money to Anne Cloake, 128–9; on Communist Party members, 129; joins Oxford Democratic Socialist Club, 132; gains first-class degree at Oxford, 133; joins civil service in war, 134; and IM’s London flat, 147; visits Paris with IM, 254; friendship with IM, 268; loses philosophy tutorship to IM, 288; disagrees with IM over Ireland, 465; Beast and Man, 587

Mill, John Stuart: Utilitarianism, 472–3

Miller, Henry, 255, 296

Milne, AA., 39

Minkus, Peter, 262n

Minton, John, 470

Mishima, Yukio, 487

Mitchell, Barbara, 141n, 338

Mitchell, Basil, 305–6

Mitchell, Julian, 498

Mitchell, Juliet, 494

Mitchison, Naomi, 57

Momigliano, Anna-Laura, 313

Momigliano, Arnaldo: on Jewish aspects of Fraenkel’s thought, 121n; IM introduces Julian Chrysostomides to, 298; relations with IM, 313–15, 339, 372–3, 378, 387, 522; IM dedicates The Philosopher’s Pupil to, 315; jealousy of Steiner, 326; IM sees in Italy, 327; Canetti watches with IM, 368; and The Message to the Planet, 560

Momigliano, Gemma, 313, 315

Montagu of Beaulieu, Edward John Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 3rd Baron, 424

Moore, George Edward, 469

Moore, Henry, 510

Morgan, Charles, 154, 436, 595; The Fountain, 377

Morgan, David, 475–6

Morrison, Blake, 428n

Morrison, Kirsty, 292

Mortimer, Raymond, 416

Motesiczky, Marie-Louise von, 348, 355, 374, 389, 506

Motion, Andrew, 560

Motz, Hans, 281&n, 309, 399

Mouloudji, Marcel, 255

‘Movement’ poets, 428&n

Moynihan, Rodrigo and Anne, 563

Munich agreement (1938), 81, 89–90, 319

Munro, J.A.R., 114

Murasaki Shikibu: Tale of Genji, 545

Murdoch family, 4–5, 15

Murdoch, Annie (I M’s great-aunt), 5

Murdoch, Brian (IM’s cousin), 15

Murdoch, Charlotte Isabella (née Neale; Elias’s wife), 11, 15n

Murdoch, Charlotte (William’s wife), 5

Murdoch, Don Douglas (Elias’s grandson), 20

Murdoch, Elias ('Uncle'), 15&n

Murdoch, Harold (Elias’s son), 11, 15, 445

Murdoch, (Wills John) Hughes (IM’s father): marriage, 3, 14, 20; birth, 4, 463; free-thinking, 6, 11; childhood and schooling, 7, 9; love of horses, 8, 12–13; civil service career, 11, 16, 27, 30, 52; moves to London (1906), 11; swimming, 11, 30–1; appearance and character, 12, 35, 52; serves in Great War, 12–13; voice and accent, 23; returns to England, 27; death and funeral, 28, 51, 425–6, 521; home and family life, 30, 33–5; pets, 32; reading, 33–4; portrayed in IM’s fiction, 35, 559; relations with IM, 35, 50, 62–3, 117, 521; marriage relations, 49, 51–2; and IM’s schooling at Badminton, 57–8, 60, 62–3; religious indifference, 57; letters to IM, 63; supports IM at Oxford, 83; moves to Blackpool in war, 141; and IM’s relations with Pliatzky, 156; rebukes IM for giving up UNRRA post, 246; in IM dream, 251, 555; Wallace Robson meets, 311; pride at IM’s Under the Net, 385; IM and John Bayley take out to dine, 395; operation for cancer of lung, 396, 400; retirement activities, 425

Murdoch, Irene Cooper Alice (née Richardson; IM’s mother; ‘Rene'): marriage, 3, 14, 20; and IM’s birth, 14, 21, 27, 48–9; singing, 14, 18, 21–2, 31, 51; birth, 19; childhood and upbringing, 19–21; character and qualities, 21–2, 52, 54–5; accent, 23, 35; Irishness, 24; and husband’s death and funeral, 28, 51–2, 426; home life in London, 30, 35; and IM’s upbringing, 30–1, 36; appearance, 36, 52; IM asks Miriam Allott to visit, 45n; family, 49n; marriage relations, 49–52; housekeeping, 51–2; holidays in Ireland, 53–4; religious indifference, 57; relations with IM, 62, 77; watches cricket match at IM’s school, 77; moves to Blackpool in war, 141; and IM’s relations with Pliatzky, 156; Wallace Robson meets, 311; IM and John Bayley take out for evening, 395; at IM’s wedding, 400; smoking, 425; house-hunting in Dublin, 426–7; sells Eastbourne Road house, 430; visits Ireland with IM and John, 444; lives in Barons Court, 471; decline and death, 575–7


Beliefs and Ideas: idealism, 6; religious faith and ideas, 9, 64, 172–4, 223, 247–52, 275–6&n, 278, 298, 335; on sexual love, 49–50; confirmed into Anglican Church, 64; Communist Party membership, 69, 76, 78, 89, 111, 114, 128–30, 172, 246, 275–6; pacifism, 78, 111; political activities at Oxford, 88–92, 130–2; wartime connections with Communist Party, 144–5; Anglo-Catholicism, 223, 247, 249–51, 275–6, 298, 493; on refugees, 239; on Existentialism, 269–70; on moral philosophy, 269–72; interest in paranormal, 277, 336–7, 451, 525–6; and idea of soul, 283; and idea of evil, 373; Platonism, 422, 450. 459, 492–3. 502. 549; on suicide, 453; denies belief in God, 456; hostility to psychoanalysis, 493–5; supports student protesters, 495–6; political activism and writings, 497–8; advocates educational reform, 498–9; votes Conservative, 499; drawn to Buddhism, 544–6, 553, 597; public duties and campaigns, 568; changing political views, 572–3; and Tory educational policies, 573–4; denounces promiscuity and bohemianism, 580; on loss of religion, 587–8

Honours and Awards: made Dame of British Empire, 48, 571; honorary degrees, 59, 445, 466, 571–2; wins League of Nations Union essay prizes, 76, 78; wins Open Exhibition to Somerville, Oxford, 78, 85; wins Booker Prize, 526; wins Whitbread Prize, 543; awarded CBE, 575

Interests and Activities: painting, 54, 112, 538; fondness for jazz and dancing, 74, 83, 254; amateur theatricals and performing, 75–6, — 91, 98, 101–5, 530, 539; learns Russian, 139, 153, 471; skiing, 225–6, 230, 233; learns to drive, 395; swimming, 409, 412, 563–4, 581, 588–90; gardening, 413, 427; buys paintings and art, 474, 557; social life and manner, 513–18; language-learning, 528

Literary Life: juvenile writings, 46, 55, 61, 74–5, 77–9; writing ambitions, 56; poem to BMB, 72–3; poetry, 72–3, 98–9, 104, 112–13, 121, 141, 176, 178, 196, 204, 222, 370–1, 374, 378–9, 428, 430, 556, 579; journal, 101–2, 106, 273–5, 280–2, 305, 316n, 317, 327, 367, 395, 400, 452, 490, 493, 501, 515, 527, 529, 549, 557, 579, 588; begins reviewing and novel-writing, 152, 170–4, 229–30; wartime reading, 153–5, 168, 208; translates Queneau, 232, 380, 518; translates Euripides’ Hippolytus, 245; and Orestes myth, 259; translates Canetti play, 370; dealings with publishers, 417–18, 459–60, 579; fame and success, 423–5, 461, 570; judges Prix Formentor, 423; introduces homosexual characters into novels, 424; suffers writer’s block, 427–9; writes on incest, 430, 435; working methods for novels, 431–4, 560; origins of fictional characters, 437–42; and criticism of novels, 459–60; plays and theatre work, 460–1, 530–2; sales and literary earnings, 461, 560–1; writes plays, 468; manuscripts sold to Iowa University, 487; theory and practice of novel-writing, 500; lists influential books, 524n; film rights and options, 532–3; Poem on John Bayley, 536; love of writing, 540; editorial approach to, 560–1; sorts and destroys letters and papers, 578–9; achievements and influence, 595–7

—Personal Life: birth, 14, 21, 27, 48; family background, 15–16; Irishness, 22–9, 102–3, 180, 398, 445, 447–9, 462–3, 466, 596; voice and accent, 23, 140; and father’s death and funeral, 28, 426; childhood and upbringing, 29–32, 33, 36, 48; love of animals, 32–3, 557–8, 563; schooling, 33, 36–43, 45–6, 50, 57–79, 82; early reading, 34; private expressions and mythology, 34, 37, 61, 136, 513–14; appearance and dress, 45, 85–7, 90, 95–7, 119, 139–40, 166–7, 228, 244, 288, 292, 295, 299, 302, 451, 512–13; imaginary siblings, 45–6, 49; housekeeping, 51, 368, 414, 581; equanimity, 54; attends League of Nations Summer School in Geneva, 68–9, 75; life as Oxford undergraduate, 82–5, 88–98, 100; portraits of, 97–8, 374, 424, 511, 515, 570; and outbreak of war, 106–8; in wartime Oxford, 111–12; gains first-class degree, 133, 204; life in London, 135, 137–48, 155, 164–9, 218; energy and vitality, 140–1, 229; finds and occupies London flat, 141–4, 146–8, 155, 166–7; contracts jaundice, 154; confesses losing virginity, 155–61, 164; stays in Balogh’s Oxfordshire cottage with Philippa, 177; marriage intentions, 193, 282, 393–4, 446; letter-writing, 201–2, 569; attachment to France and French, 213–15; knowledge of French language, 232; helps Jože Jancar with cheque for medical studies, 239, 278; pessimism and depression, 246–8, 258–259, 427–9; refused US entry visa, 246–7; visits Mailing Abbey, 247–8, 250, 252, 259; life in Cambridge, 260–5, 268; as godmother, 278&n; universal compassion, 278, 280; on touch, 286–7; life in Oxford as tutor, 288–9, 294–5, 317, lodges with Foots in Oxford, 289; sprains ankle, 339; proclivity for masochism, 357–8, 362; confesses to lies and deceit, 372–3; remains childless, 398n; buys and occupies Cedar Lodge, 409–15; entertaining, 414–15; glandular fever, 414; social range, 443–6, 539, 541; emotional susceptibility, 451–3, 529; alters and enlarges Cedar Lodge, 461; deafness, 482&n; identifies with male homosexuals, 522; and sense of identity and knowing others, 527–30, 538–9, 551, 570; arthritis, 532; in Cornwall Gardens, London, 537; meditates, 546; spiritual grace and reputation as ‘lay saint', 551–5; dreams, 554–5; love of praise, 556; and mother’s decline and death, 575–7; leaves Steeple Aston to return to Oxford, 578, 580; suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease, 588–91; death and cremation, 592; estate and will, 593

— Professional Career, delivers Gifford lectures (1982), 42, 113, 248n, 287, 501–2, 556, 561, 565–6; studies Classics ('Mods and Greats') at Oxford, 85–7; takes second in ‘Schools', 113; MacKinnon tutors, 114, 123–4, 126–8; taught and influenced by Fraenkel, 114–21; wartime civil service career in Treasury, 134, 135–41; works for UNRRA in Brussels and Austria, 206–8, 210, 212, 225–6, 229, 235–44; applies for academic appointments, 245–6; resigns from UNRRA and returns to England, 245; studies at Newnham, Cambridge, 245, 254; resumes reading philosophy, 253–4; approach to philosophy, 268; philosophy tutorship and teaching at St Anne’s, Oxford, 288, 292–3, 296–301; gives broadcast talks on Third Programme, 290; stance and reputation as philosopher, 302–8; resigns St Anne’s Fellowship, 456; teaches at Royal College of Art, 457, 469, 471–6, 480; delivers Leslie Stephen lecture (Cambridge, 1967), 492; lectures at University College London, 492; delivers Romanes lecture (1976), 546–7; on British Council lecture tours, 570–1; Brown University conference on philosophy of (2001), 587; University of Chicago conference on philosophy of, 587

— Relationships: John Bayley first sees and meets, 3, 376–8; with father, 35, 50, 62–3, 117, 521; with mother, 62, 77; first romance with James Henderson Scott, 79–80; lasting friendships, 85; Frank Thompson’s infatuation with, 90–4; seeks guru figures, 117–18; friendship with Philippa Bosanquet, 128; intimate correspondence with Frank Thompson, 147–50, 152–5, 162, 164, 176, 308; weeps over ‘love business', 163; affair with M.R.D. Foot, 175–6, 219, 252, 373; affair with Balogh, 177–9, 185, 205, 220, 222, 245, 329, 373; learns of Frank Thompson’s death, 193; marriage to John Bayley, 193, 282, 399–406, 456, 534–7, 562; reaction to Frank Thompson’s death, 193–6, 199–200, 338, 341; Hicks breaks engagement with, 202, 227, 231, 245, 485; romance with David Hicks, 203–4, 213, 216–18; affair with Wormser, 205; engagement to Hicks, 216–17, 223–4; confesses infidelity to Hicks, 227; affection for MacKinnon, 256–8; flirtatiousness and casual affairs, 278–83; homosexual feelings and attachments, 279, 295, 395, 457–9, 484–5, 491, 538; friendships and romantic relationships, 308–14, 317, 339, 372–3, 491–2; with Momigliano, 313–15, 339, 372–3, 378, 386–7, 522; with Steiner, 317–18, 325–37, 372; and Steiner’s death, 337–43, 350–1, 361, 384; love-affair with Canetti, 344–6, 348–9 351–2, 357–8, 361–4, 368–71, 372–3, 378, 386–7, 403, 449, 504, 581; Canetti’s influence on, 349–50, 367–8, 372, 374, 434–5, 442, 452, 460, 477, 503, 519, 523; engagement to John Bayley, 394; with John Bayley’s family, 395, 403–4; with Brigid Brophy, 486–90; arguments with David Cecil, 508–9; friendship with Reynolds and Janet Stone, 509–11, 514; later relations with Canetti, 581–2; Canetti records memories of, 582–5

— Travels: visits to Paris, 254–5, 264, 298, 553; visits China, 316, 536; feminine demonstration in China, 316n; visits to Japan, 545, 571; holidays in France, 562–4, 590; British Council trips, 570–1; visits India, 571–2, 574; holidays in Scotland and England, 581

Murdoch, Isabella Jane Shaw (IM’s great-aunt), 5–6, 8

Murdoch, James (IM’s great-uncle), 5

Murdoch, Lilian (Wills’s daughter), 5

Murdoch, Louisa (née Shaw; IM’s grandmother): marriage, 3; character, 5; children, 5, 7–8; devotion to son Hughes, 7; name, 7; religion, 9, 249; widowhood, 9; and Hughes’s war service, 13; on IM’s childhood, 32; and IM’s birth, 48; on Hughes’s domestic duties, 50–1; gives Bible to I? , 248n

Murdoch, Margaret (IM’s great-aunt), 5

Murdoch, Richard (IM’s great-greatgrandfather), 4, 6

Murdoch, Richard (IM’s great-uncle), 4–5

Murdoch, Richard (I M’s greatgrandfather), 4

Murdoch, Samuel (IM’s great-uncle), 5

Murdoch, Sarah (IM’s great-aunt), 5, 7–8

Murdoch, William (I M’s great-great-uncle), 5–6

Murdoch, William John (Wills’s uncle), 4

Murdoch, Wills Hughes (I M’s grandfather), 3–4, 8

Muroya, Y. and P. Hullah, 574n

Murray, Gilbert, 119&n, 246

Murry, John Middleton, 71, 172

Musgrave, Thea, 482

Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita, 434

Nassauer, Rudi, 354, 367, 505; The Cuckoo, 367

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 402

National Theatre, 548

Nazism, 59, 88, 359

Neale, Charles, 15n

Neale, Mariette, 15n

Neale, Sarah, 15n

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 571

Neill, Bishop Stephen, 249–50

Nemes, Endre, 363, 365–6, 506

New College, Oxford, 396, 403

New Statesman: IM writes in, 499

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 80

Newman, Paul, 533

Newnham College, Cambridge: IM studies at, 245, 254, 260

New York: IM visits with John Bayley, 474

Nice and the Good, The (I M): innocence in, 222n; on selfishness and evil, 222; Wittgenstein and, 285; Steiner portrayed in, 343; style, 405; writing of, 433, 468; Philippa Foot portrayed in, 439; modern world in, 450; themes and characters, 478–80; tide, 480, 508; Simopoulos criticises, 495; dedicated to Cecils, 507; flying saucers in, 525; borrows from Tale of Genji, 545; and idea of evil, 545

‘Nicodernus’ see Chaning-Pearce, Melville Salter

Nicolson, Nigel, 240–1, 397

Nin, Anaïs, 296

Nineham, Dennis, 54n, 125&n, 305–6

Nolan, Anna (née Kidd) see Richardson, Anna

Nolan, Annie, 49n

Nolan, William, 49n

Normandy landings (1944), 206

Norris, Senator David, 497

North, Sir George, 425

Northern Ireland: religious differences in, 9; opposition to Home Rule, 11, 465; IM’s family holidays in, 54; religious evangelicism in, 248–9; violence and Troubles in, 465–6

Northleach, 103–4

‘Nostalgia for the Particular’ (I M; paper), 304

‘Novelist as Metaphysician, The’ (I M; broadcast talk), 290

Nuns and Soldiers (I M): cites Kim, 34; innocence in, 222n; dream in, 251, 555; Wittgenstein in, 263–4; promiscuity and goodness in, 286; character of Polish ‘Count’ in, 438; on leaving convent life, 442; artist in, 546; on goodness, 558; themes and characters in, 559, 565; canal tunnel in, 564; dedicated to Spenders, 564; grief in, 584

Nussbaum, Martha, 303, 553, 587

Nuttall, Anthony David, 300–1

Oakeshott, Michael, 311–12, 426, 491, 522

O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 461

Observer, 474

O’Connell, Daniel, 461

O’Faolain, Sean, 464

Ogilvie, Mary Helen, Lady, 291–2, 457

O’Hart, John: History of Old Irish Families, 16–17, 26n

O’Malley, Sir Owen, 438

One Alone, The (IM; radio play), 531

O’Neill, Jim, 438n, 590

Optima, Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, 592

O’Regan, Patrick, 24, 96, 141n, 151–2, 217, 249, 451

Orpen, Margaret see Lintott, Margaret, Lady

Orwell, George, 76, 146, 173, 499–500

Orwell, Sonia, 354

Osborne, Charles, 488

‘Our Lady of the Bosky Gates’ (I M; abandoned novel), 296, 380

Ovadia, Susie (née Benedikt), 347n, 355, 302–3, 365–7, 523

Owen, Wilfred, 100, 155

Oxford: by-election (1938), 89–92; wartime refugees in, 112, 118; IM lives in as philosophy tutor, 288–9, 294–9, 317; IM considers returning to from Steeple Aston, 531; IM and John Bayley return to live in, 578, 580; Canetti’s scorn for, 583–4

Oxford Forward (magazine), 88, 98

Oxford University: IM wins Open Exhibition to Somerville, 78, 85; IM’s undergraduate life at, 82–5, 88, 91–8; IM studies Classics ('Mods and Greats') at, 85–7, 114–16; Labour Club (OULC), 95, 130–2, 149; Jowett Society, 96; in wartime, 109, 112; Democratic Socialist Club, 131–2; philosophy at, 253, 296, 301–3, 587; Philosophical Society, 304; Socratic Club, 307, 333; see also St Anne’s College

Oxford University Refugee Appeal Fund, 101

Paisley, Ian, 465

Palmer, Mr (Oxfordshire builder), 412

Pardanjac, Dragomir (Draga), 236

Pardee, Ruth, 321

Paris: IM visits, 254, 264, 298, 553

Parkin, Miss (Latin teacher, Badminton), 73

Parnell family, 10

Parsons, Ian, 368

Partisan Review, 427

Partridge, Frances, 308, 508–10, 513

Passion of Joan of Arc, The (film), 364

Patterson, Lindsay (née Lynch), 112

Paul, Phyllis, 440

Pears, David, 119–20, 124, 126, 301, 304, 399, 450, 493–4

Pearse, Padraic, 462–3

Pease, Bill, 562

Pease, Elizabeth, 562

Pernišek, Franc, 243

Perpetua, Sister (of Mailing Abbey), 250

Petter, Annette, 68

Phillips, Adam, 279

Phillips, D.Z., 492

Phillips, Tom, 515, 570

Philosopher’s Pupil, The (I M): MacKinnon portrayed in, 125n, 440; dedicated to Momigliano, 315; Smythies portrayed in, 382; foxes in, 414; dog in, 438n; IM’s attitude to characters in, 553; themes and characters in, 559; editing of, 560

Piaf, Edith, 255

Piero della Francesca: Resurrection, 400

Pinney, Betty, 175

Piper, John, 510

Pitt-Rivers, Julian, 325

Pitt-Rivers, Michael, 424

Plato: IM despises, 87, 172; IM rediscovers, 260; Simone Weil on, 260, 454, 547; cave allegory, 371, 399, 450, 493; on art and artists, 546–8; on sexual love, 547–8; in IM dialogues, 548, 561; Phaedrus, 547; Republic, 299, 547; Symposium, 547–8

Platonism: in IM’s novels, 422, 454–5, 502; IM’s, 450, 459, 492–3, 502, 549

Platt, Leonie (née Marsh): at Oxford with IM, 84–5, 91–7; M.R.D. Foot’s infatuation with, 94, 96, 175; membership of Communist Party, 129; on IM in wartime London, 144; relations with Pliatzky, 156; believes IM virginal, 158; marriage, 164; writes to Frank Thompson in Sicily, 180

Platt, Tony, 175

Platts, Mark, 303

Pliatzky, (Sir) Leo: at Oxford with IM, 85, 92, 94–7, 99; on World War II, 110; and Frank Thompson, 122n; leaves Communist Party, 132; as IM’s lover, 156; meets Frank Thompson in North Africa, 157; writes to Thompson of IM, 162; letter from Thompson, 183; Thompson predicts literary future for, 185; fears for Thompson’s foolhardiness, 200; and IM’s broken engagement with Hicks, 227; and IM’s attachment to Balogh, 245; on Hughes’s criticism of IM for giving up UNRRA post, 246; at Treasury, 437, 471; helps IM with information for novels, 437; disputes with IM over Vietnam War, 497; and IM’s social life, 517; on IM’s sense of tragic, 558; and IM in later life, 568

Plumer, Eleanor Mary, 288, 292

Plymouth Brethren see Brethren

Podmore, Frances, 91n, 104

Poet Venturers (poetry collection), 78

Poetry London (magazine), 169, 320

Poland: invaded (1939), 105, 106n, 107

Potter, Beatrix, 46

Potts, Paul, 146–7, 169

Pound, Ezra, 392

Powell, Anthony, 414, 562, 580

Powell, Lady Violet, 413–14

Powledge, Tabitha, 571

Powys, John Cowper, 487

Prévert, Jacques, 255

Price, Henry, 302

Prichard, Harold Arthur, 216&n

Priestley, J.B., 386, 439, 453; dramatisation of A Severed Head, 461, 530–1, 533

Priestman, Barbara, 48

Prix Formentor: IM judges, 423 ‘Protestant magic', 28; see also animism; magic and the paranormal; tarot divination

Proust, Marcel, 154, 168, 171, 443, 490

Psychoanalytical Society, 494

Puch, Austria, 236&n Purchase, Molly, 225

Pushkin, Alexander, 445, 535

Pyke-Lees, Peggy (née Stebbing), 135, 139, 146

Pyke-Lees, Walter, 139, 146

Pym, Barbara, 512

Quakers, 7, 15&n

Queneau, Janine, 233

Queneau, Raymond: IM’s meetings and friendship with, 128, 231–4, 245, 254–5, 518–19; letters from IM, 129n, 248, 262–3, 296, 327, 339; on IM’s politics, 211; IM translates, 232, 380; IM dedicates Under the Net to, 234, 384, 579; jealousy over IM’s admiration for The Plague, 260; and IM at Cambridge, 262–3; IM describes Elizabeth Anscombe to, 285; IM loses contact with, 289; as ‘metaphysical novelist', 290; and IM’s teaching at Oxford, 296; on IM’s walk, 396; and friendship in Under the Net, 518; death, 579; Pierrot mon ami, 231–4, 282, 380, 384, 518

Quentin, Cecil, 105

Quinton, Anthony (later Baron), 294, 301, 414, 515

Quinton, Marcelle (née Wegier; later Lady), 294

Radcliffe-Brown, A.R., 322

Raine, Kathleen, 350, 353, 354–6, 369, 373; Living in Time, 258

Raine, Pat, 10n

Rake, Margaret (later Vintner), 60, 65–6, 71

Ramsey, Peggy, 530, 533

Raphael, Frederic, 533

Razgradlian, Sashka, 189

Red and the Green, The (IM): wartime fighting in, 12; and forced marriage, 14; Irish and Ireland in, 23, 26, 28, 53, 444, 461–6; and Crusaders’ meetings, 54n; on living out history of heart, 141; soldier-figure in, 151; allusions to Frank Thompson in, 195; personal intensity satirised in, 256; promiscuity in, 282, 286; IM denies MacKinnon portrayed in, 440; IM finishes writing, 447; ending criticised, 460; themes and characters, 461–4; IM studies Gaelic for, 528

Redfern, Walter, 233

Reeves, Marjorie, 437

Rembrandt, 210, 237, 582

Renault, Mary, 522

Rendali, Lucy J. ('LJR'): at Badminton, 61, 63, 65, 67; death, 488

Rhineland: Germany invades (1936), 69

Rhodes, Zandra, 471, 474

Rhys, Keidrych, 169

Ribbentrop-Molotov pact (1939), 77, 106, 110&n

Richardson family, 15–18, 25&n, 31, 464

Richardson, Alexander (17th century), 16, 17

Richardson, Alexander (1705–71), 17

Richardson, Alexander (1758–1827), 18

Richardson, Alexander (William’s son), 17

Richardson, Major-General Alexander Arthur, 26

Richardson, Anna (née Kidd; then Nolan; Robert Cooper R’s second wife), 49n Richardson, Archibald (William’s son), 17

Richardson, Effingham Lindsay (cousin of IM’s grandfather), 19

Richardson, Effingham Lynch (I M’s maternal grandfather), 16, 19, 21

Richardson, Elizabeth Jane (née Nolan; IM’s maternal grandmother; ‘Bessie'), 19, 21n, 49n, 53, 447, 448

Richardson, Gertrude Anna Cooper (IM’s aunt), 19–21, 575–6

Richardson, Gloria, 581, 590, 592

Richardson, Hannah (Effingham’s mother), 19

Richardson, Hannah (née Lindsay; John’s wife), 17

Richardson, Henry Handel (pseud. of Ethel Florence Lindesay

Richardson), 18, 26n Richardson, James (William’s son), 17

Richardson, John, of Farlough (1727–85), 17

Richardson, Margaret (née Goodlatte; Alexander 2's wife), 17

Richardson, Mary (née Erskine; William’s wife), 17

Richardson, Mary (née Swan; James’s wife), 17

Richardson, Sir Ralph, 517

Richardson, Robert Cooper (I M’s maternal great-grandfather), 16, 18–19

Richardson, Robert Lindesay (I M’s maternal great-great-grandfather), 19

Richardson, Tony, 532, 539

Richardson, Walter Lindesay ('Henry Handel Richardson’s’ father), 18

Richardson, William (Alexander’s son), 17

Riches, Father Pierre, 261

Ricks, Christopher, 500

Ridler, Ann, 155

Riley, Bridget, 474

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 208, 230, 325

Roberts, W.C., 163

Robinson, Eva see Lee, Eva

Robson, Anne (née Moses), 291, 311, 313

Robson, Wallace, 291, 310–13, 317, 325–6, 339, 490, 530

Romanes lecture (1976), 546

Rosen, Stanley, 586

Ross, Sir William David, 216&n Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio, 280&n, 339, 375

Rowse, A.L., 133

Royal College of Art, London: IM teaches at, 457, 469–76, 480; character and life, 470–4 Royalton-Kisch, Mrs (London landlady), 141

Rubens, Bernice, 354, 367, 505, 588

Rubens, Peter Paul, 210

Rudingerova, Chitra, 134n, 515

Russell, Bertrand, 246, 272, 469

Ruysbroeck, Blessed Jan van, 251&n Ryle, Gilbert, 302–4; Concept of Mind, 271

Sacher-Masoch, Count Leopold von: Venus in Furs, 358

Sackville-West, Edward (later 5th Baron), 398

Sacred and Profane Love Machine, The (IM): love-triangle in, 416; Rebecca West offended by, 439; social range, 444; and modern world, 450; strangling in, 452; attacks psychotherapy, 494; themes and characters, 542–3; wins Whitbread Prize, 543; dream in, 554

Sage, Lorna, 521, 595

St Anne’s College (earlier Society), Oxford: IM’s philosophy tutorship at, 288, 292–3, 296–301; character, 291–2; IM resigns Fellowship, 456, 458, 469

St Antony’s College, Oxford, 376–9

St Ives, Cornwall, 254, 352, 356

Ste Croix see de Ste Croix

Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 6th Marquess of ('Bobbity'), 508

Salisbury-Jones, Eulalia (John Bayley’s godmother; ‘Aunt John'), 404

Salzburg, 225

Samson, Frederic, 325, 479, 481–3, 488, 492, 496

Sandcastle, The (IM): Rembrandt in, 237; threat to marriage in, 257; Julian Chrysostomides portrayed in, 298; IM’s motor car in, 395, 416–17; writing finished, 396; suburban setting, 410; dedicated to John Bayley, 415; themes and characters, 415–17, 538, 543; social range, 443, 445; politics in, 499; on knowing others, 530; film rights, 532

Sandpiper, The (film): and IM’s

Sandcastle, 532

Sartre, Jean-Paul: on Spanish Civil War, 211; IM meets and admires, 215–16; Existentialism, 226, 269, 300; derided at Oxford, 253; and Simone de Beauvoir, 255; IM sees as ‘romantic', 260; IM reads, 269; IM writes on and criticises, 269–72&n 290, 301, 356; IM’s tutorials on at RCA, 472; The Flies, 259; Huis Clos, 253; Nausea (La Nausée), 267, 272, 384, 482

Sartre, Romantic Rationalist (IM), 271, 301, 303, 356, 376

Sassoon, Siegfried, 100, 499

Saunders, James, 531, 533

Saunders, Vernon, 169

Scargill, Arthur, 572

Scott, Revd Henry G.W., 16

Scott, James Henderson, 79–80, 201, 558, 569

Scott, Sergeant Kenneth, 186–7

Scott, Olive (née Marron), 80

Scott, Winnie, 368

Scrutton, Mary see Midgley, Mary

Sea, The Sea, The (IM): IM’s father depicted in, 35; hero-narrator’s low sex-drive in, 49; tide, 74; soldier-figure in, 151; on reunions, 213, 230; obsessional love in, 217; on Tibet, 296; dedicated to Rosemary Cramp, 308; Canetti portrayed in, 351, 366, 423–4; male first-person narrative, 380, 445; on picnics, 402; social range, 445; on Irish suffering, 466; themes and characters, 523–6; reception, 526; on good as unimaginable, 528; on judging people, 529; and theatre, 530; IM adapts for stage, 531; marriage in, 534; Buddhism in, 545

Seaforth Place, London, 142–4, 165–7, 212, 219–20, 222, 259

Sebastian, Anna see Benedikt, Friedl

‘Second Front’ (wartime): demands for, 132, 168

Seneca, 588

Senhouse, Roger, 272

Servants, The (opera adapted from The Servants and the Snow), 531

Servants and the Snow, The (I M; play), 367, 516, 531

Severed Head, A (IM): fraternal tensions in, 5; and IM’s Irishness, 24; Georgie Hands in, 34; promiscuity in, 286; quotes Dante, 314; fog in, 351; character of Honor Klein in, 367, 433, 435, 438, 457, 530, 533, 579; names in, 367, 427; style, 405, 519; characters borrowed from ‘Jerusalem', 427, 433; themes, 434–5; as comic novel, 435–6; reception, 435–6; research for, 437; marriage in, 438; IM’s affection for, 441; social range, 443–4; initial Irish background, 444, 447; lesbian happiness in, 459; dramatised, 460–1, 530–1; psychoanalysis attacked in, 494; film version, 533

Sewell, Elizabeth, 261

Shah, Kanti, 262–5, 268, 288, 326

Shakespeare, William: Keats on receptivity of, 145, 280; accused of masochism, 358; creation of characters, 405; and gentility, 444; John Bayley on, 456; fantasy and realism in, 464n; IM re-reads and studies, 467-g; comedies recalled in IM’s novels, 478–9; influence on IM’s novels, 501, 523, 536, 596; elusiveness, 537; on music, 556–7; Antony and Cleopatra, 181–2; As You Like It, 522; Hamlet, 521, 525; Julius Caesar, 186; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 259; Much Ado About Nothing, 502–3; The Tempest, 524–5

Sharova, Raina, 187, 189n

Sharp, Evelyn (later Baroness), 136

Shaw, Pat see Trend, Lady

Short, Gladys, 37, 41, 48

Sicily: Frank Thompson serves in, 177, 179–80

Simmel, Georg, 325

Simopoulos, John, 399, 401, 421, 495, 517

Sinclair, Hilary, 209

Sing, Jack, 577

Slade, Margaret (Friedland), 70

Smallwood, Norah: reads Under the Net, 368; IM’s dealings with, 417–18, 560; baffled by The Italian Girl, 459–60; and ending of The Red and the Green, 460; IM deposits poems with, 579

Smith, Honor, 289

Smith, Prue, 289–90

Smith, Reggie, 229n Smith, Stevie, 169

Smythies, Yorick, 263, 266, 284, 381–3, 427, 435, 439, 442

Snowdon, Antony Armstrongjones, 1st Earl of, 424

Social Democratic Party, 572

Socrates, 548

Solomon, Flora, 354–5 Solomon, Harold, 493

Somerville, Edith and Martin Ross: The Real Charlotte, 20

Somerville College, Oxford, 568

‘Something Special’ (IM; story), 53, 446–7

Sonne, Abraham, 349

Sontag, Susan, 349, 434n

Sovereignty of Good, The (IM), 126, 275, 303, 423, 477, 492, 496, 501–2, 546n, 547–8, 597

Soviet Union (USSR): IM admires and champions, 76–7, 106, 110, 113; pact with Nazi Germany (1939), 77, 106, 110&n; invades Finland, 110, 131; Germans invade (1941), 132; IM’s disillusionment with, 210–11

Spanish Civil War, 88, 90–1, 211, 464

Spark, (Dame) Muriel, 249, 270, 342, 440, 443, 597

Spear, Ruskin, 474

Spearman, Diana, 354

Special Air Service (SAS): M.R.D. Foot serves with, 179&n, 209

Special Operations Executive (SOE), 151, 161, 181, 186 Spectator, 428 Spencer, Stanley, 57

Spender, Humphrey, 482

Spender, Natasha, Lady, 526, 562–3, 564, 590

Spender, Sir Stephen, 90, 320, 514, 526, 562–4 Spoleto, Italy, 567

Srinivas, Professor, 319

Stalin, Josef, 76, 78, 191, 360, 597

Staminov, Naku, 189–90 Stanbrook Abbey, 420, 428

Stanier, Margaret, 132, 156, 170

Starkie, Enid, 295

Stead, Christopher, 306

Stebbing, Peggy see Pyke-Lees, Peggy Stebbing, Susan, 139&n Steedman, Mabel, 310

Steen, Malvina, 139

Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire see Cedar Lodge

Steiner, Franz Baermann: relations with IM, 201, 317–18, 325–37, 372; IM speaks of Balogh to, 245; Canetti and, 269, 320, 334, 345, 358–9, 505; background and career, 317–25, 360, 479; and sister’s death, 320, 340; heart condition, 322–3, 330, 333–6, 391; journal, 328–9, 336; death and funeral, 337–8, 350–1; IM idealises memory, 340–2, 384, 482; influence on IM, 342–3; commends IM’s early writings to Canetti, 367; portrayed in IM’s novels, 389–92, 442, 479; IM inscribes poem to, 428; as father-figure to IM, 522; goodness, 597; ‘Prayer in the Garden’ (poem), 322, 342; Taboo, 323, 433

Steiner, George, 126, 419, 470

Steiner, Suse, 320, 340

Stenchev, Angel, 190n

Stewart, Alice, 317

Stewart, Carol (later Graham-Harrison), 83, 202, 354–5, 370, 391

Stewart, Frances (née Kaldor), 539

Stewart, Margaret, 222

Stoianov, Captain, 190n

Stone, Janet, 509–12, 516

Stone, Reynolds, 437, 509–12, 514, 516, 544

Stopes, Marie, 49

Stoppard, (Sir) Tom: Jumpers, 124 Storr, Anthony, 524

Stoye, Enid, 127

Strachey, John: Why You Should be a

Socialist, 129 Strawson, (Sir) Peter, 301; Individuals, 308

‘Stream of Consciousness, The’ (I M; paper), 304 ‘Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited, The’ (IM; talk and article), 424, 500

‘Sublime and the Good, The’ (IM; essay), 273n Sudetenland, 88–9 Summerson, Sir John, 470 superstition: among Protestant Irish, 26n, 28, 277n Surrealism, 231, 396

Sutherland, Graham, 97

Synge, John Millington: The Aran Islands, 448

Tale of Genji see Murasaki Shikibu

Tambimuttu, James Meary, 169, 219, 269, 320

tarot divination, 336–7, 451, 525; see also magic and the paranormal

Taylor, Charles, 303, 587, 595

Taylor, Gabriele, 293, 379

Taylor, Joyce, 104, 106

Temple, Minnie, 341

Thalis, Maroula, 186n

Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness, 572

Thom, Dorothy, 169

Thomas, Dylan, 169, 268

Thompson, Dorothy, 134n, 146–4, 589

Thompson, Edward Palmer: reputation as historian, 91; and Frank’s Aeschylean suffering, 122; on Frank’s optimism for post-war world, 183; at Frank’s reburial, 189n; and Frank’s political ideals, 191; on connivance at Frank’s death, 192; letters from IM, 194–5, 235; on Mary Wollstonecraft, 199; visits Bulgaria, 260; accompanies IM to India, 571–2, 574; death, 589; Beyond the Frontier, 190, 194

Thompson, Frank: and IM’s view of Ireland, 25; at Oxford with IM, 85, 90–4, 96–7, 99–100, 111; and Spanish Civil War, 90, 464; and It Can Happen Here, 92, 97, 354; Leonie Marsh’s infatuation with, 94, 175; socio-political activities and beliefs, 99–100, 129–30, 161, 181–2, 191; poems, writings and translations, 100, 147, 150, 152–3, 174; and IM’s view of 1930s, 108; and IM on wartime Oxford, log; war service, 109, 111, 133, 137, 147–9, 177, 179–82; and Communism, 110–11, 114, 129, 190–1; petitions against conscription, 110; on Noel Martin, 112n; world view, 115; IM dedicates ‘The Agamemnon Class’ to, 121 -2&n; idealises Agamemnon, 122; letters from and to IM, 123, 133–4, 137, 141, 143, 147–50, 152–5, 158–60, 162, 164, 170, 173, 176–7, 180–6, 245, 308; disparages bureaucrats, 134n; letters from M.R.D. Foot, 134n, 137; and IM’s Treasury work, 137; joins SOE, 151, 161; linguistic facility, 153, 183; reading, 153–4; contracts jaundice, 154; IM confesses loss of virginity to, 155, 158–61, 164; dislikes Noel Eldridge, 157; sexual ideals, 159–60, 164; and IM’s writing ambitions, 170–1; portrayed in IM novels, 171–2, 230, 439; religious ideas, 174, 180; and IM’s affair with M.R.D. Foot, 175–6; IM writes poem for ('For WFT), 176&n, 196; mission in Serbia and Bulgaria, 183–7, 192; romances, 185–6; captured and executed, 187–90, 192, 509; effect of death on IM, 193–6, 199–201, 207, 338, 341–2; biographies of, 194; family plans memorial publication for, 194; character and personality, 196, 597; takes excessive risks, 200; IM writes of to Hicks, 207, 220; continence, 245; memorial ceremony for (1947), 259–60; meets Evans-Pritchard, 323; IM inscribes poem to, 428; enthusiasm for Bakhtin, 529; IM’s later belief in being engaged to, 538; letter from Pliatzky on IM’s sense of tragic, 558; ‘Polliciti Meliora', 174, 194

Thompson, Theo (Frank’s mother), 189n, 194, 246, 259–6o, 572

Thompson,? .J. and E.P.: There is a Spirit in Europe, 194, 245

Thorndike, Dame Sybil, 58

Thorpe, Thomas, 344

Three Arrows, The (IM; play), 468, 531

Tibet: IM’s interest in, 296, 524–5, 545

Time of the Angels, The (I M): BMB depicted in, 59; dedicated to Fraenkel, 120, 484; and wartime London, 147; fog in, 351; recycled character in, 433; writing, 467; and David Morgan, 475; immorality in, 476–8; and Philippa Foot, 485; Platonism in, 502

Times, The, 497–8

Titian, 210; The Flaying of Marsyas, 570

Tito, Josip Broz, 234&n, 240–1, 243–4

Todd, Olivier, 281, 373, 515

Todd, Richard, 570–1

Toderova, Svetlana, 189n

Tolkien, J.R.R., 569

Tolstoy, Count Leo, 405, 480

Tomov, Boris, 190n

Topencharov (Bulgarian Director of Press), 189n

Tosh, Catherine, 43–4

Toulmin, Stephen, 262n

Toynbee, Philip, 436; Friends Apart, 129

Tracy, Beau, 23–4

Tracy, Honor: relations with IM and John Bayley, 22–3, 484; and IM’s Irishness, 27, 449; and Lucy Klatschko, 421, 497, 528, 561, 570; Irish settings, 448; dislikes The Italian Girl, 460; on Northern Ireland Troubles, 465; and IM’s campaigning for homosexual law reform, 497; IM visits with Stones, 511; on IM’s complexity, 528; on advent of Days of Wrath, 561; on IM’s fame, 570

Traherne, Thomas: Meditations, 556

Treasury: IM works at, 134, 135–7, 139–40; Pliatzky at, 437, 471

Trend, J.B., 133

Trend, Patricia, Lady (née Shaw), 135, 140

Trenet, Charles, 216

Trickett, Rachel, 282

Tricycle (US magazine), 553

Trinity College Dublin: IM addresses Philosophical Society, 447; grants honorary D.Litt to IM, 466

Trotman, Jack, 107

Trunski, Slavcho, 189n, 195; Grateful

Bulgaria, 194 Tupankov, Ilia, 190n Turgenev, Ivan, 439

Turner, Jane, 560n Tusmore Park, 104 Under the Net (IM): ‘Little Grange’ house in, 68; published, 170, 368, 379’ 384–5; influenced by and dedicated to Queneau, 232–4, 384, 579; on Paris life, 255; ‘Master’ figure in, 263; solipsism in, 270; Anscombe portrayed in, 284; promiscuity in, 286; IM lends manuscript to Steiner, 327–8; Canetti praises, 365; hospital conversation in, 377; reception, 379, 385, 435–6; first-person narrative, 380, 445; self-portrait in, 380, 384–5; themes and characters, 380–5, 419, 451, 518, 567; proposed film of, 382, 532; on incongruity of counterparts, 399; London setting, 410; cuts for US edition, 417; Smythies portrayed in, 439, 442; social range, 444–5; and modern world, 449–50; IM gives manuscript to Brigid Brophy, 487; theatre scenes in, 530; on film world, 532; unworldliness in, 544; on stories as lies, 549

Underwood, Garth, 39n, 131

Underwood, Leon, 39

Unicorn, The (IM): character of Effingham Cooper in, 18; Gothic element in, 48, 501; Fraenkel portrayed in, 120, 454, 483; physical contact in, 287; on idealising absence, 341; on power and victims, 371; self-portrait in, 372; on good, 374, 454, 480; Lady Ursula Vernon supposedly portrayed in, 398, 440–1; innocence in, 423; Irish landscape in, 433, 444, 448–9, 460; dog in, 438n; dedicated to Pears, 450; themes and characters, 450–1; Canetti and, 454–5; reception, 456; lesbian character in, 459; Cornford designs cover for, 469–70; Fraenkel criticises, 483; film option on, 532, 539; on spiritual life, 549; mysticism in, 592

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 205–8, 210, 212, 225, 229, 235–9, 243–5

United States: IM refused access visa to, 246–7; IM’s attitude to, 246–7; see also New York; Yale University

University College London: IM lectures at, 492

Unofficial Rose, An (I M): and Richardson family, 16; soldier-figure in, 151; style, 405; research for, 432, 437; Angus Wilson dislikes, 443; Irish references in, 444; and modern world, 450; lesbian character in, 459; virtue in, 480; sense of identity in, 527

Updike, John, 435

USSR see Soviet Union Ustinov, Sir Peter, 533

Vale, The, Oxford (nursing home), 592

Valentine, Miss (Badminton School cook), 61

Valéry, Paul, 455

Vassar College, New York State, 246–7, 253

VE-Day, 209

Vernon, Stephen, 448

Vernon, Lady Ursula, 398, 440, 444, 448

Veto, Nicolas, 456

Victor, Ed (IM’s agent), 16, 560, 579

Vienna, 236–8, 582

Viking Press (USA), 368, 417, 460

Villers, Audi, 567–8, 590

Villers, Borys, 567–8

Vinelott, (Sir) John, 262n

Virgil: Aeneid, 558n

‘Vision and Choice in Morality’ (I M; essay), 529

VJ-Day, 212

Wade-Gery, Henry Theodore, 116

Wain, John, 374, 428n

Wainwright, Janice, 473–4

Waissman, Friedrich, 263, 341

Waissman, Tommy, 341

Walpole, Hugh, 440

Walton, George Henry, 49n

Walton, Mrs (of Belfast and Dun Laoghaire), 53, 446–7

Warner, Marina, 595

Warner, Rex, 90

Warnock, (Sir) Geoffrey, 304

Warnock, Mary (later Baroness), 115, 122, 272, 294–5, 301, 304, 515; A Memoir: People and Places, 584n

Washio, Ryuko, 545

Watts, Charlie, 471

Waugh, Evelyn, 443, 595

Webb, W.L., 463

Webb-Johnson, ‘Ski’ (Badminton music mistress), 65, 67

Wedgwood, Dame Veronica, 349

Weight, Carel, 475

Weil, Simone: MacKinnon compared with, 125; interest in T.E. Lawrence, 151; religious/political passions, 173; intellectual influence on IM, 260, 271–2, 434, 454, 501–2; and Plato, 260, 454, 547; influence on The Unicorn, 454–5; on goodness, 546; mysticism, 592n; Waiting on God, 299

Weinberger, Harry, 557, 588

Wells, Dee (later Lady Ayer), 378, 474

Wells, H.G., 440

Werfel, Franz, 318

West, Dame Rebecca, 436, 439–40

Whitbread Prize: IM wins for The Sacred and Profane Love Machine, 543

White, Patrick, 270

Whitfield (house), Herefordshire, 562

Widerberg, Bo, 532

Wignall, Anne, 444

Wilde, Gerald, 295

Wildeblood, Peter, 424

Wilkinson, Endymion Porter, 571

Willett, Anne, 254–5, 367

Willett, John, 96, 269, 354, 367

Williams, Alun Vaughan, 531

Williams, (Sir) Bernard, 302

Williams, Ilse, 37

Williams, Raymond, 78

Williams-Ellis, Amabel, Lady, 96

Williams-Ellis, Charlotte, 85, 95–7, 129

Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough, 96

Williams-Ellis, Susie, 95, 129, 158

Wills, Maud, 65

Wilson, A.N.: on IM’s joining Communist Party for ‘religious’ reasons, 172; on IM-John Bayley marriage, 402, 404; Bayleys entertain, 414; on award of Booker Prize to IM, 526; on IM’s novels, 542; and IM’s destroyed journal, 549; on IM as ‘lay saint', 552n; bequest from IM, 593; writing influenced by IM, 595

Wilson, (Sir) Angus, 255, 364, 385, 405, 413, 443–4

Wilson, Harold (later Baron), 486

Wilson, John Cook, 216&n

Wisdom, John, 262, 265

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: war service, 13; at Cambridge, 239, 262–3, 284; in IM novels, 263–4, 285, 381; IM on, 263–4, 271, 396, 586; IM meets, 265–6, 269; influence on IM, 266–7; and Elizabeth Anscombe, 284–5; little-known in Oxford, 301; suspicion of inner life, 304; and Smythies’ death, 382; Tractatus, 384

Wollheim, Anne, 506

Wollheim, Richard, 301, 472, 492, 495

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 199

Woodward, Joanna, 533

Woolf, Leonard, 510

Woolf, Virginia: on highbrows and lowbrows, 74; IM writes on, 102; IM reads, 154; on slaves and power, 371; social setting, 443; Cecils and, 508; love of London, 585

Word Child, A (IM): style, 405; writing of, 433; plagiarises Joanna, Joanna, 468; on female origins, 528n; on snobs, 539; themes and characters, 542; Czech word in, 582

World War II: outbreak, 106–8; ends in Europe, 209–10; finally ends, 212

Wormser, Olivier: affair with IM, 205

Worsthorne, (Sir) Peregrine, 192

Worswick, David, 294–5 Wright, David, 320

Wright, Max (IM’s second cousin), 10, 415, 592n

Wright, Peter, 181

Wyndham, Francis, 540

Xenophon: Anabasis, 74

Yale University: IM gives talk at, 424, 433

Year of Birds, A (I M and Reynolds Stone), 511

Yeats family, 10

Yeats, John Butler (WBY’s father), 283

Yeats, William Butler, 18, 26, 29,-314, 396, 448, 462, 569

Yugoslavia: rival partisans and factions in, 234–6, 240; dissidents repatriated, 241–3

Zealand, Pat, 71

Zoschenko, Mikhail, 134n