
This account of Sherman’s march is based upon eyewitness accounts too numerous to detail here. No previous attempt has been made to present the march in the words of these hundreds of witnesses and participants. Most of those previously unused by historians are in Midwestern historical societies, and though individually of minor importance, contribute to an understanding of this climactic episode of the war.

In lieu of footnotes, this unconventional bibliography offers a guide to the accounts of participants, both Federal and Confederate, arranged alphabetically. Except as otherwise indicated, accounts by Southern women appear in the following: Mrs. Alfred P. Aldrich, Our Women in the War (Charleston, S.C.: 1885); Lucy L. Anderson, North Carolina Women of the Confederacy (Fayetteville, N.C.: 1926); U. R. Brooks, Stories of the Confederacy (Columbia, S.C.: 1912); F. B. Simkins and J. W. Patton, The Women of the Confederacy (Richmond: 1936); Mrs. Thomas Taylor et al, South Carolina Women in the Confederacy (Columbia, S.C.: 1903); War Days in Fayetteville, N.C. (Fayetteville: 1910). These sources are hereafter referred to as Aldrich, Anderson, Brooks Stories, Simkins, Taylor and War Days. A valuable modern compendium of these accounts is Katharine M. Jones, When Sherman Came (Indianapolis: 1964).

Participants and Eyewitnesses


Aldrich, Mrs. Alfred P. Our Women in the War. Charleston, S.C., 1885.

Anderson, Mrs. John H. Confederate Veteran, Vols. 32 (1924), 35 (1927), 36 (1928).

Anderson, Mrs. Kirby-Smith. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Anderson, Lucy London. North Carolina Women of the Confederacy. Fayetteville, N.C., 1926.

Andrews, Eliza F. The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl, ed. Spencer E. King, Jr. Macon, 1960.

Andrews, M.P. The Women of the South in War Times. Baltimore, 1923.

Andrews, R.Q. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XI. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Anonymous girl in Winnsboro, S.C. Taylor.

Anonymous mother to daughter “Gracia.” Manuscript Division, South Caroliniana Collection, University of South Carolina Library, Columbia.

Anonymous refugee in Lancaster, S.C. Aldrich.

Anonymous woman’s account, Fayetteville, N.C. Copied in Emma Mordecai, Diary. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Barnett, Mary A. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 7 (1899).

Baugh, Willie G. Correspondence. Emory University Library, Atlanta.

Bennett, A.O. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. VII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Blackburn, J.K.P. “Reminiscences of the Terry Rangers,” Southwestern Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. 22 (1918).

Bonner, James C., ed. The Journal of a Milledgeville Girl. Athens, Ga., 1964.

Boyd, David F. Memoirs (manuscript). Walter L. Fleming, Nashville.

Brooks, James H. Confederate Bible Records, Vol. IX. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Brooks, U.R., ed. Stories of the Confederacy. Columbia, S.C., 1912.

Brown, Mrs. Daniel. Taylor.

Bryce, Mrs. Campbell. “Personal Experiences …” South Carolina Pamphlets, Vols. 1–17. Philadelphia, 1894.

Buford, M.M. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 28 (1920).

Burge, Dolly S.L. “Diary …,” ed. James I. Robertson, Jr. Georgia Historical Quarterly, XLV (December 1961).

Butler, General Matthew C. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 13 (1900).

Campbell, Alice. War Days.

Canning, Nora. Aldrich.

Carroll, James P. “Report of Committee Appointed … in Relation to the Destruction of Columbia, S.C.…” Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 8 (1880).

Carroll, Lilla. Brooks Stories.

Carter, “Uncle George.” Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Cay, Raymond. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XI. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Chaffin, Reverend W.S. Diary. Duke University Library, Durham, N.C.

Chapman, R.D. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 38 (1930).

Chesnut, Mary Boykin. A Diary from Dixie. Boston, 1949.

Clark, Walter, ed. Histories of the Several Regiments … from North Carolina …, 5 vols. Raleigh, 1901.

——. Papers, 1783–1920. Manuscript Division, North Carolina Department of Archives and History.

Clark, Walter Augustus. Under the Stars and Bars … Augusta, Ga., 1900.

Cody, E.L. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XI. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Cole, Mrs. B.T. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Collier, Elizabeth. Diary. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Cook, Anna Maria Green. Diary. Special Collection, University of Georgia Library, Athens.

Cooper, Miss A.C. Aldrich.

Cornwell, Mrs. Louise C.R. “Diary.” Diaries of Soldiers and Civilians, Vol. 13. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Davis, Jefferson. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Vol. 2. New York, 1881.

Dodge, David (pseud.). “Home Scenes at the Fall of the Confederacy.” Atlantic Monthly, LXIX (May 1892).

“E.L.L.” Aldrich.

Eckles, J.J. War Record. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Elliott, Mrs. Jane Evans. Diary, compiled by Mrs. Jennie E. McNeill. Raleigh, N.C., 1908.

Elmore, Captain A.R. “Testimony about Burning of Columbia.” Confederate Veteran, Vol. 20 (1912).

Furman, Nancy A. Letter to Jane C. Furman, March 8, 1865. Furman Papers. Furman University Library, Greenville, S.C.

Gardner, Captain G.B. Letter to his wife. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Gillis, Dan. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 18 (1910).

Glassell, Mrs. Janie A. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 36 (1928).

Gordon, Eleanor K. Reminiscences of Sherman’s Visit to Savannah. Georgia Historical Society, Savannah.

Gott, Julia F. Letter to Annie Gott, February 27, 1865. South Caroliniana Collection, University of South Carolina Library, Columbia.

Green, Virginia. Taylor.

Hamilton, Posey. Confederate Veteran, Vols. 29, 30 (1922).

Hampton, General Wade. “Letter on Burning of Columbia.” Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 7 (1879).

Haney family. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. IX. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Hargis, O.P. “Reminiscences.” Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Harmon, George D. “The Military Experiences of James A. Pfeiffer.” North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 32 (1955).

Harper, Major G.W.F. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 18 (1910).

Harris, Leroy W. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. IX. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Hawthorne, Sally. “Reminiscences” (typed copy). North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh.

Haywood, Richard B. In M. De L. Haywood, Builders of the Old North State. Raleigh, N.C., 1968.

Herriott, Robert. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 30 (1922).

High, Emma. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. IX. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Howard, Nelly. In Frances T. Howard, In and Out of the Lines. New York, 1905.

Inzer, Lieutenant Colonel John W. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 32 (1924).

Jackson, A.J. Diary (microfilm). Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Johnston, Joseph E. Narrative of Military Operations. New York, 1872.

Jones, Joseph A. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 19 (1911).

Kelly, Rufus. Account of in T.D. Tinsley, Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XIII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Kyle, Mrs. James. Aldrich.

“L.F.J.” Aldrich.

Law, Agnes. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 12 (May 1884).

Lawrence, R. de T. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 29 (1921).

LeConte, Emma. When the World Ended. New York, 1957.

LeConte, Joseph. ’Ware Sherman. Berkeley, Calif., 1937.

Lee, Julia. Correspondence. Mrs. J. Hardy Lee Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Leverette, Mary. Letter to Caroline, March 18, 1865. South Caroliniana Collection, University of South Carolina Library, Columbia.

Logan, Lily. Letter to General T.M. Logan, March 2, 1865. In My Confederate Girlhood …, ed. Lily Logan Merrill. Richmond, Va., 1932.

Lovett, Howard M. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 26 (1918).

Lynch, Baptista. Aldrich.

MacLean, Mrs. Clara P. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 13 (1885).

Mallard, Mary Jones, and M.S. Jones. Yankees AComing, ed. Haskell Monroe. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1959.

Manley, Emma. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. XIII. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

McCollum, A.S. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

McCord, Mrs. Louisa Cheves. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 8 (1880).

Mills, Rachel Chamblee. Diary. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Mitchell, Ella. History Washington County, Georgia. Atlanta, 1924.

Mordecai, Mrs. Ellen. Letter to Emma Mordecai. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Morgan, D.B. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 32 (1904).

Morgan, James R. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

O’Bear, Katherine T. Through the Years in Winnsboro. Columbia, S.C., 1940.

Olmsted, Charles H. “Memoirs,” ed. Lilla Mills Hawes. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, Vol. 14 (1964), Savannah.

Poppenheim, Mary Eleanor. Taylor.

Powell, Charles S. “Recollections.” Military Collector and Historian, Vol. 10 (Summer 1958).

Quillen, Martha A. Letter to Cousin Sallie. Davis-Quillen Papers. Atlanta Historical Society.

Ravenel, Harriott. Taylor.

Ravenel, Samuel W. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 29 (1921).

Reagan, John H. Memoirs. New York, 1906.

Reynolds, H. Clay. See DuBose; Confederate Veteran, Vol. 20 (1912).

Richardson, Sara Aldrich. Taylor.

Riley, Mrs. Pauline B. “Reminiscences.” The Southern Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 10.

Rowe, Mary. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 60 (1932).

Salley, Marian. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 32 (1924).

Sams, Sarah Jane. Letter to husband, Robert R. Sams, February 8–13,1865. Courtesy Therese Sams Colquhoun, Beaufort, S.C.

Sanders, Robert W. Confederate Veteran, Vols. 34 (1926), 37 (1929).

Scott, Hugh. Brooks; Butler.

Screven, Cornelia. Aldrich.

Simkins, Francis, and James W. Patton. Women of the Confederacy, Richmond, 1936.

Simms, William G. The Sack and Destruction of the City of Columbia

Smith, Jennie Pye. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. III. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Smith, Mason, ed. Mason Smith Family Letters. Columbia, S.C., 1950.

Sosnowski, Mme. Sophie. “Burning of Columbia.” Georgia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 3 (September 1924).

——. Taylor.

Spencer, Cornelia P. The Last 90 Days of the War in North Carolina. New York, 1866.

Stiles, Captain Robert. Diary. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Swain, D.L. Papers. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Tarver, Mrs. Fanny H. Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Taylor, Richard. Destruction and Reconstruction. New York, 1879.

Taylor, Mrs. Thomas, et al. South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Columbia, S.C., 1903.

Thomas, Mrs. Ella Gertrude Clanton. Diary and letter. Duke University Library, Durham, N.C.

Tomb, Captain James H. Confederate Veteran, Vol. 32 (1924).

Townsend, Harry C. Diary. Richmond, 1907.

Travis, Allie. Aldrich.

Trezevant, Daniel H. The Burning of Columbia … Columbia, S.C., 1866.

Vance, Zebulon B. Papers. North Carolina Department of Archives and History.

War Days in Fayetteville, N.C. The J.E.B. Stuart Chapter, UDC, Fayetteville, 1910.

Ward, Dallas T. The Last Flag of Truce. Franklinton, N.C., 1915.

Waring, Joseph F. Diary. Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Warren, Edward A. A Doctor’s Experiences. Baltimore, 1885.

Wells, E.L. “A Morning Call on Kilpatrick.” Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 12(1884).

——. “Who Burnt Columbia?” Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 10 (1882).

White, Mrs. Thomas. “Reminiscences of Benjamin Jordan.” Reminiscences of Confederate Soldiers, Vol. IX. Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta.

Wise, John S. The End of an Era. New York, 1899.

Worth, Josephine B. “Sherman’s Raid.” War Days.

Worth, Nellie. Correspondence, March 21, 1865. North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill.

Participants and Eyewitnesses


Arbuckle, John C. Civil War Experiences … Columbus, Ohio, 1930.

Aten, Henry J. History of the 85th Illinois Regiment. Hiawatha, Kans., 1901.

Atkins, Smith D. History of the 92nd Illinois Volunteers. Freeport, Ill., 1875.

Ayers, James T. “Diary,” Occasional Publication No. 50, Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. XXV.

Baker, Francis R. Journal. Illinois State Library, Springfield.

Barber, Lucius. Army Memoirs. Chicago, 1890.

Batchelor, John. Diary (manuscript). Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.

Belknap, Charles Eugene. “Recollections of a Bummer,” The War of the Sixties, ed. Edward R. Hutchins. New York, 1912.

——. “Bentonville: What a Bummer Knows about It.” Military Order Loyal Legion U.S., Washington, D.C., Commandery, 1893 (hereafter MOLLUS).

Belknap, W.W. History of the 15th Regiment Iowa Volunteers. Keokuk, Iowa, 1887.

Bell, John T. Tramps and Triumphs of the 2nd Iowa Infantry. Omaha, 1886.

Bennett, L.G., and W.M. Haigh. History of the 36th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. Aurora, 1876.

Benton, Charles Edward. As Seen from the Ranks. New York, 1902.

Bircher, William A. Drummer Boy’s Diary. St. Paul, 1889.

Bishop, Judson W. The Story of a Regiment. St. Paul, 1890.

Blake, Ephraim. A Succinct History of the 28th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Belle Plain, Iowa, 1896.

Boies, Andrew J. The Record of the 33rd Massachusetts Infantry. Fitchburg, Mass., 1880.

Boyle, John. Soldiers True. New York, 1903.

Bradley, George S. The Star Corps or Notes of an Army Chaplain. Milwaukee, 1865.

Brant, Jefferson E. History of the 85th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Bloomington, 1902.

Branum, John M. Letters of Lieutenant J.M. Branum. New Castle, Pa., 1897.

Brown, Alonzo. History of the 4th Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers. St. Paul, 1892.

Brown, Charles S. Correspondence. Duke University Library, Durham, N.C.

Brown, Thaddeus C.S., Samuel J. Murphy, and William G. Putney. Behind the Guns: History of Battery I, 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 1965.

Bryant, Edwin E. History of the 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. Madison, 1911.

Burton, Dr. E.P. Diary (typescript). Historical Records Survey, Des Moines, 1939.

Byers, S.H.M. What I Saw in Dixie. Dansville, New York, 1868.

——. With Fire and Sword. New York, 1911.

Calkins, William W. The History of the 104th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Chicago, 1895.

Canfield, Silas S. History of the 21st Regiment. Toledo, 1893.

Carpenter, Frank B. Six Months in the White House. New York, 1920.

Chamberlin, William H. History of the 81st Ohio. Cincinnati, 1865.

Chapman, Horatio Dana. Civil War Diary … of a 49 ’er. Hartford, 1929.

Chase, John A. History of the 14th Ohio. Toledo, 1881.

Cody, A.D. Diary (manuscript). Minnesota Historical Society.

Coffin, Charles C. The Boys of ’61. Boston, 1896.

Connelly, Thomas W. History of the 70th Ohio. Cincinnati, 1902.

Connolly, James A. Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland, ed. Paul Angle. Bloomington, Ind., 1959.

Conyngham, David P. Sherman’s March through the South … New York, 1865.

Copp, Elbridge J. Reminiscences. Nashua, N.H., 1911.

Courtwright, Cornelius C. Diary (manuscript). Chicago Historical Society.

Cox, Jacob D. The March to the Sea. New York, 1900.

Crooker, Lucien B. The Story of the 55th Regiment. Clinton, Mass., 1887.

Davidson, Henry M. Fourteen Months in Southern Prisons. Milwaukee, 1865.

Downing, Alex G. Diary, ed. Olynthus B. Clark. Des Moines, 1916.

Eaton, Clement, ed. “Diary of an Officer in Sherman’s Army” (Captain Dextor Horton). Journal of Southern History, Vol. 9 (May 1943).

Fahnestock, Colonel Allen L. Diary (manuscript). Peoria Public Library.

Fleharty, Stephen F. Our Regiment: A History of the 102nd Illinois Infantry Volunteers… Chicago, 1865.

Floyd, David B. History of the 75th Indiana Regiment. Philadelphia, 1893.

Foote, Corydon E. With Sherman to the Sea. New York, 1960.

Gage, Moses D. From Vicksburg to Raleigh. Chicago, 1865.

Garber, Michael C. “Reminiscences of the Burning of Columbia.” Indiana Magazine of History, Vol. XI (December 1915).

Glazier, Willard. The Capture, the Prison Pen, the Escape. New York, 1868.

Grigsby, Melvin. The Smoked Yank. Sioux Falls, S.D. 1888.

Grunert, William. The 129th Illinois Infantry. Winchester, Ill., 1866.

Hamilton, William D. “In at the Death.” MOLLUS, Ohio Commandery, VI. Cincinnati, 1908.

——. Recollections of a Cavalryman … Columbia, S.C., 1915.

Hazen, W.B. A Narrative of Military Service. Boston, 1885.

Headley, F. Y. Marching through Georgia. Chicago, 1890.

Hedley, Fenwick W. Marching through Georgia. Chicago, 1890.

Heer, George W. Episodes of the Civil War. San Francisco, 1890.

Hight, John J. History of 58th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, compiled by Gilbert Stormont. Princeton, Ind., 1905.

Hinkley, Julian W. A Narrative of Service with the 3rd Wisconsin. Madison, 1912.

Hitchcock, Henry. Marching with Sherman, ed. M.A. deWolfe Howe. New Haven, 1927.

Horton, Captain Dextor, see Eaton.

Howard, Frances Thomas. In and Out of the Lines. New York, 1905.

Howard, O.O. Autobiography. New York, 1907.

Humphrey, William. Diary and letter. Chicago Public Library.

Humphreys, Charles A. Field, Camp, Hospital and Prison. Boston, 1918.

Hunter, Alfred G. History of the 82nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Indianapolis, 1893.

Hurst, Samuel H. JournalHistory of the 73rd Ohio. Chilicothe, 1866.

Jackson, O.L. The Colonel’s Diary … Sherron, Ohio, 1922.

Jamison, Matthew. Recollections of Pioneer and Army Life. Kansas City, Mo.,1911.

Johnson, William B. Union to the Hub and Twice around the Tire. Balboa, Calif., 1950.

Johnson, William C. The March to the Sea. Department of Ohio GAR War Papers, 1891.

Kerr, Charles D. “From Atlanta to Raleigh.” MOLLUS, Minnesota Commandery, 1st Series. St. Paul.

Kinnear, John R. History of the 86th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. Chicago, 1866.

Lamb, Alfred. My March with Sherman to the Sea. NP, Paddock Publications, 1961.

Logan, John A. The Volunteer Soldier. Chicago, 1887.

Lucas, Daniel R. History of 99th Indiana Infantry. Lafayette, Ind., 1865.

Lybarger, Edwin L. Leaves from My Diary. Coshocton, Ohio, 1910.

Macy, Jesse. An Autobiography, ed. K. Macy Noyes. Springfield Ill., 1933.

Mahon, Samuel. “Civil War Letters.” Iowa Journal of History, Vol. LI (1953).

Malcolm, Frank. “Such Is War.” Iowa Journal of History, Vol. LVIII (1960).

Markland, A.H. Address to Society of Army of the Tennessee, reunion of 1885.

McAdams, Francis M. Every Day Soldier Life, Or a History of the 113th Ohio. Columbus, 1884.

McArthur, Henry Clay. The Capture and Destruction of Columbia. Washington, D.C., 1911.

McBride, John R. History of the 33rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Indianapolis, 1900.

McCain, Warren. A Soldier’s Diary. Indianapolis, 1885.

McDonald, Granville B. A History of the 30th Illinois Volunteers. Sparta, Ill., 1916.

McKeever, Elliot B. He Rode with Sherman. Aberdeen, S.D., 1947.

McNeil, Samuel A. Personal Recollections of Service in the Army of the Cumberland. Richwood, Ohio, 1910.

Merrill, Samuel. History of the 70th Indiana Regiment. Indianapolis, 1900.

——. “Letters from a Civil War Officer.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. XIV (1928).

Morhaus, Henry C. Reminiscences of 123rd Regiment, New York Volunteers. Greenwich, N.Y., 1879.

Morse, Bliss. Civil War Diary. Pittsburg, Kans., 1964.

Morse, Charles F. Letters Written during the Civil War. Boston, 1898.

Nichols, George W. The Story of the Great March … New York, 1865.

Nourse, Henry S. “The Burning of Columbia, S.C.” Papers, Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Vol. IX.

Orendorff, H.H., et al., eds. Reminiscences of the Civil War from Diaries of Members of the 103rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Chicago, 1905.

Osborn, Hartwell. Trials and TriumphsThe Record of the 55th Ohio. Chicago, 1904.

Owens, Ira S. Green County Soldiers in the Late War. Dayton, 1884.

Payne, Edwin W. History of the 34th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Clinton, Iowa, 1902.

Peddycord, William F. History of 74th Indiana. Warsaw, Ind., 1913.

Pendergast, Harrison. Diary. H. Pendergast Papers, Minnesota Historical Society.

Pepper, George W. Personal Recollections of Sherman’s Campaigns. Zanesville, Ohio, 1866.

Perry, Sergeant Elias. Diary. Western Historical Manuscript Collection, University of Missouri Library, Columbia.

Pike, James. The Scout and Ranger. Cincinnati, 1865.

Porter, Anthony Toomer. The History of a Work of Faith and Love in Charleston, S.C.… New York, 1881.

Porter, David D. Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War. New York, 1885.

Potter, John. Reminiscences of the Civil War. Oskaloosa, Iowa.

Putney, Frank H. “Incidents of Sherman’s March.” MOLLUS, Wisconsin Commandery, Vol. III., 1900.

Reid, Harvey. The View from HeadquartersCivil War Letters of Harvey Reid, ed. Frank L. Byrne. Madison, Wis., 1965.

Remington, Cyrus K. A Record of Battery I 1st New York Light Artillery. Buffalo, 1891.

Rice, Franklin G. Diary of 19th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Big Rapids, not dated.

Rockwood, Captain Rhoderick R. Diary. State Historical Society of Missouri.

Rood, Hosea M. Company E Twelfth Wisconsin Regiment. Milwaukee, 1893.

Ross, Sergeant Levi. Diary. Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield.

Rushing, James F. Men and Things I Saw. Cincinnati, 1899.

Saunier, Joseph A. A History of the 47th Ohio. Hillsboro, 1903.

Schofield, John M. Forty Six Years in the Army. New York, 1897.

Schurz, Carl. Reminiscences … New York, 1908.

Sharland, George. Knapsack Notes of General Sherman’s Grand Campaign. Springfield, Ill., 1865.

Sherlock, Eli J. Memorabilia of Marches and Battles. Kansas City, Mo., 1896.

Sherman, W.T. Home Letters of General Sherman, ed. M.A. deWolfe Howe. New York, 1909.

——. Memoirs … 2 vols. New York, 1875.

Sherman, W.T., and John Sherman. The Sherman Letters. New York, 1894.

Smith, Charles H. The History of Fuller’s Ohio Brigade. Cleveland, 1909.

Stewart, Nixon B. Dan McCook’s Regiment, 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Storrs, John W. The 20th Connecticut Regiment. Ansonia, Conn., 1886.

Sweet, Private Benjamin F. “War Record” (journal). Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, University of Missouri Library, Columbia.

Toombs, Samuel. History of the 13th New Jersey. Orange, 1878.

Tourgee, Albion W. The Story of a Thousand. Buffalo, 1896.

Trego, Lieutenant Alfred H. Diary (manuscript). Chicago Historical Society.

Trimble, Harvey M. History of 93rd Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry.

Upson, Theodore F. With Sherman to the Sea … Bloomington, Ind., 1958.

Welles, Gideon. Diary, 3 vols. Boston, 1911.

Wills, Charles Wright. Army Life of an Illinois Soldier. Washington, D.C., 1906.

——. “Diary,” see Orendorff.

Wilson, Captain Ephraim. Memoirs of the War. Cleveland, 1893.


Dawson, George F. Life and Services of General John A. Logan. Chicago, 1887.

Dodson, William C. Campaigns of Wheeler and His Cavalry … Atlanta, 1899.

Dowd, Clement. Life of Zebulon B. Vance. Charlotte, N.C., 1897.

DuBose, John W. General Joseph Wheeler and the Army of Tennessee. New York, 1912.

Dyer, John P. “Fightin’ Joe” Wheeler. Baton Rouge, La., 1941.

Fielder, Herbert.… Life and Times of Joseph E. Brown. Springfield, 188?.

Gorham, G.C. Life of Edwin M. Stanton. Boston, 1899.

Hughes, Nathanael C., Jr. General William J. Hardee. Baton Rouge, La., 1965.

Moore, James. Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry. New York, 1865.

O’Connor, Richard. Hood, Cavalier General. New York, 1949.

“One Who Knows” (pseud.). A Checkered Life: Being a Brief History of the Countess Pourtales, Formerly Miss Marie Boozer. Columbia, S.C., 1878.

Seitz, Don C. Braxton Bragg … Columbia, S.C., 1924.

Slocum, Charles E. Life and Services of Major-General Henry Warner Slocum … Toledo, 1913.

Thomas, Benjamin P. Stanton: The Life and Times of Lincoln’s Secretary of War. New York, 1962.

Wellman, Manly W. Giant in Gray: A Biography of Wade Hampton … New York, 1949.

Wells, Edward L. Hampton and His Cavalry in ’64. Richmond, 1899.


The most important collections of Sherman papers are in the Library of Congress Manuscript Division (especially the forty-four volumes of “Letter Books”); the University of Notre Dame; the Ohio Historical Society; the Huntington Library; the Wisconsin Historical Society; and the libraries of the following universities: Michigan, Yale, Duke and Louisiana.

The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion (Washington, D.C.: 1898–1901) are essential to an understanding of the great march. Volume XLIV, Series 1, deals with the Georgia phase, and Volume XLVII with the Carolinas phase. These works should be supplemented by the Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War (Washington, D.C.: 1865) and its two-volume Supplement (Washington, D.C.: 1866). Of equal importance is General Sherman’s Official Accounts of his Great March through Georgia and the Carolinas (New York: 1865).


The most able, if somewhat adulatory, of these is Lloyd Lewis’ Sherman: Fighting Prophet (New York: 1932). Others:

Bowman, Samuel M., and R. B. Irwin. Sherman and His Campaigns. New York, 1865.

Burne, Alfred H. Lee, Grant and Sherman. New York, 1939.

Force, Manning F. General Sherman. New York, 1899.

Headley, Joel T. Grant and Sherman. New York, 1865.

Liddell Hart, Basil H. Sherman: The Genius of the Civil War. London, 1930.

——. Sherman: Soldier, Realist, American. New York, 1929.

Macartney, Clarence E. Grant and His Generals. New York, 1953.

Special Studies of Sherman

Boyd, David F. General W.T. Sherman As a College President. Baton Rouge, La., 1910.

Boynton, Henry V.N. Sherman’s Historical Raid. Cincinnati, 1875.

Cook, Harvey T. Sherman’s March through South Carolina … Greenville, 1938.

Moulton, Charles W. The Review of General Sherman’s Memoirs in the Light of Its Own Evidence. Cincinnati, 1875. (A response to Boynton’s scathing review of Sherman’s Memoirs.)

Who Burnt Columbia? Part 1, Official Depositions of William T. Sherman, General of the Army of the United States … Before the Mixed Commission on British and American Claims. Charleston, S.C., 1873.

Williams, John B. “General William T. Sherman and Total War.” Journal of Southern History, Vol. 14 (1948).

Other Sources

Andrews, J. Cutler. The North Reports the Civil War. Pittsburgh, 1955.

Barrett, John G. Sherman’s March through the Carolinas. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1956.

Bartlett, John R. The Literature of the Rebellion. Boston, 1866.

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. 4. New York, 1888.

Bibliography of State Participation in the Civil War, 1861–65. Washington, D.C., 1913.

Bonner, James C. “Sherman at Milledgeville.” Journal of Southern History, August 1956.

Brooks, U.R. Butler and His Cavalry. Columbia, S.C., 1909.

The Confederate Records of the State of Georgia (Candler), Vols. 2 and 3.

Coulter, Eliis M. Travels in the Confederate States. Norman, Okla., 1948.

Dornbusch, Charles E., ed. The Military Bibliography of the Civil War, 2 vols. New York, 1913, 1961, 1967.

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Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist

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British Army & Navy Gazette

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