For aid in writing this book, I am indebted to my wife, Evangeline, critic, goad and typist; to Lettie Rogers, grammarian, stylist and indispensable consultant; to Carroll G. Bowen and Mattie Straughan, who proposed it; to Robert D. Loomis, its enthusiastic editor; to the Confederate Museum and the Valentine Museum of Richmond; to the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina Library; to the North Carolina Department of Archives and History; to the Greensboro Public Library, in particular Olivia Burwell and Irene Hester; to the libraries of the Woman’s College, University of North Carolina, and of Guilford College.
I am also indebted to North Carolinians who opened their private libraries to allow use of valuable books or manuscripts, among them: Keith F. Cooper, Mrs. Edgar C. Garber, Mrs. C. T. Lipscomb, Mrs. Mary R. Lomax and Mrs. Henry Myers.
For contributions neither literary nor historical, I am indebted to my neighbors, Eve and Floyd Hugh Craft of Melwood; to Joseph B. Stevens, M.D., and his elixir for burdened writers; and to Miles H. Wolff, a helpful and understanding newspaper editor.
Burke Davis
Cornwallis House,
Guilford College, N.C.
April 21, 1954