
Chapter 4


Sady arrived before the rest of the crew to get a poolside lounge chair. She smile at the guests and tried to keep her eyes above chin level. The nudists didn’t care if they flashed outdated produce. Sady cared. She closed her eyes and prayed for a quick end to the evening. She watched the doorway with curiosity to see who entered. Her eyes popped when she saw Jenna. She rubbed her eyes and took another look. Jenna wore a provocative suit, but that wasn't what made Sady gawk. She sat back with a grin and sent a text to Amanda.

Less than five minutes later Amanda pushed her way to Sady's lounge chair. Sady moved her legs, and Amanda sat with her. "Where?" she asked. Sady pointed, and Amanda snickered. "Can't wait to ride Stubbles about this one," she announced in delight.

Harry and CJ arrived before the guys. They waved at the women, then moved to chat with other guests, hoping to learn something useful. Amanda said, "They better hurry up and get here, because I don't think I can stand much more of this pasty bouncing flesh." Sady nudged her and Amanda whipped around with a mischievous expression.

Matt and Eric looked confused when they saw Amanda sitting with Sady. Then the women smiled and waved. The guys checked their shorts self consciously, causing further laughter. Someone stopped Eric to talk, and Matt continued until he stood near Sady’s chair. "Is something amusing?" he asked. "And why are you here? I thought you were at the bar," he said to Amanda.

"Changed my mind and came for the show," she replied cryptically.

"Hey, Matt! Join me for a swim?" Jenna called to him from the pool with her head and hands on the edge. Matt gave the women a snarky smile and nodded.

He dove in and re-surfaced, choking on pool water. His face turned red from his coughing spell and Jenna pounded his back. Amanda stood, snapped a picture with her phone, and turned to Sady, "Thanks! I would have paid to have seen this. I'm going back to the pub to celebrate."

Matt climbed out of the pool looking ill. "Swallow too much pool water?" Sady asked. Before Matt could reply, Jenna then invited Eric... with the same results. He staggered out of the water and flopped by Sady's lounge. "Come on guys, where's your appreciation for nature?" she teased.

"It got lost in the forest... under her armpit!" Matt shuddered.

Eric looked down at his own legs. "Compared to her, it looks like I shave," he said in horrified awe. He looked around the pool area. "Her legs are hairier than most of the men in this place! If she ever gets attacked by a shark, it's gonna be harking up hairballs."

Sady doubled over, laughing into her towel. "Be nice. Just because a girl doesn't shave doesn't mean anything's wrong with her."

"It doesn't mean anything's right, either. I wish the chlorine could bleach that from my mind," Eric said. "God, I'm not even getting paid. Maybe I should join Amanda! At least I know what I'm getting." He rushed from the pool before CJ could stop him.

"That wasn't nice," Matt told Sady.

"Oh, you can't blame this one on me, Meadows. Besides, I wasn't mean. You were," Sady replied.

"I'm tempted to join Eric and Amanda," he threatened.

"You can't. Boss' orders, remember?" Sady smirked.

"Well, even if Jenna hadn't killed the evening with her Sasquatch impersonation I'd be ready for that drink, anyway. I've seen more low hanging fruits and vegetables tonight that anyone needs to see in a lifetime!" He looked at Sady’s outfit. "And what about you, Miss Beauty Queen? A one piece tank suit? I thought you'd at least have a bikini."

"There's already too much flesh on display. Besides, I don't have as much to show off as Miss Pine Nuts," she joked. "And look- it's not just a tank suit. It's a skirtini." She stood and showed him.

"Why am I not surprised?" he asked. "You're wearing the most fabric of any woman in here, and you have the most to show. But you'd best stay out of the pool. You don't want the werewolf to see you swimming... or she'll get jealous. I think I'll find Harry and rub his head. Maybe it will help my recovery."

"Well, you'd better recover pretty quick. You and Eric still have a job to do."

"I don't know if I can," he moaned. "The image of all that fur is burned into my retinas."

"Look for that silver lining, Matt." Her eyes sparkled at his discomfort.

"And what's that?"

"She has to wear clothes to ski," Sady said with a smile.

"I'm not so sure about that," he replied with a twitch. "You want to trade?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You take Jenna, we'll take George," he offered.

"Oh, no! I've already started the legwork. Oops, I'm sorry! Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned legs," she said with a wicked grin.

"Now you're just being cruel, Sady," he accused.

"Wrong. I shaved my legs, see?" She held up one long leg. "Fur free."

"If you do that again it might become a drumstick," he threatened.

"You wouldn't!"

"Yes, I would. Well, not here. But that's like showing a steak to a hungry man who was just offered a caterpillar."

"Gross analogy!" Sady said.

"But apt," he grinned.

"You're shameless, Meadows."

"Part of my charm," he replied.

"Well, Prince Charming, I hate to tell you this but you're on the radar again." Sady pointed to Jenna waving, trying to get his attention.

"Move over," he told Sady, "or I'll sit on your lap!" Sady moved her legs just in time to prevent him from sitting on her.

"What's up with that?" she asked.

"Self preservation. I didn't bring a brush hog."

"You're going to be on Karma's hit list one day, Matt," she scolded.

"I know. Now get off this chaise and let me have the back," he insisted.

"I suppose you have a reason for this?" she asked.

"You doubt me? Come on, Sady, give me a little credit. Now get up and let me have the back." Sady reluctantly stood, and Matt took her place in the lounge chair. He patted the spot in front of him.

"Seriously?" She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head.

He nodded. "Serious protection- against the cave woman! Now, if you sit in front of me, she'll think I'm with you, and leave me alone."

"What do I get out of this?" Sady asked.

"A chance to sit with the hottest guy in here?" he replied.

"I don't know about that. Harry's causing a serious splash in his swim trunks," she teased.

"Harry's off limits. Which leaves me. Unless you want me to flag down company for you. How about that guy over there?" He pointed to one of the nudists. Sady looked and slapped her hand over her eyes. "Move over." She settled at the end of the chair. "Is that better?"

"Not much. It would be nicer if you leaned back against me," he replied with a gleam in his blue eyes.

"Uh, huh. Nicer for whom?"

"Why don't you move back, and we'll see," he offered.

"Side by side, or no deal," she countered.

"You're ruining all the fun," he complained.

Her brows rose. "And I thought Jenna already did that!"

"Sady, shut up and scoot back." He moved over, so they shared the lounge. It was a tight fit, so he put his arm around her shoulder.

"See, I'm fun," she told him.

He shifted his legs next to hers. "Now you're fun." Sady shook her head with a mock sigh. They watched people around the pool for a few minutes.

“It's like a freak show in here,” Matt whispered in her ear. “That one looks like a meat buoy.”

"Or a circus," Sady agreed. "There's the tattoo guy. He's wearing shorts, but I bet he has tats all over his butt." She nudged Matt and pointed to a guy with broad shoulders. "He gets my vote for the strong man."

"Wrong- that goes to CJ," he laughed.

"CJ has to be the little person."

"Have you ever been taken down by CJ?" Matt asked.


"Then I rest my case," he said.

"CJ will rest your case when she finds out," Sady said with a smile.

"She will take it as a compliment," he returned.

"You're probably right. Besides, that guy with the shoulders? When he stood I saw he'd traded in his six-pack for a pony keg. Okay, let's move on... Any votes for the bearded lady?" she joked.

"You can't let it rest, can you? Give her a couple years. I think she already has a partial 'stache. The beard can't be far behind." He shook his head like a dog, hoping to forget the sight of the hairy woman.

"That woman who just took a dive qualifies for the contortionist act. She's the closest to double jointed in here," he observed.



"I hate to say it, but I think you're the lion tamer." She broke out in giggles.

"Wrong. I'm the bunny catcher." He pulled her closer to prove his point. She leaned against his chest, and his chin rested on her head. Sady didn't argue, especially when she felt the thumping of his heart in her ear.

"We're not going to get thrown out of here, are we?" she asked, sounding worried.

"With a room full of naked people running around? No one cares that we’re sharing a lounge, trust me."

"You realize that might be us out there someday, don't you?" she teased.

"Just as long as you're not the fuzzy woman," he replied.

"I just had a thought," she said.

Matt sighed. "If you're not talking, then you're thinking out loud," he complained. "Can't you ever just relax and enjoy the moment?"

"Do you think we should have warned Eric about Amanda?" she asked.

"No, that's part of the fun," he responded.

"Will it still be fun tomorrow when he's in bed with a hangover, and you have Jenna to yourself?" Matt sat up and almost knocked her out of the chair.

"We have to go, now," he insisted.

He dragged her to the exit, and she tried not to laugh as she waved to the Knights. CJ would have a mutiny on her hands if she tried forcing Matt and Eric back to the pool. Harry waved as they left, knowing why they hurried.

"Are you coming for a drink?" Matt asked, as she unlocked the door to her room.

"Oh, no! The last time I had drinks with you and Amanda it didn't turn out well. Just don't let her drink you under the table." She finished speaking to his back as he raced down the hall to his room.

"I have to warn Eric before it's too late," he yelled before disappearing. Sady smiled as she closed her door. She took a bath and went to bed. Amanda was still out when she drifted off to sleep.