After making his morning rounds, Beck pushed through the double doors of the ER, anxious to take Heavenly away for some much-needed alone time.

As he turned the corner, Kathryn stood over Heavenly with a condescending sneer. “You’re a volunteer. You don’t know enough yet to think. Leave that to the nurses who have actually earned degrees.”

Beck marched toward them, jaw clenched. He was so over this shrew’s shit. Kathryn hadn’t opened Heavenly’s locker for a “prank” in the week since he and Seth had planted the surveillance camera. It was time to prod the viper into striking the way she was dying to and end this for good.

Heavenly held up her hands. “You told me to—”

“Hi.” Beck slung his arm around her waist and stroked her downy cheek. “Ready for our date, little girl?”

Kathryn gasped, nostrils flared, then tried to bite back her outrage. But he heard.

Yeah, he had the bitch’s attention…

“Um…yes.” Heavenly tensed and tried to wriggle free.

Nope. Wasn’t happening. He sent her an easy smile and snuggled the sweet ray of sunshine closer.

“Dr. Beckman, we have standards of professionalism here that don’t include PDA.” Kathryn huffed. “That should be private.”

A tremor shook Heavenly, and Beck hated knowing she was afraid of this cunt.

Hopefully not for long.

“You’re right. I know the perfect spot, and it’s not the janitor’s closet,” he quipped, then nudged Heavenly. “Let’s go.”

Indignation filled Kathryn’s face as Heavenly grabbed her backpack. “I’m more than ready.”

“Change your clothes, then we’ll head out.”

“I didn’t say you could leave early,” Kathryn protested. “I need you here.”

“Since I was determined to spend time with Heavenly, I cleared the schedule change with your boss. Bridget said yes. Now I have this girl to myself for the rest of the day.” He dropped to whisper in Heavenly’s ear, making sure Kathryn wouldn’t miss a word. “And all night.”

Kathryn’s eyes sparked with fury. A wave of palpable hostility rolled off her.


Heavenly gave the woman a nervous glance. “Well, um—”

“Bye, Kathryn. Don’t work too hard,” Beck tossed over his shoulder as he grabbed Heavenly’s hand and pulled her down the hall beside him until they were out of the bitch’s earshot.

“I told you I have to wait tables tonight,” Heavenly whispered furiously.

“I know.” Beck didn’t like it, but he understood. He’d worked a few odd jobs through med school, too. “But she doesn’t.”

“Why are you trying to make my time here worse?”

“Change your clothes, then we’ll get out of here. And I’ll let you in on a secret,” he promised with a squeeze of reassurance.

She sighed but complied, slipping into the ladies’ room. He waited outside until she emerged again, wearing a little bohemian sundress in an easy-breezy white with a band of lace around her waist that played peekaboo with the bare skin beneath and a handkerchief hem that flirted with her thighs. His eyes almost popped from his head. His mouth watered. His erection sprang to life instantly.

Damn. How was he supposed to focus on charming her if all he could think about was commanding and fucking her? “You look great.”

“Thanks. Are you going to tell me what’s going on now?”

“Let’s go outside.” He took her hand and headed for the door.

Once they found his car, Heavenly pinned him with a disgruntled scowl. “Now, what was all that about?”

“I’m giving Kathryn enough rope to hang herself…with an extra foot or two for incentive.”

She gaped. “What is wrong with you?”

Beck slid a grin her way. “Do you want the list alphabetically or chronologically?”

“This is serious. The minute your back is turned, Kathryn will shred me with her fangs and claws.”

“No, she won’t.”

Heavenly rolled her eyes. “Yeah, she will.”

“No. She. Won’t.” He arched his brows.

“What are you up to?”

One day, he’d teach her that questioning him would earn her a sore, red ass. For now, he humored her, as he’d been doing for three long, ball-straining months. Inside, he was eager to tear away the bindings leashing his inner Dominant and wrap them around her sinful body until she was at his mercy and moaning.

Shit, first he had to kiss her.

“What you don’t know can’t get you in trouble.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, my gosh. Please tell me what’s going on.”

“I thought you trusted me, little girl.”

“I do. After all, I jumped off a perfectly good bridge for you.”

“Because you knew I would protect you, like I’m doing now. Let’s just say Kathryn will get exactly what she deserves.”

“Oh, you make me nervous. You know there’s no way she doesn’t take the bait?” She sighed. “Of course you know that.”

Beck burst out laughing. “Are you figuring out that maybe I’m scary after all?”

“Sure, but do you understand that Kathryn is really sly? You can’t be with me every moment—”

“Trust me. She won’t hurt you again. That’s a promise.” Beck cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

It wasn’t the heated kiss shithead Seth had planted on her at Hammer’s party, but Beck wasn’t about to taste her lips for the first time in the bowels of a parking structure. It was decidedly unromantic, and Heavenly deserved better. But then, she’d also deserved more than choking on Seth’s tongue while he dry-humped her in front of a throng of partygoers. He’d ask what the asswipe had been thinking, but it was obvious all his blood had migrated south and shriveled his brain cells. Seth obviously hadn’t bothered to learn anything about Heavenly or he would have known such a public display would only embarrass the shy, sensitive girl.

The whole thing had been a fucking nightmare. Watching Seth claim Heavenly’s mouth as if he owned it—and seeing her respond so hungrily—hadn’t even been the worst. Being unable to do a damn thing to stop them while they’d all but fucked with their clothes on had. Even a week later, no amount of mind bleach could disinfect the memory from Beck’s brain. But the war wasn’t over. The smooth, seducing prick might have kissed Heavenly first, but Beck vowed he’d be the first—and only—man to drag her beneath him and pleasure her until she shattered over and over.

Reluctantly, he released her and opened the passenger door. After she settled into her seat, he climbed behind the wheel and headed toward the freeway, determined to put everyone else from his mind. This day was for him and Heavenly alone.

Clasping his hand in hers, Beck pulled onto Coast Highway, toward Malibu. Beside him, Heavenly stared out at the ocean.

“Oh, my gosh!” She sent him a delighted grin. “The Pacific! It’s so beautiful. And huge! Can we stop?”

“You’ve lived in LA for months. You’ve never seen the beach?”

She shook her head, unwilling to tear her gaze away from the vast blue water. “I haven’t had time.”

“Then you’re in for a treat, little girl.”

Beck found a place to park, looking forward to her reaction as the chilly water rolled across her bare feet for the first time. Hand in hand, they strolled through the blinding California sun along the short, tree-covered path and down the stairs to a sandy beach.

Heavenly’s stare filled with wonder. “Wow, I feel so small.” Then she turned in a slow circle, taking in the massive rock formations, the opulent mansions poised on the hill, the lounging sunbathers, and the water rolling onto the sun-drenched sand again. “This is amazing.”

“Not as amazing as you are,” he murmured in a low voice.

“You’re making me blush. Then again, that’s easy.” She laughed at herself.

Damn, she was adorable. “Take off your shoes; feel the sand between your toes.”

With a giddy giggle, she kicked off her sandals. He hooked their straps over his finger and watched her grin widen as she curled her toes in the sand. “It’s softer than I expected.”

He drank in her awe as he shucked his own shoes and cuffed his pant legs. Taking her hand once more, he led her to the edge of the water. The sand grew cold and firm, and he watched her face as a wave rolled in and broke around their ankles.

“It’s freezing!”

Yeah, that had surprised him the first time, too. “So you don’t want to go for a swim today?”

“Oh, gosh no.”

He laughed, loving that, like their trip to Disneyland, he could feel the newness of this experience through her. “How about a leisurely walk, then?”

“I’d love that. I’m not ready to stop looking at the ocean. It’s just…” She sighed. “Wow.”

A companionable silence settled between them as they strolled down the beach. Heavenly finally stopped ping-ponging her gaze between the massive homes and the ocean waves to smile up at him. “Thank you for stopping here. It’s beautiful.”

“And today, I’m letting you keep both feet on the ground.”

“I’m really happy about that.”

“Yeah? Well, I brought a barf bag in case you need to—”

“Oh, hush,” she chided, slapping at his shoulder.

Beck led her to a jutting stone rising out of the sand. “We need to talk about Hammer’s party, little girl.”

Her face clouded over. “I’d rather not. Besides, we’ve eaten lunch together this past week and you haven’t said a word. Why bring it up now?”

“I respect your privacy. I wasn’t going to discuss it in the cafeteria, where Kathryn or anyone else could overhear.” He pinned her with a serious stare.

“Thank you.”

“But I haven’t said everything I need to.” Beck hooked his finger under her chin and locked their gazes together. “I’m going to now.”

“I swear, I wasn’t trying to shove it in your face. I’d never been kissed and I-I lost my head. I stopped thinking. And I feel terrible about it.”

“I told you I’m not mad at you. Of course you were caught up. It was a completely new experience for you.” Cocksucking Seth, on the other hand, damn well knew better and he’d just kept coming at Heavenly with every seductive weapon in his arsenal. “After all the time we’ve spent together, I know you’d never intentionally hurt me.”

She sent him a regretful shake of her head. “I saw the expression in your eyes, the anger on your face…”

“I’m not going to lie, watching you kiss him back stung. You’ve been open about your feelings. But seeing the heat between you two was…an eye-opener.”

Actually, it convinced him he’d been tiptoeing around his blazing attraction to Heavenly for too long.

“I’m sorr—”

“Shh.” He placed a finger over her lips, wishing his mouth covered them instead. “Don’t apologize for caring about people. Your big heart is one of the reasons I find you so fascinating.”

“You have a big heart, too, you know.”

Beck shook his head in denial, then delved into her big blue eyes and gathered all his courage to ask the question screaming through his head. “I just need to know if your feelings for me are as strong.”

Heavenly didn’t hesitate. “Every bit. That’s why I’m so confused.”

Her answer didn’t surprise him. “I’m sure you are.”

“When I’m with either of you, I have the best time. Since I saw how upset you were after Seth kissed me, I’ve been telling myself that I have to choose. I can’t keep hurting either of you. But I don’t know how to do it.”

At the guilt in her tone, he cupped her cheek. “I don’t want you agonizing over this right now.”

“I can’t help it. I hate the thought that either of you might think I’m playing some sort of game.”

“I don’t. What you’re feeling isn’t right or wrong; it just is. The choice will become clear to you—in time. It might come faster if you stop trying to force yourself to decide.”

“I’ll try.” Heavenly sounded somewhere between unconvinced and dejected.

“Do your best.” He sent her a tender smile. “I need to ask one more thing: When Seth took you inside after he kissed you, did he talk to you, try to calm you down?”


“That’s all I needed to hear.” Maybe I won’t have to kill him, after all.

Of course, after watching the PI knock Pike out with one punch, Beck wondered if he could possibly win a fistfight against his rival…

Heavenly’s stomach growled, interrupting his thoughts. “Did you skip breakfast?”

She sighed. “Yes.”

“Come with me. Time for lunch.” He took her hand, and they headed back to his car.

Finally, he was going to kiss her. Not in the parking lot. Not with cars whizzing past them on PCH. But he had a plan—one that guaranteed no one but him would lay eyes on Heavenly when she first felt his touch.

A few blocks away, he parked in front of an Italian hole-in-the-wall he frequented. He opened the door for Heavenly, watching as she stepped inside and took in the quaint interior with its rustic chandeliers, plastered walls, and checkered tablecloths, all offset by the little white lights gleaming off the stained concrete floors. A few diners were already here, come early to beat the lunch rush. More would be filing in soon.

“It’s not fancy, but the food is amazing. One day, all the ravioli and spumoni is going to catch up with me.” He patted his stomach.

She smiled at him. “If you brought me here, I’m sure the food is great. But the company is even better, and that’s why I’m here.”

“Aw, now you’re going to make me blush.”

“I doubt I could. Somehow, I get the feeling you’ve seen it all.”

And done it, too. But she didn’t need to know that.

“You come here a lot?” Heavenly asked.

Before he could answer, Angelo, an older man with a big belly and thinning silver hair, hurried their way. “Good to see you again, Dr. Beckman.” He shook Beck’s hand enthusiastically and sent Heavenly a welcoming smile. “Your table is ready. I don’t take lunch reservations, but for you, I made an exception. Now I know why you insisted.”

“Angelo, this is Heavenly.”

He took her hand between his, soft and spotted with age. “A lovely name for a lovely woman.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure. The doctor has been coming here for years, and I always think he should not come alone. Yet he always does. So today, we celebrate.”

Shit, if that didn’t make him sound lonely and desperate.

Heavenly turned to him with shock in her bright smile. “If I’m the first person you’ve brought here, coming here is even more special to me.”

That seemed to delight Angelo. “Follow me. I will show you to your table and bring your wine while you decide what you’d like to feast on today.”

Beck already knew; he wanted to feast on the gorgeous little girl at his side.

When they passed through the dining room and reached the cozy alcove tucked in a private hallway off the back of the kitchen, he motioned Heavenly into the lone booth. Beck slid in beside her as Angelo handed them each menus and left.

“We really are alone.” She glanced around, seemingly surprised not to see a single soul.

Beck smiled. “Tell me what you’re hungry for.”

Heavenly studied the menu. “What’s good?”

“Everything.” When she flipped a page, then another, followed by another still and frowned, he cut in. “Do you want me to order your lunch?”


After Angelo reappeared with a bottle of red wine and poured them each a glass, Beck ordered. Then the old man hurried away with a wink.

Finally, he and Heavenly were alone.

Beck handed her a glass of vino. As he raised his own, he studied her rosy lips. She licked them nervously.

Fuck, he’d fantasized about today a million times.

“Remember when I told you we were more than friends?” He slid a knuckle down her cheek.

Heavenly nodded shyly. “That made me happy. I thought for so long that my feelings were one-sided.”

“Not at all. I don’t merely like you.” He leaned closer, took her hand. “You intrigue me. I want you and I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve pursued you more than I have any woman—ever. And somehow, someway, I intend to have you.”

She swallowed, scanning his eyes, seeming to test his sincerity.

He let the gravity on his face speak his truth. “I’m telling you this because I’m not good at romance, but I want you to know that if my feelings change, it will only be because they’ve grown stronger.”

“You can’t know that—”

“I can. I know what I feel. And I’m mad about you.” He ran his finger along her jawline. “I’m consumed with you.”

Heavenly stared mutely, breathing, blinking, pulse pounding in her neck.

He pinned her hand between his. “Are you afraid?”

“No.” Her answer was breathless and immediate.

He reined in a smug smile. “Good. I can’t make apologies for who I am, but when I’m wrong, I say I’m sorry. I won’t always be easy on you, but I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.”

“I’m happy when I spend time with you. I don’t expect more from you than that.”

“You should, and I want you to. I’ve spent months studying you for a reason. I needed to know what you need.” He kissed her hand. “I think I’ve figured out what you want.”

She stilled. “What do you mean?”

“Your body told me your deepest fantasies without saying a word the night I took you to the art gallery.”

Now she looked nervous. “I was responding to art.”

“You were responding to sex. You like the idea of being adored while being made to submit, of being orally pleasured, of being controlled and overpowered and fucked. But most of all, you like bondage. You ache to be tied up and utterly helpless. At my mercy. You’ve thought about it since that night, haven’t you?”

A flush swept up her face, not the sweet blushing pink he often saw, but a blazing, undeniable red. Her plump lips parted. No words came out, but her rapt expression told him everything.

“I want to explore a few of those things with you today, Heavenly. Are you willing to give it—and me—a chance?”

She fidgeted. “I’m nervous.”

“I know. But I chose this booth for a reason. No one can see us. Angelo won’t disturb us after he brings our appetizer.”

“W-what did you have in mind? Are you going to kiss me?”

“Absolutely.” He slanted a wolfish smile. “I’ve been obsessed with tasting you.”

Her gaze flitted down. “I’ve thought about kissing you, too. A lot.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. I need your honesty going forward.” At her nod, he plucked the napkin from beneath her hands shook it out. “You still trust me?”


“Good. I’m hoping you enjoy this, but if you don’t or decide it’s too much, tell me to stop. Understood?”

“All right.”

Beck wrapped the fabric napkin around her wrists and tied it in a loose knot. Understanding slowly rippled across her face. She squirmed in her seat, her breathing turning ragged. Yeah, he was homing straight in on one of her hot buttons—and she was reacting exactly as he’d hoped. “If you want me to slow down or you want to talk about what’s happening, say ‘wait.’ All right?”


He caressed his thumb across the soft skin of her hand. “And if you’re happy with everything I’m doing, say ‘more, please.’”

“I will,” she breathed.

“Good girl.”

As soon as he praised her, Angelo appeared at the end of the shadowy hall, making far more noise than necessary. Beck covered Heavenly’s bound hands with his napkin and signaled the man over.

“Your ravioli appetizer.” He slid a tray in the middle of the table, along with a basket of bread and spice-laden olive oil. “Anything else for now?”

Impatience bit at Beck. “We’re good. Give us half an hour?”

Angelo sent him a sly wink. “You won’t be disturbed.”

The moment the restaurant owner disappeared, Beck whispered in Heavenly’s ear. “Put your hands on the table and keep them there.”

She hesitated a mere instant before she complied.

“Excellent.” He popped a ravioli in his mouth to test it. Perfect temperature. “Stick out your tongue, little girl.”

Heavenly parted her lips and presented her wet, pink tongue. His blood surged. He lost himself in imagining his stiff cock disappearing between the sweet bow of her mouth. If she only knew how badly he wanted to melt all over her tongue right now…

He inhaled an uneven breath as he lifted the appetizer to her lips. A tremor of need rippled through him as he placed the pasta in her mouth. “Take a bite; let all that meat and cheese roll over your taste buds.”

Again, she obeyed. Beck both felt and saw the shiver wrack her as she closed her eyes, sank her teeth into the crispy crust, and moaned. When she swallowed, he pressed the wineglass to her lips. “Drink.”

As she sipped from his hand, she blinked at him, her pupils dilated.

Beck swallowed back a growl. “Your eyes are the same deep blue they were at the gallery. You like being bound and cared for by someone you trust. Someone like me, don’t you?”

She pressed her lips together and sent him a barely perceptible nod.

“Little girl? I need you to talk to me. Answer my question.”

Her lips trembled and he wanted to kiss away her fears, but dredged up a little more patience.

“Yes,” she whispered. “It feels so…”


“Wrong…but not. Forbidden, I guess. I’m scared, but not in a way I’ve ever felt.” Her words trembled. “I’m not sure what you plan to do to me.”

He swept the hair off her shoulder and leaned in before dragging his tongue up the side of her throat. Berry and the subtle hint of salt on her skin flowed over his taste buds. “For now, I’m simply going to feed you. Close your eyes.”

Heavenly sent him an unfocused, almost spellbound glance before her lashes fluttered onto her cheeks.

Jesus, it was all he could do to hang on to his self-control. His hand shook as he tore off a piece of bread, swiped it through the herb-infused oil, then dragged it across her lower lip.

“So pretty,” he whispered. “I bet your pussy glistens like that when you’re hot and wet and ready to come. I’d love to slide my tongue over every fold and crevice, drown in all that sweet, virgin cream as you come for me.”

“Beck…” Her breathing had grown choppier.

The scent of her arousal teased his senses. “I can smell you, little girl. You’re already wet. Aren’t you?”

She bit her lip shyly.

“Answer me. Communicate. I can’t give you what you’re aching for if you don’t. Are you wet?”


Her voice was almost imperceptible but he heard. “Good.”

Beck dipped into the marinara sauce on their appetizer plate, then tapped his finger against her lips. Without pause, she opened, and he dragged his digit over her tongue. When she wrapped her lips around his finger and began sucking the sauce away, he couldn’t hold back his low growl.

“That’s it. Suck it down. One day, you’ll envelop my cock like that. And when I shower your throat, you’ll swallow every drop, just like you’re doing now.”

Heavenly whimpered and swirled her tongue around him, sucking in earnest.

His fucking heart nearly stopped. His cock jerked, all but bursting his zipper. “Fuck, your mouth feels like molten velvet.”

She squirmed as she suckled his finger again, her lips sliding slowly up the length. Beck buried his face against her neck and nipped the tender flesh below her ear. “Do you ache for me?”

With a moan, she nodded. The sound vibrated up his arm and slammed south to his pulsating cock.

He gritted his teeth, then begrudgingly eased his finger from her mouth. “Tell me.”

“Yes.” She breathed hard.

He tugged the napkin that secured her wrists. “So pretty and helpless and at my mercy.”


“The fire between us is burning me,” he admitted, flicking his tongue over the shell of her ear. “Every night, I think about tossing you into my bed, binding you to the frame, and teasing you until you beg me to let you come.”

Her cheeks flared red anew. “Oh…”

“When it happens, you’ll be saying more than ‘oh.’ Trust me. I’ll have you sweating, throbbing, and pleading with me to say four magic words: Come hard for me. Once I do, you’ll shatter on command.”

She whimpered and fidgeted, writhing in her seat, more than ready for him to touch her. Beck reached beneath the table and eased his fingers under the hem of her cotton dress, skimming over her soft, silky thigh.

Holy shit. Finally…finally, he had his hands on her. His patience was paying off—and it was sweeter than anything he’d imagined.

Demand thrummed through his veins as sizzling heat enveloped him. Her musky feminine scent grew stronger. His mouth watered. His cock screamed, strangling beneath his harsh denim. Beck did his best to ignore it and focused on Heavenly, on providing the relief he’d made her crave.

“Then while you’re writhing and screaming, I’ll align my cock to your innocent, weeping cunt and slowly press inside you. Your virgin walls will still be fluttering like butterfly wings as I squeeze each thick, fat inch inside your tight pussy. I’ll rub my thumb around your sensitive clit until you soften and let me in. All the while you’ll be clutching and milking my cock as you take me balls deep.”

“I-I can’t breathe,” she panted.

Beck held in a smile. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No.” Her voice cracked. “But…”

“But what?”

“I’m going to…combust.”

He laughed softly in her ear. “I’m here to put your fire out…after you go up in flames.”

Heavenly’s head fell back, exposing her throat as she sucked in a gasping breath. “How?”

God, she looked flushed and beautiful and so fucking ready.

Beck grazed his fingertips closer to the juncture of her thighs. “Open your legs for me.”

To his delight, she eased her legs apart instantly, welcoming him. The heat emanating from her pussy sizzled him, making him want to howl, as he slid his fingers up, up…until he was toying with the elastic of her panties and sliding his fingertip just beneath.

She jolted. Her eyes flared wide, suddenly meeting his stare with a gasp. But she didn’t shy away. Didn’t say no.

Beck pulled free. “You’re supposed to close your eyes.”

A moment passed, a heartbeat where their gazes locked. Then Heavenly shut her lids obediently once more.

“Good girl.” He flattened his tongue against the hammering pulse point at her neck.

With a sweet moan, she tilted her head and parted her thighs even more, offering him all the flesh he coveted. “So soft…so hot. Your scent makes me want to torment your pussy.” He dragged his middle finger down the center of her sodden panties, watching intently as a powerful shudder tore through her. Her pure, unfiltered responses were the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. “All I have to do is slide my fingers over you, just like this…”

She held her breath as he eased his fingers beneath the elastic edge of her panties again, this time stroking her wet, downy curls. Her little gasp told him that his touch affected her as much as her response got to him. He petted her softly until she unconsciously writhed against him. Then he slid his wet finger down the seam of her folds. She clenched her fists and moaned.

“When you’re in my bed, I’ll get my mouth on you, lap at your tiny slit, nibble on your clit—and not let up until you’re screaming my name.”

A breathless moan slid past her lips. She rocked into his palm. His heart sputtered. Jesus, she was close, and he could feel her body tightening, revving up. And once she came, Beck didn’t know how the fuck he’d stop himself from laying her across the table and driving deep inside her.

But he goddamn had to. Here wasn’t the place, and now wasn’t the time. That’s why he’d planned this outing, simply to give her a taste.

“Would you like that?”

Heavenly twisted, falling back against the booth, chest rising as she whimpered. “Please…”

“Please what?”

“Please, yes. Yes!”

Begging. She’s already fucking begging.

“No one’s ever touched you here before, little girl,” he whispered thickly. “Have they?”

“No,” she choked out in desperation.

Pride charged through him in a heady rush so potent his cock jerked. “I’m going to put out your fire right now. Someday soon, when we’re truly alone, I’ll start it again. Then I’ll make you come until you’re boneless, gasping, and so spent you can’t move or scream.”

He dipped his finger between her slippery, swollen folds and burrowed into her impossibly tight opening. Heavenly whimpered and rolled her hips into his touch as he eased around her tightening core and found just the right spot. Seconds later, she was mewling, panting, and grinding. Her virgin cream coated his digit and pooled in his palm.

She was so close, and he was damn near ready to follow her over.

When he softly strummed her pebbled clit, Heavenly rocked her hips and bit her lip to tamp down her keening cry.

“Let me feel you come,” he growled against her ear. “I want your soft, hot walls clutching my finger as you let go.”

As he glided his thumb over her clit, she inhaled a startled breath and held it. Her body stiffened. She threw her hips at him. Her eyes flashed open, teeming with panic and confusion. “Something’s happening. Beck. Oh, Beck…”

He cinched a hand in her hair so he could watch her. The shock and bliss warring over her face completely stole what was left of his heart.

“Come hard for me, little girl. Now,” he commanded in a feral growl as he worked another finger into her gripping core.

Heavenly sucked in a deep breath. Her back bowed. Color flooded her chest, neck, and cheeks. Then she was hurtling over the edge. Beck melded his mouth over hers, swallowing her muffled orgasmic screams with their first kiss. Her pussy clenched his fingers in a crushing grip while her body shuddered as she fractured into a million tiny pieces for him.

Finally, she fell back against the booth, panting against his mouth. After the tension left her, he nudged her lips apart and plunged inside, delving deep and claiming her lips in a tender sweep meant to reassure and reward her.

The surge of electricity flowing between them shocked Beck. Awed him. He didn’t want to let her go, didn’t want to stop touching the sweet cunt only he had stroked. He wanted to stay, brand her thick feminine scent to memory.

It fucking sucked that she had to be at work in two hours and refused to call in sick. God, he’d spend all night making his fantasies come true while teaching her new ones she’d never dared to dream of.

One last time, he tangled his tongue with hers. She tasted like sunshine and sin. Beck couldn’t deny this innocent little girl had obliterated his very soul.

Finally, with a groan, he pulled away. Heavenly gasped as she continued fluttering and quivering around his fingers. Beck kissed her cheeks, her nose, her lips softly as she glided back down, with a glassy, dazed look in her eyes.

She was stunning, ethereal. Everything he hadn’t known he’d been searching for.

“Oh, my gosh,” she breathed, blinking at him. “You did that. To me.”

He sent her a wicked laugh. “It won’t be the last time. I promise you.”

Beck sipped at her swollen bottom lip before he reluctantly withdrew his fingers from her sweltering center. With the other hand, he untied the napkin and slid it from her wrists, massaging them one at a time.

“I don’t…” she whispered, sounding lost. “I’ve never felt anything like…whatever you did to me.”

Oh, fuck! She’d never even given herself an orgasm before? Beck wasn’t sure how that was possible, but her words galvanized him to vow he’d sail her to the stars every chance he got.

“Did I put out the fire, like I promised?”

A sleepy, sated smile stretched across her face. “Yes, and then some.”

After settling her panties back in place, he lifted his hand from beneath her dress. Her essence glistened in the muted light. Her pungent scent clung to his fingers. His mouth watered. He snagged her gaze and held it as he drew his hand to his mouth and slowly lapped at her warm, tart cream with a moan.

Heavenly sucked in a shocked gasp, her cheeks flaming.

He couldn’t help but grin. “Get used to this. I won’t waste a single drop you offer me, little girl.”

“I think you were right.”

Beck raised a brow. “About what?”

“You are the man my mother should have warned me about.”

He nodded. “You’ll remember that when I’m taking you hard, dirty, and often.”

Her eyes grew wide and she swallowed tightly. “Oh. My…”

“You protesting?”

“No.” She didn’t hesitate.

“Just what I wanted to hear.” He winked, then looked at his watch. “Angelo will be here with our food shortly. Why don’t you take a minute to freshen up in the ladies’ room? While we’re eating, we’ll decide what sounds good for dessert.”

“Okay.” She all but floated out of the booth and straightened her skirt, her cheeks still pink. “Thank you.”

He stood and wrapped her in his arms, slanting his lips over hers. He kissed her, slowly and sensually, hoping he conveyed how special she was to him.

When he reluctantly pulled away, she lifted her heavy lashes and started to giggle. “You’re wearing my lip gloss. I’m not sure that’s the right shade for you.”

As Heavenly walked away, his stare glued itself to the sexy sway of her hips while he gave himself a mental pat on the back. He might be lacking when it came to suave, seductive lines and romance, but he’d given the girl her first orgasm. His only regret? That shithead Seth hadn’t been there to see Heavenly dissolve. Not that he wanted to share her pleasure with him. But after watching the bastard tongue-swab and dry-hump her, Beck wanted him to know exactly how it felt to stand on the sidelines while having his balls kicked.

But maybe he could extract a little payback through a different means…

Yanking out his cell phone, Beck snapped a selfie with Heavenly’s shiny gloss smeared all over his lips. “Sweet revenge.”

Chuckling softly, he tapped out a message to Seth, attached the image, and hit send.

* * *

Seth’s flight to New York the Monday following Hammer’s party was night-and-day from his trip home a mere nine weeks ago. The frustrations and questions then had been erased by happiness and hope now. His scowl was long gone, replaced by swagger.

He’d kissed Heavenly Young—been the first man to taste her lips, drink in her passion. Even forty-eight hours later, she still lingered on his tongue.

Christmas didn’t assault him on this trip through the terminal. Now, he saw hints that winter was almost over. Yankees’ spring training would start in a few days. It was no longer cold enough to give his balls frostbite. Most of all, he had a new outlook on life.

Because, after eight years of misery, he was finally going to embrace his future.

First, he had to say good-bye to his past—both the good and the bad. Since he still had family here, this wouldn’t be his last trip, but it would be the last time he called the city home.

Not too long ago, this plunge would have messed with his head. Even when he’d impulsively hopped on a plane back to California two weeks ago, he’d been intent on nothing beyond laying eyes on Heavenly and ending his misery. The idea of moving out West had seemed farfetched, surreal. Despite Liam’s cryptic warning about Heavenly, she guided him like a beacon toward a new home. He was going to spend his life with her. Every gut instinct he possessed told him so.

When he reached baggage claim, his mother stood waiting for him, just like his last trip. She looked every bit as vibrant now as she had at Christmas.

Carl must still be in the picture.

He hurried to her, swept her up in his arms, and kissed her soundly on the cheek. “It’s good to see you, Mom. Thanks for picking me up. How’s the family? Anna Mae growing? And how’s, um…Carl?”

“We’re all fine. Your niece is a good eater, just like all you boys. Carl is good.” She smiled. “It’s nice to have you home again. Now kindly put me down, son.”

Laughing, Seth lowered her to her feet. “It’s good to be here.” He sobered. “But I’m not staying. I’m moving to California.”

His mother blinked and set a hand over her chest. “You’re serious? So things went well in Los Angeles?”

“Very well.”

“Tell me everything.”

“For starters, Hammer is out of the woods. The bogus case against him has been dropped and justice has prevailed. He, Raine, and Liam are free to live happily ever after. And I think they finally will.”

“Then I’m happy for them.” She dropped her voice. “But I meant things with Heavenly. Did you see her?”

“I definitely did.” In fact, he’d more than seen the woman. He’d pressed his lips to hers, sunk his tongue into her mouth, and felt her body cling to his. He still couldn’t stop thinking about it. “You were right, Mom. I left LA too soon. I want this girl. And I finally have the validation that she wants me, too…so I’m moving.”

“Oh, honey. Everyone is going to be so surprised.” She paused, looking uncertain. “But moving is such a big step. Are you sure?”

Liam’s riddle at the party flitted through Seth’s head again. Nope. No way was he letting Heavenly slip through his fingers, especially not for good.

“More sure than I’ve been about anything in a long time. You’ll love her. Just look at her.” He whipped out his phone and showed her the picture Bryn had taken of most everyone at the party the other night. “She’s the pretty blonde. She’s really sweet, Mom.”

“She’s beautiful.” His mom looked a little misty-eyed. “Do you love her?”

“If I don’t already, I’m pretty sure it’s only a matter of time.”

She squeezed his arm. “Liam and Hammer look very happy. Is the brunette between them…”

“That’s Raine,” he finished. “She’s a doll.”

“And the other man with the beard?” She pointed to the right of Heavenly.

“Remember that asswipe I told you about at Christmas, Beck?” At her nod, he continued. “Well, he still wants her, too. And you can bet while I’m away, packing up and arranging my move, that he’ll be trying his damndest to convince Heavenly he’s her best choice. Just because he’s a doctor…” Seth sighed.

“What are her feelings for him?”

“I don’t know.” When his mother would have objected, he cut her off. “And I don’t care. What matters is what she feels for me. And I don’t intend to settle for anything less than making her mine.” He bent to retrieve a suitcase from the turning carousel. “This is it. I left the rest back in LA. You ready to get out of here?”

She took his free arm. “Let’s get you back to the house so you can tell the family.”

Absolutely. He’d thought this through over the past two days. He had a timetable and an agenda.

Thirty minutes later, he sat at the dining table in his mother’s house, surrounded by his family. He was holding his newborn niece on his lap and was captivated as the blue-eyed cutie stared back solemnly. She had that unforgettable baby smell, soft and fresh.

“She looks good on you.”

Seth looked up at Maggie. “You did good. Here, take her before I scare her. She doesn’t look too sure about me.”

For a moment, he had an image of a blond-haired cutie with eyes like her mother and almost laughed aloud. Christ, one step at a time. He looked over at his mom, her hand in Carl’s, lost in conversation. The twins wolfed down food like they hadn’t eaten in days. Danny smiled at his baby girl. Matt looked back at him, like he knew something was up.

“Matt, Cooper Investigations is yours if you want it.”

“What?” He reared back. “I don’t understand. What are you going to do?”

That halted conversation around the table. Everyone paused to look at him.

Their mother smiled. “Go on. Tell them.”

He looked at the faces of those who’d been his world for as long as he could remember. Everyone was carrying on with their lives…finding their way. The only one who’d been standing still was him. That realization no longer bred bitterness. He had a reason to move forward now. It was time to finally release the reins of caretaker and give himself permission to live his own life.

“I’m moving to LA.”

Eyes grew wide. Mouths gaped open and chaos erupted.

“You’re what?” Danny barked.

“Moving? You mean for good?” Shock lined Matt’s face.

“What made you decide to do that?” Danny demanded.

Conner smirked. “I bet he found a woman out there and—”

“Is she hot?” Jack looked far more interested than he had moments ago.

“Definitely,” Seth assured.

“I knew it! That’s the reason you were so sad over Christmas, isn’t it?” Maggie leapt from her chair and hugged him. “I knew you couldn’t possibly be a boinking manwhore for the rest of your life! I’m so happy for you!”

“What kind of work do you plan to do out there?” Matt asked, still looking stunned.

Carl didn’t say a word, simply chuckled, while his mother sent him an encouraging smile.

Seth raised his hands to ward off the barrage of questions. “If you’ll give me a minute. I’ll explain. Her name is Heavenly and—”

“Is she a stripper?” Conner asked with an eager grin.

“No! What the hell is wrong with you?” Seth growled as he smacked his idiot brother upside his head. “She’s a very sweet nursing student.”

“And she’s willing to date you?” Jack scoffed. “Must be something wrong with her.”

“Ha ha.” Seth wasn’t amused. “Do you want to listen to what I have to say or just bust my balls?”

Conner shrugged. “We can do both.”

“Hush, you two,” Grace admonished the twins with a scowl, then turned an understanding gaze Seth’s way.

“As far as what I plan to do out in California, well…I’ve decided to open up a branch of Cooper Investigations out there.”

“So, we’ll be working together on opposite coasts?” Matt arched his brows.

“Absolutely. We can expand our client base and cover more territory. I’m sure there are plenty of cheating spouses, missing persons, embezzlers, and assorted troublemakers to keep us busy.”

“You’ve thought this through, haven’t you?” Matt gaped.


“Are you going to ask Heavenly to marry you?” Maggie asked with a wide grin.

“One thing at a time,” Seth dodged. But strangely, the thought wasn’t nearly as terrifying as it had been in the past.

“Hey, can we come to your place and hang out on the beach for spring break?” Jack asked.

“That would be epic!” Conner chimed in as they high-fived.

“We’ll see.” Seth chuckled. “I have to find a place first.”

Though he had a suspicion they’d fit right in at Shadows…

“What does Heavenly look like?” Jack asked with a lurid grin.

“Curb your hormones, bro,” Seth chided as he slid out his phone and passed around the photo of Heavenly he’d shared with his mom earlier. “She’s the blonde.”

Damn. How’d you bag a babe that gorgeous?” Conner jabbed.

“He must have bought her on the Internet,” Jack taunted. “No way could he ever snag a girl that fine on his own.”

“Bite me,” Seth growled.

“Does she have a sister?” Matt grinned hopefully. “I could move out West with you and—”

“No. She’s an only child, and your ass stays here to run the business.”

“While we’re on the subject of good news, I have some to share as well,” Grace announced at the other end of the table.

“Oh, my god. You’re not pregnant, are you?” Matt choked.

“No!” She blanched. “Honestly, Matty. What goes on in that head of yours?”

“You don’t want to know. Trust me.” He grinned.

Grace sucked in a deep breath and darted a nervous glance toward Carl. “I’m—”

“We,” the man beside her corrected, squeezing her hand for support.

“Right. We—Carl and I—are getting married. He asked, and I said yes.”

A collective silence filled the room. Seth skimmed a stare over his brothers, cataloging their expressions. There wasn’t a hint of anger or resentment, simply stunned surprise. Tears spilled down Maggie’s cheeks as she smiled sweetly and sniffed.

Maybe his job holding them all together wasn’t quite finished, after all. Seth picked up his wineglass and raised it in the air. “Congratulations. I’m truly happy for you two.”

That was all the icebreaker that his siblings needed. Another barrage of questions and chatter echoed off the walls, proving once again that dinner at the Cooper household was never boring.

Grace smiled at Seth. “I expect to see you and Heavenly at our wedding, son.”

“We’ll be there. Who do you think is going to give you away?”

Tears filled her eyes. “You’d do that for me?”

He rose from his seat and wrapped his arms around her. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t let me.”

“Then I’d be honored. Thank you, sweetheart.”

“Have you set a date yet?”

“No. Everything is still in the planning stages. There’s no rush, and summer is Carl’s busy season, so it’ll be a while yet.”

Thank goodness. While he had no doubt his family would love Heavenly, he needed time to prepare her. Meeting his big, boisterous clan might be more than a tad overwhelming for her.

Later that night at his brownstone, Seth lay in bed as visions of Heavenly flashed through his brain. He pulled out his phone and started to call, but decided a text might be best. He didn’t know if she was at work or, god forbid, on a date with Beck. When she replied seconds later, a satisfied grin tugged his lips.

An hour passed, then he told her to get some sleep and said good night. She answered by telling him to have sweet dreams and added a heart emoji. After tossing and turning for another hour, making a mental checklist of all the things he needed to do, Seth switched off his brain. He focused once more on Heavenly and drifted off to sleep, contentment filling his soul.

During the next four days, Seth temporarily forwarded his mail to Shadows via the post office. He’d also hired a moving company to pack up his belongings and haul both his SUV and motorcycle to LA. He’d spoken to a couple of Realtors, laying the groundwork for the sale of his apartment here and finding both a new condo and office space to rent there.

By early Friday evening, he and Matt finally had finished sorting through the file cabinets in the office. His brother had already transformed the old space with a fresh coat of paint and new furniture. It looked polished and professional. Seth couldn’t help but smile.

Matt opened the bottom drawer of the massive desk and drew out a bottle of whiskey and a couple of tumblers. “I think a shot or two is in order.”

Seth chuckled as he eased onto the edge of the desk. He watched his brother pour the golden-amber liquid, then each took a glass. As he raised it, a sense of melancholy slid through him. “To bittersweet endings and promising new beginnings.”

“Hear. Hear.” A wealth of understanding lined his brother’s face.

Matt had seen Seth at his best and worst, but his brother’s love and support, through good times and bad, were a constant. And Seth was grateful beyond words.

They clinked the rims and took a long gulp. As the burn slid down his throat and warmed his stomach, Seth reached into his pocket and presented his key to Matt. He swallowed the emotion lodged in his throat. “This place belongs to you now.”

Matt looked both thrilled and heartbroken. “Already? I didn’t think you were leaving for another week or two.”

“I’m not. I’ve got a few more loose ends to mop up.” And he wanted to spend more time with the family while he could, before detective work and winning Heavenly became a full-time job. “But I want you to feel comfortable with the fact it’s now yours.”

“Thanks, man.”

“I’m a bit late in telling you this… I’m sorry I was a douche over Christmas. I had a lot to work through. But I’m proud to call you a partner and even prouder to call you brother.”

“Ditto, man.”

As they slapped each other on the back, Seth’s phone dinged. He dug the device out of his pocket and scanned the screen. Beck. What did that fucker want?

He opened the unwelcome message and saw an image of the man’s mouth covered in peachy-pink lip gloss—the same shade Heavenly wore. The accompanying message read: You’re not the only one who’s kissed her, motherfucker. And when she comes, her moans are so sweet…

Seth’s blood boiled.

Beck. Had. Touched. Heavenly. And kissed her, too. Thoroughly from the looks of it. Had he also fucked her?

He growled at the picture. “Oh, yeah? Game on, cocksucker.”

As he typed out those exact words, Matt frowned and tried to peek at his screen. “What’s up? Who are you talking to?”

Seth darkened the device and tucked it away. “Nobody important, just someone out west who needs his ass kicked.”

“You’ll do that, no sweat.” Matt clapped him on the back. “The guy doesn’t stand a chance.”

“You’re right. But…this problem might be more pressing than I thought. Can you…um, give me a lift? I need to grab my suitcase and head to the airport.”

“Today?” Matt blinked in total confusion. “Now?”

Normally, Seth wouldn’t sweat this stuff. If some girl wanted to mack on another guy, that was on her. But…this was Heavenly, and Beck was the kind of shithead who wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of her.

“Yeah.” He whipped out his phone again and launched the airline’s app, relieved to see a seat on a flight to LAX in a little under four hours. “I’d appreciate it. I’ll call you when I get settled. Tell Mom I love her and I’m sorry. But I’ve got to get home.”