
Chapter 14.


As Alex and Lesley edged along the shaft, the sound of the sea echoed along the tunnel, giving it a sound of a something being smashed rhythmically off the walls. One thing could be noticed was that the temperature was rising, along with the smell. Twenty yards in and the floor slowly turned into a slope that had ridges along it, that made it difficult to find a footing as they walked along in the dark.

Gradually the water receded, and they were now walking up the slope. As they walked higher the angle change and light from the entrance disappeared and a new faint light could be seen ahead. Another thirty yards in and the light grew stronger, and the smell also increased. Alex could feel Lesley’s hand gripping his tightly. She did not need to say she was scared, he felt it, and he also feared what was ahead of them. Slowly and carefully, they walked up the slope. Both not wanting to go, both knowing there was not turning back.

Soon they were at the top and the stench's origin became apparent. They stood on the ledge at the top of the ramp they had just walked up and looked over into the huge container below. Lesley turned her gaze. Even in the dim light from the random lights in the huge room, she could see the dead body’s below. All mangled and many rotting in the heat of the room. Alex went to her, putting his arm over her shoulder as she vomited.

Lesley regained control of her stomach and turned, holding onto Alex.

“What have they done!” Lesley said, now the reality of what had been happening was there, in all its ugliest truth. “We have to stop this Alex. This has to stop.”

“We will, but we must keep moving. We don’t know how long we have got, and the satellites might not be up and running yet.”

Lesley pushed Alex away.

“What did you say?”

“I should have told you before, but...”

“Yes, you should. Now we are here I thought we could stop this, now you are saying that we don’t know if we can?”

“No. I mean yes... I might be able to trace the connection and turn them back on.”

“Oh God Alex, this is crazy. We will never...”

“We will. I know they have the main servers here, somewhere.”

“But what if they don’t, and now we have no way off this Island.”

“You have to trust me, please. I can do this.”

Lesley looked at this man she hardly knew. She was in love with him, but could he do all this? It seemed like it was impossible.

“We need to keep going and find a way to the control room.”

Lesley gave him a half smile; what choice was there other than to try. They walked past the container and suddenly a loud noise startled them both, and they watched as a conveyor belt began to drag the body’s below along its track.

“Don’t look. Let’s just keep moving. I think I saw a stairwell over at the far end leading out of here.”

Both walked along the huge containers rim, neither looking below.

As they walked along the two-foot-wide rim, Alex’s foot hit something. Stopping and looking down, his heart missed a beat. A body was laying in their way. Lesley touched his shoulder, wondering why he had suddenly stopped. She looked over his shoulder and saw the body.

“Oh God, no. I can’t do this, I...”

Alex turned and held her close.

“I will move the body. Just turn and look away, and we will be out of here soon.”

He let her go, and she looked away as Alex turned. Then bent down to the body. Alex shot back up at the sight of the woman looking at him.


“What, what is it?”

“I think she is alive.”

Lesley turned around and looked again. Alex had no idea what they were going to do. Over the racket the conveyor was making, the woman on the ledge began screaming. Alex and Lesley took a few steps back. The woman began flailing about, her arms hitting the filthy walls as her body convulsed and writhed on the ledge. Stunned by the sight, Alex and Lesley were frozen to the stop. The woman's body suddenly stopped wriggling. She began slowly slipping over the edge. Turning to Alex, the woman looked at him, blood covering her entire face which made the whites of her eye seem brighter. She held out her hand for help, but before he could react and help her, she was already falling back into the container. Alex grabbed Lesley’s hand, and they both ran. The sound of the screaming woman still ringing in their ears.



Liev was ready and in position. His aim was to take out as many as he could. One shot kill was his priority now and that meant one thing to him, head shots. The five were now in range, all still cautious, all not expecting what was about to happen. From behind the container, Liev readied himself. He focused his mind for a second, memorising where he envisaged each man was and where they should be when he stepped out to take his shots. He was rusty, it had been a long time since he had to kill so many in such a short time and timing was everything. An imaginary picture formed in his mind, and he counted out the imaginary steps and places he expected the men to be to limit his time on each shot. A skill he had practised many times in the past.

Three, two, one. Liev stepped out and took the first shot, a kill, the second shot, a kill, the third shot another a kill. He readjusted his footing and aimed a fourth shot, but the soldier had already ducked into cover after letting off a random few shot. Liev turned to the fifth soldier who was standing, stunned at the surprise attack. Liev took the shot. He retracted his outstretched arms and stepped back behind the container. Four killed, one under cover. The container was suddenly bombarded with multiple shots from a semi-automatic rifle. It was time to move to another location. He had only two bullets left and could not waste them on cover fire.

Liev dashed away from the container and headed for the entrance. By the time the remaining soldier realised his move, the shot he took missed Liev by a long way. He raced into the plants main entrance and was instantly stopped by the padlock and chain securing the gates. He was trapped and only the narrow side wall gave him cover from the bullets that pinged off the brick work. Liev had no choice but to waste a bullet. He was a sitting duck caught out in the open like this. Liev aimed at the key lock and fired the shot. Thankfully, it pinged open and as quickly as he could, unwrapped the chain from the steel gates, then ran inside the pitch-black foyer.



The Major could not believe how bad his luck had been. He had no ride out of there and the only person left alive was Amy. He had been outside while Amy was out cold and collect the case. At least he had that now and it had not been smashed to smithereens when the chopper had exploded. The weather hampered its retrieval. The storm was at its peak and the wind so strong, it almost made him go back and wait until the storm cleared, but he had no idea how long that could be. Sometimes storms raged on for days out here and there was no time for that. This had to be done, because time was running out and it was going to be hard enough to do on his own, let alone arrange another way off the Island. He had to be optimist. He had the transmitters and once they were linked in, he could send the all-clear to the military base and the signal could be live within two hours. With transmitters recovered and the Major now being soaking wet, there was only one thing to do before he plugged then in.



Amy was groaning on the floor as the Major came back into the mess room. He marched up to her and gave her a kick in the stomach as she lay there, Amy now cringing in pain from the blow. He walked over to his dead guard and unlaced his boot, then went over to Amy and dragged her onto her stomach. He tied her wrists together, then pulled her to her feet. Amy turned to him and spat in his face. The Major was infuriated, so spun her round and slapped her face so hard it took her breath away.

“You will learn to respect me Amy. Now move. We have work to do.” He said, pushing her forward as they made their way to the control room.

The Major had plans for Amy. If it was going to be a long wait to get off the Island, she was going to be his entertainment, whether she wanted to be, or not. He led her to the control room and tied the remaining ends of the lace to a two- and half—inch heater pipe that went from the floor to the ceiling. He would need her help if he could not figure out how the transmitters worked and attached to the mainframe. It all looked straight forward, but he had no real idea if these rats he had taken on to do the job had been messing around with the coding. It was better to have a backup plan and Amy was all he had left if he did need to make any adjustments.



Alex and Lesley had now got out of the processing plant and were now along a high walkway that led them inside the building away from the stench and horror below. Alex felt along the wall and found a light switch and flicked it down. Strobe lighting began to flicker along the corridor, and they looked down at the floor for a few seconds, until their eyes readjusted to the brighter light. As they raised their heads, they could now see they were in a corridor with doors leading off to the right, each with a different name tag on.

They walked along, looking at each name on the door, then stopped at the second door with a name tag on it. Server room. Alex looked at Lesley and wanted to say something, but no words would come out. They both knew what they were here for and now they were finally at the place where they could make all this go away, it felt like an anti-climax. Without talking, Alex turned the door handle and opened the door.



Liev was now trying to make out where he was inside the foyer. He could not see any features to guide him to a safe location to wait for the remaining solder to come after him. The meagre light coming from the doors he had come in not helping. With one bullet left, he could not risk missing, and in the dark that was always going to be a possibility. He felt the wall to his right, a logical place for the light switches to be. His hand ran over a panel that felt like it had numerous switches on. It was going to be a guessing game as to which light was which. Liev began pressing them all down. Lights began flickering on, revealing the interior. He was in a high ceiling foyer. A set of stairs led to a first floor and the level he was on, and a double steel door in front of him looked like it led to the processing plant. There were few options for cover, other than the rooms on the first floor. Liev saw a light flick on in one of the rooms. It had to the others. Just as Liev was about to run for the stairway, bullets began hitting the steel doors in front of him, with sparks of light as the bullets pinged of the doors. Instinctively, Liev began switching the lights off.



“Did you hear that?” Lesley said, as they entered the room.

“Yes, gun fire. Close the door and see if you can lock it.”

Lesley did as Alex asked and locked the door behind herself. It was a flimsy office door with a basic turn lock that would not offer much of the way of protection from gun fire, but that is all they had. She looked round the room and grabbed one of the chairs and propped it under the handle. By the time she turned back to Alex, he was already at the control panel and was typing code into the computer. Two huge servers to her left began humming with lights flashing randomly. Whatever he was doing, something was happening. She walked over to him and looked at the screen. It looked alien to her and none of what was on the screen made any sense to her.

“Can you do it?”

“The satellite feed is still not up and running, but I can start putting in the kill program, and as soon as it goes live, I can send it.”

“But what if it doesn’t go live?”

Alex turned his head and smiled.

“It will, it has too.”

Lesley was not convinced and as more bullet shots could be heard from somewhere in the building, it looked like time was running out.



More bullets rained down on Liev in the dark foyer. He had to take a risk and in the dark, now that he knew the lay out, he began running for the stairs. More bullets bounced off the walls and just as Liev was nearly at the top of the stairs, he glanced back at the main entrance. His mind registered the soldier at the doorway below and the red light pointing at him. Time had suddenly felt like it was in slow motion as he tried to dive for cover, but it was too late. A bullet ricocheted of the balustrade and glanced his temple. Liev began to fall forward under his own momentum and landed at the top with blood now coming from the wound to his head. Liev was out cold.



Amy was furious. Being tied to the pipe adding to her infuriation at being trapped on this Island with this lunatic. She had noticed a long time ago how he looked at her and always though he would take advantage of her if he could. Now there was just the two of them, it was only a matter of time before he had his grubby hands on her. She needed to get free, Amy needed to kill him before his sick games began. She watched him as he unpacked the transmitters and placed them neatly next to their locater sockets. He kept looking back at her, smiling like a cat that had got the cream. She knew by those looks that once he had done setting up the transmitters, he would be all over her. Each time he went back to the controls, Amy began trying to free her wrists. She could feel the knots and if she could just keep fiddling with them, she may be able to free her hands. She watched as the Major took out his mobile phone, he had taken back from Dug. A thought came to her that Dug had died for her and would have done anything for her but now he was gone. She never loved him than way, but she did genuinely like him. The others she had come to the Island with were cocky, self-assured, but not Dug, he was not like that, he was different. Quiet, unassuming, and now he was dead, and this bastard had made it all happen. Anger was coming again, and she was more determined than ever to get free. With a feeling like she could kill the Major bare handed, Amy tried even harder to untie herself.



The Major pressed send on his mobile, then went back to plugging in each of the transmitters. One by one, each of the computers that had a transmitter now plugged into brought up a screen with a load bar. One by one, each bar turned from red to green and the now each flashing bar had a word under it. Ready.

Amy did not have long, as she watched each monitor go live.



Back at the military base, the team waiting for the go ahead read the message from the Major. It was time to go live. The game on the screen was Donkey Kong, amazingly the second level. The programmer was more annoyed at having to stop playing, than having to follow the Majors instruction. As the barrel hit, the programmer tutted and felt like smashing the computer screen, after hours of trying to get past the first level and being killed at his first attempt at the second level. He leant over to the next console and pressed the return key. The signal left the base and was now on its way to the satellites encircling the Earth to go live.



The Major sat back in his chair as the indicator bars changed from ready to live and now glowed a vibrant colour of green, he had done it. All over the world the signal was now going out live and his job was complete. A holiday is all he was thinking about and it would have to be inside one of the exclusion zones that the signal was prohibited from being sent. They needed places on the Earth where they could still operate as normal people for the government officials, people of special interest would all have to live within these areas from now on. With the usual smug smile on his face, he began to speak.

“A new world has just been created in front of your eyes Amy. Are you suitably impressed?”

“Oh, I'm impressed alright.” Amy replied, having just realised herself from the heater pipe and with the shoelace still tied round one wrist, she walked over to the Major, who was still looking at the computer screens, marvelling at his success. Amy held the loose end of shoelace in the other hand and just as she neared the Major, he began to slowly turn his head. Anger spurring her on, and she reacted with lightning speed and looped the lace around his neck and began pulling, letting all her frustration out in this one moment. The Major tried to counter the move by trying to stand up, but Amy leant back and placed both feet at the back of the chair. Then with her whole weight behind her, she pulled on the shoelace. The Major struggled, trying to reach behind, but Amy was too far hunkered down and continued to pull. For what seemed an age, she pulled on the lace. Her anger continually growing the more the Major struggled. Even when he had stopped resisting, she continued to pull. After she was sure he was dead she let go, letting out a scream of relief. Amy sat there, behind the chair as tears began to flow, but not of pity. It was frustration and relief to be free from her captures menace.



Back in the control room, Alex could not believe what he was seeing on the screen.

“Lesley look!” Alex said.

“What is it?”

“The satellite links are up and live.”

“How can you tell?”

“The coding has changed and gone live.”

“Can you stop it now?”

“Yes. I just need to press the return key and the kill program will stop all of this forever.”

Suddenly the door exploded open and the last of the surviving solders was pointing a rifle at them. All were frozen for a second, then something changed. Each had a blank expression on their faces, and something was different. All what they had been doing was gone. A calmness has come over them like a magic spell had been cast. Lesley and Alex knew each other still, but something else was different. They no longer felt the need to complete the mission to stop the signal. In fact, they welcomed it. An inner peace warmed their body’s and for the first time in their lives there was a nothingness. Nothing mattered, religion, war, hunger, or poverty. All emotional content had gone from their minds. It was a freeing up of the mind feeling and the soldier was the first to break the silence. He had lowered his weapon and was now smiling at them like an innocent child.

“Can I give you two a lift? I have a chopper outside.”

“Yes please, I must get back home. I have work tomorrow and do not want to be late.” Lesley replied. “Alex, are you coming. I think you have a job also at the military base as well.”

“Yes, I think I do. That would be lovely, thank you kind sir.”

“That is perfectly okay and please call me Albert.”

“What a nice fellow you are. Isn’t he a nice fellow Lesley?”

“Yes, I agree, what a kind man you are, shall we go. I believe the weather looks marvellous today and it would be a shame to waste it cooped inside.”

All three began to leave like they were the best of friends, all happy, all contented, all oblivious to their new master.



Amy got up from the floor. The tears had stopped and now she looked at the screens, all teasing her with their flashing green light, and all needed to be destroyed. She began by pulling out the transmitters, smashing them one by one, Anger spurring her on. She could not stop herself as she grabbed the chair next to the Major and began smashing the screens, each exploding. The servers were next, and she continued swinging the chair until all power had gone from her arms. The tears had returned, and she slumped to the floor, exhausted. The sparks in the room began flying everywhere and smoke began coming out of different locations within the servers. Fire followed and with tears still flowing, Amy ran from the room. She needed to get out of this place, and she kept running, flinging the doors open and running past all the dead bodies along the way. She was the only one left, and she needed air. Amy continues running and was soon outside. The storm was still raging on, but she did not care. She had to feel the wind and rain on her skin, so she could feel what it was like to be alive.



Albert led the way as the peculiar conversation carried on. Liev had come around and watched as they came closer. They walked past Liev, still chatting like old friends, then something changed. They all knew who and what they were doing there. Liev was the first to react and grabbed the rifle from Albert. Stunned, he stepped back while his brain readjusted to him being himself again. Alex and Lesley backed away. Alex raced back into the room they had been in and looked at the screens. It was all gone, everything. He checked the servers, and all were blank, somehow it had all disappeared, but how? And who, other than him knew how! Lesley joined him and from the expression on his face could see happiness and confusion, but one thing she knew from the look in his eyes, is that it was over.

They walked back out to the corridor and joined the other two. Liev was the first to speak.

“Can you fly that chopper?”

“Yes.” Is all the Albert replied?

“Good, and don’t try anything stupid. I will shoot to kill.”

Albert did not need telling twice. He had seen first had what Liev could do and knew full-well if he tried anything he would indeed, be shot. Alex and Lesley looked at each other, then followed Liev as he led the pilot back to the chopper.

After a few confused minutes of walking, they were outside and heading to the chopper.

“What happened?” Lesley asked.

“I don’t know. Something must have happened elsewhere because I didn’t send the kill program.”

“How? I mean, why would it be stopped?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps they changed their minds and stopped the ZEN project.”

“No, something else must have happened, but what?”

“I guess we may never know.”

All four got into the chopper as Liev joined the pilot in the cockpit and kept aim as the pilot readied the chopper for lift off. He looked back at the others.

“So, you did it then kids, saved the world hey. How does that make you feel?”

They looked at each other and did not know what to say.

“Yes, I guess we did.” Alex said, as he leant over, looked Lesley in the eyes and kissed her.

Liev shook his head and turned back to the pilot, but not before asking.

“Where to kids.”

Both stopped kissing and still looking into each other eyes, said the same single word. “Home.”



Amy had been sat outside in the storm for half an hour. She was hugging herself while rocking back and forth as she sat in the storm. The wind and rain passed right through her body, yet she felt nothing. She walked back inside to the sound of the sprinkler system just emptying the last of its water. The anger had gone and as she looked around, all she felt now was despair. Trapped, who knows where, in the middle of an Island with no idea where she was or how she was going to survive. Alone, with no way of communicating with the outside world. She sat at the mess room table, her hands to her face.  Everything was ruined, even the computers were a burned-out wreck with no way of repairing them. Was she destined to die out here, alone? Tears began to flow again as despair turned to self-pity. Did she deserve this fate? Had she really been so bad that God wanted her to suffer this way. This was no ending for her, and she would rather die than be out here alone with all these dead body’s that now made her feel like she was in a graveyard. A notion came to her. The gun, the Major had a gun. She got up and went to the computer room.

As she pushed the charred door open, there he was, half burned, but she was glad he was dead. He deserved his fate a million times over, and she had no remorse for killing him. Amy bent down and took the gun out of his side pocket and checked it for bullets. It still had three left. She had to do it, what was left here? Starve to death or die alone. No, she had no choice but to go before she suffered any more. Amy aimed the gun at her temple and gripped the trigger, slowly pressing it.

Suddenly, the sound of a mobile phone ringing made her ease her finger off the trigger. She lowered the gun and looked around, then realised it was coming from the Majors other side pocket. Frantically, she grabbed at his pocket and took the phone out. It was soaking wet, and the screen had been half smashed. She had no idea who was calling, but somebody was and there was hope. Amy pressed the side button to answer, then held the phone to her ear. A voice could be heard on the other end and it was like an angel had been sent. A voice of an angel.

“Hello.” Is all she could say as she began to shake, excitement filling her body, tears flowing down her face as the voice at the other end responded.