ache (AKE)
to hurt in a way that is constant but not severe
anxious (ANGK-shuhss)
embarrassed (em-BARE-uhsst)
made someone feel ashamed and uncomfortable
focused (FOH-kuhsst)
fumbled (FUHM-buhld)
in sports: lost control of the ball after you have touched it
impressed (im-PRESST)
made people think highly of you
professional (pruh-FESH-uh-nuhl)
in sports: making money for doing something others do for fun
reaction (ree-AK-shuhn)
an action in response to something
reluctantly (ri-LUHK-tuhnt-lee)
done with hesitation
reputation (REP-yuh-TAY-shuhn)
your character as judged by other people
scrimmage (SKRIM-ij)
an informal game, often done for practice
surgery (SUR-jur-ee)
medical treatment that involves repairing, removing, or replacing injured or diseased parts of the body
tumor (TOO-mur)
an abnormal mass of cells in the body