BLAKE HAD ME wrapped up in his arms, and the only thing I could focus on was the jealous rage building in Tucker’s face. I’d always known Blake had a thing for me; Tucker had told me that weekend up at the lake house. I’d used it to my advantage a time or two to get a dig into Tucker, but nothing really ever happened between us. Not that Blake hadn’t tried on more than one occasion.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, motioning for him to put me down.
“I’m moving back to Austin.”
My eyes widened, and I couldn’t help but notice the hopeful look on his face.
“Tell me you’re still married to that damn job of yours, Charlie, and that you aren’t seeing anyone.”
Okay, so I wasn’t really ready to come out into the open with this, but here it went.
“Sorry, Blake. I’m seeing someone.”
His brows pulled in tight. “You’re dating someone? Who?”
My gaze drifted past him and landed on the man who still looked enraged. I walked over to Tucker and rested my hand on his chest, slightly giving him a tap to snap him out of whatever the hell craze he was in.
“Hey, you okay?” I said softly. My voice brought his eyes to mine and he relaxed. I had to admit I liked that Tucker was about to go all caveman on one of his best friends over me. It made my chest tighten and a strange feeling settle into the pit of my stomach. It wasn’t desire. It was more like …
Holy shit.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
I was head over heels in love with Tucker, and I had no idea what to do with this revelation.
It was Tucker who surprised me even more. Leaning in, he placed his hand on my lower back and pulled me closer. He kissed me so softly, yet passionately, on the lips. I had to steady myself when he pulled it away. It hadn’t even been that long of a kiss. More like a hey, I missed you today kind of kiss. Yet, it left me damn near breathless.
And it was him totally owning me in front of Blake, that much I was sure of.
“No fucking way. Y’all are together? You and Charlie? The woman you vowed to hate for all of eternity?”
I raised a brow and looked at him. “For all eternity, huh?”
Tucker grinned. “Don’t even play that card. Lily told me you said the same thing, and she told me all about the names you called me over the years. There was even mention about the little curse you tried to put on me one night while in New Orleans, if my memory serves me correctly.”
My face burned with embarrassment. “Hmm, maybe I should call that particular curse off of you.” I reached up on my tippy toes and whispered against his ear, “I rather like your dick these days, and it involved it falling off and shriveling up in front of your eyes.”
“You put a curse on my dick?” Tucker asked with a chuckle.
I nodded. “Yep.”
He pulled me in closer, and I could feel Blake’s eyes on us.
“I can’t believe the two of you are together. I thought that weekend was just a fluke.”
Tucker tensed in my arms, so I knew it was up to me to alter the course of this train wreck.
“Guess who is playing in Austin this weekend?” I asked, looking around to each of them.
“Who?” Nash asked, obviously grateful for the change of subject.
Blake continued to stare at me. He hadn’t changed much since the last time I saw him. Dark hair, same mysterious brown eyes, fit body. The only difference was the hint of the small tattoo peeking from under his shirt collar. I didn’t dare ask him about it. The less attention I gave him, the better it would be for everyone involved.
“The Foo Fighters,” I said with a wide grin. We’d gone and seen that band so many times during college.
“We’ve got to go see them!” Nash declared with a roar of laughter.
“I’m down for it,” Blake said.
“Sorry, y’all. You’ll have to go without us. I’ve made plans this weekend for Charlie and me.”
Facing him, I smiled. “You have?”
The way his face lit up had the butterflies taking flight in my stomach.
“I wanted to make sure you didn’t have work or anything first before I told you about my plans.”
The desire to tell him he came before my job was strong, but I kept it to myself. “No, and if anything comes up, I can always handle it over the phone.”
The way his mouth turned up into the most beautiful smile made my breath catch.
He leaned down to whisper in my ear, causing goosebumps to form in anticipation of his mouth so close to my body and to the revelation of the plans he’d made for us. “Good. I made plans to go to the lake house, just you and me.”
His smile was brilliant as he beamed at me with happiness. I returned the smile, thinking about how exciting it would be to go back to where we had first made love.
Jesus, Tucker was so goddamn handsome and it made me wonder how he had managed to not settle down before now. I was glad, of course, but I still felt the urge to pinch my arm to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
We’re dating … actually dating.
Guilt ripped through me, making me sway a little as a wave of sickness rolled through me.
This all started with a lie. A plan to seduce him back into my life and then get him to marry me before the deadline all to save my position within the company.
I covered my mouth and turned away.
“Charlie? Are you okay?” Tucker asked me.
Shaking my head, I rushed to the ladies’ restroom. Once inside, I ran to a stall, opened it, and threw up my breakfast.
Tears streamed down my face as the reality of what I was capable of and what I had done had set in.
I lied to Tucker. I loved this man and I was lying to him.
The knock on the stall door startled me.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“I … I must have ate something that didn’t agree with me.”
“Do you need anything?”
The concern in Tucker’s voice nearly made me blurt out my confession right then and there.
“N-no … just a few moments.”
Placing my hand over my mouth, I silently cried harder. Over the years, Tucker and I had said some pretty mean and hateful things to each other, but I never meant a word and I knew he hadn’t either. I wanted—no, needed—this weekend more than anything to make up for what I had done to him in the past and what I’d almost done to him now.
“Baby, are you sure you’re okay? Let me get you a warm cloth to wipe your face.”
Tears fell harder as I forced myself to speak.
“Th-thank … y-you.”
I listened to him walk toward the door and leave. Standing, I rushed out of the stall and to a sink. I cupped my hands and rinsed my mouth out at least ten times before he came back into the restroom.
“Here, take this.”
With shaking hands, I took the cloth and placed it over my face. My makeup was already ruined, so this would only be an improvement.
“You don’t think you’re getting sick, do you? We don’t have to go to the lake this weekend.”
I could hear the disappointment in his voice.
“What? No! No, I’m fine. I really think I just ate something that didn’t sit well, that’s all. I feel totally fine now.”
The corner of his mouth rose in a slight smile. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen out from my neatly styled bun.
“You look beautiful today.”
My heart raced in my chest. How could he say that after he just heard me throwing up?
I scoffed. “I’m dressed in a skirt and blouse, and I may or may not have vomit on them somewhere. You’re not a very good liar, Tucker.”
He slowly shook his head. “It’s not the clothes that make you beautiful, Charlie. It’s the person wearing them.”
The pounding in my ears sounded like I was standing in the middle of a gun range and people were shooting on both sides. No matter where I turned, I couldn’t escape the onslaught of emotions and sounds threatening to make me surrender all of my dirty secrets to this man.
“Tucker,” I managed to get out in a breathy whisper.
I needed to tell him the truth. Now.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
The knock on the bathroom door and the immediate opening of the door as one of Tucker’s employees peeked her head in had me halting my words.
“Tucker, there’s a problem out here we need your help with.”
He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Okay, I’ll be right there. I was making sure Charlie was okay.”
I let out the breath I had been holding in when the girl looked my way and gave me a sad smile.
“Go on ahead. I’m fine now, Tucker. Honestly.”
He looked at me, almost with pleading eyes as he said, “What were you about to say?”
Chewing on my lip, I waved my hand in the air. “Nothing. It was nothing at all. I, um … I need to take off.”
He looked crestfallen by my response.
“Were you wanting to grab lunch together? Is that why you stopped by the bar?” he asked, reaching down and kissing me on the forehead. I wouldn’t expect him to kiss me on the lips after what I’d done in that stall.
“I was, but now I’m not sure I’m up for it. Besides, I didn’t have much time and I need to get back to the office.”
He frowned. “Okay, maybe another day then.”
Smiling, I nodded and moved around him toward the door. I exited the ladies’ room and continued to walk down the hall and out into the bar.
“Hey, you okay?” Nash asked as Blake gave me a once-over.
“Fine. Must have eaten something sketchy. I’m heading back to the office.”
Glancing to Blake, I forced a smile. “Nice seeing you, glad you’re back.”
He winked. “Glad to be back.”
Walking out of the bar, I rushed to my car parked out front. My hands shook as I started it and pulled out. Taking in one deep breath after another, I forced myself not to cry again. I’d need to get my shit together before the board meeting this afternoon.
The last thing I wanted was for Paul Ricker to see any weakness in me. It was becoming more and more apparent I had to figure out a way to stay as the CEO besides getting married.
There had to be another way. I was finished with this game I had started. I was going to be with Tucker because that was what I wanted. What I needed.
Not because my job depended on it. That was no way to start a relationship with the man I love. I’d find another way to stay in control of CMI. I had no other choice.