MY MOTHER STOOD in front of me, attempting to fix the tie on my expensive suit.
“I don’t even know why I have to go.”
She pursed her lips together. “Because this was important to your father, so it’s important to us. Besides, Loyd Adams was a good friend of your father’s. You’ll be able to meet his son, Darrell. Loyd is grooming him to take over the family business.”
I rolled my eyes, thinking of how Charlie’s father had done the same with her. Just thinking of Charlie made my insides hurt. She had texted me back the day Nash and I had gone fishing. It had been three hours after I texted her. Her reply was simple and direct.
You scared me. Don’t ever do that again.
I wanted desperately to text her back, but I didn’t. I couldn’t stop analyzing if that had been a mistake.
“Penny for your thoughts,” my mother whispered.
Smiling, I let out a breath and then kissed her on the forehead. “I just hate these kinds of things. That’s all.”
“You won’t tonight, trust me. I think you’ll be very happy you went.”
An hour later when we walked into the ballroom; I groaned at the sight of Noelle.
“Was that your idea of me being happy to go to this?” I asked, jerking my head over to Noelle. It was clear this was one of those kinds of events—the one where all the rich families of Austin showed up, donated big money to make themselves look good, and rubbed elbows in the process.
When my mother saw Noelle, she laughed. “Hardly, Tucker. I never did like that girl when you were dating her. She’s only after one thing.”
Stunned, I stared at my mother and asked, “Do tell, Mother.”
She looked at me. “Money. That’s all that girl wants. Someone with money to take care of her.”
“Well, I own a bar, so I’m not swimming in it.”
Lifting her hand and waving to people, my mother walked slowly beside me. “It’s the name she likes, son. Your father’s business is a good one that makes money, and someday that money falls to you. That’s all that woman sees.”
I huffed. “And you know this how?” I asked, leaning closer to her.
Pausing, she looked up at me. “Your sister, of course.”
I glanced around the room, looking for my sister. Finally, I saw her on the arm of some rich-looking asshole.
“Who is that Lily is with?” I asked my mother when she walked away from the latest person offering her their condolences.
Her eyes searched the room and she smiled. “Mark Peterson. Your father wanted the match.”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
She shrugged. “He pushed your sister toward Mark. Told her it would be a good match and that he liked Mark.”
“So, she’s only with him because it’s what Dad wanted?”
My mother’s sad eyes met mine. I wasn’t sure if she was missing my father, or if maybe I had hit the nail right on the head.
“I’m not sure, Tucker. You’ll have to ask her that.”
I sighed loudly. “This is fucking crazy. How is it all these parents are dictating how their kids live their lives? Dad couldn’t just let Lily be happy with Nash? Why was that? He doesn’t come from a wealthy family? Doesn’t work for the business? This is her happiness, Mom.”
All she did was nod. “I’ve already talked to her about it, and she won’t listen to me. She said she enjoys being with Mark. That he makes her happy.”
“Bullshit,” I mumbled under my breath.
An older couple approached us, and my mother brushed her hand at me as if to say the conversation was over. I smiled, answered when spoken to, and sipped water. I’d have given anything for a shot of vodka.
My entire body came to life as I glanced over my shoulder. The moment I saw her, I felt my breath hitch.
She stood in a small group of people. Her smile looked beautiful on her face, but I knew it was fake. She was putting on a show. This was boardroom Charlie, as Lily and Terri called her. The girl who put up a fake persona when she needed to. That wasn’t the woman I had fallen in love with. The woman I fell in love with was the fun, carefree Charlie. The one who had a damn shaved cat and liked when I whispered dirty things in her ear. The one who tried to be strong because she was raised to be that way but had moments of weakness that she’d only shown me.
She laughed politely at something someone said, and then it looked like she excused herself. When she turned, our eyes met. She stopped and a small smile moved across her face.
Was she finally done being pissed off at me?
I returned the smile with one of my own. I wanted to go to her. Tell her how fucking sorry I was that I hurt her. Tell her that we were both wrong.
Taking a step toward her, I was hell bent on doing just that. But I stopped the moment I saw him come up behind her. Dipping his mouth to her ear, the guy she was with at the bar said something to her that made her nod her head. She turned to face him as he continued to speak to her.
My heart dropped when I saw his hand land on her lower back and guide her over to another small group of people. Charlie glanced back at me with a look I couldn’t read.
“Looks like Charleston Monroe found her a catch.”
My head jerked to my right were two women were talking while eyeing Charlie.
“Darrell Adams is indeed a catch. Her company is helping Darrell’s with some merger or something. Rumors going around are saying they could be the future power couple.”
The weight on my chest grew ten times heavier with each word they spoke.
“Can you imagine if those two got married? She’s one of the richest women in Texas, and Darrell’s family isn’t that far behind.”
They moved farther away and tried to keep their voices low, but I followed them, staying behind them so they wouldn’t know I was there.
“Plus, I heard he’s good in bed, big dick and all, but that his fiancée cheated on him. Rumor has it that daddy is pushing him to get married.”
The other girl gasped. “Do you think they’re going to get married?”
“Why not? If Darrell has to get married, who better to marry than Charleston Monroe?”
My fists balled up. They had it all wrong. It was Charlie who was the one who needed to get married, and it looked like she found the perfect guy to play the role.
I turned so quickly I ran into someone.
“I’m sorry,” I curtly said, making my way over to my mother.
“Mom …” I interrupted a conversation she was having with two younger guys, both my age.
“Tucker! I wanted to introduce you to …”
“I need to leave. Emergency at work.”
Her eyes filled with worry. “Is everything okay?”
Shaking my head, I leaned down to kiss her cheek. “No.”
It was the truth. Nothing was okay. Everything was fucking wrong, and I was pretty sure I was the cause of so much of this.
“Will you be okay getting home?” I asked.
She placed her hand on my arm and gave it a slight squeeze. “Of course, thank you for coming sweetheart.”
Forcing a smile, I nodded and turned to head to the exit. Before I stepped out of the door, I chanced one more look into the room and found Charlie. She stood next to Darrell, but neither of them had their hands on each other. They simply stood there like the perfect couple that they were.