I STOPPED IN my tracks when I saw Lindsey sitting in the leather chairs opposite of Charlie.
Holy fucking shit. Talk about a blast from the past.
“Lindsey?” I asked, startled by her appearance.
“Hello, Tucker. It’s been a while. How have you been?”
My head jerked over to see Charlie. She was attempting to remain calm but clearly freaking out inside.
“I’m fine. You want to tell me what in the hell kind of game you’re playing?”
“I’m not playing a game. I was just about to agree to do a paternity test since Ms. Monroe seemed to think we didn’t know each other.”
Charlie cleared her throat.
“Exactly how do you know Ms. Cooke, Tucker?”
I could hear the hurt and anger in her voice, but I knew all Lindsey heard was strength.
“We met about six years ago after we graduated UT.”
Glancing back to Charlie, she shot me daggers.
Charlie stood. “Do you have reason to believe that Ms. Cooke’s claim that the little girl sitting outside could be your daughter?”
“What? No! I mean, we slept together once, and I wore a condom.”
Lindsey grinned. “There’s only a ninety-eight percent success rate of preventing pregnancies with a condom.”
Anger pulsed through my veins.
“Get real, Lindsey. You and I both know I was so fucking drunk that night I was hardly able to get it up. If my memory is right, I don’t think I even finished before I passed out.”
Charlie cleared her throat again and folded her arms across her chest.
“I’m not really interested in hearing how the two of you were together, Tucker,” Charlie bit out.
“I know I came. At least twice, Tucker.”
My eyes landed back on Lindsey. “What do you want?”
“Six hundred thousand and I go away with our little girl and you never hear from me again.”
“No,” Charlie and I both said at once.
Lindsey sighed.
Picking up her phone, Charlie hit a button. “Marge, I need you to come in here.”
Lindsey looked nervous as she glanced between Charlie and me.
The door opened and Marge walked in. It was then I saw the little girl sitting in the chair. She looked nothing like me, but that didn’t mean anything. For a brief moment, a sense of dread moved over me, making my chest feel as though someone sat on it.
There was no fucking way that kid was mine. I never even got off that night. I know I didn’t.
“Marge, I need you to find a lab that can run a DNA test on Mr. Middleton and the young lady sitting outside. I need to have it done today, and I’ll pay whatever it takes to get the results back as soon as possible.”
“Yes, Ms. Monroe,” Marge said as she wrote a few notes on a pad of paper and headed out the door. Charlie picked up her phone again, dialed a number, and waited.
“Mr. Donovan, I need you in my office ASAP. Drop everything, this is important.”
Damn, was it wrong I was so turned on by the authority in my future wife’s voice during this shitstorm of a predicament?
I shook my head; now was not the time to be thinking about sex.
Lindsey stared at Charlie.
Charlie shot Lindsey a smirk. “Mr. Donovan is my lawyer.” Turning away and looking out the large windows, Charlie went on. “Also, be sure to have the recording of today secured and duplicated. Thank you and see you in a few minutes.”
Lindsey sat up straighter as Charlie hung up the phone and sat down at her desk. She began looking through something as Lindsey looked from me to Charlie.
Charlie barely gave Lindsey a glimpse as she replied, “Yes. I have security cameras in my office that record both video and sound, so your attempts at extorting money from me have all been recorded. Hence the reason for my lawyer to join us.”
It was a good two minutes before Lindsey started laughing.
“I see how this is. You’re trying to use scare tactics on me. Well, it’s not going to work. You want a test done, fine. But until you get the results, I want money to keep my mouth shut.”
“No, that’s not how this works,” Charlie said before I could even answer.
“Ms. Monroe, I don’t think you hear what I’m saying. I will walk out of your office toward the first news station I can find, and I will drop a very juicy story in their laps. One that will have your public relations people scrambling to fix. I can’t imagine you want that squeaky-clean image of yourself or your company to be ruined.”
I took a step back as I watched a look I’d never seen move over Charlie’s face. She stood and walked around her desk until she was in front of Lindsey. She leaned against the desk and smiled.
“I don’t think you understand what I’m doing, Ms. Cooke, so let me break it down into words you can comprehend. I’m going to sue the living fuck out of you for extortion. I’m going to have that DNA test done so that it proves Tucker Middleton is not the father of your little girl and you can never come back and claim it again. I’m going to release the tapes where I have you demanding I give you money to the same media outlets you go to and I will … destroy you. Your daughter will be taken away from you, your life as you know it now will never be the same, and I have no idea how long your ass will sit in jail. So, now that I spelled it out, do you understand how this thing will work from here on out?”
The door to Charlie’s office opened and a man in a suit walked in. He was on the phone with someone as he walked over to Charlie’s desk and set down a legal pad.
“Yes, send them over to Ms. Middleton right away.” He glanced up and looked at Charlie. “Start an hour ago?”
She nodded.
“Yes, an hour ago up to five minutes ago and that should be sufficient.”
Lindsey wrung her hands in her lap.
“Ms. Monroe, I’ve been brought up to date by Marge. The lab is on their way up right now and will be here in less than five minutes.”
“Wait. What?” Lindsey said with panic in her voice.
“A recording of the last hour should be hitting your mailbox …”
Charlie’s computer pinged with a notification.
“Right about now,” Donovan finished with a smile at his efficiency.
When the lawyer had walked into Charlie’s office, she made her way back around to her desk and sat down. She typed something in. She hit her mouse and turned her laptop so Lindsey could see it. Her mouth fell open when she saw the video proof of herself walking into Charlie’s office. When Charlie turned up the volume, Lindsey stood.
“Fine. You made your point. I’m leaving now.”
“Sit. Down. Ms. Cooke,” Charlie demanded. “We are getting that DNA test done.”
“It’s not his kid. I saw the announcement in the paper, and I needed money.”
“So you decided to try and get it from me by lying that the kid was mine?” I cried out.
“I was desperate.” Lindsey’s voice sounded desperate, and the look on her face was too.
“Please don’t do this. My daughter is all I have.”
“Why did you do it?” Charlie asked. “Why do you need the money?” Lindsey dropped her head and stared at the floor. “My husband has a gambling problem. We’re five-hundred-thousand dollars in debt, at least that’s the amount that I know of. I’m about to lose my house, and I don’t know what to do. I panicked and thought if I asked you for money, you’d want to keep your image clean.”
“Don’t you think six hundred thousand is a lot to ask for?” I asked, not feeling the least bit sorry for this piece of shit.
Charlie’s phone buzzed.
“Yes?” she asked.
Marge’s voice came over the phone. “The lab is here.”
“Send them in, along with Ms. Cooke’s daughter.”
Lindsey looked frantic. “She’s not your daughter, Tucker. I’m sorry I lied.”
“I never thought she was. I can’t believe you did this.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Please don’t press charges against me. Please.”
Three people walked in with Lindsey’s little girl in tow. She looked scared to death. Lindsey went over to her and picked her up. Burying her face into the girl’s hair, she said, “I’m so sorry I did this, pumpkin. I’m so sorry.”
Charlie walked over and looked at two of the people. “Take hair samples and that’s it.”
Lindsey looked at Charlie. “She’s not his!”
With a stone face, Charlie said, “We’re going to find out for sure.”
“Charlie, why don’t we …”
Her gaze moved to me, and I stopped talking.
“You weren’t the one who had someone come into your office and ask for over a half-a-million dollars. I was. Forgive me for wanting to make sure this isn’t your child, and let’s hope no other exes walk into our lives and demand money.”
And before I knew it, Charlie walked out of her office, Marge trailing behind her. Mr. Donovan stayed in the room and made sure all the proper paperwork was filled out.
“I’m sorry, Tucker,” Lindsey whispered to me.
The only thing I could do was shake my head. I had nothing to say to her.
One of the gentlemen walked up to me and said, “We will have the results by tomorrow morning.”
Nodding, I replied, “Sounds good.”
Charlie walked back into the office and went straight to Donovan. They talked in a hushed voice, and he looked as though he was arguing with her about something. When they finally broke apart, Charlie made her way over to where Lindsey and her daughter still sat.
“Much to my lawyer’s disapproval, I’d like to help you out.”
Lindsey’s eyes lit up and she stood. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m going to have a trust fund set up in your daughter’s name.”
Standing in front of Charlie, I took her by the arm and moved her back some. “Charlie, that’s not my kid.”
She gave me a weak smile. “I know, but it doesn’t matter. I want to help them.”
My brows furrowed, “Why?”
“Because I can. I know what I’m doing. Trust me, Tucker.”
My heart warmed, and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and kiss her. Charlie never talked about all the amazing things she did for people, but I knew. I knew even before we were together. I’d seen her at functions, and I’d seen the generous amounts of money she and her family gave to causes. It wasn’t just money she gave either; it was her time as well.
“I love you,” I softly said, kissing her on the forehead.
Her hand landed on my chest as she replied, “I love you too.” Stepping around me, Charlie walked back over to Lindsey.
“I’m not doing this for you or your husband.”
“We’re divorcing,” Lindsey mumbled. “I don’t want him around Laney anymore.”
“Good. I think that is a smart thing to do. The trust fund will be put in your daughter’s name and will be available to her either when she goes to college or at the age of twenty-five. In the meantime, you’ll let Mr. Donovan know how much it is to pay off the mortgage for your home. Is the title in both of your names?”
She shook her head. “No, I purchased it on my own before we were married.”
Charlie nodded. “Good. Once your home is paid for, a small amount of money will be able to be withdrawn from an account that will be set up. Once the money is taken out each month, the account will be closed for future transactions until the following month. This is your second chance, Ms. Cooke, don’t screw it up.”
Lindsey stood, holding her daughter in her arms. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.
“Because I believe in helping people who need help, and although you don’t deserve it, your daughter does. Now, if you’ll please kindly leave and go with Mr. Donovan, I have work I need to get to.”
I watched as Lindsey did what Charlie asked. Once the office door was shut, I watched as Charlie let out a sigh.
“I’m so sorry, Charlie.”
Holding up her hand, she looked at me. “Not now, Tucker. I’m emotionally exhausted, and I have a meeting I need to prepare for. Can we talk about this tonight?”
“Of course.” Making my way over to her, I pulled her into my arms and pressed my mouth against hers. I hated that this person from my past caused her pain and stress.
Her body melted against mine as she opened her mouth more and we kissed like we hadn’t seen each other in days. When my fingers laced through her hair and tugged, she moaned, which went straight to my cock.
Whispering against her lips, I begged her for more. “I want you, Charlie.”
“Oh God, Tucker. You’re going to make me cancel this meeting.” Her voice was deep and full of need and desire.
“Cancel it. Come back home with me.”
“The bar?” she questioned in a low voice, both of us very aware of the cameras that we once hated but now sort of loved.
Charlie pulled back and stared into my eyes. “Let me tell Marge I’m sick and have her reschedule some things. It might take me a few hours to get out of here, but we can spend the afternoon together.”
A huge smile broke out over my face. “That’s my girl and that works.” Kissing her on the lips, I added, I’ll meet you at your place.”
Rushing out of her office, I pulled out my phone and made one phone call. My girl was clearing her day for me, so I was going to do something for her.