

My head turned to see a woman my age dressed in a pantsuit staring at me.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“You look flushed. Just making sure you’re okay. Do you need some water or anything?”

Smiling, I felt my cheeks blush. I couldn’t tell her I was daydreaming about Tucker doing naughty things to me.

“I’m fine. Thinking of my fiancé whom I’m about to meet.”

Her face morphed into a wide grin. “Playing hooky, huh?”

I laughed. “Yes, something like that.”

Her brows lifted. “Better not let the boss find out. I’m sneaking down to Starbucks for an afternoon treat since mine is in a budget meeting.”

Tilting my head, I studied her. This girl had no clue who I was. The building CMI occupied ten floors, so she had to know I worked here. She got on the elevator on the seventeenth floor, and I was coming down from the upper floors, which were all CMI.

From the floor she just entered the elevator on, I knew she either worked in accounting or human resources when I asked, “What department do you work in?”

“Accounting. I’m a numbers kind of girl, but I’m only an administrative assistant right now. My boss is a dumbass and thinks that because I’m young, I don’t have the know-how to do the job, even though I do most of his work. I’ve been passed over for three promotions.”

She frowned and mumbled something under her breath that sounded a hell of a lot like fucker.

“Why have you been passed up?”

Looking around the elevator as if anyone else was with us, she replied, “I think it’s because he has the hots for me and wants to keep me at his beck and call.” She shuddered as if the idea of him made her ill.

“Really?” I asked, my curiosity and anger even more piqued. I needed to find out who in the hell this jerk face was and nip this shit in the bud.

With a small shrug, she said, “Yeah, I’ve caught him more than once checking out my ass. Jerk. Do you get that problem too? Guys eyeing you up like you’re a piece of meat? Last guy who tried to touch me got a knee in the groin.”

“Good for you,” I said, giving her a high five and chuckling.

“What about you? What area do you work in?” she asked, the sweetest smile on her face. I liked this girl. I liked her a lot.

“I work on the top floor. The name is Charleston Monroe,” I stated, extending my hand to the now shocked woman.

She knew who I was by my name.

Reaching for my hand, she mumbled, “Oh. Shit.”

Her face turned ten shades of red before she finally spoke. “Lacy Stark. Please, please ignore everything I said.”

She spun on her heels and faced the elevator doors. Pulling out my phone, I sent Tucker a quick text.

Me: Leaving, but need to handle one thing. Won’t take more than five minutes.

Putting my phone in my purse, I faced her.

“Let’s grab a coffee and talk a bit more, Lacy.”

Her face looked like someone had just told her that her favorite dog was dead. “I’m getting fired, aren’t I?”

“No,” I said with a short giggle. “You’re about to get promoted.” Lacy followed me out of the elevator and into Starbucks. I ordered a tea; she ordered the largest, most potent coffee I thought Starbucks sold.

As we took a seat, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before looking at me and speaking.

“I don’t ever talk like that, and I’m sure you’re going to say, ‘Sure you don’t,’ but I felt like I connected immediately with you, as strange as that sounds. We’re both the same age … I think … and, well, it’s not an excuse for bashing my boss and all.”

Holding up my hand, I leaned toward her and said, “Breathe, Lacy. It’s okay. Most people take one look at me and don’t utter a word. I’m glad you spoke up. I want to know if these kinds of things are happing at CMI. First things first though. I want you tomorrow to report directly to my office at eight. I’ll let my assistant know to be expecting you.”

“O-kay. May I ask why?”

With a smile, I said, “I’m moving you up to be my executive assistant.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “But … but … Marge?”

“Is amazing and going nowhere, but she actually needs some additional help. I’m going to be starting a few new projects, and I’m going to need someone who is crazy about numbers to head it up.”

“Head it up?”

I took a sip of my tea. “Yes. You stated you’re a numbers kind of gal.”

Her head nodded frantically.

“Good. When you go back upstairs, I want you to go to Marge’s desk. She’ll be expecting you. She’ll help you with the transfer and alert your previous boss so that it’s all taken care of by tomorrow.”

Lacy’s mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally stood and rushed over to me, hugging me.

“I know this is so inappropriate, but I don’t really care! I’m so happy!”

With a few pats on her back, I urged her to sit back down.

“So, I’ve got to run.”

Lacy grinned like a schoolgirl. “I’ll see you in the morning, Lacy.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Standing, I gave her a soft grin then made my way to the door. My body ached to be in Tucker’s arms and with how pissed off I was right now, I really needed a distraction.

When I got outside, I hailed a taxi, pulled up Marge’s number, and waited for her to answer.

“I thought you were taking the rest of the day off.”

Smirking, I replied, “I am. There’s a young woman my age headed up to your office in the next few minutes. Lacy Stark. She’s my new executive administrator, and you’re going to oversee her work.

“Oh, finally you found someone you liked.”

Marge had been asking me for weeks to hire another assistant. The poor woman worked long hours and never complained, and I knew she wanted someone new to help offset the load. I had other plans for Lacy though. I had a feeling this girl wouldn’t be my assistant for long.

“Find out who her worthless boss is and have him meet me in my office at seven forty-five tomorrow morning. Sharp.”

“Got it. Anything else?”

“Yes, have someone from HR in there as well.”

“This just got interesting. Anything else?”

“Make sure Lacy is moved up to the top floor by the end of the day.”

“Will do.”

“And Marge?”

“Yes, Charlie?”

“Take next week off … on me.”

“For once, Charleston Monroe, I’m not arguing with you.”

“Have a good evening, Marge.”

“You too, Charlie.”

Hitting end, I leaned back and closed my eyes. This had been one hell of a shit-filled day, and I was ready to relax. If any other unplanned things popped up, I was going to lose my shit.

My phone buzzed in my purse, causing me to search for it.

Without looking, I answered. “Hello?”

“Hey, doll. You almost here?”

Sighing, I replied. “Yes. Almost.”

“Perfect, see you in a few.”

The line went dead. Pulling it from my ear, I stared at it. “That was weird,” I whispered to no one other than myself.

After paying the taxi driver, I climbed out of the taxi and walked through the lobby of my building.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Monroe.”

My gaze swung over to the new doorman, Jake. “Hey, Jake.”

“Rough morning?”

Scoffing, I replied, “You could say that.”

The ride up the elevator to my penthouse apartment seemed to take forever. When the doors opened, a wave of the most heavenly smell hit me. Glancing down to the floor, I smiled when I saw the rose petals.

Walking up to my doors, I unlocked them and gasped at the sight before me.

Tucker stood in front of me, dressed in a tux. My mouth went dry, and my knees almost buckled at the sight of him. He looked so beyond handsome and hot as hell.

“Oh my,” I whispered.

He lifted his arms and that was when I saw Mr. Pootie, dressed in a tux as well. I covered my mouth and attempted to hold back my laughter and tears at the same time. Mr. Pootie was not happy about the current events.

“What is going on?” I asked, dropping my hand to my side.

Tucker flashed me a crooked grin that showcased his dimple; my heart melted.

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do.”

He motioned with his finger to follow him.

“I thought you would have been sprawled out naked and ready for se … ahh—”

My words cut off at the sight of our friends standing in the living room.

“I’m pretty sure you were about to say sex,” Nash said, his brow lifted. When I caught Lily on the other end of the group, I smiled. I was glad to see her and Nash in the same room, even if they were as far away from one another as possible.

Picking up a pillow from my sofa, I threw it at Nash. I scanned the group of friends standing in front of me. Nash, Blake, Jim, Terri, and Lily were all dressed in suits and dresses. “What are y’all doing here?”

Tucker handed Mr. Pootie to Terri then walked over to me. The way he moved in that tux had my insides quivering, and I was silently wishing we were alone.

“Charleston Ava Monroe. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and today was another example of your kind and thoughtful heart. You continue to amaze me day in and day out, and I don’t want to wait another minute longer.”

Terri walked up to me and handed me a white garment bag.

Joy bubbled up in my heart as I took the bag and looked back at Tucker.

“I don’t need a big production, and I know you don’t either. All I need is you, our friends, and …” Tucker turned to point to Mr. Pootie, who Nash was now holding up and waving a paw at us. “And even Mr. Pootie.”

“What … what are you saying?” I asked, a sob slipping from my lips. I knew what Tucker was saying, but I needed to hear him say the words that would melt my heart.

“I’m saying let’s get married. Right now.”

“Here?” I asked, peering around the room.

“Sort of. All I need you to do is get changed, and Terri and Lily will do the rest.”