Madagascan Sunset Moth
Chrysiridia rhipheus
Range: Madagascar
The Madagascan Sunset moth flies during the day. The caterpillars feed on plants in the genus Omphalea (family Euphorbiaceae), making the larvae and adults toxic to predators. The moth’s brilliant, iridescent colors are due to light reflecting from the wing scales.
Owl Moth
Brahmaea wallichii
Range: Northern India, through Myanmar to Nepal, China, and Japan
Male Owl moths are smaller than females. The larvae feed on privet and lilac (family Oleaceae).
Atlas Moth
Attacus atlas
Range: India, across tropical Southeast Asia to Indonesia
The Atlas moth has the largest wing surface area of any moth in the world. Females (shown here) are much larger and heavier than males, though males have larger feathery antennae. Like all species in the family Saturniidae, the Atlas moth has no proboscis and does not feed as an adult.
Io Moth
Automeris io
Range: Southern Canada and the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains, south through Mexico to Costa Rica
Larvae of the Io moth are polyphagous, feeding on a wide variety of trees. This species is sexually dimorphic—the male is smaller with yellow forewings, while the female (shown here) is reddish brown.
Spanish Moon Moth
Graellsia isabellae
Range: Spain and France
Spanish Moon moth larvae feed on pine needles. The moth overwinters in its cocoon.
Speckled Emperor
Gynanisa maja
Range: Southern Africa, north to Angola and Zambia
Larvae of the Speckled Emperor moth are one of several edible species traditionally harvested for centuries by the Bisa people of northern Zambia. Caterpillars provide local families additional protein in their diet and an extra source of income through trade.
Golden Emperor
Loepa katinka
Range: Northern India, east throughout Southeast Asia
Male Golden Emperor moths are slightly smaller than females (shown here) and are distinguished by having more pointed forewings.
Death’s Head Hawkmoth
Acherontia atropos
Range: Southern Europe and Africa
Adult Death’s Head Hawkmoths enter beehives to feed on honey. When it feels threatened, the moth squeaks by forcing air out of its proboscis. The common name comes from the skulllike pattern on the moth’s thorax. This species was made famous in the book and movie Silence of the Lambs.
Verdant Sphinx
Euchloron megaera
Range: Africa, south of the Sahara desert
Larvae of the Verdant Sphinx feed on grape vines and Virginia creeper.
One-eyed Sphinx
Smerinthus cerisyi
Range: North America
Larvae of the One-eyed Sphinx feed on willow and poplar trees.
Morgan’s Sphinx
Xanthopan morganii
Range: Tropical Africa and Madagascar
In 1862, Charles Darwin predicted the existence of a moth with a proboscis that extended 10–11 inches (25.4– 28 cm) to pollinate the unusually long, trumpet-shaped nectary of the Madagascan orchid Angraecum sesquipedale. The moth was discovered in 1903.
Great Tiger Moth
Arctia caja
Range: Europe, across temperate Asia to Japan; occasionally in Canada and the northern United States
This toxic species is also known as the Garden Tiger. The hindwings vary from deep orange to yellow.
Giant Leopard Moth
Hypercompe scribonia
Range: Southeastern Canada, through the eastern United States to Mexico
The bristly larvae of the Giant Leopard moth feed on a wide variety of hostplants including cherry, maple, and dandelion.
Four-spotted Tiger
Hyperthaema sanguineata
Range: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
The blood-red coloration of the Four-spotted Tiger moth warns would-be predators that it is toxic.