Hornet Moth
Sesia apiformis
Range: Europe into eastern Asia; and eastern North America
This diurnal moth bears an incredible resemblance to a hornet; it even mimics the wasp’s jerky flight pattern. Larvae feed by boring into the wood of willows and poplars.
Aholibah Underwing
Catocala aholibah
Range: Western North America
All members of the Catocala genus rest with their cryptic forewings covering the hindwings. When disturbed, the moth startles would-be attackers by flashing the bright underwings.
African Peach Moth
Egybolis vaillantina
Range: Africa, south of the Sahara desert
The brilliantly-colored African Peach moth is diurnal. Larvae feed on peach and soapberry.
Owlet Moth
Peridrome orbicularis
Range: Eastern Himalaya, through Myanmar and Thailand to the Philippines and Borneo
Females of this species are slightly larger than males. Larvae feed on plants in the dogbane family.
White Witch
Thysania agrippina
Range: South America, north to Mexico
The White Witch is also known as the Ghost moth or Great Owlet. It is one of the largest moth species, with a wingspan of up to 12 inches (30.5 cm).
Cotton Candy Flannel Moth
Trosia punctigera
Range: Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Surinam, and Brazil
The Flannel moth family occurs mainly in the neotropics. Soft outer hairs on the larvae mask long stinging spines that can cause a rash and inflammation if handled.