Meet the Author

Jessica Day George is the author of many books for young readers, including Dragonskin Slippers, Dragon Flight and Dragon Spear. Jessica studied comparative literature at university and took a class in Old Norse so that she could read the great Viking sagas in the original language. Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked as a librarian and bookseller. Jessica lives with her family in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Your characters live in worlds where magic is possible. If you could bring one magical element from your books into our real world, what would it be?

Oh, how I wish I could fly!

Do you see yourself or your family and friends in any of your characters?

I like to think that I’m nice and spunky and sassy like my heroines. I once tried to put my husband in a story and he wasn’t that thrilled with the character, so I figure it’s better to leave everybody else out.

What was your favourite book when you were younger?

Umm … when I was younger I remember reading Tam Lin by Pamela Dean until it fell apart. Also Tad Williams’ Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy.

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