
First, I would like to thank Avi Tuschman for his comments and for his foundational book Our Political Nature. His work greatly stimulated my thinking. Thanks, too, to Benjamin Purzycki for his ever-insightful perspectives, and to Jessica McCutcheon for her careful editing. Rose McDermott's research and her energetic feedback on a significant section of this book were tremendously valuable. Melissa M. McDonald graciously shared her expertise in evolutionary psychology and provided a thoughtful review, for which I owe a debt of gratitude. I am deeply grateful to Sebastian Junger for a generous exchange of ideas, and for encouraging me to pull the trigger on this book when it was still in the formulation stage. This and his inspiring writing took me a long way.

Erin—this book would not be possible without your support, which you provided in every conceivable way, not the least of which being your tireless, incisive review of every page. Engaging with your exceptional mind improves my work, nourishes my intellectual growth, and is one of life's greatest pleasures.