

This glossary is an abridged version intended as a convenient reference. An asterisk at the end of a definition indicates that a fuller definition is contained within The Reader's Companion to the Year of the Red Door.

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The Main Characters:

Robby Ribbon -- Store clerk in his father's general store. Son of Robigor and Mirabella Ribbon. Among other gifts, he has the uncanny ability to untie knots, and unfasten locks, and to open things that are barred, sealed, or shut.

Sheila Pradkin -- Girl of County Barley, ward of Steggan Pradkin. Sheila is Robby's friend and lover. She hardly remembers her parents and does not know who they are. She was given over to Steggan Pradkin under mysterious circumstances, likely having to do with the dangers of the Redvests who had taken over her homeland.

Ashlord/Collandoth -- A Melnari, called Ashlord by Men, Collandoth by Elifaen. Sometimes referred to as Collandoth the Wanderer, and sometimes known as Collandoth the Watcher. He is very old, though he does not appear very old, with long black hair and beard, barely touched by gray. He has had a varied and complicated career. He has been at various times a mystic, warrior, witch-hunter, teacher, academic, diplomat, and counselor to Queen Serith Ellyn and many other high lords and ladies. Some regard Collandoth as a holy man. He has a Familiar in the form of a small owl, called Certina.

Billy Bosk -- Son of Garend and Frizella Bosk, brother of Raenelle. Good friend of Ibin Brinnin, Robby Ribbon, and Sheila Pradkin. Billy was named after his ancestor, Bilaylin Bosk, who was known as Bilaylin the Hammer.

Ibin Brinnin -- Young man of County Barley, close friend of Billy Bosk. It is thought that a sickness while a young child scarred his mind so that even as an adulthood he seemed childlike and slow-witted. He has a speech disorder so that he tends to stammer and run his words together. He was orphaned when his parents died. He was taken in by the Bosk family.

Ullin Saheed Tallin -- Kingsman and veteran of many desert campaigns. He is the grandson of Lord Danig Tallin, son of Aram and Sharyn Tallin, and Mirabella's nephew. For a while, Ullin Saheed performed clandestine missions into the desert, and it was during one of those that he met and fell in love with Micerea, a Dragonkind woman. He was later assigned to the Post Riders as a Special Courier, reporting directly to Collandoth (Ashlord).

Mirabella Ribbon -- Mother of Robby Ribbon, wife of Robigor Ribbon, daughter of Lord Danig Tallin. Mirabella is Elifaen, as was her mother and two older brothers (all three of whom are deceased). She is much older than her husband, but since she is Elifaen she has the appearance of a young woman. She became estranged from her father when she married Robigor Ribbon.

Micerea -- Dragonkind woman, dreamwalker, conspirator, instructor to Robby Ribbon. Daughter of Gurasa, the great Dragonkind general.

Esildre -- A Firstborn Elifaen of the House of Elmwood who, with her brother, was instrumental in the victory over the Dragonkind at the Battle of Saerdulin. She was later cursed by Secundur. As a result, if her eyes meet any other person's, the two will be filled with a terrible and licentious desire for one another. The result is almost always that the person who succumbs to Esildre's curse will go mad and shortly thereafter commit suicide. She is the daughter of Lord Banis of Duinnor, who is corrupt and second only to the King in power. It was her father, Lord Banis, who sent Esildre to Secundur in order to seal a pact between himself and the Lord of Shadow. And it was when Esildre escaped Secundur's clutches, some centuries later, that Secundur cursed her.

Martin Makeig -- Former captain in the Tracial Royal Navy. He saved Prince Lantos and other members of the Tracian royal family at the Battle of Grisland Strait. Although victorious, Makeig's ship was sunk during the engagement. Makeig and a few of his men made it ashore, but were pursued by the Redvests. After an arduous journey, Makeig and a few of his men found their way Hill Town (in the Thunder Mountains), a kind of refuge and haven of Loyalist men, women, and children. Makeig's men soon formed the central core of defenders of Hill Town, with Martin Makeig their leader.

Raynor -- A Melnari, sometimes called Raynor the Wise. It was Raynor who was in charge of the Kingsman Academy for many years, losing his position when he fell out of favor. He turned to tutoring and book selling. Esildre and her brother, Navis, were students of Raynor. He has a Familiar in the form of a rabbit, called Beauchamp.

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A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- XY --Z

Airemoor-- A village on the road between Vanara and Duinnor.   (See Map Coordinates D4)

Al Sairs-- The personal household army of Gurasa, the great Dragonkind general. Though small in numbers, comprising only three hundred at most, this elite force drew its members mainly from Gurasa's own tribe centered on the region of Almedian. Fierce and loyal to Gurasa, they followed him throughout his rise to power and fame, participating in many battles, often serving as shock troops during assaults or as guerilla fighters harassing enemy lines. When Gurasa's career was ended, the Al Sairs continued to serve him during his unofficial exile in Almedian.

Aldergiest Toll-- An account of the battle of Tulith Attis recorded by Aldergiest the Blue. Written in the years shortly after the battle, the ancient writer was apparently at Tulith Attis or knew some of those who survived to relate the details of the battle. It is known that he was a young Man at the time of the battle, and his accounts were first cataloged in the archives of Vanara in the year 345 S.A.

Almedian-- A small walled town of the northeastern Dragonlands, and home to Soltani Gurasa of the House of Golden Sand a famous Dragonkind general.*   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Alonair-- One of the Firstborn of the Faerekind, a maker of fabulous statues and carvings of stone. It was Alonair who set before the Dragonkind the challenge of the Great Stone that preceded the first great conflict between Faerekind and Dragonkind and eventually led to The Fall and the Departing of Aperion's Host.*

Altoria-- One of the smaller realms to the south at the edge of the world where the sea begins. To its east is Masurthia, to the north is the Great Bletharn Plains, and to the west is the Hinderland (or Hinderlands), a vast area of marshlands and bogs bordered by the impenetrable Tulivana Mountains.*   (See Map Coordinates F7)

Alziekfria-- The ruling class and elite of the Dragonkind, mostly the wealthy or those favored by the Emperor. The name means "free from sickness." This is because this wealthy and influential class receive healing darakal extracts in greater quantity and frequency than other Dragonkind and thus enjoy much better health. As a result, most Alziekfria are very different in appearance than others of the Dragonkind.*

Amandoel-- The name given to Heneil by people of his time, meaning The Builder.

Ancient Speech-- The language that was spoken by most during the First Age and somewhat into the Second Age. Sometimes it is referred to as the Second Tongue (after the First Tongue, also called Faerish, which was all but lost after The Fall).

Anerath-- A spirited horse belonging to Ullin Saheed Tallin. The name comes from the Ancient Speech, and means "water prancer." Anerath was a gift to Ullin Saheed from the Thrubolds, renown horsemen and breeders of Duinnor, in gratitude for his having saved their son's life at the Battle of Garmitor.

Aperion-- A Firstborn Faerekind and the First and True King of the Faere, so appointed by Beras during the Time Before Time. Aperion sought to stop the bloodshed between the Dragonkind and the Faerekind and who led the faithful and loyal Faerekind out of the world. It was Aperion who caused those who remained upon the earth to be Scathed of their wings, becoming the Elifaen, or Fallen Ones.*

Aperion's Fire-- A term used by occupants of Nasakeeria. It is what they call the mysterious wall of flame that ignites and surrounds Nasakeeria whenever a person attempts to enter (or leave) Nasakeeria.*   (See Map Coordinates F2)

Applewait-- Family of Greenfar.

Aram-- (Aram Saheed Tallin) Son of Danig Tallin and Kahryna of Fairoak. Aram was their middle child, being younger than his brother and older than his sister (Dalvenpar and Mirabella). Aram Saheed wed Sharyn Northstar (of a house of Men) was father to Ullin Saheed. Aram became a Kingsman after his older brother's death, but was himself killed at Gory Gulch.

Arbuckle-- (Ned Arbuckle) Elderly bridge tender of Passdale. By the time he became Passdale's bridge tender, Arbuckle was a man of some considerable experience and ability.*

Aremon-- A Nasakeerian hunter of the late Second Age.

Arkstan-- Proprietor of the Rivertree Tavern in Passdale.

Arldewain-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

Atlana-- Daughter of Lord Banis and Lady Tiryna of the House of Elmwood and sister to Navis and Esildre. She was the mother of Coreth and Faslor.*

Attis-- Thought to be the name of the original builder of Tulith Attis, an ancient fortress near Lake Halgaeth in the Eastlands. It was later the name for the town at the base of Tulith Attis, all of which was destroyed during the Dragonkind invasion of 322 S.A.    (See Map of County Barley)

Avatar-- An uncanny apparition that changes in form each at the beginning of each regnal year of the Unknown Kings of Duinnor. Its form lends the name commonly given to a regnal year (The Avatar never takes on the same form as during any previous year.). The Avatar serves the Unknown King in mysterious ways, not all of which is known. It is known, however, that the Unknown King sometimes sends the Avatar to summon someone to the King's High Chamber.*

Averstone-- A small village in the frontier between Vanara and Duinnor. It is situated along the old mountain road that runs from Vanara to Duinnor, and is only a few miles away from Elmwood Castle. For a number of years, Averstone was an important waypoint, particularly with those traveling to Elmwood Castle, with several inns, stables, coachhouses, and blacksmiths vying for customers. However, during the latter part of the Second Age, Averstone began to decline when Lady Esildre suddenly stopped receiving guests which coincided with road improvements that were made along other routes.    (See Map Coordinates D3)

Ayreltide-- A winged horse in the service of Lady Islindia, Queen of the Wood. He exists as such only during the day and night period when Islindia brings forth her memories into actuality.

Bailorg-- (Braig Bailorg Denuth Delcorman) One of the Elifaen, perhaps a Firstborn, but not a member of any known House. He was a mysterious figure, an acquaintance of Pellen in Duinnor during the early Second Age. He was also seen from time to time in various courts, traveling extensively throughout the realms. It is suspected that he traveled into the Dragonlands on several occasions. He was reported to have spent a great deal of time in the region of Shatuum as well, and is thought to have been present with the Dragonkind at the Battle of Tulith Attis, after which he disappeared for many years.*

Balfast-- (Balfast Ribbon) A farmer in County Barley of the Eastlands. When his son and daughter-in-law died of fever, Balfast took in and raised his grandson, Robigor Ribbon.

Ballista-- An engine of war used to hurl stones or missiles at the enemy. It makes use of a torsion system of ropes that are tightened by various cranks to bend an arm or bow which slings the missile when released. Others are more technically referred to as catapults, making use of a swinging arm to throw stones, pots of burning oil, or other blunt missiles. Ballistae came in various sizes and configurations, and were used in both defensive and offensive operations. At the Battle of Tallinvale, both types of ballistae were used (true ballistae as well as catapults), whereas at the Battle of Soltani Pass, the ballistae were actually catapults. In both battles, trebuchets were also used.

Bandit-- The horse of Bob Starhart, an Eastlands Post Rider.

Banis-- A Firstborn Elifaen of the House of Elmwood. Father to Atlana, Esildre, and Navis. His wife, Tiryna, departed with Aperion. Banis did not join with any other houses during the Time Before Time and lived throughout the Vanara region. As his children became warriors for Cupeldain, Parthais, and Serith Ellyn, Banis served in their courts in various nonmilitary capacities. He was a staunch supporter of Parthais, serving as Vanara's Minister of Justice for many years. In the latter period of Parthais's reign, Banis was removed from his position for insubordination to the throne and became something of a recluse from the Vanaran courts until Serith Ellyn became Queen. He briefly served her as a judge, but moved to Duinnor early in the Second Age, and rarely returned to Vanara thereafter.*

Banshee-- Witches or messengers of the afterlife who are thought to beckon the living into death or whose appearance forebodes extreme danger. It is said that only certain bloodlines of Men are visited by banshees when near death or sometimes when threatened by mortal crisis. Banshees were unknown in the world until the coming of Men, though some say that they are witches of the First Age who struck some bargain with Beras for their redemption. This tale has it that, in order to redeem themselves of the evils their kind committed in the world, they must act as harbingers to the bloodline of certain dying Men whom they wronged. Other legends say that the banshee are not witches at all, but another kind of spirit somehow bonded to the fate of Men.

Barian-- A Melnari of the early Second Age. He was renown for his knowledge of the heavens and wrote many books on the subject of the stars. Sometimes called Barian the Counter, it is said that he possessed remarkable eyesight and made an attempt to put a number to the stars and to trace their movements. It was Barian who first perfected a method of using a sextant to aid in navigation, which he shared with his friend and fellow Melnari, Ishtorgus. He was also able to accurately predict certain celestial events, and was a proponent of improved calendars. While living in Altoria, he developed a reliable timekeeping device, one that operated by way of waterwheels and gears. Legend has it that while he was stargazing one night, a falling star struck where he stood, leaving no trace of him but a smoking hole in the ground.

Barley-- A rural county within the old Eastlands Realm south of Lake Halgaeth and just east of the Thunder Mountains, bordering the lands west of the ancient fortress of Tulith Attis. It is so named because of the main crop grown in the region. Barley was once merely the regional name for the area, but was adopted as the county name when the Eastlands Realm organized itself into counting districts for the purpose of performing the First Census. Nearly all of the lands encompassing Barley were once part of the vast Bosk estate holdings, but over time much of the former Bosk lands were sold or deeded away. Its principal town is Passdale, formerly known as Dalefath.   (See Map of County Barley)

Bartow-- One of the captains of the Fourth Army of Kingsmen under General Teracue during the late Second Age. He served in the Dragonlands, fought against the Wickermen at the Battle of Soltani Pass, and at Tallinvale against the Redvests.

Battalion-- A military unit normally consisting of between 1200 and 1800 men including military support staff (but often excluding civilian support personnel such as wranglers, blacksmiths, wagon drivers, etc.). The size and makeup of the battalion level military unit varies greatly from realm to realm, and from army to army. In Duinnor, a battalion is usually no less than 1500 soldiers, but in Glareth a battalion may have as few as 800 men. Several battalions may comprise an army unit or division. Battalions sometimes act as semi-autonomous units under a battalion general or other command responsible to a higher general or commander. Battalions are usually subdivided into companies, variously consisting of between 150-500 men. Sometimes battalions are organized in support of specific types of operations or duties. For example the 1st Battalion of the Kingsman Fourth Army is a Heavy Assault Battalion, while the Third Battalion of the Kingsman First Army is an engineering battalion, and specializes in fortifications, mapping, bridging, and the like, often in service to other units outside the First Army.

Baygast-- Company commander of Sparrow Company, First Battalion, Fourth Army of Duinnor. He distinguished himself at Westlawn when he commanded a small ballista that helped destroy the monster of the Wickermen.

Beauchamp-- Familiar to Raynor the Melnari; Beauchamp takes the form of a rabbit. Beauchamp was captured sometime around 700 S.A. while on an errand for Raynor and was taken into the Dragonlands as a part of a menagerie of exotic northern animals. He survived the ordeal and managed to escape, working his way northward over the course of many years, eventually returning home to Raynor in Duinnor in 870 S.A..

Begrimlin-- Often referred to as Begrimlin the Kingmaker, although it is not known why he was called Kingmaker. A Firstborn Elifaen, he was renown for his ability to bring feuding parties to treaty, though he found little success when it came to bringing peace between his people and the Dragonkind. In the latter part of the First Age and into the Second Age, he was active in many realms.*

Behemoth-- A constellation of the northern sky, so-called after the legendary monster that roamed the earth during the Time of Strife and was said to have been thrown into the heavens by Cupeldain (though Cupeldain denied any such tale).

Bekund-- Captain of the House Guard of Tallin Hall.

Beleron-- An Elifaen prophet of the early Second Age who forewarned the Elifaen against joining with Men. A cult sprang up around him that persecuted Men and created divisions between Men and Elifaen during the early part of the Second Age. He eventually renounced violence and called for peace between the races, but was himself assassinated, along with several others of his cult who joined in his renunciation.*

Belmira-- One of the daughters of Heneil and Lyrium, twin sister of Elmira, though they are not identical twins.*

Belsalza-- During the late Second Age, King of the Dragonkind. Son of Salzadur and supposedly a descendant of Kalzar the Great. Belsalza rejected the reforms of his father, rebuilt the armed might of the Dragonlands, reunited the sundered tribes, and renewed war against the north.

Bentbend-- A village south of Passdale on the river Bentwide.

Bentwide-- The stream that flows from the headwaters of Lake Halgaeth to the Saerdulin to the south. When Heneil's Wall was build, damming Lake Halgaeth were it fell into the Saerdulin, the lake level rose considerably, eventually spilling into the Bentwide. The Bentwide then flowed as a river, deep enough for boats to dock at the town of Dalefath (later the site of Passdale), where a bridge crossed the river permitting goods and traffic to go to Attis. When the dam burst late in the Second Age, the Saerdulin retook its course and power, and the Bentwide was reduced to a stream as the lake quickly fell to its ancient level.   (See Map of County Barley)

Beras-- The personification of the Creator; sometimes called Intent. He is worshipped by Elifaen, Men, and the Dragonkind, all having separate views of Beras. Beras is also referred to as the personification of the Creator's Intent, seeing to the balance of the world. It was Beras who commanded the earth to be formed and for life to emerge upon it. And it is Beras who is regarded as the father of the Faerekind. The Dragonkind peoples also worship Beras who is, in their religions, the force behind their liberation from the ancient dragons who enslaved them. Men worship Beras as their savior, who directed their departure from their Lost World and guided their epic passage across the boundless sea to the shores of the Found World.

Berralasa-- One of the Elders of Nowhere, the outspoken wife of Herbert the Blue.

Bilaylin--    1. A founder of the Bosk clan of Men, also called Bilaylin the Hammer. Along with several other Men he joined with the Elifaen to fight the Dragonkind in the Second Age. He gained a reputation for valor on the battlefield and cantankerousness everywhere else. He died at Tulith Attis during the Dragonkind siege of that place, but was survived by a son and three daughters.   2. The right name of Billy Bosk, a descendant of Bilaylin the Hammer. Billy Bosk was one of those who accompanied Robby Ribbon and his party westward in 870 of the Second Age.

Biradur-- (Biradur Waste) The desert wasteland to the southeast of the Blue Mountains of Vanara in the northernmost reaches of the Dragonlands. It stretches from Kajarahn to the west to the Nalamain Hills and the Tamkal Plain to the east, and reaching from the Badlands southward to Calamandor (the Green Citadel). The Biradur is notorious for its vast flat stretches, sometimes covered by shifting dunes of sand, and for its violent sandstorms.*   (See Map Coordinates C5)

Blain-- (Blain Farby) Father of Grantham Farby of Duinnor

Blaney-- Surname of brothers Gargeoff and Markum Blaney, residents of Hill Town and expert scouts. The two brothers migrated from Tracia during the rise of the Triumvirate and served under Martin Makeig in the fighting that took place when Redvests invaded the Eastlands.

Bletharn-- (Bletharn Plain, or The Great Bletharn Plains) The great grassy plain that divides east from west, with Duinnor and Vanara on the north and west at the edge of the world and the other realms to its south and east. It is virtually uninhabited and has few trees and no significant surface water in the form of streams or lakes In addition, a peculiar blight lays upon this region so that any game taken from the place and eaten will make a person violently ill from an intestinal malaise that might last for days but rarely results in lasting harm.*   (See Map Coordinates G5)

Bloodcoins-- The common name for the Forty-Nine Keys to the Nimbus Illuminas, often called simply, The Forty-Nine. There are various theories as to how they came to be called Bloodcoins. One stems from a legend pertaining to Chantay and her daughter Lucinda, that when Chantay was driven mad by the Seven given to her by Aperion, Lucinda cut off her mother's head and Chantay's blood covered the objects of the dispute. Others say that they are called Bloodcoins because they were given to the seven greatest "blood houses" or bloodlines of the Elifaen. Another explanation stems from the superstition that any Mortal who possesses any Faere coin of any kind will meet with bad luck or death (But there is no indication that this belief existed at all until sometime during the latter part of the Second Age.)*

Bluepine-- A village in the northern extremes of Tallinvale.

Bodwin-- (Sally Bodwin) Girl of Hill Town in the late Second Age. Daughter of Niels Bodwin and goddaughter of Martin Makeig.*

Boggy Wood-- A densely wooded and boggy region of Forest Mistwarren on the eastern side of the River Saerdulin opposite County Barley at Tulith Attis.   (See Map of County Barley)

Bonewalker's Valley-- Also called Griferis Vale or Grigferith Vale. Since little is known about Griferis, many tales and legends surround it. Bonewalker's Valley may be derived from the land of Shatuum that surrounds Griferis since it is in that place that all manner of vile and hideous creatures dwell and from where goblins and other creatures purportedly come from.   (See Map Coordinates C3)

Bordy-- A Passdale councilman.

Borwain-- Ward of Lord Threshmere of the House of Hemlock. Borwain was crippled from a young age and depended upon the use of crutches to get about. He had the uncanny talent of making drawings that seem to depict living, moving, and changing things.

Bosk-- One of the Ancient Honored Houses of Men, though not a Named House. It is descended from the earliest Men that arrived on the world's shore. The family estate is located in County Barley of the Old Eastlands Realm. Its most famous member was Bilaylin the Hammer who fought and died at Tulith Attis. His descendants were granted vast land holdings not far from Tulith Attis.

Boskland-- A regional name for the lands belonging to the House of Bosk.   (See Map of County Barley)

Branard-- One of the militia of Boskland.

Brennig-- (Russard Brennig) Commander General of Tallinvale, Lord Tallin's chief aide and military advisor, died at the Second Battle of Tallinvale.

Brinathar-- (Brinathar the Lion) Summer constellation to the east of Behemoth. Brinathar was a lion, and was the legendary protector of Ererdid the Princess, whose constellation is nearby. This constellation depicts Brinathar watchfully crouching nearby to the sleeping Ererdid.

Broadweed-- (Gustan Broadweed) Schoolmaster in the town of Passdale, County Barley in the late Second Age.*

Brolith-- Elder of Nowhere.

Buckie-- Powerful pony of Barley, favorite of Ibin Brinnin. Would allow no other person to ride him.

Buckman's Ferry-- A ferry located near to where the Bentwide meets the Saerdulin.   (See Map of County Barley)

Buckmarl-- A type of large antlered deer or elk ridden by many of the Faere in the Elder Days and sometimes still. They are swift and light on the hoof, strong and nimble in the wood and on rocky mountainsides. They are renown for their ability to leap from crag to crag, much like a ram, with surefooted ease.

Byrn-- (Byrn Tallyck) Tradesman and resident of Greenfar.

Bywaters-- Resident of Greenfar.

Calamandor-- Known as the Green Citadel by Men, a great city in the northern deserts of the Dragonlands, sacked and destroyed twice in the Second Age. It is one of the oldest and largest cities of the Dragonkind, with plentiful wells. It was called the Green Citadel because of the tower that once held the Glowing Stone of Bazradur which emitted a bright green light both day and night. In 790 S.A., the tower mysteriously crumbled and fell, shattering the stone so that it could not glow as before. Calamandor was also renown for its elegant and rare overhanging gardens.*   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Calletshire-- County in northeastern Eastlands Realm close to the border with Glareth Realm.   (See Map Coordinates K3)

Calman-- A captain of the King's Post stationed at Janhaven during the late Second Age.

Carbane-- Ruling Prince of Glareth, father of Prince Danoss. Carbane is of the Elifaen House of Beech.

Carella-- A bright star of the constellation Brinathar the Lion, often called the Eye of Brinathar.

Carthane Mountains-- (The Carthanes) Lofty mountains to the west of Glareth and the Eastlands Realms. The range is bordered in the north by the the Osterflo River and stretches south to the Thunder Mountains, west to the Plains of Bletharn, and eastward to Lake Halgaeth. Its highest peaks are ever capped with snow, as they rise precipitously in the middle region of the range and drop away as rapidly to the north. Its high passes, particularly Loringard Pass, are a favorite summer route to and from the Eastlands and the west, but they are closed from late summer through late spring by ice and snow. *   (See Map Coordinates I3)

Cartu-- A warlord clan of Thunder Mountain hillsmen who took power over the Damar and eventually united the other clans under their rule, making Lang Cartu their king.

Celefar-- 1. One of the Firstborn Faere who stayed behind with Cupeldain and the others of the Faere who were determined to fight the Dragonkind. It was Celefar who was loved by Aperion's daughter, Laeleth, and the love of Laeleth and Celefar and their travails to be reunited are recorded in many songs, poems, and tales.   2. A buckmarl ridden by Prince Thurdun, brother of Queen Serith Ellyn of Vanara. He is named for one of the legendary Firstborn, a great warrior and the lover of Laeleth, daughter of Aperion.

Certina-- One of the so-called "Familiars." She accompanied Collandoth in the world during the Second Age. Certina's form was that of a small owl, no bigger than one's hand.

Chaldron-- A constellation of the northern sky, named by the Dragonkind fro a mighty warrior. Chaldron ever circles the North Star, lost and never able to find his way home.*

Chancellor-- In most realms, the title is given to the highest ruling lord of the land. In Vanara, the Chancellor is the very highest lord, second only to the Queen in power, who is selected by the Queen to serve as her head of state, overseeing military, diplomatic, judicial, and economic matters and carrying out the Queen's Rule of Law, acting as the Chief Judge of the Land with the power to overturn the verdicts and rulings of Vanaran Judges. The Lord Chancellor of Vanara is also Regent of Vanara whenever the Queen is absent from court, speaking for the Queen and with the Queen's authority. In 849 S.A., Lord Rolland Seafar was named Chancellor, the first mortal to hold that title. The House of Seafar continuously held the title thereafter, with Brandis Seafar, at the age of thirty, becoming the youngest Chancellor in Vanara's history in 865 S.A.

Chanter-- One of the captains of the Household Gray Guard of Queen Serith Ellyn, brother of Gaiyelneth, companion and maid to the Queen.

Chiroth-- Region to the west of Duinnor that mines silver ore that is exceptionally pure.   (See Map Coordinates C1)

Chiselpeck-- A village in the Carthanes that mines silver and produces modest jewelry. It was known as Darforin until sometime in the middle of the Second Age, when it took the name of the chief mining concern located there.   (See Map Coordinates I3)

Chulwinkie-- A resident of Bluepine.

Clingdon-- Blacksmith of Passdale, County Barley, father of Gina.

Common Speech-- Also referred to as the Common Tongue. It is the common language of Men and Elifaen, and the native language for most Men of the eastern realms. It became the standard language of trade and commerce during the Second Age and as its use spread the former languages, particularly the Ancient Speech, fell into disuse. It is a heterogeneous language made up of many aspects of the Ancient Speech and various dialects, combining words and phrases brought by Men to the world with those spoken by the Elifaen.

Common Tongue-- Also referred to as the Common Speech. It is the common language of Men and Elifaen, and the native language for most Men of the eastern realms. It became the standard language of trade and commerce during the Second Age and as its use spread the former languages, particularly the Ancient Speech, fell into disuse. It is a heterogeneous language made up of many aspects of the Ancient Speech and various dialects, combining words and phrases brought by Men to the world with those spoken by the Elifaen.

conjurer-king-- The magical kings of legend who reigned over marvelous and mysterious lands unseen by ordinary mortals or Elifaen. Children's stories abound with such figures, sometimes evil, sometimes solitary individuals rarely seen. There is a basis for these tales in the kingship of Duinnor, for that king has an unknown name, is rarely seen, and rules through mysterious and, some say, magical powers.

Cormund Valley-- A fertile valley in Vanara to the east of the Iridelin River.

Craggy Sea-- The stretch of sea to the south of the Dragonlands and Altoria. It is a region filled with reefs, shallows, and jagged rocks that jut up from the surface. The combination of these obstacles with powerful currents, frequent fog, strong tides, and violent storms make navigation through this sea nearly impossible. Since wood is scarce throughout the Dragonlands, the people of that region rarely venture far from the few safe bays along their coast. It therefore serves as a natural barrier protecting Altoria from any large-scale sea-based invasions from the west.   (See Map Coordinates D8)

Crevasse of Fire-- Located along the eastern slopes of the Tulivana Mountains, the Crevasse of Fire was formed in the First Age when a volcano erupted there and spewed flowing lava. The lava cut a deep channel between two sharp cliffs and pooled somewhat before cutting under the mountain that blocked the lava before flowing farther eastward through into the western edges of the Hinderlands. The volcano remained active for several years, and the Crevasse of Fire was the place where, in 918 F.A., Navis of Elmwood did battle with Jatarak the Ogre. Navis prevailed, and it is told that he cut off Jatarak's head to take back to Altoria, and tossed the giant's body into the Crevasse. Legend has it that Jatarak's body was not consumed by the molten pool, but was eaten by the dragon that put forth the fiery bile that made the volcano. The dragon, so the story goes, was satisfied with the meal, and went to sleep. By the time Navis had returned to Altoria through the Hinderlands, the volcano had become quiet.   (See Map Coordinates E7)

Culfinor-- One of the ways in which the Unknown King of Duinnor is addressed, meaning "the one who is alone," or, "lonely one," presumably because of his isolation and rare public appearances.

Cupeldain-- One of the Firstborn of the Faerekind and founder of the House of Fairlinden. It was Cupeldain who led the Faerekind to make a war of retaliation against the Dragonkind, against Aperion's command. He and those who followed him were punished by being stripped of their wings.*

Cuwali-- A name for the strange nomad tribes and the name of their language. They are hunting tribes, living primitively along the southern reaches of the Bletharn Plains.*

Dalefath-- The former name of the site where Passdale now stands, on the western banks of the Bentwide River in the County Barley of the old Eastlands Realm. When Heneil dammed the Saerdulin at Lake Halgaeth, the lake waters to rose and spilled into the Bentwide, forming a river that was before merely a stream. At that time, the old bridge at Dalefath was rebuilt and made higher and stronger. As a result, Dalefath became an important crossroads since it was the farthest north that heavy trade barges could come (smaller boats could still travel up the Saerdulin as far as Tulith Attis, but only if they were rowed by skilled oarsmen.) The name went out of common use sometime after the battle at nearby Tulith Attis, when Dalefath and the surrounding lands were destroyed. After its destruction, it would be almost a hundred years before the site was reoccupied and eventually called Passdale.   (See Map of County Barley)

Dalvenpar-- (Dalvenpar Tallin) Eldest son of Danig Tallin and Kahryna of the House of Fairoak. He became a Kingsman and died during the bloody retreat from the First Siege of the Green Citadel (Calamandor) within the Dragonlands.

Damar-- A warlord region in the Thunder Mountains that sprang up in the latter Second Age; it allied itself with Tracia during that realm's revolt against Duinnor's rule. Its people was ruled by the Cartu warlord clan, and its most powerful ruler was Lang Cartu, who made himself king over the Damar in the late Second Age.

Damar City-- The chief city of the Damar. The fortified city became the seat of power for the Damar warlords.   (See Map Coordinates I4)

Danig-- First given name of Danig Saheed Tallin, Lord of Tallinvale during the late Second Age.

Danoss-- Prince of the House of Beech, son of Glareth's Ruling Prince Carbane. Prince Danoss was the prince and governor of the Connassa Province of Glareth Realm during the late Second Age. He made his home at Formouth, on the northern shore of Lake Halgaeth. He organized the Connassan Lakemen into a paramilitary naval force tasked with patrolling the lake against pirates, and with carrying on trade with the south, and transporting passengers and trade-goods across the lake.

Danthis-- A military engineer, builder, and sculptor of the middle Second Age. He was responsible for the design and construction of many watch towers and minor keeps and fortifications in Vanara. He also built Tulith Morgair, a watch tower on the western Carthanes overlooking the Missenflo and the Bletharn Plains.

Dargul-- Chief civilian advisor and counselor to Lord Danig Tallin of Tallinvale during the late Second Age.

Deedle-- Tavern keeper of Bluepine.

Desira-- Firstborn Elifaen, and sister to Tiryna. Tiryna was wed to Banis, and it was rumored he was also the father of Desira's daughter, Shevalia, born some years after the Fall of the Faere. Desira was quite beautiful, a fact which belied her abilities as a warrior. Her prowess earned her high rank among Elifaen fighters, and as many tried to woo her as desired to fight alongside her. In spite of her skill, and under somewhat mysterious circumstances, she was killed at the Battle of Tamkal Plain.

Dorcilla-- Resident of Greenfar, wife of Garnor Stavin, a cobbler and maker of leather-goods.

Drago-- The ordinary class of Dragonkind. Mistakenly thought by some of the north as a separate race from the Alziekfria since the Drago and Alziekfria are different from one another in appearance and health. That is because the Drago do not regularly receive the darakal elixir and are thus more coarse in appearance and demeanor than those who rule. They suffer scales of the skin, thinning hair, and, should they suffer from the desert sickness long enough, their facial features change, most notable a thinning of the lips, thickening of the tongue, and the loss of the boney structure of the proboscis, resulting in a flat nose with narrow nostrils. As a result of the sickness, few Drago reach physical maturity, becoming increasingly weak and prone to illness, thus their mortality rate is quite high.

Dragon-- Terrible, fire-spitting creatures spawned by Morgasir during the Time before Time. Most of the dragons, along with Morgasir and a host of his followers, were destroyed by Beras in a great conflict, but some escaped into the bowels of the earth and into far places. Legend has it that the dragons sired a race of slaves to serve them, and, when the dragons were destroyed, the slaves were set free, becoming the Dragonkind.

Dragonkind-- Mortal inhabitants of the southern deserts, calling themselves Drakyr. Their legends tell that they were created as offspring of Morgasir's dragons, to serve as slaves. When Morgasir was destroyed, along with most of his creatures and followers, these people survived by eking out a living in the deserts, shunned and despised by the Faerekind in the fertile lands of the north. Eventually, they multiplied and built great cities, developed engineering and mathematics, writing, and other arts. Since the time of their first great king, Kalzar, the Dragonkind have warred with those of the northern lands.*

Drakyr-- The proper name for the Dragonkind and the lands of the southern deserts; also called Dragonlands. The name sometimes refers to the people of Drakyr who claim they originated as offspring of the dragons and call themselves the Dragon People. Also commonly called Dragonkind or Dragonfolk or Drago (although this last term refers specifically to a certain class of the Dragonkind). Drakyr is often referred to as the Dragonlands.

Draymoor-- Capital of Altoria located on the Iridelin River about forty miles upriver from the sea.   (See Map Coordinates E7)

Drayworth-- (Ramund Drayworth) Former Duke of Drayfield of Tracia, a famous, or infamous, swordsman and adventurer of the late Second Age. Fiercely loyal to deposed Prince Lewtrah, he was hunted by the Triumvirate's assassins. Drayworth remained in Tracia for several years, fomenting insurgent attacks against the new rulers, but was eventually forced to leave Tracia and later took up residence in Hill Town along with other refugees.

Dreamwalker-- Also called a lunesaari, a person who is said to have the uncanny power to control his own dreams and the ability to enter the dreams of others, thereby controlling or influencing those, too.

Duinnor-- A northwestern realm, taking its name from the ancient name for the river that flows along its northern bounds. Among the smallest of the Realms, it is nonetheless densely populated, and, as the ruling realm of the Unknown Kings, it is the most powerful of all the realms. Its chief city is Duinnor City.*   (See Map Coordinates E2)

Durlorn-- Resident of Janhaven, stockade foreman to Furaman the Trader.

Dyersly-- Saljem Dyersly, a scholar and learned man of Tracia. Dyersly established a special school for the arts and culture in Tracia and was close to the Royal Family. When they were ousted from power, Dyersly fled and took up residence in Hill Town.

Eastlands-- Also called "Eastland," "Eastlands Realm," or "the Old Eastlands Realm." The realm that lies south of Glareth and north of Tracia, extending from the coast of the world to the Thunder Mountains in the west. After the Seven Realms were established in the Second Age, it suffered many misfortunes including droughts, floods, plagues, and invasion. Its capital was at Colleton on the coast, once an important trading port. However, in spite of the rich natural resources of the lands, the inept rule of its kings prevented the Eastlands from becoming very strong. After the demise of King Inrick II, the Eastlands became a protectorate of Glareth Realm.*   (See Map Coordinates K4)

Eddard-- A Barleyman, foreman of Boskland.

Edgewold-- An agricultural and trading town of Men located in the west near to the Plains of Bletharn on the Long Road from Altoria to Duinnor. During the late Second Age, it feuded with nearby Westlawn when that town was overtaken by Wickermen rebels. Eventually, Edgewold was garrisoned by an army from Duinnor which saw to its defense and eventually overthrew the Wickermen rebels.   (See Map Coordinates F4)

Eglan-- Soldier of Tallinvale.

Elder-- A title given to the leaders of Nowhere. These were those who were the original survivors of forced servitude under Bailorg.*

Eldwin-- An Elder of Nowhere, one of the people originally cursed after the battle of Tulith Attis. Eldwin was a woodworker and carpenter who made tables and chairs and other such things. He became a friend of Esildre and was with her at the Second Battle of Tallinvale.

Eldwyna-- Resident of Nowhere, granddaughter of Eldwin the Elder.

Elf-- Or Elfkind. Slang used to refer to the Elifaen, usually used by Men.

Elifaen-- The Fallen Ones; those of the immortal Faerekind who refused to leave the world at the command of Aperion and who were "scathed," meaning they were stripped of their wings for their disobedience. This event is usually referred to as "the Fall," or sometimes "the First Scathing."*

Elmira-- One of the daughters of Heneil and Lyrium, twin sister of Belmira, though they are not identical twins. *

Elrasil-- A hunter of the First Age who discovered the Gate of Griferis and led King Parthais there. Later, he was made a warden of Vanara under Queen Serith Ellyn.

Endeweir-- Lands of the far north where winters are long and summers short. It is said that in some regions ice never melts, and, during half of the year the sun does not fully set while during the other half it never fully rises.*

Ererdid-- The sleeping princess, a constellation of the northern skies.

Ethliad-- (Ethliad the Sword) A famous sword belonging to Silmain, first King of Vanara. Of magical qualities, it could cut through any material, even the thickest armor. The sword was lost when Silmain was killed in the Dragonlands.*

Everis-- One of the ancient lands before the coming of Men, now lost to the world. It is now known only as the place from where the poet Starlerf came. Some believe Everis was a village located in western Vanara, while others hold that it was the ancient name for a region within Masurthia.

Faeanna-- Daughter of Shevalia, and serving maid to Lyrium. She was an accomplished fighter, having served with Cupeldain in the Dragonlands alongside her grandmother, Desira. *

Faere-- Properly speaking, the First Ones, meaning the children of the spirit of the Earth. Those beings who came to inhabit the world in the Time Before Time and who embodied the joy and harmony of creation.*

Faerum-- Variously used, this name once was synonymous with "world." More generally, it came to mean those ancient territories of the Faerekind, centered upon the vast Forest Halethiris.*

Fairbirch-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Ormace who received Seven Emerald Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Faircedar-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Chantay who received Seven Amethyst Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Fairfir-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Lyrium who received Seven Amber Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Fairlinden-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by who received Seven Sapphire Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Fairmaple-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Katrina who received Seven Topaz Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Fairmyrtle-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by who received Seven Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Fairoak-- One of the Named Houses of the Elifaen. When their Vanaran lands were lost to war and economic distress, Kahryna Fairoak married Danig Saheed Tallin, making the Joined House of Tallin and Fairoak.

Fairwillow-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Therona who received Seven Diamond Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

Falgo-- (Falgo Kalpis) The son of a Tracian fisherman of the late Second Age during the time of the Redvest Triumvirate. In 865, at age 15, he won the Sparger's Cup in the Dingy Class, piloting his 14 foot sloop-rigged Spray (which he and his father built). As winner, Falgo should have received a commission as a midshipman aboard a Redvest warship. However, due to a dearth of ships, most of the young competitors were instead drafted into the Redvest Army. Falgo was sent at first to Kalbrith, then reassigned under General Vidican's command shortly before the Redvest invasion of the Eastlands.*

Fallen Ones-- The Elifaen, both those Firstborn who were originally stripped of their wings and all their offspring who bear the scars of Scathing.

Fallendine-- A Familiar in the form of a vulture.*

Famatir-- The broad shallow bay at the mouth of the River Talkana in Masurthia Realm. It is where the Kingdom of Solsorna was established in the coastal city of the same name.

Familiar-- Familiars are the mysterious creatures that are companions to members of the Melnari race. They have unusual abilities, including the ability to communicate directly with others without the need of speech, although they prefer to communicate only with their particular Melnari companion.*

Farbarley-- The northernmost area of County Barley closest to Lake Halgaeth.

Farby-- A family of northwestern Duinnor, they were miners who in the middle to late Second Age made their fortune in mining iron ore, silver, and gold. *   (See Map Coordinates E2)

Farduin-- A seasonal river, subject to rains and meltwater, that flows from Duinnor Realm southward along the western reaches of the Bletharn Plain. By late summer it is usually a mere stream, if any water flows at all.   (See Map Coordinates F3)

Fascomb-- (Leander Fascomb) Post Rider of Duinnor.

Fate-Seers-- A term given to certain fortune tellers of the First and early Second Ages. Generally, these were those who wrote verse or recorded arcane and cryptic writings concerning future events of the world, often in a state of mad rapture. It is said that they foretold the downfall of Parthais, the loss of the Bloodcoins, and the coming of Men. Many of the Fate-Seers wrote anonymously, attributing their words to Beras, or Aperion, or some other of the departed Faerekind.

Fellfaere-- Elifaen warriors of Vanara, renown for their cold efficient fighting skills.

Fetch-- A sweet and potent liquor distilled from a blend of barley and other malt grains, fruit, and honey. It is peculiar to the region of County Barley, and a specialty of that region. Sometimes called "Barley Water."

Finniar-- One of the Nowhereans, a blacksmith.

Finteri-- Daughter of Arlam Tallin, and descendant of Men who first landed on the shores of the world. She wed Dalcadian, son of Myrium and Pellen (brother of Heneil), and bore a son named Metlar who inherited her titles, since he was not Elifaen and took her surname.

Firefeast-- In Barley, other parts of the old Eastlands, and within other realms. It is a festival of summer, with bonfires, parades, feasts, and other celebrations. It takes place on Midsummer's Eve and throughout Midsummer's Day (and sometimes lasts much longer). It coincides with the Summer Solstice.

Firestick-- Sometimes called firetips, a small wooden dowel, often of oilwood, the end of which is dipped in a phosphorus/sulfur paste and allowed to dry. When scratched or struck against an abrasive surface, the tip ignites, setting the stick afire.

Firstborn-- Those Faerekind or Elifaen who witnessed the Time Before Time. Also called the First Ones. Some of these were the embodiment of the spirits of the earth, becoming the very first of the Faere. Others were offspring of the Faere, conceived of love. Those Firstborn who lost their wings became known as the Elifaen, or Fallen Ones.

Fisenwold-- An abandoned city on the eastern edge of the Plains of Bletharn. Once a city of commerce and culture, it was located on one of the main east-west trade routes.*   (See Map Coordinates H4)

Fivelpont-- Sheriff of Barley during the late Second Age.

Flame Masters-- A loose-knit guild of alchemists located in Glareth Realm which was established late in the First Age for the exchange of secrets and recipes for methods of producing fire and light, usually by the use of admixtures and chemicals. However, some Flame Masters were interested in organic and natural sources of light and heat and in crystals that enhanced light. Glowing plants such as Peller's Carpet were of interest to these alchemists who by necessity also became herbalists.*

Flitter-- A flying squirrel and pet of Collandoth during his stay near Tulith Attis during the late Second Age.

Forlandis-- The capital city of Tracia Realm at the mouth of the Saerdulin River. It was formerly the Kingdom of Forlandis, and was founded by Elifaen early in the First Age. It remained an isolated and relatively unknown kingdom until the House of Alder assumed the throne in the late First Age (around 880 F.A.).*   (See Map Coordinates J6)

Formouth-- A city on the north shore of Lake Halgaeth in the Connassan Province of Glareth Realm. It is home to the Glareth Lakemen. Formouth became the governing center of the old Eastlands Realm under the Glareth when the Eastlands rule failed and came under the regency of Glareth. The Glarethian Lakemen pride themselves, as all of Glareth, on their boat handling abilities and seamanship, and they govern the lake and watch over all activities that take place on that waterway. During the late Second Age, it became tradition for the Royal Family maintain a residence in Formouth, and Prince Danoss, son of Ruling Prince Carbane, was appointed governor of the Connassan Province and Overseer of the Eastlands.   (See Map Coordinates J3)

Fortnight-- Two weeks, or fourteen days.

Forty-Nine-- A way of referring to the forty-nine Bloodcoins given to the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen by Aperion.*

Foxdire-- Also called Sigh Mortabilis, or Grave's Breath. 1. A hardy perennial plant known for its pale red or orange blossoms that grow in a frond, somewhat resembling the tail of a fox, and poisonous white glutinous berries, similar in appearance to those of mistletoe. It is most often found in shady mountain lowlands or woodland dales where there is ample moisture. In the west it is known as Sigh Mortabilis, while in other parts it is commonly called Grave's Breath due to the powerful medicinal extract made from its berries.   2. A medicinal extract or tincture made from the berries of the foxdire plant, also called Sigh Mortabilis or Grave's Breath. In minute amounts, carefully administered, it is used to make a patient calm or even unconscious, particularly during surgery or other painful procedures. In greater quantities, or carelessly administered, it may cause deep and prolonged unconsciousness, perhaps lasting for days, and even death. Symptoms of overdose include shallow breathing, cold skin, and complete lack of response to any external stimuli. Those of the Elifaen are particularly sensitive to foxdire, even in small amounts, and it has been used as a poison on numerous occasions or even as a method for suicide.

Frizella-- (Frizella Bosk) nee Starfind, wife of Garend Bosk of Boskland, in County Barley of the Eastlands during the late Second Age.

Furaman-- (Seamus Furaman) A trader of the Old Eastlands Realm in the late Second Age. He owned and operated a trading post located in Janhaven and serving all of the surrounding region of towns and villages.*

Gaiyelneth-- Chief handmaiden of Queen Serith Ellyn during the late Second Age. Gaiyelneth was known to be precocious, spirited, outspoken, and fiercely loyal to the Queen.*

Galinot-- A tribe of Men, united under various warlords during the late Second Age. They claimed as their territory those lands in the Thunder Mountains west and northwest of Janhaven. They were bitter rivals of the Damar and constantly fought for control of the western passes.   (See Map Coordinates H4)

Gardask-- A land of grassy steppe, north of the Osterflo River. The inhabitants are somewhat nomadic herders, loosely banded together along clan and family lines. These people are fiercely independent and swear no allegiance to Duinnor, Vanara, or any other realm.

Garend-- (Garend Bosk) Laird of Boskland, in County Barley, in the late Second Age.

Garlan-- Soldier of the Seventh Guard of Vanara, the Queen's guard.

Garmitor-- A mountain located in the Blue Mountains near the badlands south of Vanara. Mount Garmitor was the scene of a prolonged battle in the year 856 S.A.*   (See Map Coordinates C5)

Garond-- Kingsman, Sergeant of Engineering Company Five, of the Fourth Army of Duinnor. He was a master of the heavy ballista and was instrumental in winning the battle between the Kingsmen and the Wickerman monster during the Wickerman Rebellion of 870 S.A.

Garvin-- Surname of a man and his wife who lived in Passdale during the late Second Age.

Geever-- A Boskman who was wounded in a skirmish with marauders that rode into Barley County in the year 870 S.A..

Gina-- (Gina Clingdon) A girl of County Barley, daughter of the blacksmith of Passdale during the late Second Age.

Giyth-- A small town along the road from Formouth to Glareth by the Sea. A parchment producing village which during the late Second Age expanded into producing paper stock.   (See Map Coordinates K3)

Gladsten-- Farmer of County Barley who, with his wife, was expelled from the county.

Glareth-- One of the Seven Realms, located in the northeastern coasts and borders the Old Eastlands Realm. Its chief city is Glareth by the Sea. Renown for its maritime trades, it is closely allied with Vanara and has strong trade ties to Duinnor. *   (See Map Coordinates K2)

Golden Mantle-- The mantle that completely covers the Unknown King of Duinnor, shining so brightly that one cannot look upon the King without the greatest discomfort, much less distinguish any features of the King.*

Goodwin-- Farmer of Barley.

Gorcastle-- Mythical place where all banished and vanquished monsters are chained and imprisoned. The first writings mentioning tales concerning the place date from the late First Age, sometime after the arrival of Men, and many think the Newcomers brought the legend with them. *

Gory Gulch-- Properly called Peldown, it is a rugged ravine on the south face of the Blue Mountains. It was the site of a famous battle in the year 843 S.A.. There, surviving northern forces made up of mostly Kingsmen and Vanaran Fellfaere, were retreating from the Second Siege of the Green Citadel when they were trapped and encircled by a pursuing army of Dragonkind. *   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Grant-- (Grantham Farby, Grant Farby) Son of the Farby's of Duinnor, Blain Farby and his wife, Lady Elyna, born in the year 845 S.A. He would prove to be intelligent but somewhat peculiar, with a penchant for adventure. (See Grantham.)

Grantham-- (Grantham Farby, Grant Farby) Son of the Farby's of Duinnor, Blain Farby and his wife, Lady Elyna, born in the year 845 S.A. He would prove to be intelligent but somewhat peculiar, with a penchant for adventure.*

Gray Guard-- The elite household guard of Queen Serith Ellyn. They perform many duties pertaining to the Queen's protection as well as serving as Palace Guard. They report directly to the Queen's Chancellor and under him they perform a variety of tasks besides guarding the Queen. It is believed that some of their activities are clandestine in nature, perhaps involving spycraft or covert reconnaissance activities.*

Graybark-- An estate in Vanara.

Greardon-- Family of Passdale in the late Second Age that operated a flour mill. Alfred Greardon was instrumental in bringing a public school to Barley, and he later became the mayor of Passdale. He was killed in an accident that occurred at his family's mill.

Great Bell-- A great iron bell made by Heneil and placed within a special chamber of Tulith Attis supposedly embued with magical qualities.*

Great Stone-- A square block of marble some 120 feet in height, width, and length. It was quarried some time during the Time Before Time by Dragonkind King Kalzar. The Great Stone precipitated events that led to the Fall of the Faere.*   (See Map Coordinates C5)

Greendale-- (Marcus Greendale) The Librarian of Vanara, in charge of the great library located at the Ministers Hall in Linlally.

Greenfar-- An isolated town on the outskirts of Forest Islindia, shielded from the world and under the protection of the King of the Wood (Islindia's father).   (See Map Coordinates E4)

Griferis-- "Place of Judgment," the legendary place where future kings and queens are supposedly judged for fitness to rule. *   (See Map Coordinates B3)

Grisland Island-- An almost barren island off the coast of Tracia. Between it and the mainland is the treacherous Grisland Strait. The island is sparsely treed and has very little fresh water.*   (See Map Coordinates L5)

Grisland Strait-- A strait off the coast of Tracia between the mainland and Grisland Island. It is generally avoided by larger vessels due to its narrow and somewhat shallow channel, susceptible to erratic and dangerous tidal currents, and its opposing shores are strewn with treacherous rocks. It was the site of a naval battle between remnants of the Tracian Royal Navy and the Redvest Navy of the Triumvirate.(See Grisland Strait, Battle of.)   (See Map Coordinates L5)

Grisland Strait, Battle of-- A naval engagement that took place in the Grisland Strait between the Tracian Royal Navy (loyal to Prince Lantos) and that of the Triumvirate in the year 856 S.A.. It followed only a few days after the rescue of Loyalist forces fleeing from their defeat at the Battle of the Marshlands.*

Gurasa-- A Dragonkind deemed by some to be the greatest military mind since Kalzar the Great. Having a slight and unimposing stature and bearing, Gurasa nonetheless was a meticulous planner, cunning tactician, and insightful leader who inspired his followers to great feats of courage and endurance. He was also fearless in battle, often leading the spearhead of his armies when he could have guided things from the rear. In spite of the many wounds that he received, and after loosing his hand in combat, he continued to ride ahead. A brilliant tactician and logician, he was famous for his traps, surprising battlefield maneuvers, and imaginative use of terrain to gain the upper hand against generally stronger and more numerous opponents. He was also very learned, having traveled extensively in the Northlands and all throughout the Dragonlands as a youngster. It is said that he was fluent in the dialects of the Northmen, and that he was highly knowledgeable about the histories of the North and the Dragonlands.*

Halassir-- Vision King, the Altorian name given to the Unknown King of Duinnor. It stems from the way in which those who look directly upon the Unknown King of Duinnor are filled with disturbing visions.

Halethiris-- The original forest realm of the Faere and center of Faerum, established during the Time Before Time, with its fabulous city of marvelous towers and glass-domed houses, many supported in the branches of the colossal trees that grew there (some over five hundred feet tall). After the Fall, the Elifaen eventually repopulated Halethiris, but had not the ability to create the structures that once stood there. Power slowly shifted west to Vanara, and many tragedies befell Halethiris until its destruction by Secundur and his followers. At the heart of the region is now an impenetrable forest, called Islindia, after the Faere Princess who once lived in those parts and who, it is said, still roams its blighted and melancholy ruins.*   (See Map Coordinates E4)

Halfis-- Tallest mountain in the Carthane mountain range located in the northwestern region of the Carthanes. Upon it is one of the Seven Towers, named for the mountain it sits upon, which overlooks the Loringard Pass. Like each of the other Seven Towers, its origin, purpose, method of construction, and occupants (if any) are all mysteries. Each tower has a distinct colored glass dome framed in gold at its top, and the color of the Halfis glass is red, though the tower itself is white, as are the other six.   (See Map Coordinates H3)

Halgaeth-- A large freshwater lake or inland sea located in southern Glareth and bordering the old Eastlands Realm. On its northeastern shore is the Glarethian province of Connassa with the city of Formouth on Halgaeth's northern shores. While most of Lake Halgaeth is considered to be within the Eastlands Realm, its northern shores are traditionally considered Glarethian lands. However, since Glareth, through its Lakemen, controls the lake and its shores, Halgaeth itself has always been considered the domain of Glareth. *   (See Map Coordinates J3)

Hammer-- A term sometimes given to the legendary bell in Tulith Attis, "Tulith Hammer," also called the "great hammer" or the "Great Bell."

Harbinger-- A term used in legends to describe the mysterious ringer of the bell at Tulith Attis. It may have come from the original intent of the bell, which was to forewarn the defenders of Tulith Attis to an attack into the fortress from the river entrance.

Harmalway-- One of the two proprietors of Norogus and Harmalway, a lending house in Duinnor. They were one of the firms in Duinnor that handled leases and liens on Vanaran properties. One of its most notable patrons was Lord Banis, and Norogus and Harmalway were suspected of involvement in many nefarious activities under his protection.

Haven Hill-- A name for Tulith Attis used mostly in the region of County Barley.   (See Map of County Barley)

Hazleton-- A village in the Eastlands.

Hemlock-- (House of Hemlock) One of the Houses of the Faerekind. This house is most closely associated with the lineage of Alonair, the Elifaen sculptor, but fell into decline during the Second Age. It is said that the House of Hemlock was in some way involved in the murder of Cupeldain and that the lake nearby to its lands is where Cupeldain and his wife along with many others were drowned. However, many local accounts have it that the House of Hemlock was only one of the many houses involved in the feud that Cupeldain sought to resolve. Regardless, by the late Second Age, the House of Hemlock had lost its standing and was little known or regarded outside its lands.

Heneil-- Legendary warrior, builder, son of Silmain (first king of the Elifaen), husband to Lyrium of the House of Fairfir. Twin brother of Pellen. Heneil assisted in the rebuilding of Linlally during the First and Second Ages. He also rebuilt and enhanced the fortress of Tulith Attis. He formed an alliance with Men and helped put down the Pinewood Uprising. He was killed at Tulith Attis when it was besieged by the Dragonkind during the Great Dragonkind Invasion.*

Heneil's Wall-- In the Ancient Speech, te Lamath Heneileth. The dam built at Lake Halgaeth at Saerdulin Falls to stem the flow of water into the Saerdulin. This was done by Heneil as a means of preventing heavy war-boats from approaching Tulith Attis. As a result of this work, the lake spilled over in a different direction and essentially created the River Bentwide, which before had been a tributary stream of the Saerdulin.   (See Map of County Barley)

Herbert-- Also known as, Herbert the Blue, Elder of Nowhere, appointed as sheriff of that place.

High Chamber-- The place where the Unknown Kings of Duinnor reside, located in the uppermost floor of the High Tower of the King's Palace in Duinnor City. Since its construction, the High Chamber has been the Unknown Kings' residence, by all accounts a modestly furnished place. There is only one door leading into the High Chamber, and the room is divided by a curtain so that any who enter cannot see to its far side. But some speculate that there are rooms beyond the curtain.*

Highleaf-- A House of Men of Duinnor established in the middle Second Age. In the latter part of the Second Age, Lord Highleaf, who was made wealthy by his banking interests, purchased considerable acreage within Duinnor City, turning it into his new estate, called Wysteria Place. There, his son built the grand Starlight Hall, with its distinctive domed towers. He and his wife died of fever, and the estate was inherited by their daughters, Victoria and Elyna, who were both quite young. Collandoth, who was a friend of the family, took it upon himself to guard the girl's fortune from greedy relatives, and it was due to his work that enough of it was preserved so that the estate could be retained. *

Hoard-- The Hoard of Tulith Attis. This refers to a great treasure that was part of the spoils taken from Tulith Attis. *

Iceking-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

Ilex-- King of Halethiris during the Time of Strife and the early part of the First Age. A Firstborn Elifaen, Ilex and the Faerekind of Forest Halethiris did not participate with those who warred upon the Dragonkind. However, when Aperion called away all the faithful, Ilex and most of his people refused to depart since they were too much attached to their woods and streams.*

Iridelin-- The great river that flows from Vanara southward along the eastern slopes of the Tulivana Mountains to the sea. It is an important trade route between Vanara and Altoria. Its headwaters are at the Falls of Tiandari in Linlally, and it normally flows high enough for substantial traffic to move along it in the form of boats and barges. Many stretches have towing roads built along its banks so that teams of horses may draw boats upstream. There are a few places along it that are too swift or shallow for heavy boats, with shoals and rapids through narrow canyons, but these are flanked upstream and downstream with towns where boats disembark their cargos for transport overland the short distance to the next embarkation town. The river passes out of Vanara and into Altoria at Gander Falls and widens so that sailboats may make the upstream voyage. Near the coast, the river joins into a vast marshland called the Hinderlands, continuing past the Altorian city of Draymoor to empty into the Craggy Sea.*   (See Map Coordinates E6)

Ishtorgus-- A Melnari of the Second Age, sometimes called Ishtorgus the Mariner. He was an advisor of King Thalamir of Glareth, the last of the Sea Kings.*

Islindia-- Also known as the Lady of the Wood, Queen of the Wood, and the Princess of Sorrows. Islindia was Princess of Halethiris during the Age of Strife and the early First Age. Through an enchantment intended by her father, King Ilex, to restore Halethiris to the glory of the Time Before Time, Islindia was inadvertently given the power to bring about the past for one day each month. This ability brought her to Secundur's attention, who became infatuated by her beauty. Secundur captured Islindia and tried to force her to become his concubine, but she resisted. In an effort to punish her, he murdered her lover which served to make her even more resolute in her refusals. Still, Secundur continued to entreat her to be his, but she despised him and rebuffed him. She was rescued by her kin, but Secundur destroyed Halethiris with a withering blight. Only she, her father, King Ilex, and her uncle, Solstice, survived the blight Secundur put upon the forest. It is said that Islindia and her father were cursed to remain in the ruins of that place until the world was remade, at which time their spirits could be free.*   (See Map Coordinates E4)

Janhaven-- A trading town in the western parts of the Eastlands Realm in County Woodland at the foothills of the Thunder Mountains, situated along a route to Duinnor and also on the north-south trade route with Tallinvale. Its fortunes were increased when Seamus Furaman located a trading company there and steadily expanded his business operations throughout the region. In the late Second Age, when Triumvirate Redvests invaded the Eastlands and nearby County Barley, many refugees from the invaded lands fled to Janhaven. Although the Redvests made several attempts to take the town, they never succeeded against the coalition of fighters operating out of Janhaven.   (See Map Coordinates J4)

Jarn-- Councilman of Passdale.

Jimbo-- A resident of Nowhere.

Kahryna-- Daughter of Cassandra and Dasler of the House of Fairoak. She became the wife of Danig Tallin, a Man of the Eastlands. By him she bore two sons and a daughter, Dalvenpar, Aram, and Mirabella.*

Kajarahn-- Also called the "Free City," located in the northwestern deserts of the Dragonlands, known in former times as Alaberbra.*   (See Map Coordinates C5)

Kalbrith-- A small town on the Saerdulin, formerly part of the Eastlands Realm, but in the late Second Age taken by Tracia as an outpost and garrison town. It served as an important supply point for the Redvest army when it prepared for its invasion of the west in 870 S.A.   (See Map Coordinates J5)

Kalzar-- The first King of the Dragonkind and the founder of the nation of Drakyr during the Time Before Time. He established a dynasty that lasted well into the late First Age and was later reestablished in the Second Age.*

Karkarando-- A land to the far west and south within the Dragonlands. It borders the western mountains and the Craggy Sea. Karkarando is rich in minerals, particularly diamonds, amethyst, aquamarine, and topaz. It is the only known region where darakal can be cultivated. Because of the importance of these commodities, especially darakal, control of Karkarando is very important to the reigning emperors of the Dragonlands. During its history, many attempts to break away from imperial rule have been made, and there have been many revolts, some of which nearly succeeded. No northerner has ever seen those lands, and there is little told of the place in books or tales. However, it is a place cited by traders of the Free City of Kajarahn as the source of many precious and semiprecious gems.   (See Map Coordinates C7)

Karthia-- A small region surrounding the lake of the same name which is a large basin of the River Osterflo. The mountains of Karthia are renown for the clarity of the rubies and for other minerals. The region is also an important trading and supply stop on the Osterflo River that flows from Duinnor to Glareth. In the Second Age, the Kings of Duinnor built sophisticated locks so that boats may pass around the dangerous falls and shoals on the lake's eastern and western bounds. Karthia thus became an important trading and shipping community, situated on the Osterflo roughly halfway between Duinnor and Glareth.   (See Map Coordinates I1)

Katrina-- A Firstborn of the Faere and leader of the House of Fairmaple.*

Kingmaker-- A name referring to Begrimlin, a Firstborn Elifaen. He was renown for his ability to bring feuding parties to treaty, though he found little success when it came to bringing peace between his people and the Dragonkind. In the latter part of the First Age and into the Second Age, he was active in many realms. (See Begrimlin.)

Kingsman-- A member of the King's Army of Duinnor, the best trained and most professional force in the Duinnor military.*

Kundorlu-- In the Dragonkind Speech, teacher, or special mentor. The kundorlu of the upper castes were often also priests, mystics, or scholars in their own right and those of the lower castes acolytes and students of the great schools.

Lady Luna-- A name sometimes given to the moon. In legend, Lady Luna, or Lady Moon, was wife to Sir sun.Another name for Lady Moon.*

Lady Moon-- A name sometimes given to the moon. In legend Lady Moon(or sometimes Lady Luna) was wife to Sir sun.Another name for Lady Moon.*

Laeleth-- Legendary daughter of Aperion, who returned to the world to seek out her lover, Celefar, who was left behind after the Fall.

Laird-- Title given to landowners, particularly those of the lesser houses with substantial properties.

Lakemen-- Men of Lake Halgaeth, renown for their boating skills, loyal to the Prince Danoss of Glareth, who maintains a residence at Formouth. Lakemen ply Lake Halgaeth with their sailboats and other craft and are expert in the ways of the lake. The Lakemen consider Halgaeth their own and not only do they fish in it and ferry trade upon it, but they also form themselves into military units for the lake's defense and protection.

Lantin-- (Lantin Rose) One of the Hill Town people, a member of the Thunder Mountain gang, and purser to Captain Martin Makeig.

Lantos-- Prince of Tracia of the House of Bayberry, who, with his older brother Lewtrah, ruled Tracia immediately prior to the revolution and overthrow by the Triumvirate. *

Leander-- Given name of Leander Fascomb, Post Rider of Duinnor. Also the given name of Leander Tallin, who died at Tulith Attis.

Leeriver-- A local name for the area just south of Passdale to the west side of the Bentwide.   (See Map of County Barley)

Lerse-- A tributary of the River Saerdulin located south of Tallinvale and north of the Fengal River. The Lerse marks the old boundary of the territory west of the Saerdulin that was disputed by the Old Eastlands Realm and Tracia Realm in the Second Age.*   (See Map Coordinates J5)

Lewtrah-- The unpopular Ruling Prince of Tracia Realm immediately prior to being ousted and forced to flee Tracia by the Redvest Triumvirate. (See Lantos.)

Limbo-- Boy of Nowhere.

Linlally-- The ruling city of Vanara. Founded and built by Cupeldain, it was enhanced by the carvings and statues of Alonair. It was originally the name only for the palace that Cupeldain built atop the Falls of Tiandari, but later became the name for the larger city that grew up around and below the palace along the banks of the Iridelin River. Since it is a place of governance, and the oldest city of the Elifaen, it is an important city to all of the Realms. In the latter Second Age, Duinnor commonly stationed armies there, ostensibly for defense purposes since Linlally is the closest major city to the Dragonlands.   (See Map Coordinates D4)

Lizard-- A derogatory term for a Dragonkind person.

Lochton-- A town nearby to the estates of the House of Hemlock located on the western shore of a small lake in the easternmost reaches of Vanara's frontier, just west of Forest Islindia. It was in this lake that Cupeldain and his wife (along with their traveling companions, including Shevalia and Bychanter) were drowned by one of the Elifaen clans of the region who were engaged in a bloody feud which Cupeldain hoped to resolve. When Parthais came and put down the feud, he executed several men and women from both Elifaen clans by having them likewise drowned in the lake. It is said that Parthais also released a demon or water serpent into the lake to feed upon the spirits of the dead. Thus, the lake is considered haunted, and the people who live nearby have ever since reported sightings of apparitions and ghosts floating about the lake.   (See Map Coordinates E4)

Loringard-- A high pass on the road from the Eastlands to Duinnor in the Carthane Mountains. This route is somewhat treacherous due to the precarious heights and terrain and the many falls and streams that cross it, often washing out the path. It is favored by Post Riders during the summer months because it is a more direct way to and from Duinnor and the Eastlands than other routes farther north or south. However, the pass, actually a small vale high up among towering peaks, is usually snowbound by early autumn and is often impassable until late spring.   (See Map Coordinates H3)

Lucinda-- Daughter of Chantay and Galanas of the House of Faircedar.*

Lyrium-- A Firstborn Faere who, with her sister Myrium, was the founder of the House of Fairfir. In the Time of Strife, Lyrium became renown for her gift of Sight, which enabled her to foresee portents of things to come.*

Maggie-- (Maggie Shawmill) Girl of Barley.

Makewine-- Elder of Nowhere.

Marren-- A village in western Glareth, west of Lake Halgaeth. Although primarily a farming community during the late Second Age, it also produced a high-quality wool that was unusually soft. Also, there was a family of minstrels from the region that traveled extensively throughout the Seven Realms.   (See Map Coordinates J3)

Marshlands-- (The Battle of the Marshlands) The last major land battle between Tracian Loyalist forces and Redvest forces of the Triumvirate. The battle itself was a victory for the Redvests, soundly defeating the Loyalists and putting them into retreat. However, taken as a whole, the battle is often considered a draw since the Loyalists were able to avoid annihilation and, for the most part, escape capture.*   (See Map Coordinates K6)

Masurthia-- One of the Seven Realms. It is on the southern coast of the world between Altoria and Tracia. Masurthia was formed of territories that came under the rule of the Kingdom of Solsorna during the First Age.*   (See Map Coordinates G7)

Megrinor-- The great mountains of Vanara, stretching from Shatuum to the Dragonlands. Among the notable peaks of the range is the great Mount Cassos. Also within this range is the fabled Mount Algamori. A lesser range, bordering directly upon the northern Dragonlands, is the Blue Mountains, which join the Megrinor range to the Tulivana mountain range along the eastern borders of the Dragonkind. These three ranges form a kind of box around the western, northern, and eastern boundaries of the Dragonlands, with the Craggy Sea to the south.   (See Map Coordinates C4)

Melnari-- A mysterious small group of people, neither Man, nor Elifaen, nor Dragonkind. They are very few in number, perhaps less than a dozen, and are long-lived, perhaps immortal as the Elifaen are. Some regard them as troublemakers, and others refer to them as mystics, although that term is somewhat inaccurate. However, in addition to their keen intellects, they do possess strange abilities and powers, similar to some of the older Elifaen.*

Micharam-- A Melnari of the middle Second Age, sometimes called Micharam the Poet.*

Middlemount-- A high plateau between Duinnor and the Carthanes located north of the Bletharn Plain and south of the River Osterflo.   (See Map Coordinates G1)

Midsummer-- The day of the summer solstice, and one of the days of the year that is not counted as a month day, but usually falling three weeks into Sixthmonth. Midsummer's Day is often celebrated with festivals, bonfires, feasting and music. In the Eastlands and a few other parts, such celebrations are called Firefeasts.

Midwinter-- The day of the winter solstice, and one of the days of the year that is not counted as a month day, but usually falling three weeks into Twelthmonth. According to some ancient calendars, Midwinter's was the last night of the year and was a night of celebration, gift-giving, and feasts. In the Second Age, the New Duinnor Calendar supplanted the older ones, and put the last day of the year some ten days after Midwinter's Day. Regardless, Midwinter's remained an important day of celebration, retaining many of the old traditions well into the late Second Age.

Miladora-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

Millithorpe-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

Millsin Fork-- A small village in the eastern Carthane Mountains. It is the source of flint and lime.   (See Map Coordinates I3)

Mimblewan-- A town near the coast of the old Eastlands Realm that produced glass jugs and other wares.   (See Map Coordinates L4)

Minion Gap-- A place north of Forest Islindia between Duinnor and Vanara. Travelers from Edgewold town go that way around Islindia to Vanara rather than risk entering the forest.   (See Map Coordinates E3)

Mintar-- One of the Wanderers, a star that moves across the night sky along its own path.

Mirse-- A region in Vanara along the eastern end of the Blue Mountains where it meets the Tulivana Mountains, often called The Mirse. It is a broad valley bordered on the east by a bend in the River Iridelin. On its southwestern side are few natural barriers into the Dragonlands and thus has been overrun many times by incursions by the Dragonkind and is considered one of the strategic gateways into the Northlands.*   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Missenflo-- The river that flows west of the Thunder Mountains along the eastern edge of the Plains of Bletharn.   (See Map Coordinates H5)

Mistletoe-- A parasitic plant that lives within the branches of trees, particularly hardwoods such as oak. Mistletoe, which remains green year-round, is said to have peculiar and mysterious properties. It is generally considered poisonous, but some herbalists and alchemists use it to make various extracts and potions.

Mistwarren-- A dense forest on the southeastern shores of Lake Halgaeth, encompassing the Boggy Wood. The forest was much reduced by Newcomers, and once stretched nearly to the eastern coast. In the First Age, Forest Mistwarren was populated by various Elifaen clans that seldom had dealings with others of their kind. It was these who first spread news of the Newcomers when they began landing on the eastern shores.*   (See Map Coordinates J4)

Moonbeam-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

Morgasir-- One of the Firstborn of the Faere. It was Morgasir who first delved into the dark secrets of the world and conjured demons, witches, and dragons. His works threatened to undo the intent of Beras, and so Morgasir was destroyed in a great battle between the two.*

Narrows-- A narrow gap in the Thunder Mountains located on the road between Janhaven and Passdale.

Nasakeeria-- A forbidden land surrounded by the bones of those who attempt to enter therein, for whoever does so falls victim to a mysterious and powerful gush of flame that rapidly springs forth from the ground and consumes the interloper's flesh so quickly that his bones are thrown outward and back across the border.*   (See Map Coordinates F2)

Navis-- One of the Firstborn of the House of Elmwood, son of Banis, who with his siblings, Atlana and Esildre, was born during the Time Before Time. As did his siblings, Navis refused to go with Aperion and was Scathed of his wings. Navis was a renown warrior and had many adventures. He fought many battles under Silmain, Cupeldain, and Parthais. When a great monster, Jatarak the Ogre, appeared in the region of Altoria during the First Age, Navis pursued him into the Crevasse of Fire and slew him. In the Second Age, Navis singly fought and slew an entire legion of Dragonkind at the Battle of Saerdulin. He and his sister Esildre later became students of Raynor the Wise. After Esildre went to Shatuum, Navis traveled there seeking to free her, but he never returned.

Nightar-- A prince of Nasakeeria.

Nimbo-- Boy of Nowhere.

Nimbus Illuminas-- The Rainbow of Aperion, sometimes also called the Bridge of Light. No one knows exactly what the Nimbus Illuminas actually is, but the Forty-Nine Keys (or Bloodcoins) that Aperion gave to the Seven High Houses were supposedly to be used to open the Nimbus Illuminas as a way for the Elifaen to leave the earth and rejoin the Faerekind in Aperion's heavenly abode. Some speculate that the Seven Towers must have something to do with it, but none have been able to scale the towers in order to investigate the possibility.

Nimwill-- Scribe and court chronicler of Parthais during his reign as King of Vanara. As such, he attended and personally recorded many events that took place within the Royal Court, and he also traveled with Parthais to record his various exploits and experiences. Nimwill was with Parthais when he executed those accused of murdering Cupeldain, and was also with the king during his many campaigns in the Dragonlands as well as other parts of the world. He was at the Battle of Tamkal Plain when King Parthais slew King Salkasin, and he was in Masurthia when Parthais forced King Barindon and Queen Therona to make peace. Nimwill also accompanied King Parthais to see the legendary place called Griferis.*

Noringtown-- A suburb of Duinnor.

Norogus-- One of the two proprietors of Norogus and Harmalway, a lending house in Duinnor. They were one of the firms in Duinnor that handle leases and liens on Vanaran properties. One of their most notable patrons was Lord Banis, and Norogus and Harmalway were suspected of involvement in many nefarious activities under his protection.

Northlands-- A term used by the Dragonkind to describe the regions to the east and north of the Dragonlands.

Northmen-- A term used by the Dragonkind to refer to Men and Elifaen.

Nowhere-- The land of the Nowhereans, a diminutive people sometimes called Pixies in a derogatory manner. It was located in the western Thunder Mountains.   (See Map Coordinates H4)

Oldgate-- A place marked by a pair of stone pillars located at the Old East Road, near Tulith Attis. The pillars once marked the entrance to the settlement of Attis, which was destroyed during the siege of Tulith Attis. Although Attis would never be rebuilt, the stone pillars remained standing for hundreds of years.

Oracle-- A person who is consulted concerning the future, or a declaration or prophecy given by a holy person particularly in response to a query or adjuration. These are often done in a near-delirious state of mad raving ecstasy. The most famous oracle is that of the Temple of Beras, who has a mysterious relationship with the Unknown Kings of Duinnor who must go to the Temple each year to renew their Kingship. The renewal ceremonies within are secretive and no one but the monks of the Temple, the Oracle of Beras, and the Unknown King knows what takes place during such ceremonies.

Ormace-- Founder of the High House of Fairbirch. It was Ormace who infamously forced the other High Houses to redistribute their Bloodcoins so that none would have seven Bloodcoins of the same type (that is, of the same type of gemstone.*

Osterflo-- The long river that flows from northern Duinnor eastward to empty into Salfin Bay at Glareth by the Sea. It was originally called the "duin nord," or north river, and is the basis for Duinnor's name. The name Osterflo, however, was the old Glarethian name of the river and came into standard use by the middle of the First Age.*   (See Map Coordinates D1-M2)

Packlin-- A Boskland farmer.

Paltera-- A mountain witch who occupied a territory in the western slopes of the Thunder Mountains near the Missenflo River.

Parthais-- Third King of Vanara, son of Cupeldain, father of Thurdun and Serith Ellyn.*

Passdale-- A town in County Barley of the Eastlands Realm on the banks of the Bentwide River. It was located on the site of a small settlement known as Dalefath which was destroyed in the Dragonkind Invasion of 322 S.A.   (See Map of County Barley)

Peldown-- The proper name for Gory Gulch, but after the battle that took place there in the late Second Age, Peldown was used less often. (See See Gory Gulch.)   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Peller's Carpet-- A lichen or moss that grows underneath moist rocky outcrops. It has the peculiar property of glowing during the night time and is sometimes used on garden paths. It is said to have certain medicinal properties and, when properly prepared, is often added to smoking mixtures as a mild intoxicant.

Peninflo-- The proper and ancient name of the river Bentwide and the small valley in Barley through which it flows.   (See Map of County Barley)

Picathians-- The people from which Nowhereans claimed to be descended. They were enslaved by the Dragonkind and made to serve them during the Dragonkind Invasion of 322 S.A. Picathia itself was believed to have been somewhere in the northern lands of Altoria, although no records exist that support that location.*

Pinewood Uprising-- Although it began as an anti-Men uprising fomented by woodland Elifaen of the Eastlands and Tracia, it transformed into a confusing civil war between various alliances of Men and Elifaen. It began in 278 S.A. and was of such violence that it threatened to lead to widespread war between the Seven Realms. It came about as a reaction to the increasing encroachment of Men into the forest territories of the east, particularly in the Eastlands and in Tracia.*

Prefect-- A high official, usually of a city, somewhat akin to a high-ranking clerk but with the powers of a judge. However, there is a Prelect of Duinnor, whose duty it is to issue official proclamations and decrees, both those of a public nature concerning all persons, as well as those pertaining to only a few. In the late Second Age, it was the Prefect of Duinnor that issued and recorded travel passes and places conditions on Elifaen who travel throughout the Seven Realms in accordance with laws and policies enacted by the King. The Prefect of Duinnor had no power of enforcement, other than to report any lapse or irregularity to the Kingsmen or to the various ministries as each situation warranted.

Prideling-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

punk-- A type of tinder made to catch a spark from a flint and steel to create an ember for making fire. It is made of the dry rotted almost powdery wood found within old logs.

Pyros-- Firstborn Elifaen and founder of the High House of Fairmyrtle.*

Raenelle-- (Raenelle Bosk) Daughter of Garend and Frizella Bosk, older sister to Billy Bosk. Raenelle was captured by the Redvests during the invasion of 870 S.A.

Raskin-- Mysterious Elifaen assistant to Uncle Solstice.

Redvests-- A name for the soldiers of the Triumvirate of Tracia due to their reddish surcoats, capes, and tunics.

Regent-- Those placed in charge of certain matters in lieu of the actual king or governor. For example, in Vanara, the Chancellor is second in power and importance to the Queen, serving as the administrative governor of Vanara and overseeing all military and civil branches of government. As well, the Vanaran Chancellor is the Chief Judge of the Realm, supervising the courts of other judges or acting as a judge himself from time to time. When, during the late Second Age, Queen Serith Ellyn traveled to Glareth, the Chancellor was Regent of the Queen and ruled Vanara in her absence.

Ring of Hearing-- A magical ring that enables its wearer to know the thoughts of those present.*

Rinspoon-- Tale teller of Hill Town.

Rivertree-- Tavern near Passdale.

Robigor-- (Robigor Ribbon) Tradesman of Passdale, County Barley, in the Eastlands. Twice Mayor of Passdale, he was responsible for the rebuilding of the bridge across the Bentwide located in Passdale and for increasing trade and commerce in the region by his dealings with various traders, farmers, and merchantmen. Father of Robby the Younger, and husband to Mirabella Tallin of the House of Fairoak.

Saerdulin-- A major river of the east, running from its headwaters, Lake Halgaeth, through the old Eastlands Realm into Tracia and then to the sea. In the early Second Age, it was a major transport route for goods.   (See Map Coordinates J4-J6)

Saerdulin, Battle of-- (Battle of Saerdulin) Sometimes included in descriptions of the Battle of Tulith Attis, this battle took place a week or a fortnight after Tulith Attis was sacked (sources disagree), and took place on the western bank of the Saerdulin at the confluence of the River Lerse, with the south bank of the River Lerse on the northern flank of the Dragonkind forces. The Dragonkind, thinking that the two rivers protected their flanks, sought to force the combined armies of Glareth, Vanara, and Duinnor into a frontal assault against their more advantageous defensive position. However, sufficient forces under the leadership of Navis and Esildre of Elmwood managed to swim the Saerdulin and Lerse Rivers under cover of darkness. They then attacked the Dragonkind's unprotected rear flanks, wreaking havoc and panic. The carefully timed rear assault weakened and disorganized the Dragonkind forces, allowing the simultaneous frontal assault to succeed. As a result, the Dragonkind were decimated and utterly destroyed, with very few, if any, Dragonkind escaping. (See Great Invasion)

Sagwist-- Man of Passdale who was the keeper of the Common House.

Saheed-- A given name among Men, particularly of the Tallin and Markal lineages.

Saliley-- Vintner family of northern Barley renown for their light sweet wine. In the late Second Age, Saliley wine was transported far and wide and was among the first wines of the region to be sold in bottles in addition to jars and casks.

Salkasin-- King of the Dragonkind from 960-970 F.A. killed by King Parthais of Vanara at the Battle of Tamkal Plain.*

Salzadur-- One of the kings of the Dragonkind in the Second Age, father to Belsalza who succeeded him to the throne. Salzadur was the tribal leader of the Kalazin tribes of southern Dragonlands, a rich and powerful people. He led armies against his neighbors, conquering them but showed mercy to any who would agree to the law of his tribe. He claimed direct lineage from Kalzar the Great, and as his power grew, he turned his eyes upon the throne in Tyrsharat, where a series of corrupt and weak kings had sat for generations. In 819 S.A., he declared himself rightful King of the Dragonkind, and rode to Tyrsharat with his army to take the throne. The city welcomed him and there was little bloodshed as he assumed rule. All this was accomplished before he was thirty-five years of age.*

Seafar-- A House of Men who originally settled in the northern coastal regions of Tracia but later settled mostly around the Bransondale region. They eventually resettled in Vanara and rose to great prominence as the most powerful House of Men in that Realm.*

Secundur-- One of the Firstborn. He was believed to be a follower of Morgasir but escaped the destruction that befell his teacher. Known as the Lord of Shadow because he shuns light. Ever the provocateur of discord among people, he is held responsible for many of the world's woes, including the perpetual strife between the Dragonkind and the peoples of the northern lands. It is said that he provoked Kalzar to attack the north, and later provoked Cupeldain to retaliate. He also frequented Vanara, and spoke lies and rumors to Ormace and others when Cupeldain sought to have the Forty-Nine gathered. Later, King Parthais granted to Secundur a remote region northwest of Vanara later known as Shatuum, those mysterious forbidden lands bordered northwest Vanara and southwest Duinnor territories. There, Secundur slowly gathered his might, breeding foul creatures and hatching dark plots against other lands.

Seleesa-- Maiden of Nasakeeria, said to have been a witch or sorceress.

Seltin-- Grandson of Eldwin, an Elder of Nowhere.

Serith Ellyn-- Firstborn Elifaen, Queen of Vanara, daughter of Parthais of the House of Fairlinden. Serith means "most high." The beginning of the Second Age is marked at the start of her reign. She and her brother Thurdun were exiled by King Parthais, and they were later the targets of his agents whose orders were to hunt them down and kill them both. Parthais was no less cruel to his own people who pleaded for deliverance from his tyranny. Serith Ellyn secretly raised an army and managed to position it well within Vanara without being detected. In a bold and swift night attack, she led her army into Linlally and stormed the White Palace where she slew her father.*

Seven Towers-- Seven very tall towers of mysterious origin that are scattered throughout the world. They mysteriously appeared around the beginning of the First Age of the world. Each tower is alike in form and height, a smooth column of stone rising up 980 feet from the tops of six separate mountains. Each is topped with what appears to be a glass dome of some kind, and each dome is of a different color: white, yellow, blue, red, purple, green, and orange. Many believe they have something to do with the Forty-Nine Keys of the Nimbus Illuminas.*

Shadowbane-- A rare and mysterious tree of the Time Before Time. It is said that light passed through its leaves so that it did not provide shade and, at night, the leaves glowed with a soft light, dispelling any shadow (hence its name). Its wood was used to form magic staffs of early conjurers, the most famous rod being Swyncraff.*

Sharlofiorn-- Titled estate of southeastern Tracia. In the late Second Age, Prince Lantos held the title of Duke of Sharlofiorn.

Shatuum-- A forbidden land on the borders of Vanara and Duinnor along the western edge of the world ruled by Secundur.   (See Map Coordinates C3)

Shevalia-- Firstborn Elifaen, daughter of Desira, father unknown. Wife of Bychanter, mother of Faeanna. Shevalia became a good friend of Loura (Cupledain's wife) and Lady Lyrium. Shevalia and Bychanter were murdered along with Cupeldain, Loura, and many others who were traveling with Cupeldain through lands near to those of the House of Hemlock. Some say that Shevalia's spirit, along with the spirits of the others, haunt a small lake near the town of Lochton, the site of the murders.*

Silmain-- The Elifaen who united many Vanaran clans and some woodland tribes, after Aperion's host departed. He declared himself "King of the Faere" and attempted to join all of the Elifaen together. It was Silmain who first attempted to have all of the Forty-Nine Keys of the Nimbus Illuminas brought together, but he was defeated in that effort. Silmain had two sons, the twins Heneil and Pellen, who both refused Silmain's throne when he died.

Sir Sun-- A name sometimes given to the sun. In legend, Sir Sun was husband of Lady Moon.*

Slimeback-- Name given to the legendary water monster of Lake Halgaeth. It is reputed to be a giant serpent-like creature, by some accounts over sixty feet in length, with a long snout and rows of razor-sharp teeth. It has oily, leathery skin, hence its name. *

Slobberfang-- Also called Wolftooth, a feverish ailment resulting from being bitten by wild animals, particularly wolves, also called Wolftooth.

Solsorna-- The capital city of Masurthia, located on the Bay of Famatir, formerly the Kingdom of Solsorna. Solsorna was originally settled and established by coastal Elifaen in the First Age and had little to do with other Elifaen. They had not participated in the conflict against the Dragonkind which led to the Scathing, but would not give up their lands or waters.*   (See Map Coordinates G8)

Starhart-- Surname of husband and wife, Bob and Lally. Bob Starhart was a Post Rider of County Woodland (Janhaven) and County Barley. In the year 870 of the Second Age, he went missing while out on his route and was never seen again.

Starlerf-- Poet of the First Age. Little is known about Starlerf, but he apparently lived in a region called Everis, which some think was located in lands that would later become part of Masurthia. However, several volumes of poems are attributed to Starlerf, who copied them by hand in several scripts, including the New Writing that was developed in Vanara during the First Age. His poetry most usually pertains to idyllic themes of forest and field, but some recount tales of the Time Before Time, leading many to believe that he was a Firstborn.

Starshine-- A stag of Uncle Solstice.

Stavin-- Garnor and Dorcilla, man and wife of Greenfar.

Stayborn-- River in Vanara, minor tributary to the Iridelin.

Steggan-- Steggan Pradkin, the half-uncle and guardian of Sheila Pradkin.

Stingorn-- A carnival man known for his Conundrum Box, a trick box that only he could open. He would offer a wager to any who could open the box and obtain the coins that he and the contestant had placed within. By devious means, he permitted the Conundrum Box to be opened frequently enough to encourage people to try their hand at it, but not enough to lose many wagers himself.

Sudamoor-- A small kingdom, independent from the Seven Realms, situated to the southeast of the Plains of Bletharn, against the northern shores of Lake Adin. Very little is known about the region, and it has never sent ambassadors or trade delegations to the other realms. For all intents and purposes it has been ignored by the outside world.*   (See Map Coordinates I6)

Sun King-- A reference to the ruler of Drakyr and the empire of the Dragonkind.

Sundering-- Also called The Fall, or The First Scathing.

Surthquay-- An ancient boat landing on Lake Halgaeth. It has two distinctive braziers at the end of the quay, carved in the likeness of arms up-stretched, with a bowl (the brazier) in each hand.*   (See Map of County Barley)

Sweedmiller-- Elder of Nowhere.

Swyncraff-- A magical staff or rod that obeyed its master by remaining in any shape as long as its owner desired. It could be as hard as steel or as supple as rope.*

Sylphaen-- Children of mortal Man and female Elifaen. These children inherit the characteristics of the Elifaen. It is thought the word stems from a phrase of the Ancient Tongue "sylph faen," or "airy one who has fallen" (literally "airy one who fell")

Sylphmar-- Children of mortal women sired by Elifaen. These children do not inherit the characteristics of the Elifaen; only those born of female Elifaen do. It is thought that the word is derived from a phrase of the Ancient Tongue "sylph mort a mar" or "airy one but mortal of the sea," with sylph indicating some Faerekind lineage. Compare to Sylphaen, below.

Tallin-- Surname of Men whose lineage goes back to the first Men who came ashore in the world. They eventually became the powerful Named House of Tallin, and under Lord Danig Tallin. It was also due in great part to his efforts that the people of Tallinvale and Tallin City became prosperous and secure.*

Tallinvale-- A small but fertile valley along the eastern foothills of the Thunder Mountains in southwestern Eastlands. It is situated just north of territory in dispute, claimed both by Tracia and by the Eastlands. Tallin City, the ancient home of the family that gives its name to the region, is a prosperous and thriving center of agriculture and commerce, due chiefly to the guardianship of Lord Danig Tallin. Tallin City and Tallinvale are often used interchangeably.   (See Map Coordinates J4)

Tameron-- Also called the Seven Princesses, the Seven Maidens, or the Thimble Pot. A constellation made up of several stars very closely clustered together within a pale bluish haze.

Tamkal Plain-- A flat desert expanse in the northeast of the Dragonlands, between the Nalamain Hills and Almedian. It was the site of a famous battle of the First Age.*   (See Map Coordinates D5)

Tamkal Plain, Battle of-- A famous battle that took place in the First Age, sometimes called the Battle of the Kings. It came about after King Salkasin of the Dragonkind sought to establish a line of keeps and fortresses along the northern borders of the Dragonlands. Vanara, fearing that these would be used to protect an invading army, began a campaign to disrupt their construction and to destroy those already completed. King Salkasin led a large army north and east, seeking to swing around the Nalamain Hills to outflank the Elifaen. However, learning of this, King Parthais of Vanara led his own army into position ahead of the Dragonkind and met them on the Tamkal Plain within sight of the Nalamain Hills. It was a short but intense battle, and the only time when kings of the Dragonkind and Vanara would personally face one another. Parthais won the contest, killing Salkasin and beheading him while his troops routed the rest of the Dragonkind. This decisive battle resulted in many years of relative peace during which the Dragonkind engaged in a series of internal power struggles. With the death of King Salkasin, the lineage of Kalzar would be broken until the Second Age when it would be revived by Salzadur.

Teracue-- (Artais Teracue) General of the Kingsman Fourth Army in the late Second Age.*

Thalamir-- The last Sea King of Glareth, of the Elifaen House of Beech, who was instrumental in bringing about the wealth and power that Glareth would enjoy during the latter part of the Second Age after his reign ended.*

Therepolon-- One of the Wanderers, a star that glows bright yellow and moves across the night sky along its own path.

Therona-- Former Queen of Altoria, of the House of Fairwillow. Former Queen of Altoria, of the House of Fairwillow. She was forced to abdicate when she could (or would) no longer account for her Seven Bloodcoins. She late died in exile, probably by her own hand.*

Thistledown-- A region in Vanara.

Threshmere-- Lord of the House of Hemlock during the late Second Age.

Thrubold-- (Kurk Thrubold) Kingsman of the Thrubold family who served with distinction at the Battle of Garmitor (856 S.A.) and was severely wounded. He would have died on the battlefield but for the bravery of Ullin Saheed Tallin who saved his life (In gratitude, Ullin would later receive a horse as a gift from the Thrubold family, called Anerath.)*

Thunder Mountains-- A mountain range between the Eastlands and the middle Plains of Bletharn, south of the Carthanes and stretching into the foothills within Tracia and Masurthia. The Thunder Mountains are named for the noise once made by its most feared inhabitants, the trolls.   (See Map Coordinates I4)

Thurdun-- Son of Parthais, brother of Queen Serith Ellyn of the House of Fairlinden.*

Timbo-- Boy of Nowhere.

Tiryna-- Firstborn of the Faerekind, and sister to Desira. Tiryna with Banis had three children, Atlana, Navis, and Esildre. Of these, only Tiryna departed with Aperion.

Tolimay-- A Melnari, sometimes called Tolimay the Angry. Very little is known about him, and the only record that directly refers to him was a list of guests who attended a banquet in Masurthia. Stories abound, however, nearly all of which having to do with his legendary temper.*

Toliss-- Prince of Duinnor. During the late Second Age, he expanded the King's Post, using Kingsmen as couriers throughout the Seven Realms.*

Tonifor-- Boskman, cousin to Billy Bosk on his father's side.

Toolant-- Former advisor to Prince Lewtrah and the court of Tracia before it was overthrown by the Redvest Triumvirate. Unrelated to this, he was often called Toolant the Red for his bright red hair and beard.

Torman-- Livery and stable operator in Passdale. He partnered with a master blacksmith named Clingdon who made horseshoes and other equipment needed by his farriers and saddlers.

Torridge-- Elder of Nowhere.

Tracia-- One of the Seven Realms, located to the southeast of the world along the coasts where Men first settled. Its chief city is Forlandis. In the late Second Age, Tracia suffered a series of revolts and uprisings, culminating in the overthrow of the Ruling Prince by the so-called Triumvirate and its army of Redvests (named for the color of their uniforms).*   (See Map Coordinates K5)

Trebuchet-- A type of ballistic engine of war used to hurl missiles at the enemy. Trebuchets make use of counterbalance weights to move a throwing arm (similar to the throwing arm of a catapult) to which a sling holding the projectile is attached. Trebuchets can be quite large and can hurl enormous missiles a great distance with accuracy.*

Triumvirate-- Also known as the Redvest Triumvirate for the reddish uniforms, surcoats, tunics, and banners of its soldiers. The Redvest Triumvirate is a trio of rulers that took power in Tracia in 853 S.A. during the civil war that drove out the Tracian Ruling Prince Lewtrah and his brother Prince Lantos after years of unrest.*

Troll-- A crude race of unknown origin that populated the Thunder Mountains and whose noise while walking or moving rocks gave the mountains their name. The trolls were large, heavy, stone-like creatures of a cumbersome disposition that lived by eating rocks and sometimes other large creatures. They dwelled mainly in the eastern mountains and were rarely encountered as far west as Vanara and Duinnor, and as far south as the Dragonlands. The trolls inhabited the Thunder Mountains well before Men came to the eastern shores.*

True Ink-- A magical ink that fades and becomes invisible if what is written with it is false.*

Tulith Attis-- An old abandoned fortress in County Barley, of the Eastlands. It was the site of a siege and subsequent massacre during the Great Dragonkind Invasion, and events there precipitated much discord between Men and Elifaen.*   (See Map of County Barley)

Tulith Morgair-- A small beacon tower or keep on the west side of the Thunder Mountains. It is situated at the cliff end of a shoulder of a mountain that juts westward and overlooks a ford of the River Missenflo along the old road to Fisenwold. It was built by Danthis of Duinnor in the early Second Age as a part of a line of keeps that were to guard the trade routes to Duinnor. A battle took place below it along the banks of the Missenflo when a small loose knit army of men and Elifaen tried in vain to stop the eastward march of Dragonkind during the invasion of 322 S.A.. The keep was abandoned and soon fell into disuse and ruin. By the late years of the Second Age, it was all but forgotten.   (See Map Coordinates H4)

Tulivana-- (The Tulivanas) A virtually impenetrable mountain range running north and south from Vanara to the sea and to the west of Altoria. To the south, it rises up from the sea to the west of the Hinderlands. In the north, they bend westward into the Blue Mountains and the Megrinor Mountains. Along its eastern feet runs the Iridelin River, from Vanara to Altoria, feeding the Hinderland marshes before emptying into the Craggy Sea. To the west of the Tulivana range are the deserts of the Dragonkind. From north to south, its slopes are sharp and rugged with frequent earthquakes and avalanches and a few volcanoes. With its narrow and easily defended passes, the Tulivana Mountains make a natural strategic barrier against Dragonkind incursions. There have been only a few times in history when the Dragonkind managed to break through in large numbers, including the Great Invasion that took place in the early Second Age.   (See Map Coordinates E6)

Turnbuckle-- (House of Turnbuckle) A lesser house of Men in Tracia, dissolved in 840 S.A. when the last of that line died.*

Twobanks-- A local name for the area of Barley, originally meaning all the land between the old course of the Rivers Saerdulin and Bentwide, but more lately taken to mean those people who occupy both Barley and Passdale. The Mayor of Twobanks was an unofficial title given to Robigor Ribbon the Elder, who was the first Barleyman ever to become mayor of Passdale.

Tyrillick-- Elifaen of the House of Tallmaple. He was captain of Lyrium's household guard and presumably died with her when Tulith Attis fell to the Dragonkind.

Tyrin-- (Tyrin Spritsul) A mercenary of the late Second Age.*

Tyrsharat-- The capital city of Drakyr, from where the kings of the Dragonkind rule. It is the most ancient of the desert cities, built by Kalzar before the First Age. Also sometimes called the Golden City because of the gold-plated roofs and domes that reflect the sun.   (See Map Coordinates D6)

Uden-- One of the First Men, known as Uden of Selacia, who chronicled some of the events of the early Second Age. He witnessed the reconstruction of Tulith Attis during the time of Heneil, but was not alive when the fortress fell to the Dragonkind.

Umston-- Small town of the Eastlands Realm.   (See Map Coordinates K4)

Undertree-- A small town near the western edge of Tallinvale, just outside of the valley proper, within the foothills of the Thunder Mountains.

Valkose-- A demon of the First Age or perhaps long before, hidden until he was discovered and destroyed by Collandoth in the late Second Age.

Valley of Dreams-- A valley in northern Vanara where is located the Temple of Beleron.   (See Map Coordinates D3)

Vanara-- One of the Seven Realms and the most ancient of all, believed to be among the first places where the Faerekind of the world lived. It was in Vanara that the Faerekind built their first cities, before the Fall. It lies to the south of Duinnor and just north of the Dragonlands, separated by a rugged range of mountains from the deserts.*   (See Map Coordinates D4)

Vendril-- A high mountain northwest of Duinnor. Ever covered with snow, it is the source of unusually pure silver ore. It is also the location of the ancient tower of the same name.   (See Map Coordinates C1)

Veritask-- A legendary advisor and soothsayer to Aperion who foretold the coming of strife among the Faerekind. In the late Second Age, this name was given to a bright red star that appeared in the west and was seen in Vanara and Duinnor. It was first observed on Midwinter's Day in the Year 869 and remained visible until Midsummer's Day of 870.

Vidican-- (Branthis Vidican) Tracian Redvest general who led an army into the Eastlands during the late Second Age and captured County Barley and Passdale.*

Vinkasinea-- A witch of the ancient world. She persisted until the Second Age and re-emerged during the Second Demon War. She briefly captured Collandoth, but he was rescued by one of his companions of the Nine Banes who killed her.

Watcher-- A term sometimes given to those who delve into the mysterious and mystical. Sometimes it only means one who is an agent of another, or one who is commissioned to observe events and discern the meaning of those events and other signs.

Waterstone-- A House of Men, of the Weatherlee estates in Tracia. In the late Second Age, Lord Waterstone was a staunch Royalist, although a critic of Prince Lewtrah and an advocate for reform, and he actively opposed the Triumvirate's violent rise to power.*

Wayfind-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

Wayregyle-- Region to the northwest of the Carthane Mountains from which hardy olives are grown for their oil.   (See Map Coordinates I2)

Weatherlee-- Name of estates and minor principality of Tracia belonging to the House of Waterstone (a House of Men).   (See Map Coordinates K5)

Weepingbrook-- Small stream in Barley. Legend tells that during the fall of Tulith Attis, women fleeing from the slaughter came upon their dead spouses lying about the banks of the stream. There, they wept and swore terrible oaths of vengeance and anguish, and were turned to stone by their anger.   (See Map of County Barley)

Westerman-- A term used to refer to Men living or from the western parts of the world, particularly Duinnor and Vanara.

Westlands-- A term generally referring to Altoria, Duinnor, and Vanara, but may be used to refer to any area west of the Great Bletharn Plains

Westlawn-- Town in the western edge of the Plains of Bletharn. It was overtaken by devotees of the cult of Wokan, called Wickermen, and entered into a feud with the neighboring town of Edgewold. The resulting hostilities led to a major battle involving armies from both places and, joining with the Edgewold fighters, Kingsman forces of Duinnor. It was at Westlawn that the Wickermen created a monster from the choking vines that they propagated.   (See Map Coordinates F4)

Westleaf-- A type of aromatic smoking herb or tobacco that is mildly intoxicating.

Weylan-- (Chrisafer Weylan) Tallinvale Captain of the Northern Gate and childhood friend of Ullin Saheed Tallin.

Wickerlands-- Those areas in the west that were under the possession of the Wickermen of the town of Westlawn during the Second Age.   (See Map Coordinates F4)

Wickermen-- Worshipers of Wokan, spirit of the grasping vine, which is a form of kudzu. The Wickermen made woven armor from the vine and planted it throughout the fields of their enemies.

Winborn-- (Sam Winborn) Farmer of Barley.

Windard-- Head butler and keeper of Tallin Hall in the late Second Age.

Winterford-- Young man of Martin Makeig's Hill Town people. Winterford was a midshipman under Makeig aboard the Golden Swallow. He was aboard during the Battle of Grisland Strait and was with Makeig's surviving group after the loss of their ship and during their subsequent escape from Tracia. He and his fellow shipmates eventually settled in Hill Town, in the Thunder Mountains.

Wokan-- Dark spirit of the grasping vine. Wokan was worshipped in various places, but its most notable adherents were those of the Wickerman rebellion who took over the town and region of Westlawn in the west. There a mysterious sorcerer invoked Wokan to infest neighboring fields with a vine known as "kudzu." In Wokan's name, the sorcerer conjured a monster made of the flesh of men and tendrils of the vine. The monster almost immediately killed its creator, whose name remains unknown. That same day, it was destroyed by fire set upon it by a Kingsman army.

Wolftooth-- Also called Slobberfang, A feverish ailment resulting from being bitten by wild animals, particularly wolves.

Zurlamont-- A low mountain located in the southernmost region of Karkarando in the Dragonlands rising up from the Craggy Sea. Upon its summit is the Tower Zurlamont, one of the Seven Towers of mysterious origin and purpose.   (See World Map Coordinate C8)

Many of these entries are abridged versions of those found within

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