For my grandmother and kindred spirit, Elaine.
My words first appeared in print when I wrote the obituary for my grandmother in 2003. She continues to influence elements of my writing, but in particular, Boy: A Journey honors her memory. Grandma, thank you for sharing fifteen years with me and impacting the person I am today. I love you and will always wish we’d had more time together.
Boy: A Journey couldn’t have made it out of the “think tank” without my wife, Jayme. Thanks for encouraging my craziness and corralling kids and puglets so I could work on it.
I’m also grateful to the visionary team of NineStar Press for their support of this book and LGBTQ literature. I’ve been fortunate to work closely with BJ Toth, an editor with a brilliant left brain, who’s probably scarred for life by my comma splices.
And as always, the most thanks to you, the reader, for investing your time on another adventure into my headspace.