I. Introduction: God’s Servants, Now and Then (1:1–5:30)
A. God’s Denunciation, Appeal, and Promise (1:1–31)
B. The Problem: What Israel Is Versus What She Will Be (2:1–4:6)
1. The Destiny of the House of Jacob (2:1–5)
2. The House of Jacob Forsaken (2:6–4:1)
3. Israel Restored (4:2–6)
C. A Harvest of Wild Grapes (5:1–30)
II. A Call to Servanthood (6:1–13)
III. Lessons in Trust—the Basis of Servanthood (7:1–39:8)
A. God or Assyria? No Trust (7:1–12:6)
1. Children, Signs of God’s Presence (7:1–9:7)
2. Measured by God’s Standards (9:8–10:4)
3. Hope for Restoration (10:5–11:16)
4. The Song of Trust (12:1–6)
B. God: Master of the Nations (13:1–35:10)
1. God’s Judgment on the Nations (13:1–23:18)
2. God’s Triumph over the Nations (24:1–27:13)
3. The Folly of Trusting the Nations (28:1–33:24)
4. Trusting God or the Nations: Results (34:1–35:10)
C. God or Assyria? Trust (36:1–39:8)
1. The Assyrian Threat (36:1–37:38)
2. The Human Limits of Trust (38:1–39:8)
IV. The Vocation of Servanthood (40:1–55:13)
A. Introduction: The Servant’s Lord (40:1–31)
B. Motive for Servanthood: Grace (41:1–48:22)
1. The Servants of the Lord: His Witnesses (41:1–44:22)
2. The Lord Delivers His Servants (44:23–46:13)
3. The Lord’s Testimony (47:1–48:22)
C. Means of Servanthood: Atonement (49:1–55:13)
1. Anticipation of Reconciliation (49:1–52:12)
2. Revelation of the Means of Reconciliation (52:13–53:12)
3. Invitation to Reconciliation (54:1–55:13)
V. The Marks of Servanthood: Divine Character (56:1–66:24)
A. Human Inability (56:1–59:21)
1. Humility and Holiness (56:1–57:21)
2. Righteousness and Ritual (58:1–59:21)
B. The Lord Has Glorified You (60:1–62:12)
C. Divine Ability (63:1–66:24)
1. Israel’s Faithfulness; the Lord’s Faithfulness (63:1–65:16)
2. The Final Judgment (65:17–66:24)