Subject Index

A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W


Abraham, 196–97, 319, 384–85, 404, 408, 480, 550

Adam, 69, 73, 79, 103, 157, 242, 346, 427

anti-exodus, 149, 151, 162

apocalyptic, 131–32

Asherah, 131–32


baptism, 95–96, 141, 422

blame-shifting, 123

blood, 291, 314, 316–17


cherubim, 58–59, 147–48, 278

church, marks of, 64, 156–57

city, 294, 546–48, 551

civil rights movement, 93

clean and unclean, 416–18

corporate responsibility, 195–97, 239–40

covenant, 99–102, 111, 193, 196, 227, 265–66, 360, 396, 398, 404, 415, 422, 504

creation, 38, 59


Daniel, 193–95, 345

Day of the Lord, 118, 291–92, 364

divine warrior, 58, 65, 78, 88, 278

drama, 94, 163, 166


Edom, 278, 324, 404–8

Egypt, 91, 104, 132, 150, 212, 224, 229, 247, 260, 262, 301–3, 355–79

election, 68, 262–63, 266, 269, 408–10

evangelism, 73–75, 166–67

exile: Assyrian and Babylonian policy, 22; historical background, 18–23, learning to live in, 50–53; stages of, 48–49

exodus, 151, 270

Ezekiel: authorship of book, 23–26; call of, 60, 78; difficulty of reading book, 17; dumbness of, 38, 80, 384; psychological analysis of, 81


God: abandonment of Jerusalem, 35, 152, 155; faithfulness of, 104; glory of, 56, 78, 80, 153, 492–94; justice of, 104, 235, 238, 281–83, 318, 384; name of, 418–19; presence of, 152–53, 155–56, 485–86; sovereignty of, 35–36, 68, 235, 489–90, 496–97, 551; wrath of, 103–4, 137–38, 197–98, 293–94, 309, 320


harvest, 73

heaven and hell, 124, 379

hell, 269, 281–82, 309

Hezekiah, 20, 107, 171, 212, 303, 356

high places, 107, 269

holiness, 157, 438–39, 503–4

hope, 157


idolatry, 111–14, 131–34, 138–39, 142, 184, 188–90, 211, 268

interpretation: allegorical, 26–28, 60; Christ-centered, 30–33; literal, 29


Jesus: good shepherd, 400–401; new king, 231, 441–42; new temple, 156, 439–41, 481–82, 551; second Adam, 73, 351, 401

Jonah, 60, 74

Josiah, 107, 132

judgment, 37, 58–62, 78, 98–100, 103–4, 115, 117–22, 136–38, 150, 269, 278, 285–90, 319–20, 327–28


lament, 246–47, 253–54

law and grace, 295–96

life and death, 78–79, 240

Lincoln, Abraham, 61, 65

Lord’s Supper, 95–96, 220

Lucifer, 348


martyrdom, 459–61

missions, 74, 320

monarchy, 228–29, 231

mourning, 315–16, 318


names, 153

Nebuchadnezzar, 21, 147, 149, 162, 224–27, 276–78, 313, 357–58, 371, 376

Noah, 193–95


oracles against nations, 325–26, 359–60

optimism and pessimism, 249


perseverance, 85

pictorial speech, 226, 234–35, 274, 305–8

pluralism, 110, 139–40

political miscalculation, 229–30

postmodernism, 266–67, 386–87

preaching, 26–33, 280, 389–90

preservation, 85, 462

priestly case law, 235, 240, 286

problem of evil, 95, 241–42


recognition formula, 108

remembering, 219

resurrection, 429, 431–33

rewards, 505–10, 549–51


Sabbath, 261, 518

sacraments, 95–96

sacrifices, 518–20, 524–27

sanctification, 421–23

Satan, 348

Satan’s strategies, 326, 338–39, 349–51, 362–64

sea, 337

seeker services, 62, 94

Sheol, 373–74, 376, 429

shame, 423–24, 451

shepherds, 394–401

sign-acts, 88–94, 98–100, 161–62, 275

sin: communicating reality of, 293, 308–9, 387–88; ugliness of, 36, 217–18

Sodom, 147, 213–14, 240, 97, 319, 414

son of man, 71–73, 75, 86, 340

suffering, 202–4, 390–91, 460

Sunday, 53


Tammuz, 132–3

temple, 107, 120, 131–36, 152–53, 437–41, 470–528, 544–45

Tyre, 333–51, 357


vine, 199–204, 223


watchman, 78, 82, 84, 383