Perform the following steps:
- Open Nmap in Command Prompt.
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the interactive output:
Nmap -sS -Pn
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the normal output:
Nmap -sS -Pn -oN output
You can navigate to the system32 folder to locate the output file and open it with text editing tools:
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the XML output:
Nmap -sS -Pn -oX output
You can navigate to the system32 folder to locate the output file and open it with text editing tools:
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the script kiddie output:
Nmap -sS -Pn -oS output
You can navigate to the system32 folder to locate the output file and open it with text editing tools:
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the output in grepable format:
Nmap -sS -Pn -v -oG output
You can navigate to the Windows folder to locate the output file and open it with text editing tools:
- Enter the following syntax in Command Prompt to obtain the output in all the formats with verbose enabled:
Nmap -sS -Pn -v-oA output
You can navigate to the Windows folder to locate the output file and open it with text editing tools: