A man is not a man without his family and friends.

To my loving devoted wife, Lisa, who has stood by me through the good and bad times, fired me up, made me what I am today, I truly love you.

To my parents-in-law, Jo and Des, love and respect to you both.

To my daughters, Nadine and Lisa Marie, my sons-in-law, Jamie and Gareth, I am so very proud of you, truly with love from my heart, God bless you all.

To my grandchildren, Chloe, Daisy and Nia, I am the proudest Papa Grandpa in the world.

To my best friends any man could ever want: Phil and Sharon, Gerry and Shirley Rozalar, Christopher and Cil, you have been my rock; Wayne and Sue Morris, and my goddaughter Erin, Lyndsay and Colin Paice.

Mike and Ross Schofield and family, Colin Lincoln, Simon and Tommy (mechanics) Wayne (Baldy) – the best paintworker in the UK, George (the central European), Jake, Brett Curran and Big Clinton, Izzy, Duncan and Lindsay, Scottydog Manning, Beth, Neal, Harry and all my friends at the Samaritans, Ismet (Arches Café), Sean Hart, Andy (Oompa Loompa) Summers, Lee Essex, Phil (get the fuck outta here) Butler, Dr Rai (for keeping me healthy) and Dr Antony Karial (my dentist at the Gingerbread House).

Jimmy Nunn (still friends after 55 years), Dave (Fingers) Smith, Lenny Bonham, Eddy Pring (hard bastard), Denny Gilson (the fixer), Giancarlo Ceri (Miami), Dilip Shah, Stevie Wilson (Pork Pie), Terry Slinger (I’ll punch yer lights out yer wanker).

To my great friends in TV who helped my dreams come true, Leepu, Steve Mizalas and all the team on Chop Shop, and Mario, Steve Scott and the Classic Car Rescue team.

To Wally Strong and Ted Watson, the master mechanics who guided me, taught me, helped me read and write, and made a mechanic out of me, God rest your souls.

To my friends and family: thank you for everything you do for me, bless you, and Tommy my Chihuahua, thank you for showing people what a big softie I am really.

I would also like to sincerely thank my agent Andrew Wilson, of Cloud9 Management, for his understanding, professionalism, and for writing this book from my assorted bits of paper, bad English, swear words, rants, late night calls, and nagging.