Thome stood there in the middle of the meetinghouse, staring at Lushanna’s bulging stomach. It made sense they were protecting her here in the village of Nonmondaine. It would have made more sense to smuggle her to some secret elf outpost or across the Eastern Ocean to the lands of the Elven Alliance, but he wasn’t here to make such judgments.
Thome was only here to recover his strength before heading over the mountains, but the villagers didn’t know that. He wasn’t going to tell them that.
“Fine then,” he said after realizing they were waiting for him to speak, to see his reaction. “Protect her. If you want, I’ll lead a hunting party to get rid of any other drakes in the area, but then I have my own mission to complete.”
“We need something else from you,” said Mother.
“Of course you do,” he muttered. “What is it?”
“We need your seed,” said Beka, causing Thome to turn around to face her once again.
“You’ve already gotten plenty of that from me,” he said in a bemused tone. “You. And Hild. And Amella. And Sparrow.” He turned and faced each of the four women in turn. Hild and Amella met his gaze. Only Sparrow shrank away.
“You misunderstand, Thome,” Beka said clearly. “When I say we need your seed, I mean that Lushanna needs your seed.”
Thome was no fool. “I suppose what you’ve taken from me already isn’t good enough.”
“No. We need your seed to induce her labor.”
He shook his head in resignation. “I don’t think I can.” He looked at Lushanna one more time. She was so fine and delicate that just the thought of having sex with her made his cock wither. While he knew she was an elf and by every measure she was a fully grown adult, her features told him she was too young and innocent. It was wrong on every level, even if she wanted to have sex with him.
“You have no choice,” said Mother. She signaled to the woman next to her who steadied the rocking chair, allowing her to rise. “Lushanna is at the end of her three years of pregnancy. If she doesn’t give birth soon, she’ll die. Along with the child.” Mother pointed a bony finger at Thome. “It is your duty to save her life.” She paused. “That is, if you uphold the oath of the Devoted Guardians.”
Thome thought that maybe he detected the hint of a smile on her lips for just an instant, but then it faded away into a stern glare.
Instead of answering Mother, Thome addressed Beka. “Can’t you just make a potion for her? I’ll supply all the seed you need.” He gave her a confident and winning smile.
“What do you think I’ve been doing with your seed since you arrived here? It’s not working. We have to do this.”
“We?” he shot back at her. “Sounds like you’re putting all the work onto me.”
Somehow Hild had moved behind him without Thome realizing it. Next to her was an equally imposing woman who was human and had the traditional facial scars of the northern tribes. She was at least as tall as Thome.
“Just do it, my comrade,” said Hild in a friendly tone. “You’ve done it with many of us already.”
“I’d hardly call four many,” he shot back and wondered why he was fighting not to have sex.
Beka approached him with a drink in hand. “Drink this. It will change your mind.”
“Drugging me now?” he asked. “Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
“No,” said Amella who was next to Beka. “But you certainly have to breathe, don’t you?”
She raised her hand to her mouth and gently exhaled.
The dust she had been concealing flew into Thome’s face. He briefly tried to hold his breath but the dust irritated his nose and a second later he was coughing, inhaling the dust.
“You’ve poisoned me!” he managed to choke out.
“No I haven’t,” Amella said calmly.
Thome breathed heavily for a moment. He realized he wasn’t dying. It wasn’t even hard to breathe. And then he realized he didn’t have complete control over his body.
Or at least his cock.
It started to rise even though he wasn’t aroused in the slightest.
At least he thought he wasn’t aroused.
“Take off your dress, Lushanna,” Beka said quietly.
The women of the village were gathered around Thome and the knot of Beka, Amella, and the others, but they were completely silent.
For just a second Lushanna hesitated, but then she pulled the laces to the front of her dress and opened up the neck so that it could slide down her slim body.
Although he felt that he should look away, Thome couldn’t. Under her dress the elf was naked. He drank in her body with his eyes.
He already knew she was slim, but her body seemed to be impossibly slender which made the bulge of her pregnant belly all the more shocking. Her skin was pale, like her face, and flawless. The beauty of elves was never exaggerated. Her breasts were small and pert, sticking forward above her belly, and capped with small pink nipples standing erect.
Because of her stance and belly he couldn’t see her quim, though he desperately wanted to.
Beka’s hand went between his legs and felt his hard cock. “Just take off your pants and fuck her,” the healer encouraged him. “You know you want to. Everyone here wants you to.”
Thome couldn’t think straight. He could only stare at the naked elf in front of him.
“Hild?” asked Beka.
“On it.”
Thome felt Hild’s strong fingers pulling at his clothes. He could have resisted her, but he didn’t.
“How can I do it with her?” he said aloud. His mind was confused and fuzzy. Hild pulled off his shirt and a moment later his pants were down around his knees.
“Drink this,” said Beka, shoving a small silver flask into Lushanna’s hand. The elf hesitated but followed the healer’s order.
She winced as the liquid went down her throat but when she was done her eyes went wide and the pupils dilated. “It’s been so long since I’ve been with a man,” she said.
“Get down on all fours,” Amella advised. “We’re here for you.”
“O Goddess,” grunted Hilda as she stepped away from Thome. “Amella, I think some of yer fuck dust got into my face.”
The sorceress winced. “Yes. I was afraid that might be the case. It couldn’t be helped.” She backed up a few steps and clapped her hands together. “Everyone! Clear some space. If you have a regular partner, you might want to find her. If you don’t…well, you might want to go outside and cool down. Literally.” She giggled. “Oh my. There must have been some blow back on me.”
Her face was flushed and she spied Hild’s assistant, Jan, at the edge of the crowd. The magic was impossible to resist. She went to her lover and greeted her with a passionate kiss.
Meanwhile, Lushanna, already down on her hands and knees with her belly nearly to the floor, looked over her shoulder to see Thome now willingly getting on his knees behind her.
Like everything else about Lushanna, her buttocks were lean and slender. Her hips barely flared out. He couldn’t imagine how painful it would be for her to give birth, but that wasn’t his problem, now or ever. He had his large cock in hand as he reached between her legs to feel her quim.
Much to his surprise he found it not just sopping wet, but perfectly smooth as well. He couldn’t detect one hair between her legs. That only pressed on the back of his mind telling him that she wasn’t ready for him, but at this point he didn’t care.
His middle finger penetrated her easily. She was no virgin. The compulsion of the magic that Amella had used on him was too much. He pressed the head of his cock against Lushanna’s pursed lips. They were pink and perfect with her tiny slit parted just enough to glisten on the inside.
He was positive there was no way her small quim was going to accommodate his cock.
He pushed forward anyway, spearing her on his manhood.
Lushanna cried out loudly. It was half pain and half delight.
Not surprisingly, Thome had never fucked an elf before. He had only ever hired a couple of half-elf whores and of course he had fucked Amella just days earlier, but it was much the same as fucking any other women.
Although her quim was definitely tighter than any other he had ever been inside. Thome didn’t especially like that. He liked the quims he fucked to be wet and hot and loose enough for easy penetration and fucking. Lushanna had the first two, but she was incredibly tight.
Their coupling was uncomfortable to them both…and yet Thome kept going. He couldn’t stop himself.
Lushanna, for all her loud vocalizations and screams, didn’t call out for him to stop. She could have crawled away—at least Thome figured she could—or done something, but she didn’t. If anything, she started rocking back and forth, meeting each of his thrusts with her body.
Thome could feel the lust rising in his body. It wouldn’t take terribly long for him to climax.
He took a beat to adjust his position on his knees and more firmly grab Lushanna’s hips. When he did so he glanced up and around him, and in doing so he was treated to a vision he never would have imagined.
The women in the room were in all manner of undress. Some were completely naked, but most had only one or two small articles of clothing on. The meeting had degenerated into an orgy. Thome found he couldn’t focus on any one small scene. The women were kissing, sucking on each other tits, fondling their own quims and their partners’, sucking and licking each other’s quims, fingering themselves and those next to them. One group of three were in a little daisy chain: the first human woman was on her back with her legs splayed and a stout dwarf woman was licking her quim. The dwarf was on all fours while the third—judging by her red skin and vestigial horns she had a demon ancestor a few generations back—licked enthusiastically between the dwarfs buttocks.
Hild was with the large human woman that had stood behind Thome. Both were holding large silver rods that Thome quickly understood were metal dildos. He wondered where Hild had developed the skill to make such devices. The two were leaning against a wall in a passionate clinch, each working the dildo they held back and forth in the other’s quim. They were the loudest of the large group.
Shaking his head, Thome went back to fucking Lushanna. As much as she was crying out from having his large cock in her quim, she was also fingering her clit.
She was now balanced on her knees and one hand, while the other hand frigged her little clit. Thome figured it had to be little because everything else on her was small.
“Do you want this?” he grunted at her, holding her hips in place while he thrusted hard. His strokes were so fast and vigorous that her amrita was starting to froth on his cock.
“Fuck! Yes! Fuck! Yes!” she chanted in her soft voice.
Thome spread his large hands across Lushanna’s ass. His grip was large enough that he could press a thumb against her tightly puckered sphincter.
Lushanna gasped when he did so.
“No!” she cried out but Thome ignored her.
No one in the room heard her protest. The women were far too distracted by their orgy.
He only forced his thumb in up to the first knuckle. Lushanna’s body accommodated it.
Thome pulled back in her quim far enough so that he could feel the head of his cock pressing against his thumb buried in her ass. After just a few more short strokes he came hard, flooding her quim.
There was a momentary pause in Lushanna’s vocalizations and then she screamed out her pleasure upon feeling Thome’s seed flood her full womb. He could feel her quim convulsing on his cock.
Her entire body shook as well, letting him know of the extent of her climax. He found that he was unable to disengage from her quim. When he tried to pull out of her he discovered that her quim was so tight it was impossible for him to move. He was still hard so he tried not to panic.
As he came down from the orgasm, Thome became more aware of the women around him. They weren’t the least bit distracted by Lushanna’s loud orgasm. In fact, if anyone in the room had heard them, they studiously ignored what the only man and the full-blooded elf had been up to which Thome found strange because he thought Lushanna was supposed to be the center of attention.
“More,” the elf suddenly begged him.
“More,” she repeated. “Fuck me again.”
“I can’t,” he choked out. “I just came.”
“More!” she demanded.
Only then did Thome realize that his erection hadn’t abated at all.
He couldn’t remember a time before when he hadn’t almost immediately lost his erection after fucking a woman. After pausing for a moment he realized that his lust hadn’t abated at all.
There was only one thing to do.
He started thrusting into Lushanna again. She groaned when he penetrated her deeply. She seemed to have fully adjusted her body to accommodate his large cock. He wondered at the size of elves’ cocks. Judging by the overall smaller size of elves, male and female, and the tightness of Lushanna’s quim, they had to be smaller.
But what then of the fairly common presence of half-elves in the Three Kingdoms? Certainly they couldn’t all be from male elves and their small cocks fucking human women. Could they? Logic dictated that there had to be female elves out there who either craved larger cocks in general and larger human cocks specifically. Thome didn’t want to think about the half-elves that were born through less moral sexual activity.
All of that rushed through his brain in an instant. He was still had and his lust was still up. The only thing to do was to keep fucking the small elf.
Fucking his partner from behind wasn’t Thome’s preferred position, but he wasn’t going to argue and he could see the logic in how it had to be this way.
As he fucked Lushanna he wondered how often this sort of thing happened in Nonmondaine. Not specifically him fucking a pregnant elf, but out of control orgies in the village’s meetinghouse. He knew he was being controlled and there couldn’t be a good ending to this, but for the moment he had to go with what was happening.
Lushanna was down on all fours again. She couldn’t support her weight with only three points of contact while she kept a busy hand on her clit. That was fine with them both. If anything, her quim was hotter and wetter than before. He was certain that his cock was as hard as it had ever been.
His heart thundered in his chest as he continued to fuck her.
Sweat covered his naked body as if he were in the middle of a battle for his life.
It became hard to hold onto the elf’s slim hips. The only thing to do was to dig his fingers into her soft flesh and pray he wouldn’t slip free.
That would be impossible.
When he came a second time it was painful. He remembered the first time he had ever had sex with a woman. It was painful like that because he didn’t know exactly what to expect. The whore that his comrades in his order had hired for him was willing to teach him everything he needed to know.
He was still scared when it happened.
But he knew he wanted it to happen again.
Lushanna had never stopped mewling and moaning her pleasure. Before his second orgasm he was certain her body had shaken several times as if she were having a seizure. Her pleasure was assured, though Thome never gave much thought to the needs of his partner.
This time he didn’t stop. He pushed as much of his thick white seed into her as possible, pushing himself right to the brink of exhaustion, before taking several deep breaths. Only then did he resume fucking Lushanna.
The elf didn’t need to beg for his cock this time.
The crowd around them kept going as well. Thome wondered if they had been dosed by Amella’s magic or maybe something Beka had given them. It didn’t matter. He only had to listen to his base desires and use his body and cock for the only purposes that mattered.
He fucked Lushanna hard and gloried in her screams of passion.
When he managed to make himself cum a third time he was spent. Nothing could keep him going. Not Lushanna’s well-used quim. Not Amella’s magic. Not even an elixir from Beka. Even his cock gave out and started to shrink, letting him slip free of the swampy mire that was Lushanna’s sex.
Thome briefly held himself upright by keeping one hand on Lushanna’s hip for a moment, but then the world turned gray and then completely dark.