Book 4


Chapter 14

Thome was glad he wasn’t dead. Or wounded. The light was literally blinding. All he could see was whiteness. He held his hand in front of his face and there was nothing.

“Sound off!” he commanded the women he was supposed to be leading. They’d have to do this by hearing alone for the moment.

“Here!” cried Hild, her rough, deep voice echoing in the cavern.

“I’m…I can’t see,” said Amella. There was panic in her voice.

“Same,” called Sparrow. “But I smell something that’s…wrong.”

“It’s an illusion,” Lidda repeated.

“Looks pretty fucking real to me,” Thome snapped. “Or not. I can’t see a fucking thing.”

“The eyes are the weakest part of the body,” said a disembodied voice. It wasn’t any of the women, Thome could tell that right away.

The voice was…wrong. It wasn’t human or any other race he had ever encountered. It was neither male nor female and it had an odd reverberation that made him want to fall to his knees and vomit.

“Why do you violate our home?” the voice demanded.

The group was silent. Thome figured that the wizard they were facing could see or sense them and hiding was likely a waste of time, but since he couldn’t see, there was no need for secrecy. He had to say something.

“We come looking for the drake master,” he called out, moving his head back and forth, trying to judge from the echo where the wizard might be hiding. For all he knew, the wizard might have been on another plane of existence and anything they attempted here was a wasted effort. They were going to die.

“And who are you?” the wizard demanded. Just listening to the voice made Thome dizzy.

“Don’t say your name!” hissed Amella. “That’s how you’ll be controlled!”

Thome wasn’t sure why she was keeping her voice low. Undoubtedly the wizard knew where they were and could hear everything.

“Thome,” he called out. “Thome Innocente of the Order of the Devoted Guardians!”

Amella groaned in annoyance. He sensed a similar reaction from the other women.

The disembodied voice laughed at him. “Thome. You don’t look young and foolish, and yet you are.” There was a pause and suddenly the voice completely filled the cavern. “Thome Innocente I doom you to a never-ending existence in the pits of Balvenroag!”

Thome felt an unnatural tugging on his body and clothes. It was compelling him to go elsewhere through most foul means, but then the spell simply sputtered out, having not affected him in any way.

“You are a liar, Thome Innocente,” said the wizard.

“You know my name, now give me yours!” he said boldly.

“Lefelda Dalthius, if you must know.”

“Can you do anything by knowing his name?” Thome said softly to Amella.

“I am no man!” the wizard bellowed.

“Can you do anything by knowing her name?” Thome repeated this time in a normal tone of voice to Amella.

“My magic doesn’t work that way,” she replied.

“Nor am I a woman!”

Thome was nonplussed by that revelation.

A second later his eyesight started to rapidly improve. The bright white blur slowly faded to a gray and almost normal vision was restored. Thome looked around at the women, all of whom had wisely crouched down into protective stances. They were scattered around in a small area but seemed fine. They were blinking and rubbing their eyes, trying to prepare for what was to come next.

Before Thome could ask anything else of Amella or any of the women, Lefelda Dalthius appeared.




The wizard slowly descended from the cavern’s ceiling. Thome blinked as his eyes took in the unusual sight. The wizard wasn’t one person, but two. They appeared to be human, except they were floating down through the air, their bodies were perfectly hairless, and their skin faintly glowed with a mystical blue light. It wasn’t enough to brighten the cavern, but it made them more than obvious.

It took Thome a few seconds to realize that the wizard, or wizards, weren’t just hairless, but naked as well. That gave him pause because even in his armor, underclothing, and heavy cloak, he was cold. The two bodies of the wizard Lefelda Dalthius held onto each other by circling an arm around the opposite’s waist, as if they were lovers walking together. Except they were floating.

The male half of the duo was leanly muscular and had, in Thome’s opinion, a small, soft cock. The female half had smaller than average breasts and a quim of slightly pouting lips. Their facial features were nearly mirror images, his vaguely feminine and hers vaguely masculine. Together they were the very definition of androgyny.

“Looks like you’re both,” Thome commented as the wizard settled in front of him. They floated a foot off the ground. Keeping his hand on the pommel of his sword, Thome rose to meet the two eye to eye. Almost.

They looked down on him ever so slightly.

“Why do you violate my home?” the wizards demanded a second time.

Thome was glad they weren’t straight out murdering him. He saw no reason to hide the truth. It was obvious to even a blind man.

“We’ve come here to kill the monster that has been sending drakes into the village of Nonmondaine.”

Behind him the women hissed in annoyance. They were certain he was going to get them killed.

“We have sent drakes out on missions,” said Lefelda Dalthius. “Our drakes are our livelihood.”

Seeing an opportunity to negotiate rather than fight, Thome said, “Then we ask you to keep better control over those drakes. The last one that went rampaging through nearly killed two children.”

The wizards looked impassively at Thome. “That is no concern of ours. Our drakes are for hire. Gold speaks loudly here.”

Thome glanced at the women. “Can the village muster up some gold?”

Amella spoke up. “Some, but not a lot.”

“Three hundred pieces of gold,” said Lefelda Dalthius.

“We can’t get that much,” Amella said immediately.

“Then we cannot assure your village of safety,” said the wizards. “However, none of our clients have requested any drakes attack your village.”

“So they’re just runnin’ wild?” protested Hild.

The two bodies shrugged in unison. “Drakes sometimes break free of their controls.”

“What can we do to receive an assurance that Nonmondaine won’t be accidentally attacked?” asked Thome.

“If you have no gold, there is very little that would interest us,” Lefelda Dalthius said.

Undeterred, Thome said, “What would interest you?”

The two halves of Lefelda Dalthius looked at each other as if communicating silently. The world wavered a bit and Thome realized the last of the illusion that Lefelda Dalthius had been generating was wiped away.

He had thought they were in a semi-natural cavern inside the mountain. Maybe it had been at one point, but now it was a rather comfortable, even sumptuous home. The overall style was akin to a large manor home or even a lord’s castle. In the large common space Thome spied a fireplace with a glowing fire, a huge table that could seat a score of bodies, comfortable couches and chairs, a large space set aside for bookcases, and even a desk and experimentation table. They were on the edge of the open space that seemed more akin to a dance floor than anything else.

“What do you have to offer us?” asked Lefelda Dalthius.

Thome looked at the women. “Not much. We could scrape together some coin, but nothing that would match your fees.” He adjusted his sword at his hip. “I suppose I could try to kill you, but I’ve never fought a wizard, or wizards, before. We have little beyond that of material wealth.”

“None of that appeals to us. You may leave our presence unless you are willing to offer services in exchange for your request.”

“I never fancied myself a mercenary,” Thome said. “But maybe the women?” He looked back at the group. Hild shrugged her shoulders. Amella looked away. Sparrow remained impassive as always, but Lidda spoke up.

“We do have other services we can offer besides being hired swords,” said the halfling.

“What are they?” asked a disinterested Lefelda Dalthius.

“Magic. Tracking. Illusion. Alchemy. Black smithing.”

“All of those I have and more, and for easy coin.” The wizards’ bodies started to glow menacingly.

Thome, feeling a bit desperate said, “Besides fighting, I can offer up my cock. The women of Nonmondaine have taken a great liking to it recently.” He expected the wizards to be insulted at his suggestion. They were not.

The wizards’ glow diminished slightly while their impassive faces focused on Thome.

“Prostitutes are difficult to come by this far from the cities,” they said. “Male prostitutes are even more difficult.”

“Ah, I wasn’t really being serious,” Thome said, wondering what he had gotten himself into. “I’m not a prostitute.”

But Lefelda Dalthius was ignoring him and now focused their blank faces on each of the women in turn.

“You each have unique appearances,” said the wizards. “It has been a long time since we indulged in carnal pleasures.”

“You’ve got ta be fuckin’ kidding me,” muttered Hild.

“I’ve seen the women you’ve fucked,” said Sparrow. “You aren’t that choosy.”

“I’m not really into threesomes…or at least threesomes that involve a man,” Thome said but realized he was talking himself out of an easy solution that would protect the village.

Lefelda Dalthius did something that Thome did not expect. The two figures that made up the wizards’ bodies slowly drifted away from each other. Once they no longer touched, the blueish light that emanated from their skin diminished drastically and instead of being nearly blank featureless slates akin to a statue in the process of being carved, they developed into fairly normal looking humans. Except they were completely hairless, not just on their bodies, but both of their heads were completely bald including eyebrows. It was eerie and unusual.

They both still glowed with a faint blue light but the natural light in the hidden manor home was more than enough to illuminate everything. They were also both still naked, but neither seemed upset or worried about their nude vulnerability.

The woman was much more attractive than Thome would have guessed. Her male companion was equally handsome.

“We are joined but not all the time,” they said in unison. “We will accept carnal pleasures in exchange for limited protection of Nonmondaine.”

Their voices were much less disturbing and the dizziness that Thome had been experiencing faded away.

“I don’t think we’re going to get a better offer,” said Thome as he looked at Amella. “What do you think?”

When he turned his head, he was shocked to see that Hild had laid down her war hammer and was in the process of removing her leather armor, placing it on the cloak at her feet. Her large bare breasts were already on display.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” he protested making the rest of the group look at Hild.

She shrugged. “I’m horny.”

“This isn’t a good idea,” said Sparrow.

Before they could get into a complicated argument, Amella brought up her hands and focused the mystical energies that she could tap into. Light glittered around them and Amella staggered back as the spell ended.

“What the fuck was that?” asked Thome.

“As far as I can tell, they aren’t lying to us,” Amella said. “No spell is perfect proof, but they aren’t trying to deceive us.”

“What about killing us?” Sparrow asked sulkily.

Lidda shrugged. “Life is a risk.”

Thome started to turn back to the wizards, but as he did the female half of the pair was right next to him.

She pressed her naked body against his. He imagined he could feel her naked tits pressing against his chest, but he was protected by the metal breastplate he was wearing.

“When we are not joined, I am called Lefelda,” she said before she kissed him. Her voice was much lighter when it wasn’t mirrored by the male half of the pair. The wizardess was still floating above the ground so her face was perfectly level with Thome’s. He was surprised enough not to react at first, accepting the kiss as her hands pawed at his armor.

“I am called Dalthius,” said her partner as he floated over to Hild who had succeeded in removing all of her armor and was down to just her leather shorts.

“Nice cock, sweetie,” she told him as his arms went around her body and they kissed.

The three remaining women looked on in confusion.

“What the fuck do we do?” asked Sparrow.

“I guess just watch and make sure they don’t kill Hild or Thome,” said Amella nervously.

Lefelda broke her kiss with Thome. “Or you could join us,” she suggested and, still floating, tugged Thome toward the far side of the large room where a huge bed had suddenly appeared.

He gave it a moment’s thought and realized she was not charming him with a spell or trying to mind control him. His cock was hard because she was an unusually attractive woman and she wanted him and there was no reason not to fuck her. He didn’t care what the other women were doing.

The wizardess knew something about armor because she helped Thome remove it quickly and easily. Maybe she used magic to help strip it off, but he didn’t care if she did. This was a much better way to solve a conflict than using his sword to remove heads from bodies.

As they got on the bed, Thome realized Lefelda was still floating, even as he kissed her and pressed her down to the bed. She was hovering a good handspan above the unnaturally firm mattress. “Does this levitation spell never end?” he asked as he slid a hand along her naked back, emphasizing the space between her and the mattress.

“Never,” she said as her hand moved down his body to his cock. She smiled at his hardness. “It makes sex…interesting and challenging.”

Thome was feeling up to the challenge. Her fingers firmly pulled on his manhood and she bobbled around a bit. He grabbed her upper arms to steady her and encouraged the woman to move down his body. “How long has it been since you have had sex?” he asked. He knew that practitioners of the more obscure magics often lost themselves to their power, forgetting their own selves in a quest for magical power.

“Too long,” she moaned.

“How long since you’ve sucked a man’s cock?”

“Too long,” she repeated. “But I haven’t forgotten how.”

With her body still levitating she lowered her mouth down onto the head of his cock. Her mouth was warm and wet. When she engulfed his manhood there was a vague tingling sensation that he had never experienced before with any of his lovers. Thome couldn’t tell if it was some special talent of hers or if he was just that eager to fuck her.

He was in a kneeling position as she fellated him. Lefelda kept one hand on his thigh, the other on his cock. He held her shoulder so she wouldn’t drift away. After closing his eyes for a minute he sensed a presence close by and he opened them to see Sparrow closely observing him with the wizardess.

That didn’t stop him, of course. It took Thome a moment to realize that Sparrow had removed most of her clothing and had her hand down between her legs, masturbating as she watched them.

He had no way of knowing how long it had been since Lefelda had had sex with another person. While it certainly wasn’t the worst blowjob he had ever received, either Lefelda wasn’t very good at it or was completely out of practice.

In an effort to make things better, he moved his hands to her head in order to guide and control her. He was startled to realize that she was completely bald. Her head wasn’t just shaved; there was no hair at all that he could detect. The magic-user was smart enough to realize he was using his hands to guide her and slowly her fellatio became better.

Meanwhile, Hild had wiggled out of her leather shorts, showing off her naked muscular body. Dalthius still floated a few inches above the ground but she had one arm circled around his body and the other was tugging at his erect and hairless cock. Hild was a woman always in search of new sexual experiences. She had fucked all the women in the village that had caught her eye and had happily fucked Thome as well without a second thought. But she had never fucked a wizard before and was eager to try.

The problem was that Amella and Lidda were also both interested in the wizard. They pressed in close to the pair, trying to share kisses and caresses. Amella’s magical perception was strong enough for her to realize that they were undoubtedly being influenced by some outside magical force controlled by Lefelda Dalthius but it wasn’t a true threat. Not yet, at least.

While Dalthius loved the attention being showered on him by the women, he found it a little overwhelming as well, especially since Amella and Hild were both pulling on his cock while Lidda tried to get her lips around the organ since she was on eye-level with it.

He pulled back from them. “Ladies, I am not a god of fertility or the bedroom.”

“I don’t care,” said Hild, pushing the others aside and grabbing his erect cock again. “I want this first.”

He smiled at her. The expression was perplexing because of his lack of hair and otherworldly appearance along with his glowing eyes. “I have a better solution.” Pushing back against her once again, his eyes glowed brighter and there was a flash.

When the trio of women looked back at the wizard there were now three of them floating just inches above the ground. They were exact duplicates of each other and Hild couldn’t tell one from the other. Experimentally she poked all three, in order from left to right, in the chest. They were all solid and real enough. Still, she knew better than to just trust her eyes and hands.

Turning to Amella, she asked, “Are they real or do I just think they’re real?”

Amella grinned and went up to the wizard closest to her. “Does it matter?” she asked before kissing him and going down on her knees to take the wizard’s erect cock into her mouth. She savored his pulsing hardness and was eager to draw an orgasm out of him.

“Don’t question gifts,” Lidda said to the half-orc as she walked up to one of the remaining wizards and took him into her broad mouth as well. Being a halfling she didn’t need to go down on her knees.

Glancing left and right, Hild made a quick decision. While she wasn’t above sucking cock, she wanted something more. Besides, her quim was all but humming in anticipation and Dalthius was hard and ready to go. One final time she reached out and took Dalthius by the cock. “I’ve never ridden a wizard before.”

He didn’t object but it did take a bit of effort to put the wizard on his back. Even in a horizontal position he floated a few inches above the ground. That didn’t matter to Hild. She threw her leg over his body and knelt over his curved and erect cock. If anything, Hild enjoyed having the wizard slightly higher than the ground. She lowered her quim down on him, letting his impressive fleshy rod part her lips and fill her up.

“You fit me perfectly,” she told him as she started grinding her hips back and forth. Dalthius had to grab the ground to help hold himself in place which prevented him from groping her tits which he so desperately wanted to do.

“Glad I could arrange that,” he said as they acclimated themselves to the unusual method needed so Dalthius could have sex.

Hild liked leaning forward and holding onto Dalthius’s shoulders to nearly pin him in place. As they rutted together she started to think this was the best way to resolve the little problem with the drakes.

Thome had pulled Lefelda’s mouth off his cock. As much as he was enjoying the blowjob he didn’t want to finish in her mouth, not if she was willing to go further. Seeing the bit of difficulty that Hild was having with her lover, Thome pushed Lefelda over onto her hands and knees. She still didn’t touch the ground but he was able to hold her hips as he slipped his cock into her quim.

Once he began ramming her from behind, the problem with the position became apparent. While he could fuck her from that position, her body tended to float away. He had to keep his hands on her hips to keep her in place. That wasn’t so bad, but it limited his options.

He started to understand why Lefelda Dalthius hadn’t had sex in so long. It was a literal struggle.

Sparrow had either become too excited by watching those around her have sex or perhaps masturbation wasn’t enough for her in the moment. She moved in front of Lefelda as she pulled down her pants all the way, giving full access to her quim.

“Do you just like to get fucked by men or do you like girls as well?” she asked the wizardess as she sat down on her firm bottom and spread her legs wide, giving Lefelda a full view of her sex.

The bald woman didn’t say a word. She just reached out to the cat-girl to pull her closer. The effect of the levitation spell was that she dragged herself forward and into Sparrow’s crotch, face first. Thome had to struggle to move forward. His cock momentarily slipped free. Once Lefelda was eagerly eating the other woman’s quim he was able to pin her in place and start fucking her again. Everyone was happy.

He knew he should have given further thought to the wizards’ sexuality but in the moment it didn’t matter. All he wanted to do was cum in Lefelda’s quim. Maybe it would have been fun to see her make Sparrow climax as well. He didn’t have any designs beyond those simple desires.

The only thing was that Thome found it almost impossible to cum. He kept fucking the wizardess and she responded beautifully to his cock and his thrusts. Judging by her periodic pauses in eating out Sparrow to let out little mewling sounds of pleasure, he was making her climax, but he couldn’t quite get there himself. He made eye contact with Sparrow several times and while she seemed on the edge of ecstasy, she couldn’t climax either.

Looking over at Hild and the others he was only mildly surprised that there were now three Dalthiuses copulating with Hild, Amella, and Lidda. It was almost too much for Thome to take in. He instead focused on Lefelda. That was easier and it didn’t hurt his head.

But he still couldn’t cum. He desperately needed to cum and knew that this would never stop until he was able to climax.

Suddenly he was struck with a memory of a fairy tale told by his grandmother, that an enchantress would visit a king’s palace every time there was a ball held and she could dance with a handsome young prince. They would dance and dance all through the night until the sun rose and the prince would fall dead of exhaustion.

Thome didn’t want to fall dead from exhaustion of sex.

He looked down at the curvy presentation that was Lefelda’s ass. He was still holding tight to her hips. To help him focus on cumming, he looked down at the intersection of his cock and her quim. Watching his flesh go in and out of her hairless body was arousing and exciting, but it wasn’t enough.

Then he saw the tight pink, but tinted slightly blue, rosebud of her asshole. Normally that wasn’t something for him, but he was desperate and he was willing to do whatever it took.

Without warning Thome pulled out of her quim, rubbed the length of his cock in the crevice of her buttocks, and then shoved his hard flesh against her tightly puckered back entrance.

Lefelda gasped and resisted for a moment. He pushed harder and she tried to protest, not letting him in, but Thome was determined.

He was sufficiently lubricated to force his way inside her and she cried out as he violated her.

She didn’t, however, tell him no. Her face was still between Sparrow’s thighs. Her quim and slit were sopping wet from amrita and Lefelda’s saliva. The wizardess did the only thing she could and forced her forefinger up Sparrow’s asshole as well

The hunter groaned in pleasure as she rubbed her own clit. It was too much.

Thome pumped Lefelda’s ass for several strokes and that was enough. He erupted inside of her but fell back as she climaxed as well. His cock slipped free of the tight ring of muscle and sprayed cum on her ass and back.

Sparrow came a moment later, overcome by too much stimulation. All three collapsed into a quivering heap.

Glancing over at the other group he saw things were reaching a fever pitch. Hild was still riding her version of Dalthius while another one had Amella pinned up against a wall and was bouncing into and against her with his cock, not getting enough traction with his levitation to make it truly violent. The last one had picked up Lidda and was holding the halfling on his hips, using her as a masturbatory device as they floated around the room. It was erotically decadent.

Somehow it seemed that the three versions of Dalthius had sensed Lefelda’s orgasm. They all groaned in unison as they erupted into orgasm. Their three female lovers responded in kind. It was impossible to tell if one event led to the next but it certainly seemed like they were linked. All six shook and cried out with orgasm.

Dalthius couldn’t maintain the spell he was holding as he climaxed and the other two versions winked out of existence. Amella slid down the wall, her legs wide open, leaking Dalthius’s cum from her quim. Lidda, unfortunately, took a hard fall to the ground, landing heavily on her round bottom, the impact only slightly cushioned by her well-padded ass and the thick rug on that corner of the room.

Hild screamed as she came and ground her quim and hips down on Dalthius, almost breaking the levitation spell before collapsing on top of the wizard. They panted heavily together for a minute.

“I’ve never cum so hard in my life,” Hild declared.

“I’ve never fucked a half-orc in my life,” he replied. “Thank you. I can only climax from new sexual experiences and partners. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” said Hild in a gesture of unusual graciousness. “I wanna ride your face. You up for that?”

The wizard laughed politely. “I don’t think I want that. I believe our contract is now complete.”

Thome struggled off the bed and got to his feet. He felt vulnerable while naked in the wizard’s lair, but everyone else was naked as well. The magic-users might have some small advantage, but his sword was close at hand.

“You’ll take care of the drakes then?” he asked forthrightly.

It was a bold move on Thome’s part.

Perhaps it was too bold.