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It would be terribly rude to go much further in this story without introducing all of you to the Fairy Bell sisters. If you haven’t had the pleasure of their acquaintance already, please meet them now. Here are:

Clara, Rosy, Goldie, Sylva, and Squeak live together with the other young fairies on Sheepskerry Island, which is a place so filled with magic that you may be reading this story very near it right now (only you might not know it, because human people call it by another name). The Fairy Bell sisters have one more member of their family, their big sister, who lives in Neverland with a friend called Peter Pan. In case you don’t dare guess her name, I’ll tell you: it’s Tinker Bell. And it was Tinker Bell who had made that tinkling sound right outside the Fairy Bell sisters’ fairy house.

If you have read other stories about the Fairy Bell sisters, you know that now is the time I usually ask a question to see if you really want to read any further. The question could be about perfect fairies or foolish fairies or headstrong fairies or fairies with tender hearts.

In times past, most of you have turned the pages and read on, which is why you know so much about the Fairy Bell sisters. But this time, I’m going to take a chance. I’m not going to ask that question, because I believe that every single one of you will want to read a story about a magical little baby who’s about to make a big change. A little baby who has a secret language all her own. A little baby named Euphemia Bell, better known as Squeak.

You might especially want to read this story if I add that it is absolutely filled with magic, and it’s about a Christmas that almost does not happen—a Christmas that is an absolute disaster . . . until Squeakie Bell discovers the most extraordinary Christmas present in all of Fairyland.

So get yourself cozy, and wrap up warm if it’s cold outside. And then let’s see if you do go ahead and turn that page. . . .