First and foremost, let me start by assuring you that you are not required to throw yourself in at the deep end of the weight-lifting pool. In fact, what I want from you beginners is the complete opposite – I want you to use this guide to get your feet wet and focus on form.
One of my favourite expressions in the weight-lifting world is: ‘Start as you mean to continue.’ In other words: ‘Get your form right now and worry about the weights later.’
I want you to learn how to execute a movement properly first, without worrying about the weight you are lifting.
Form is the most important factor when it comes to weight lifting. Without good, safe form, you are more than likely going to:
» Hurt yourself
» Expend a lot of energy doing ineffective training
» End up having to unlearn and then relearn appropriate form later
Obviously, something as visual as form is very tricky to teach in a book. You’ll find exercise imagery and explanations throughout the plan but other visual aids will go a long way towards helping you understand what these exercises should look like. For example:
» YouTube
» Gym Instructors
» Personal Trainers
» Friends or family who lift
» Even just watching other people in the gym
If you can watch somebody lift properly, it will be a lot easier for you to recreate it later.
Only your body can tell you how heavy a weight you should be lifting. Obviously, as a beginner, I urge you to start small. The goal here is to get you used to an exercise with a little additional weight, not get you used to a weight alone. What I mean by this is that:
The exercise is your primary concern and the weight is your secondary concern.
Once you feel that you have form down, be brave and increase your weight.
Choosing Your Weight-training Goal
» Endurance Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force repeatedly) is perfect for those wanting to increase their ‘functional’ training abilities, such as triathletes, distance runners and rowers. If you are a cardio bunny looking to implement some weight lifting to assist your sport, then endurance is perfect for you.
» Hypertrophy Training (the growth of a muscle) is perfect for those wanting to increase visible muscle mass, and is my favourite form of weight lifting. If you are looking for aesthetic muscular results, hypertrophy is for you.
» Strength Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force against resistance) or powerlifting is perfect for those wanting to increase their physical strength and really enjoy their weight lifting. It traditionally only calls for 3 exercises – squat, deadlift and bench press, as these are the competition lifts. However, in recent years 2 common exercises have been included in the training – military press and barbell row.
I have written the exercise plans to cover all the bases so there are 2 days for each different area of the body (upper, lower and back / core). As a result, each plan has 6 days a week of training BUT you do not need to train for the full 6 days. As long as you train your body evenly (don’t just focus on legs, for example), feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 times a week, taking rest days as and when you need them. This advice is especially important with strength training – recovery is key for this goal, so training 4 days a week is enough.
Try not to train the same body part 2 days in a row, as you want to make sure each muscle group has at least 24 hours to recover after training.
You will notice that some of the exercises in the Beginner Plan start off unweighted – this is to ensure you have time to practise your form before you move on to lifting weights.
You’ll also notice that you start on small weights, e.g. dumbbells and kettlebells, and graduate on to bigger machines, like the Smith Machine, the Squat Rack and Cables, as the weeks pass. This is deliberate and means you aren’t tackling complicated equipment before you are comfortable with your weight training.
Lastly, there are many exercise repetitions in the Beginner Plan … While big compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, should be a weekly staple of any weight-lifting plan (in my opinion), the repetition of other exercises will give you time to practise and improve your lifting technique. Don’t worry, every area of your body will be trained well and trained evenly, but I want you to practise training properly first and foremost.
When I instruct a Comfortable Weight, I mean a weight that challenges you but that you can lift with ease.
When I instruct a Heavy Weight, I mean a weight that challenges you to really push HARD by your last few reps.
You can repeat this plan for as many weeks / months as you wish. However, at some point, it would be good to progress to the Intermediate Plan …
Week 1 Form Focused
(bodyweight or comfortable weights only)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms directly out in front of you and place one hand on top of the other – or place your hands on your hips. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself down into a deep squat by bending your hips, then knees. Pushing your weight down against your heels, stand back up straight again. Make sure your knees stay directly above your toes – they shouldn’t be collapsing inward. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a bench about 0.5m behind you. Carefully place one of your feet up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each leg.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your knees bent. Slowly and gently raise your hips up into the air, squeezing your buttocks as you do so. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly and gently coming back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place the Olympic bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable). Stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during the exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust. (Lower your feet to the bottom of the plate and push on to the balls of your feet. Flex your foot so your heels come back down again, then repeat to exhaust.)
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat the movement for the full sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent, your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a dumbbell on the floor on the right-hand side of a bench. Keeping your right foot on the ground and your toes pointing forwards, place your left knee in the centre of the bench, then bend over and grip the top of the bench with your left hand. Keeping your back straight, slowly pick up the dumbbell with your right hand, making sure to keep your arm in tight to your body as you do so. Pull the dumbbell up into your armpit region and hold the dumbbell there for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down to extend your arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps, then repeat with other arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on your thighs. Lie down on the bench and pull the dumbbells up so they are just above either side of your chest, making sure they are now horizontal. Slowly push the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended, bringing them together at the peak of the lift so they lightly touch. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on top of your thighs. Lie down on the bench. Extend your arms out either side of your body at chest height. Then, as if you are hugging a beach ball, and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, bring the dumbbells together above your body. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Lie face down on the mat with your legs together. Place your hands either side of your head and slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 2 Form with Weight Focused
(comfortable and heavy weights)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Full Rest Day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and hold it in front of your chest, against your body. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself down into a deep squat by bending your hips, then knees. Pushing your weight down against your heels, stand back up straight again. Make sure your knees stay directly above your toes – they shouldn’t be collapsing inward. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a bench about 0.5m behind you. Grab two kettlebells or dumbbells of the same weight and hold one in each hand. Carefully place one of your feet up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each leg.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the hip thrust unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your knees bent. Place the weight on your crotch, or wherever is most comfortable. Holding the weight in place, slowly and gently raise your hips up into the air, squeezing your buttocks as you do so. Hold this position for a few seconds before slowly and gently coming back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar horizontally in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable). Stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during the exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart, using an overhand grip. Resting the bar on top of your thighs, sit down on the bench, with your back fully upright against it and your feet either side. Swiftly lift the bar up so that it is at chest height then push the bar up above your head until your arms are fully extended. Hold the bar above your head for a second, then slowly bring it back down to chest height. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grabbing the weight with both hands, hold it in front of your stomach. Extending your arms, bring the weight up in front of your chest, always keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Hold the weight for a second, then slowly bring it back down to stomach height. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grip a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang either side of your hips. Keeping your arms in tight to your sides at all times, slowly lift the dumbbells from hip height into your shoulders, twisting the dumbbells into a horizontal position as you do so. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to their starting position. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on a bench and place your hands flat on top of it, either side of your body. Extend your legs out in front of you. Push yourself slightly above and in front of the bench. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Lie face down on the mat and place your hands either side of your head. Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 3 Form and Weight Focused
(comfortable and heavy weights)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Full Rest Day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same on each side. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is more comfortable, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook it from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hips and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place the bench about 0.5m behind you. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place one foot up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Take a breath and repeat on the other leg. Repeat for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench, resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the cushion and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar horizontally in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable). Stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during the exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets.
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets.
Sit down and grab the bar with both hands in an overhand grip. Push the bar up into the air and hold it there for a second before slowly bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Attach the correct handle to the cable and make sure the weight you choose on the machine is very light (shoulders only need a light weight). With a slight bend in your elbow, and keeping your arm locked in this position, slowly raise the handle into the air until your arm is horizontal. Allow the handle to pull your arm slowly back down into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Attach the correct handle to the cable and make sure the weight you choose on the machine is very light (shoulders only need a light weight). With a slight bend in your elbows, and keeping your arms locked in this position, slowly raise the handle up into the air out in front of you. Allow the handle to slowly pull your arms back down into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a dumbbell on the floor on the right-hand side of a bench. Keeping your right foot on the ground and your toes pointing forwards, place your left knee in the centre of the bench, then bend over and grip the top of the bench with your left hand. Keeping your back straight, slowly pick up the dumbbell with your right hand, making sure to keep your arm in tight to your body as you do so. Pull the dumbbell up into your armpit region and hold the dumbbell there for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down to extend your arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps, then repeat with the other arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You will need a cable machine with two columns. Place the correct handles on both of the cables, and make sure you choose the same weight on each side. Raise the handles so they are slightly above shoulder height – make sure they are the same height on each side. Grab one cable with one hand and then reach over and grab the other. Holding a handle in each hand, take a big step forward with one leg – like a lunge but not as deep. Keep a slight bend in both elbows and pull both cables together, out in front of your chest, as if you are hugging a beach ball. Allow the cables to pull you slowly and gently back into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand on the leg raise machine. Keep your back straight against the back pad and grip both the handles. Let your legs dangle underneath you and cross your ankles. Slowly raise your legs up in front of you, then slowly allow them to come back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement fluidly to exhaust.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
You may need a mat or cushion for your elbows during this exercise. Lie on your front with your feet hip-width apart, resting your toes against the mat. Lean on your elbows and keep your forearms flat against the mat. Make sure your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Pushing against your toes and forearms, raise your upper body into the air, one arm at a time, to rest on your hands, so you form an elevated plank. Do not allow your spine to curve, either concavely or convexly. You want a straight back. Come back down to rest on your forearms, one arm at a time, and then push back up on to your hands. Repeat to exhaust.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip one of the handles in front of you, with an overhand grip. Take a deep breath, then slowly and gently pull the handle into your chest. Hold the handle against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of reps on each arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these sitting on the floor in front of the cable machine or standing, whichever you prefer. I like to do the exercises standing when I can, as per the illustration. Grip one handle with an inverted grip, take a deep breath then slowly and gently pull the handle into your chest. Hold the handle against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of reps, on each arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach the long bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an overhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise, as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach any bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an underhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 rep » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 4 Form and Weight Focused
(comfortable and heavy weights)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Full Rest Day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Make sure the weight is the same on each side. Place the bench about 0.5m behind you. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place one foot up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Take a breath and repeat on the other leg. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench, facing the bar and resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the cushion and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same on each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar horizontally in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable). Stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during the exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat this movement for the full sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grip a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang either side of your hips. Keeping your arms in tight to your sides at all times, slowly lift the dumbbells from hip height into your shoulders, twisting the dumbbells into a horizontal position as you do so. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to their starting position. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright and the bars on either side of the machine are as close together as possible (they are often adjustable). Facing the machine, grip the bars and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the padded seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
If you have lifted weights for a while but deep down you know your form isn’t great, then I want you to start with the Beginner Plan. Go back to basics, train like you really are a newbie and learn the right form before making your way to the Intermediate Plan. That said, if you can lift and you know your form is great then this is the section for you!
The Intermediate Plan starts relatively simply and progresses slowly over the 4 weeks.
You will already know that every good weight-lifting plan includes four staple lifts:
» Squats
» Deadlifts
» Rows
» Presses
These big, compound, push/pull movements are going to hit your body in multiple ways that other, more isolated, exercises will not. There is a time and a place for more isolated work, and you will see that in this plan, too.
Please note – no one can tell you what weight to lift other than your own body. I want you to start at a weight you know you can handle before you even think about increasing it.
Always remember that form is primary and weight is secondary.
Choosing Your Weight-training Goal
» Endurance Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force repeatedly) is perfect for those wanting to increase their ‘functional’ training abilities, such as triathletes, distance runners and rowers. If you are a cardio bunny looking to implement some weight lifting to assist your sport, then endurance is perfect for you.
» Hypertrophy Training (the growth of a muscle) is perfect for those wanting to increase visible muscle mass, and is my favourite form of weight lifting. If you are looking for aesthetic muscular results, hypertrophy is for you.
» Strength Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force against resistance) or powerlifting is perfect for those wanting to increase their physical strength and really enjoy their weight lifting. It traditionally only calls for 3 exercises – squat, deadlift and bench press, as these are the competition lifts. However, in recent years 2 common exercises have been included in the training – military press and barbell row.
I have written the exercise plans to cover all the bases so there are 2 days for each different area of the body (upper, lower and back / core). As a result, each plan has 6 days a week of training BUT you do not need to train for the full 6 days. As long as you train your body evenly (don’t just focus on legs, for example), feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 times a week, taking rest days as and when you need them. This advice is especially important with strength training – recovery is key for this goal, so training 4 days a week is enough.
Try not to train the same body part 2 days in a row, as you want to give each muscle group at least 24 hours to recover after training.
When I instruct a Comfortable Weight, I mean a weight that challenges you but that you can lift with ease.
When I instruct a Heavy Weight, I mean a weight that challenges you to really push HARD by your last few reps.
You can repeat this plan for as many weeks / months as you wish. However, at some point, it would be good to progress to the Advanced Plan …
Week 1 Getting Comfortable
(form with weight focused)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Make sure the weight is the same on each side. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is more comfortable, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook it from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hips and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place one foot up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Take a breath and repeat on the other leg. Repeat for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench, facing the bar and resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the cushion and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable). Stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during the exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust. (Lower your feet to the bottom of the plate and push on to the balls of your feet. Flex your foot so your heels come back down again, then repeat to exhaust.)
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat this movement for the full sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a dumbbell on the floor on the right-hand side of a bench. Keeping your right foot on the ground and your toes pointing forwards, place your left knee in the centre of the bench, then bend over and grip the top of the bench with your left hand. Keeping your back straight, slowly pick up the dumbbell with your right hand, making sure to keep your arm in tight to your body as you do so. Pull the dumbbell up into your armpit region and hold the dumbbell there for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down to extend your arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps, then repeat with the other arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat against the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both your hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this exercise for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on top of your thighs. Lie down on the bench. Extend your arms out either side of your body at chest height. Then, as if you are hugging a beach ball, and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, bring the dumbbells together above your body. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the padded seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 2 Progressing
(comfortable and heavy weight focused)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same on either side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place one foot up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Take a breath and repeat on the other leg. Repeat for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place the bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench, facing the bar and resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the cushion and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are now able to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip on the bar, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during this exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat this movement for the full sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on top of your thighs. Lie down on the bench. Extend your arms out either side of your body at chest height. Then, as if you are hugging a beach ball, and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, bring the dumbbells together above your body. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is both behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 rep » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the padded seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 3 Aim to Increase
(aim to increase weights if/when possible)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same on either side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Make sure the weight is the same on each side of the bar. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Stand with your feet together. Place your hands on the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight, slowly step backwards with one of your feet, coming down into a low backwards lunge. As your back knee is just about to touch the ground, push back up and return to your starting position. Repeat immediately with the other leg. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
If you are new to lifting, you may not need to add a weight as this exercise is challenging unweighted. If you would like to try a weight, make sure it is the same on each side of the bar. Lower the bar down so it is about 30cm off the ground and place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Lie down underneath the bar with your hips directly under the bar pad. With your knees pointing upwards at a 90-degree angle, place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is more comfortable, and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever you prefer. Place your hips underneath the cushion and your hands either side of your hips, gripping the bar. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Sit down on the machine, placing the backs of your ankles over the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably on top of it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar down using your ankles and hamstrings. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come back up to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down on the machine, placing the fronts of your ankles under the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably underneath it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar up using your ankles and quadriceps. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come down to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and grab the handles with both hands. Push the handles up into the air and hold them there for a second before slowly bringing them back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Attach the correct handle to the cable and make sure the weight you choose on the machine is appropriate (shoulders only need a light weight). With a slight bend in your elbow, and keeping your arm locked in this position, slowly raise the handle into the air until your arm is horizontal to your body. Allow the handle to pull your arm slowly back down into your starting position. Repeat the movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Attach the correct handle to the cable and make sure the weight you choose on the machine is appropriate (shoulders usually need a very light weight). Grab the handle with an overhand grip. With a slight bend in your elbow, and keeping your arms locked in this position, slowly raise the handle up into the air out in front of you. Allow the handle to slowly pull your arms back down into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
When it comes to the equipment you choose to use, switching it up between dumbbells, barbells, cables and static machinery is a really good idea. Doing this will continue to challenge and work your muscles in new and varied ways, as well as improve your overall strength, fitness, experience and enjoyment in the gym.
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the padded seat is upright and the bars on either side of the machine are as close together as possible (they are often adjustable). Facing the machine, grip the bars and place your knees on top of the seat. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
If your gym has an Assisted Machine, then that is perfect for this Tri Set. If not, simply tie a resistance band around a high bar and hook in your ankles or rest on your knees. You can then perform tricep dips on a bench or a bar.
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Stand on the machine. Keep your back straight against the back pad and grip both the handles. Let your legs dangle underneath you and cross your ankles. Slowly raise your legs up in front of you, then slowly allow them to come back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement fluidly to exhaust.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
You may need a mat or cushion for your elbows during this exercise. Lie on your front with your feet hip-width apart. Rest on your elbows and keep your forearms flat against the mat. Make sure your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Pushing against your toes and forearms, raise your body up into an elevated plank. Do not allow your spine to curve, either concavely or convexly – you want a straight back. Hold this position to exhaust. If you are struggling, feel free to transfer your weight from one foot to another, essentially shuffling your feet while holding the plank position.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
Week 4 Aim to Increase
(aim to increase weights if/when possible)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same on either side – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable position for you; make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps »1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Sit up straight on the machine and make sure the weight is right for you. Place your knees inside the pads. Keeping your back fully straight, push the pads outwards with your knees. This movement may seem like a leg movement, but this really should be (and feel like) a sitting thrust. The movement should be coming from your hips, into your glutes. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Hip abductors are your outside hip muscles, located around your upper glute area.
Hip adductors are inside hip muscles, located around your inner thighs (think of your legs coming or ‘adding’ together).
Sit up straight on the machine and make sure the weight is right for you. Place your knees outside the pads. Keeping your back fully straight, push the pads inwards with your knees. This movement may seem like a leg movement, but this really should be (and feel like) an inner thigh exercise. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Place a thick mat directly underneath the Smith bar. Make sure the weight is the same on each side of the bar. Kneel on the mat slightly in front of the bar and get down on all fours. Place the ball of your right foot under the bar and push up a little, then roll the bar back a little using the ball of your foot, and it will unhook itself. This needs a little skill and it may take a few sessions until you can do it seamlessly, but you will get there. Slowly and gently bring your knee down towards the mat and then push up until your leg is almost fully extended, always keeping a slight bend in the knee. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each leg.
OR You can also do DKBs on the cable machine. Attach a Velcro ankle strap to the cable, stand upright and kick your leg back into the air while engaging your glute.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat the movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it is upright. Grip the bar with your hands using an overhand grip, making sure they are shoulder-width apart. Resting the bar on top of your thighs, sit down on the bench, with your back fully upright against it and your feet on either side. Swing the bar up quickly so that it is at chest height. Push the bar up above your head until your arms are fully extended. Hold the bar above your head for a second, then slowly bring it back down to chest height. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps
12 reps
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps each arm 12 reps each arm
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Super Sets and Tri Sets will have you struggling after the first exercise. If you have to lower the weight a little in order to complete the full sets and reps, that’s absolutely fine; just make sure you are still challenging yourself throughout!
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both your hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grip a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang either side of your hips. Keeping your arms in tight to your sides at all times, slowly lift the dumbbells from hip height into your shoulders, twisting the dumbbells into a horizontal position as you do so. Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to their starting position. Repeat on the opposite arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps each arm 12 reps each arm
Stand up straight with your feet close together. Grip the dumbbell with both hands and lift it into the air, holding it directly above your head. Bending only at the elbows, slowly allow the dumbbell to drop down behind you between your shoulder blades. Using your triceps, lift the dumbbell up back into the air above your head to your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach the long bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an overhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise, as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach any bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an underhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Stand on the machine. Keep your back straight against the back pad and grip both the handles. Let your legs dangle underneath you and cross your ankles. Slowly raise your legs up in front of you, then slowly allow them to come back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement fluidly to exhaust.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
You may need a mat or cushion for your elbows during this exercise. Lie on your front with your feet hip-width apart. Rest on your elbows and keep your forearms flat against the mat. Make sure your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Pushing against your toes and forearms, raise your body up into an elevated plank. Do not allow your spine to curve, either concavely or convexly – you want a straight back. Hold this position to exhaust. If you are struggling, feel free to transfer your weight from one foot to another, essentially shuffling your feet while holding the plank position.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
This section is for those of you who know how to lift and have been lifting for a while. However, please be aware that it isn’t going to turn you into someone who can flip a tyre as you catch a dumbbell and bicep curl a donkey for 100 sets of 100 reps.
There is a weird idea in the weight-lifting world that the more advanced you are, the more complicated your programme becomes … As far as I’m concerned, as both a Personal Trainer and a long-term lifter, this is absolute nonsense. The four staple exercises of any good lifting plan should always be:
» Squats
» Deadlifts
» Rows
» Presses
These big, compound, push/pull movements are going to hit your body in multiple ways that other, more isolated exercises will not. But there is a time and a place for more isolated work, and you will see that in this section, too.
What is different about the Advanced Plan is that I now encourage you to really push your lifting …
Whether this be in terms of your:
» Work rate – are you really working hard and pushing yourself in every session?
» Volume – should you be progressively adding sets and / or reps?
» Intensity – should you try to increase the weight you are lifting?
Are you really giving your training the 110% that only an advanced lifter can give?
While I do want you to really push yourself, never forget that form is ALWAYS primary, weight is ALWAYS secondary. There is no point in lifting heavy if you can’t lift properly.
Choosing Your Weight-Training Goal
» Endurance Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force repeatedly) is perfect for those wanting to increase their ‘functional’ training abilities, such as triathletes, distance runners and rowers. If you are a cardio bunny looking to implement some weight lifting to assist your sport, then endurance is perfect for you.
» Hypertrophy Training (the growth of a muscle) is perfect for those wanting to increase visible muscle mass, and is my favourite form of weight lifting. If you are looking for aesthetic muscular results, hypertrophy is for you.
» Strength Training (the muscle’s ability to generate force against resistance) or powerlifting is perfect for those wanting to increase their physical strength and really enjoy their weight lifting. It traditionally only calls for 3 exercises – squat, deadlift and bench press, as these are the competition lifts. However, in recent years 2 common exercises have been included in the training – military press and barbell row.
No matter what your goal (endurance, hypertrophy or strength), form should always be primary, weight secondary.
I have written the exercise plans to cover all the bases so there are 2 days for each different area of the body (upper, lower and back / core). As a result, each plan has 6 days a week of training BUT you do not need to train for the full 6 days. As long as you train your body evenly (don’t just focus on legs, for example), feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 times a week, taking rest days as and when you need them. This advice is especially important with strength training – recovery is key for this goal, so training 4 days a week is enough.
Try not to train the same body part 2 days in a row, as you want to make sure each muscle group has at least 24 hours to recover after training.
When I instruct a Heavy Weight, I mean a weight that challenges you to really push HARD by your last few reps.
You can continue to use this plan for up to 24 weeks (6 months) in total. Progress in terms of increasing weight and / or sets and reps whenever and wherever possible and your results will improve and increase week on week.
After that 24-week (6-month) mark, I recommend that you think about switching up your plan, whether that is in terms of the specific exercises you are doing, your training zone (endurance/hypertrophy/strength), volume (sets and reps), intensity (weight), or simply diversifying what you’re doing for a period of time.
I try to implement a new lifting plan twice a year and I credit this tactic with not only continuing to grow my muscle, but also increasing my experience and helping me learn what exercises do and don’t work best for me.
If you consider yourself an advanced lifter, I want you to really push yourself hard when you train. If you know you can increase your volume or intensity, front up and do it! If you hit a wall with your training, switch up your training zone for a week and try to break through the plateau.
Week 1 Overload Focused
(increased weight / volume / intensity)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same on either side of the bar – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and, coming up slightly on your tiptoes, remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet slightly further than hip-width apart and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. When you have your position right and you are ready standing up straight, come down into a low squat, bending only at the hips and knees, before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Place the bench about 0.5m behind you. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Place one foot up on the bench behind you, resting top down. Make sure the toes of your standing foot are pointing forwards. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knee, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heel to a standing position. Take a breath and repeat on the other leg. Repeat for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the machine unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place a bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench, facing the bar and resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the bar and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat the movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets »12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are now able to grasp the bar. Grasp it either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip, the other in an underhand grip (whichever hand is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip on the bar, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a full standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Pull your shoulders back and keep them back during this exercise. Engage your core and make sure to keep your entire core and back position solid throughout. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you down from the hips as far as your hamstrings will allow – sticking your bottom out as you go. Take a breath and return to your starting position. Repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat the movement for the full sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Tri Sets are hard but they are a great time saver and I find them really enjoyable. This kind of volume is a great way to fully exhaust the muscle. And if you are looking for a depletion workout, Super Sets, Tri Sets and Giant Sets are ideal.
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on top of your thighs. Lie down on the bench. Extend your arms out either side of your body at chest height. Then, as if you are hugging a beach ball, and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, bring the dumbbells together above your body. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
If you are strength training, taking time to recover between sets is pivotal. However, if you are in an endurance or hypertrophy training zone, take a minute to recover but, as soon as you feel able to go again, do. Don’t waste time in the gym; you are there to work hard.
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
OR Unassisted
Grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars and then swiftly pull yourself back up. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
OR Unassisted
Grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Allow your body to drop down underneath the bars then swiftly pull yourself back up again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
Week 2 Overload Focused
(increased weight / volume / intensity)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the bar unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Remove the bar from its holdings by gripping it in your hands and holding it tight against your chest. Take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Push the bar up into the air above your head as you stand up straight. Come down into a low squat bending only at the hip and knees, before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down on the machine, placing the backs of your ankles over the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably on top of it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar down using your ankles and hamstrings. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come back up to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Sit down on the machine, placing the fronts of your ankles under the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably underneath it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar up using your ankles and quadriceps. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come down to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Sit up straight on the machine and make sure the weight is right for you. Place your knees inside the pads. Keeping your back fully straight, push the pads outwards with your knees. This movement may seem like a leg movement, but this really should be (and feel like) a sitting thrust. The movement should be coming from your hips, into your glutes. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Sit up straight on the machine and make sure the weight is right for you. Place your knees outside the pads. Keeping your back fully straight, push the pads inwards with your knees. This movement may seem like a leg movement, but this really should be (and feel like) an inner thigh exercise. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and grab the handles with both hands. Push the handles up into the air and hold them there for a second before slowly bringing them back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Allowing your knees to bend slightly, come down and forwards, so that your hands touch the floor, palms flat and shoulder-width apart. Crawl forwards until you are fully extended in a horizontal position. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the elbows, perform a push-up. Crawl your hands back until you can stand upright again. Repeat this movement to exhaust.
To exhaust To exhaust
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Attach the correct handle to the cable. With a slight bend in your elbow, and keeping your arm locked in this position, slowly raise the handle up into the air until your arm is horizontal. Allow the handle to slowly pull your arm back down into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of reps on each arm.
15 reps each arm
12 reps each arm
Attach the correct handle to the cable. With a slight bend in your elbows, and keeping your arms locked in this position, slowly raise the handle up into the air out in front of yourself. Allow the handle to slowly pull your arms back down into your starting position. Repeat this movement for the full amount of reps on each arm.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Place a dumbbell on the floor on the right-hand side of a bench. Keeping your right foot on the ground and your toes pointing forwards, place your left knee in the centre of the bench, then bend over and grip the top of the bench with your left hand. Keeping your back straight, slowly pick up the dumbbell with your right hand, making sure to keep your arm in tight to your body as you do so. Pull the dumbbell up into your armpit region and hold the dumbbell there for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down to extend your arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps, then repeat with the other arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets »12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Rows are a great compound exercise that hit many of the muscles in your upper body and core. When performing rows, make sure you pull the weight into yourself with a swift, powerful movement, then lower it back down slowly and purposefully. You want to make sure the lift itself is powerful and the extension is slow and just as challenging.
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat against the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both your hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this exercise for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
5 sets » 5 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Bench press is another great exercise that will really challenge both your upper body and core. Take a deep breath in before you perform the push and exhale as you complete the movement. Breathing, and your timing of it, is pivotal to the strength and execution of every lift.
Load a weight you know you can lift on to the EZ bar (you may want to use clips) then straddle the bench. Lean forwards against the cushion, resting your chest against it and your armpits on top of it. Grab the bar with both hands, shoulder-width apart, using an underhand grip. Take a deep breath in and curl the EZ bar up to shoulder height. Slowly exhale as you allow the bar to creep back down towards its starting position. Take another deep breath and repeat the movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Attach the rope pulley to the cable. Bring the cable up or down as necessary until it is shoulder height. Grip both sides of the rope with your hands. Stand upright and engage your core. Using your triceps, pull the rope down until your arms are fully extended (downwards). Simultaneously, pull both sides of the rope outwards, so they end up in front of your thighs. Hold this extension for a second, then slowly allow the rope to travel back up into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Facing the machine, grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the padded seat is upright and the bars on either side of the machine are as close together as possible (they are often adjustable). Grip the bars and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
If your gym doesn’t have an Assisted Machine, simply tie a resistance band around a high bar and rest your feet (or bended knees) on the inside of it. This way, when you go to perform the pull, you are assisted in the movement by the band itself.
You can do these on a static machine or using the cable machine (as illustrated), depending on what equipment your gym has. Either sit with your legs either side of the machine or stand with your feet together and knees bent. Holding the bar using an overhand grip, take a deep breath and slowly and gently pull the bar into your chest. Hold it against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do these on a static machine (as illustrated) or using the cable machine, depending on what equipment your gym has. Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handles in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath and, slowly and gently, pull the handles into your chest. Hold the handles against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let them pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Stand on the machine. Keep your back straight against the back pad and grip both the handles. Let your legs dangle underneath you and cross your ankles. Slowly raise your legs up in front of you, then slowly allow them to come back down to your starting position. Repeat this movement fluidly to exhaust.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
You may need a mat or cushion for your elbows during this exercise. Lie on your front with your feet hip-width apart. Rest on your elbows and keep your forearms flat against the mat. Make sure your elbows are underneath your shoulders. Pushing against your toes and forearms, raise your body up into an elevated plank. Do not allow your spine to curve, either concavely or convexly – you want a straight back. Hold this position to exhaust. If you are struggling, feel free to transfer your weight from one foot to another, essentially shuffling your feet while holding the plank position.
1 set to exhaust
1 set to exhaust
Week 3 Overload Focused
(increased weight / volume / intensity)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 rep » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
(Please note: the illustration shows the Smith unweighted – this exercise should be weighted.) Place a bench about 0.5m behind you, so you are sandwiched between the Smith and the bench. Lower the bar so it is about 30cm off the ground. Sit down between the bar and the bench, facing the bar and resting your upper back and shoulder blades on the edge of the bench. Place a bar pad (a black, cushioned tube) around the centre of the horizontal bar. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your toes pointing forwards or slightly outwards. Place your hips underneath the bar and your hands either side of your hips. Unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip – and thrust up into the air, through your glutes, squeezing them tight at the top of the movement. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming back down until your buttocks are just above the ground. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
With the barbell lying across the back of your shoulders, stand up straight and take a big step forward, coming down into a deep lunge. Remember to keep your back upright and your lunged knee directly above your toes at all times. Push yourself back into a standing position and repeat this move with the opposite leg. Repeat these steps for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 steps each leg » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 steps each leg » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down on the machine, placing the backs of your ankles over the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably on top of it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar down using your ankles and hamstrings. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come back up to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Sit down on the machine, placing the fronts of your ankles under the cushioned bar in front of you. You may need to adjust the chair so that your ankles sit comfortably underneath it. Slowly and gently push the cushioned bar up using your ankles and quadriceps. Then slowly and gently allow the bar to come down to its starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both your hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Place a bench underneath the Smith and make sure the seat is upright. The weight should be one that will challenge you. Sit upright with the bar directly in front of your chest. Grip the bar with both hands, making sure your hands are shoulder-width apart. Push the bar up into the air above your head, then slowly allow the bar to come back down to chest height. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent and your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping an ever-so-slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position to exhaust.
Hold to exhaust Hold to exhaust
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one dumbbell. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold this position to exhaust. Repeat with the other arm.
Hold to exhaust Hold to exhaust
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright. Grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the padded seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
OR Unassisted
Grip the bars that are closest together using an underhand grip. Allow your body to drop down underneath the bars then swiftly pull yourself back up again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the padded seat is upright and the bars on either side of the machine are as close together as possible (they are often adjustable). Grip the bars and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
Grip the bars. Keeping your elbows in tight to your sides, slowly allow your body to drop down. When you have come down as far as possible, slowly push yourself back up, using your triceps. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
I would like you to try and complete these sets and reps unassisted. However, if you are not quite there yet, just make sure you lower the assistance and continue to get stronger in the lift.
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach the long bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an overhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do this on a specific cable machine with a bench attached, or you can improvise, as I have done in the illustration, by pulling a bench up close to any cable machine. Attach any bar to the cable machine and make sure it’s at its highest setting. Sit down on the bench, fully upright, and grab the bar on either side of the cable with an underhand grip. Pull the bar down in front of your chest and slowly let it pull your arms back up again. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Slowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat the movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You will feel pulldowns working your entire upper body and core. They are a great compound movement that will hugely benefit your overall strength and muscle development. Even though these pulls are not traditional in a strength training / powerlifting programme, they can be great accessory work for this goal, too!
Place a dumbbell on the floor on the right-hand side of a bench. Keeping your right foot on the ground and your toes pointing forwards, place your left knee in the centre of the bench, then bend over and grip the top of the bench with your left hand. Keeping your back straight, slowly pick up the dumbbell with your right hand, making sure to keep your arm in tight to your body as you do so. Pull the dumbbell up into your armpit region and hold the dumbbell there for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down to extend your arm. Continue this movement for the full amount of sets and reps, then repeat with the other arm.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
3 sets » 3 reps » 3 minutes rest between sets
Whether you do bent over rows with a dumbbell or a barbell is up to you. Both will challenge and hit the intended muscle, albeit in slightly different ways. It’s always good to switch up the specifics of exercises in order to keep challenging our lifting and hitting different areas of muscle.
Stand over the kettlebell, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Squat down and grip the kettlebell with both hands. Pull your shoulders back, engage your core and thrust through your glutes and hips, launching the kettlebell up into the air in front of you. Aim to swing up to chest height, then allow the kettlebell to swing back down between your legs, keeping full control of your upper body while this happens. Repeat this movement fluidly and aggressively for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
You may need a mat or cushion for your elbows during this exercise. Lie on your front with your feet hip-width apart. Rest on your elbows and keep your forearms flat against the mat. Make sure your elbows are below your shoulders. Pushing against your toes and forearms, raise your body up into an elevated plank. Do not allow your spine to curve, either concavely or convexly – you want a straight back. Hold this position to exhaust. If you are struggling, feel free to transfer your weight from one foot to another, essentially shuffling your feet while holding the plank position.
1 set to exhaust 1 set to exhaust
Week 4 Overload Focused
(increased weight / volume / intensity)
Monday + Thursday = Lower Body
Tuesday + Friday = Upper Body
Wednesday + Saturday = Back/Core
Sunday = Rest day
You’ll see this is a 6-day weight-lifting plan. However, you only need to train for 4 or 5 days a week, if you’d prefer.
As long as you make sure you train your body evenly – at least 1 day on your Lower Body, 1 day on your Upper Body and 1 day on your Back/Core – feel free to weight-train anywhere between 4 and 6 days a week, taking rest days as and when you need them.
Key to symbols
Strength. If Strength is your goal but the symbol is missing from an exercise, leave the exercise out.
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and duck underneath it, so the bar is resting across your shoulders. Take hold of the bar either side of your shoulders and come up slightly on your tiptoes. Remove the bar from its holdings and take a few cautious steps backwards. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Work to your 1RPM (1 rep max weight)
Make sure the weight is the same on each side of the bar. Find the centre of the horizontal bar and grip it with both of your hands. Place your feet hip-width apart, or slightly further if that is a more comfortable squat position for you, and make sure your toes are either pointing forwards or slightly outwards, whichever is more comfortable. Standing close to the bar so it is pressing into your chest and the fronts of your shoulders, unhook the bar from the machine – keep it unhooked using your grip. Standing up straight and bending only at the hip and knees, come down into a low squat before pushing back up through your heels to a standing position, squeezing your glutes as you do so. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
(Please note that the illustration shows an unweighted hyperextension on the mat. If your gym has a hyperextension machine, though, this is preferable. Hold a weight plate against your chest as you do the hyperextensions on the machine.) Sowly bow your body back into a lower back crunch (another name for this exercise is a reverse sit up). Make sure you engage your glutes and core while doing this exercise. Hold this position for a few seconds then repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Place the bar in front of your feet. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forwards. Keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees, crouch down so your hands are able to reach the bar. Grasp the bar either side of your legs, placing one hand in an overhand grip and the other in an underhand grip (whichever is more comfortable is fine). Once you have a good grip, stand up straight, pushing down through your heels as you do so. As you come into a fully vertical standing position, squeeze your buttocks at the top of the movement. Keeping the bar against your legs, slowly allow it to pull you back down to the ground again, keeping your back straight and bending only at the hips and knees at all times. Allow the bar to hit the floor, take a breath and repeat the lift for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Work to your 1RPM (1 rep max)
Place a thick mat directly underneath the Smith bar. Make sure the weight is the same on each side of the bar. Kneel on the mat slightly in front of the bar and get down on all fours. Place the ball of your right foot under the bar and push up a little, then roll the bar back a little using the ball of your foot, and it will unhook itself. This needs a little skill and it may take a few sessions until you can do it seamlessly, but you will get there. Slowly and gently bring your knee down towards the mat and then push up until your leg is almost fully extended, always keeping a slight bend in the knee. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps on each leg.
OR You can also do DKBs on the cable machine. Attach a Velcro ankle strap to the cable, stand upright and kick your leg back into the air while engaging your glute.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down and place your feet hip-width apart on the plate in front of you (or slightly further apart if that is more comfortable). Point your toes upwards, or slightly outwards. Pushing through the flats of your feet, slowly and gently push against the plate. Depending on the machine, the force will either push the plate away from your seat, or your seat away from the plate. When you have fully extended (without locking your knees out – you should always keep a slight bend in them when performing a lower body lift), slowly come back into your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps. Finish with light calf presses to exhaust.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Adjust the bench so it’s upright then sit up straight on the bench with your back against it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest them on top of your thighs if need be. Bring them up to shoulder height and hold them horizontally. Push both dumbbells up into the air and gently touch them together at the top of the movement. Slowly bring them back down to shoulder height and repeat this movement for the full sets and reps.
15 rep 12 reps
Work to your 1 RPM (1 rep max)
Please note: You will need someone to spot you if you press dumbbells to your 1 RPM. Alternatively, you could do a Smith press instead.
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent, your feet together. Grip the dumbbells in front of your crotch, lightly touching each other. Lean ever-so-slightly forward with your upper body, keeping a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows and bowing them outwards slightly, slowly and gradually raise the dumbbells out either side of you, until your arms are horizontal, like an eagle in flight. Hold this position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring your arms back down to your starting position. Take a breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forwards. Grip the dumbbells horizontally, using an overhand grip, and allow them to hang together in front of your crotch. Keeping your back straight at all times, take a deep breath and slowly raise one of the dumbbells. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do so. Hold the dumbbell in its raised position for a fraction of a second, then slowly bring it back down. Repeat with the other arm. Continue this movement alternately for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
If you are strength training and trying to hit your 1 RPM, I suggest you ask an experienced lifter, PT or gym instructor to spot you.
Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Grab the bar with both hands and pull your shoulders back. Keeping an arch in your back and holding the bar against your lower body, slowly come down into a hamstring stretch until you have reached your full range of motion. Once there, pull the bar up into your ribcage, then slowly lower it back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Work to your 1 RPM (1 rep max)
(I would rather you use a bench press – a bench underneath a racked Olympic bar – for chest press exercies. However, if you have to use a Smith machine – illustrated here – that’s fine.) Make sure the weight is the same each side – use clips if you need to. Lie back on the bench with your feet either side and flat on the floor. Reaching up, grip the bar with both your hands – your hands should be directly above your shoulders. Push the bar up so it is free from the holding, then bring it down slowly so it lightly touches your chest. Push the bar back up into the air and hold it there for a second before bringing it back down. Repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Work to your 1 RPM (1 rep max)
Make sure the weight is the same in each hand. Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the floor on either side and grip the dumbbells in your hands, resting them on top of your thighs. Lie down on the bench. Keeping the dumbbells vertical in your grip, extend your arms out either side of your body at chest height. Then, as if you are hugging a beach ball, and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, bring the dumbbells together above your body. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Take a breath and repeat this move for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Feel free to switch up your bench press to an incline or decline bench, in order to hit different areas of your chest and continue to challenge and push yourself in the lift. This will also hugely benefit your aesthetic results.
Stand over the kettlebell, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Squat down and grip the kettlebell with both hands. Pull your shoulders back, engage your core and thrust through your glutes and hips, launching the kettlebell up into the air in front of you. Aim to swing up to chest height, then allow the kettlebell to swing back down between your legs, keeping full control of your upper body while this happens. Repeat this movement fluidly and aggressively for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit on the bench, legs either side of it, and grip the dumbbell (vertically) between your legs. Lie down and, as you do so, raise the dumbbell up in the air, directly above your face. Now adjust your grip by opening your hands, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to rest against the flats of your palms, gripping around its base with your fingers. Allow the dumbbell to slowly and gently come behind you, so that it is behind your head and behind the bench. Slowly and gently bring it back up into the air, above your face, into your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
Sit down with your legs either side of the machine and grip the handle in front of you with an inverted grip. Take a deep breath, then slowly and gently pull the handle in to your chest. Hold the handle against you for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
15 reps 12 reps
You can do these sitting on the floor in front of the cable machine or standing, whichever you prefer. I like to do the exercises standing when I can, as per the illustration. Grip one handle with an inverted grip, take a deep breath then slowly and gently pull the handle into your chest. Hold the handle against yourself for a second, then slowly and gently let it pull you back to the starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of reps, on each arm.
15 reps each arm 12 reps each arm
3 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets 4 sets TOTAL 1 minute rest between sets
Make sure the padded seat is upright on the machine. Grip the bars that are furthest apart using an overhand grip and place your knees on top of the padded seat. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a wide-grip pull-up position. Hold this for a second before allowing yourself to come back down to your starting position. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
OR Unassisted
Grip the bars that are furthest apart in an overhand grip. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars and then swiftly pull yourself back up. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
Remember – I can’t tell you how strong you are, only you know how you feel. Just make sure you consciously and consistently push yourself in every session and with every lift.
Make sure the padded seat is upright, ready for you to kneel on. Grip the bars above you that are closest together using an underhand grip. Place your knees on top of the padded seat, then slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars. Once your arms are fully extended, slowly pull yourself back up into a pull-up position. Hold this position for a second before allowing yourself to come back down again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets » 15 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets » 12 reps » 1 minute rest between sets
OR Unassisted
Grip the bars that are closest together in an underhand grip. Slowly allow your body to drop down underneath the bars then swiftly pull yourself back up again. Take a deep breath and repeat this movement for the full amount of sets and reps.
3 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets
4 sets to exhaust » 1 minute rest between sets