Runner beans are one of my favourite vegetables, so I always feel sad when their short season ends. I could eat a plate of them on their own, cooked briefly and served simply with butter and pepper. I also love them as a cold side dish with a garlic and savory dressing, or as here, with a mustard and savory dressing.
Preparation: 15 mins
Cooking: 5 mins
Serves 4
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
120ml/4fl oz/½ cup sunflower or groundnut oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp finely chopped savory leaves
400g/14oz runner beans, finely sliced
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
To make the dressing, put the mustard, vinegar and 4 tablespoons of warm water in a blender and mix well. With the motor running, gradually add the oil until it thickens to a thin mayonnaise.
Take 4 tablespoons of the mustard dressing and stir in the garlic. (Store the rest of the dressing in the refrigerator for future use.) Pound the savory in a pestle and mortar to bring out the flavour and aroma. Add this to the dressing, then season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cook the beans for 4 minutes in boiling water, then drain and refresh in cold water. Drain well again, then stir in the dressing and serve.