Endnotes to Chapter 6
1 Yale D. Belanger, David R. Newhouse, and Kevin Fitzmaurice, 2008, “Creating a Seat at the Table: A Retrospective Study of Aboriginal Programming at Canadian Heritage,” The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Vol 28, No. 1, 37.
2 Peter R. Elson, 2011, High Ideals and Noble Intentions: Voluntary Sector-government Relations in Canada, University of Toronto Press, 60.
3 Dominique Clément, 2005, quoting Eamon Park in a letter to Don Whiteside, November 18, 1970, in “An Exercise in Futility? Regionalism, State Funding, and Ideology as Obstacles to the Formation of a National Social Movement Organization in Canada,” BC Studies, No. 146 (Summer): 81.
4 Belanger et al., 53.
5 Ibid., 53–54.
6 Ibid., 38.
7 Ibid.
8 Tony Belcourt, 2013, “For the Record: On Métis Identity and Citizenship Within the Métis Nation,” aboriginal policy studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 129. Available online: ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/aps/article/view/19010.
9 Ibid.
10 Native Women’s Association of Canada, https://www.nwac.ca/home/about-nwac/about-us/.
11 Dr. Jack Beaver, Obituary, Queen’s Alumni Review, January-February 1990, http://images.ourontario.ca/Cobourg/48315/data.
12 Ibid.
13 John (Jack) Beaver, 1975, “The Indian — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” The Empire Club of Canada Addresses, December 4, 1975, 168.
14 Jack Beaver, 1973, in a report to ADM Robert Connelly, Indian Affairs, given by Connelly to Jean Allard, part of which is referenced in Big Bear’s Treaty.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Annual Report Of The Department Of Indian Affairs For The Year Ended 31st December, 1880, Dominion Of Canada, 13, http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?id=1880-IAAR-RAAI&op=pdf&app=indianaffairs.
18 Ibid.