Endnotes to Chapter 7

1 Indian Chiefs of Alberta, “Citizens Plus,” aboriginal policy studies, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011): 228.

2 Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minister_of_Crown%E2%80%93Indigenous_Relations#Cabinet_ministers.

3 Canadian Bar Association Civil Liberties Section, 1956, “The Legal Status and Civil Rights of the Canadian Indians.”

4 Indian Band Government Legislation (Report), 1982, Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 89, http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R32-304-1982-eng.pdf.

5 Lynda Kuhn Boudreau, 1981, “Economic Development Strategies and the Micmac of Nova Scotia,” M.A. Thesis, McGill University, 44.

6 Ibid., 44.

7 Harold Cardinal, 1969 (1999 reprint), The Unjust Society, Hurtig Publishing, 101.

8 Harold Cardinal, 1977, The Rebirth of Canada’s Indians, Hurtig Publishers, 27.

9 Cardinal, 1969, 100.

10 Christopher Curtis, June 13, 2018, “Kahnawake election uncontested, but Mohawk politics ‘never boring,’” Montreal Gazette, https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/politics-kahnawake.

11 “First Nations Elections: The Choice is Inherently Theirs,” 2010, Report to the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples, 17.

12 Frances Abele, 2007, “Like an Ill-Fitting Boot: Government, Governance and Management Systems in the Contemporary Indian Act,” National Centre on First Nations Governance, 10.

13 First Nations Elections, 2010, 24.

14 Cardinal, 1977, 30.

15 Jean Allard, interview with author, 1999.

16 Jean Allard, 2002, “Big Bear’s Treaty: The road to freedom,” Inroads, Issue 11, 118.

17 Ibid.

18 Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear), https://library.usask.ca/northwest/background/bear.htm.

19 Kathryn Warden, 1993, “Indian Act: Permit to control a culture,” The Star Phoenix, Vol. 11, Issue 6, http://www.ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/indian-act-permit-control-culture.

20 Ibid., 38.

21 Ibid., 37.

22 James Burke, 1976, Paper Tomahawks: From red tape to red power, Queenston House Publishing, 73.

23 Canadian Press, “Cardinal allegations disputed,” The Medicine Hat News, November 29, 1977, 8.

24 Cher Bloom, 2002, “Margaret Vickers: The Hand of Change,” First Nations Drum, http://www.firstnationsdrum.com/2002/09/margaret-vickers-the-hand-of-change/.

25 Suzanne Zwarun, “The not-so-happy warrior,” Maclean’s, December 12, 1977, http://archive.macleans.ca/article/1977/12/12/the-not-so-happy-warrior.

26 Ibid.

27 Editorial: “Was Cardinal misjudged?” The Lethbridge Herald, February 18, 1978.

28 Allard, 2002, 133.

29 Editorial: The Lethbridge Herald, 1978.

30 Canadian Press, 1978, “Indian affairs finances to be cleared up by June,” The Lethbridge Herald, February 18, 1978, 32.

31 Ibid., 32.

32 Ibid.

33 Allard, 2002, 133.

34 Jack Beaver, 1979, “To have what is one’s own,” Report, The National Indian Socio-Economic Development Committee, 15.

35 Report, 1978, INAC National Executive Planning Committee Meeting, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 15–17, 1978, 5.

36 Beaver, 1979, 18.

37 Ibid., 15.

38 Michael Posluns, 2007, Speaking with Authority: The Emergence of the Vocabulary of First Nations’ Self-Government, Routledge, 198.

39 Beaver, 1979, 33.

40 Ibid., iii.

41 Ibid., 23.

42 Ibid., 26.

43 Ibid., 33.

44 Ibid., 73.

45 “Allard Leaves NDP — Says Leftist Radicals Hold Govt. Control,” Winnipeg Free Press, Saturday, April 8, 1972.

46 Catherine Clennet, 2005, “Profile of Harold Cardinal,” Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume 1, David R. Newhouse, Cora J. Voyageur, and Dan Beavon, eds., University of Toronto Press, 35–36.

47 Dr. Jack Beaver, Obituary, Queen’s Alumni Review, January-February 1990, http://images.ourontario.ca/Cobourg/48315/data.

48 “Harold Cardinal,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/harold-cardinal.

49 Indian Band Government Legislation (Report), 1982, Indian Affairs and Northern Development, page 3 of composite document, http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/aanc-inac/R32-304-1982-eng.pdf.

50 Ibid., page 5 of composite document.

51 Ibid., Consultation and Participation of Native People: Policy, page 22 of composite document.

52 Ibid.

53 Ibid., Section G: Demographics, page 39 of composite document.

54 Contribution Agreements: A Partial History of “Devolution” June 2012, p 26–27, http://www.thunderchild.ca/upload/documents/Why%20There%20Are%20Contributions%20Agreements[1].pdf

55 Obituary: “Dr. Jack Beaver was CEO of NCPC,” Queen’s Alumni Review, January-February 1990, 35.

56 Arthur Manuel, and Ronald Derrickson, 2015, Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call, Between the Lines.

57 Arthur Manuel and Ronald Derrickson, 2017, The Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy, James Lorimer and Company, 96.

58 The Native Women’s Association of Canada was excluded from the First Ministers meetings until 1993. Premiers’ Conferences 1887–2002, Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat, 38, https://www.scics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/premiers_report_e.pdf.

59 Laurence J. Kirmayer et al, 1994, Suicide in Canadian Aboriginal Populations: Emerging Trends in Research and Intervention, prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1, http://data2.archives.ca/rcap/pdf/rcap-93.pdf.

60 Erik Nielsen, Deputy Prime Minister, Memorandum to Cabinet: Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Native Programs, April 12, 1985, 11.

61 Jean Chrétien, 1985, Straight from the Heart, Key Porter Books, 72.

62 Ibid.

63 Ibid.