Endnotes to Chapter 9

1 Lynda Kuhn Boudreau, 1981, “Economic Development Strategies and the Micmac of Nova Scotia,” M.A. Thesis, McGill University, 65.

2 Michelle Coffin, 2003, “United They Stood, Divided They Didn’t Fall: Culture and Politics in Mi’kmaq Nova Scotia, 1969–1988,” M.A. Thesis, Saint Mary’s University, 37.

3 Ibid., 144.

4 Lisa Paterson, 1985, “Indian Affairs and the Nova Scotia Centralization Policy,” M.A. Thesis, Dalhousie University, 105.

5 Anne-Christine Hornborg, 2008, Mi’kmaq Landscapes: From animism to Sacred Ecology, Ashgate Publishing, 11.

6 Henri Membertou, Biography, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/membertou_1E.html.

7 Potlotek, http://mikmaqrights.com/our-community/communities/potlotek/.

8 Coffin, 2003, 145.

9 John Kenneth Galbraith, 1967, The New Industrial Society, Houghton Mifflin, 200.

10 Boudreau, 1981, 56.

11 Ibid., 64.

12 Ibid., 71.

13 Jacqueline T. Romanow, 1999, “Government Policy and the Economic Underdevelopment of First Nations Communities in Manitoba,” M.A. Thesis, University of Winnipeg, 80.

14 RCAP Report, 1996, Restructuring the Relationship: Part 2, 790.

15 Egon Frech, “Allard leaves NDP,” Winnipeg Free Press, April 8, 1972, 10.

16 Media Release, “New Work Concepts Needed For North,” Manitoba Government, August 27, 1971.

17 Robert Robson, 1988, “Manitoba’s Resource Towns: The Twentieth Century Frontier,” Manitoba History, No. 16, August 1988.

18 Media Release, 1971.

19 Jean Allard, 1999, interview with author.

20 Media Release, 1971.

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 Sarah Ramsden, 2012, “Developing a Better Model: Aboriginal Employment and the Resource Community of Leaf Rapids, Manitoba (1971–1977),” Manitoba History, No. 64, Spring 2012.

24 Media Release, “Joint Job Program for North Planned,” Manitoba Government, May 12, 1972.

25 Ramsden, 2012, 8.

26 Leaf Rapids: A Local History, 1970–1989, 1989, Leaf Rapids Education Centre, p 7–12 http://manitobia.ca/resources/books/local_histories/399.pdf.

27 Frech, 1972, 10.

28 Catherine L. Mattes, 1998, Whose Hero? Images of Louis Riel in Contemporary Art and Métis Nationhood, Thesis, Concordia University, 19.

29 Jennie Wastesicoot, 2004, “A Cultural Framework for Cree Self-Government: Retracing Our Steps Back,” M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 92.

30 Ibid., 94.

31 Ibid., 128.

32 Ibid., 131.