Endnotes to Chapter 11

1 François-René Chateaubriand, 1826, Travels in America (Eng. Trans.), Vol. 2, 93.

2 R.C. Wallace, as quoted in “A Provincial Museum,” Winnipeg Free Press, December 15, 1922, 17.

3 James A. Burns, Curator Emeritus, Quaternary Paleontology, Royal Alberta Museum, interview with author, November 2017.

4 Sheila Jones Morrison, 1995, Rotten to the Core, 101060, 46.

5 Darren O’Toole, 2012, “The Red River Jig Around the Convention of ‘Indian’ Title: The Métis and Half-Breed Dos à Dos,” Manitoba History, No. 69, 17.

6 John Elwood Ridd, 1934, “The Red River Insurrection, 1869–1870,” M.A. Thesis, University of Manitoba, 2.

7 Jones Morrison, 47.

8 Ibid.

9 Jean Allard, based on extensive interviews with the author, 1999.

10 Violet Camsell-Blondin, interview with author, July 1999.

11 Ben Merasty, interview with author, July 1999.

12 Eileen Maytwayashing, interview with author, July 1999.

13 Bill Redekop, “Native whistle blower faces suit,” Winnipeg Free Press, June 21, 1999.

14 Editorial: “Earning respect,” Winnipeg Free Press, June 22, 1999.

15 Bill Redekop, “RCMP investigating Indian band’s population list,” Winnipeg Free Press, July 14, 1999.

16 Harold Cardinal, 1977, The Rebirth of Canada’s Indians, Hurtig Publishers, 37.

17 David R., Newhouse, Cora J. Voyageur, and Dan Beavon, eds., 2005, Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, University of Toronto Press, 36.

18 Jean Allard, 2002, “Big Bear’s Treaty: The Road to Freedom,” Inroads, Vol. 11, 146.

19 Jean Allard, on his discussion with Harold Cardinal, July 1999, in the unpublished manuscript “Big Bear’s Treaty: The Road to Freedom,” 63.

20 Allard, 2002, 136.

21 Ibid., 131.

22 Editorial: “Power to the aboriginal people,” The Globe and Mail, April 27, 1999.