Endnotes to Chapter 12

1 Steve Mahoney, House of Commons Debate, Hansard, Vol. 136, November 4, 1999, 1162.

2 Ghislain Fournier, House of Commons Debate, Hansard, Vol. 136, November 4, 1999, 1164.

3 James Brooke, “Canada’s Tribal Women Fight (Mostly Male) Graft,” New York Times, January 1, 2001, http://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/01/world/canada-s-tribal-women-fight-mostly-male-graft.html.

4 Len Kruzenga, “Two views, one meeting, says AFN,” Windspeaker, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1999: 14.

5 Cory Howard, “Chief Injustice,” Homemaker’s Digest, April 2000, 48.

6 Myron Thompson, House of Commons Debates, Hansard, Vol. 136, No. 078, Tuesday, April 4, 2000, 5658.

7 John O’Reilly, House of Commons Debates, Hansard, Vol. 136, No. 078, Tuesday, April 4, 2000, 5690.

8 Thompson, Hansard, 2000, 5695.

9 Allan Blakeney, correspondence with Jean Allard, November 17, 1999.

10 Ibid.

11 Frank Price, comments with regard to “Big Bear’s People,” correspondence with Jean Allard, c1999.

12 Ibid.

13 Tom Flanagan, correspondence with Jean Allard, November 12, 1999.

14 Bob Connelly, Letter to the Editor: Allard’s Big Bear’s treaty, Inroads, Vol. 12 (2002): 9.

15 Ibid.

16 Gordon Gibson, 2002, Foreword, “Big Bear’s Treaty; The Road to Freedom,” Jean Allard, with Sheilla Jones, Inroads, Vol. 11, 110.

17 Ibid.

18 Jean Allard, “Indian Governance: The white man’s burden,” The Globe and Mail, July 16, 2002.

19 Ibid.

20 Editorial: “A legacy for Jean,” Winnipeg Sun, July 24, 2002.