Endnotes to Chapter 17
1 Kelly McParland, “A bigger Indigenous bureaucracy isn’t necessarily better,” National Post, September 6, 2017.
2 Harold Cardinal, 1999, Unjust Society (1st edition, 1969, originally published by MG Hurtig Publishers), Douglas & McIntyre, 6.
3 Jack Beaver, 1979, To have what is one’s own, The National Indian Socio-Economic Development Committee, prepared on behalf of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Indian Brotherhood, 44.
4 Jean Allard, 2002, “Big Bear’s Treaty: The Road to Freedom,” Inroads, Vol. 11, 151.
5 Jean Allard, interview with author, May 6, 2000.
6 The Canadian Press, “Attawapiskat First Nation declares state of emergency after 11 suicide attempts in one day,” National Post, April 10, 2016, https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/attawapiskat-first-nation-declares-state-of-emergency-after-11-suicide-attempts-in-one-day.
7 Laurence Mathieu-Léger and Ashifa Kassam, “First Nations community grappling with suicide crisis: ‘We’re crying out for help,’” The Guardian, April 16, 2016.
8 Justin Trudeau, tweet, April 10, 2016, https://twitter.com/justintrudeau/status/719308218803965952?lang=en.
9 The Canadian Press, 2016.
10 Ibid.
11 Brenda Craig, “A heart-wrenching cry for help in Davis Inlet,” Prime Time News, CBC TV, January 28, 1993.
12 Gavin Scott, “I can’t cry anymore,” Time Magazine, February 22, 1993.
13 Editorial: “Shishatshuiu’s request,” The Globe and Mail, March 13, 2004, A18.
14 Sue Bailey, “New gas-sniffing ‘epidemic’ grips Labrador’s Innu community,” The Star, May 15, 2017, https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/05/15/new-gas-sniffing-epidemic-grips-labradors-innu-community.html.
15 Geraldine Malone, “Canada had all the information it needed to predict Attawapiskat suicide crisis,” Vice, April 28, 2016, https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/5gqapx/canada-had-all-the-information-it-needed-to-predict-attawapiskat-suicide-crisis.
16 Ibid.
17 The quotation seems to have been used by Alcoholics Anonymous for many decades, and is likely attributable to someone from that organization like Bill Wilson, possibly as far back as the 1930s. www.quora.com/Did-Einstein-really-define-insanity-as-doing-the-same-thing-over-and-over-again-and-expecting-different-results.
18 Carolyn Bennett was appointed Indigenous and Northern Affairs Minister in November 2015. She was appointed minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations in August 2017. Jane Philpott was appointed minister of Indigenous Services in August 2017, and was replaced by Seamus O’Reagan in January 2019.
19 See Appendix A.
20 Jean Chrétien, 1985, Straight from the Heart, Key Porter Books, 72.
21 Harold Cardinal, 1969, The Unjust Society, Hurtig Publishers, 9.
22 Ibid., 10.
23 Dave Courchene, as quoted in Paper Tomahawks: From red tape to red power, by James Burke, 1976, Queenston House Publishing, 73.
24 For example: R v Marshall (No 1) [1999] 3 S.C.R. 456; R v Marshall (No 2) [1999 ]; R. v. Badger, [1996] 1 SCR 771; R. v. Sparrow, [1990] 1 SCR 1075.
25 Menno Boldt, 1993, Surviving as Indians : The Challenge of Self-Government, University of Toronto Press, 295.
26 Allistair Campbell, Terry Fegne, and Udloriak Hanson, 2011, “Implementing the 1993 Nunavut Land Claims Agreement,” Arctic Review on Law and Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, 1.
27 Nunavut Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs, https://www.gov.nu.ca/eia/information/frequently-asked-questions-devolution.
28 For example: Delgamuukw v British Columbia, [1997]; Calder v British Columbia (AG) [1973] S.C.R. 313, [1973] 4 W.W.R. 1; Grassy Narrows First Nation v Ontario (Natural Resources), 2014 SCC 48.
29 INAC full-time equivalents (FTEs) 2017–18: 4,627; Health Canada Indigenous programs FTEs 2017–18: 3,668 (including Internal Services FTEs for Indigenous programs). INAC+HC FTEs: 8,295. Since INAC+HC made up some 70 percent of IA+ spending for 2017–18 (See Appendix A), we can postulate that it also made up 70 percent of FTEs, meaning IA+ would be employing roughly 12,000 FTEs in the federal civil service. Sources: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, 2017–18 Departmental Plan; Health Canada, 2017–18 Departmental Plan.
30 Population of the federal public service, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Government of Canada, https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/innovation/human-resources-statistics/population-federal-public-service.html.
31 The five AROs are: Assembly of First Nations, Métis National Council, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Inuit Tapirit Kanatami, and Native Women’s Association of Canada. Based on their respective websites in March 2019, they collectively identify 69 regional, provincial and territorial counterparts.
32 Assembly of First Nations Organizational Structure, 2017, PowerPoint presentation, 25.
33 Yale D. Belanger, David R. Newhouse, and Kevin Fitzmaurice, 2008, “Creating a Seat at the Table: A Retrospective Study of Aboriginal Programming at Canadian Heritage,” The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, XXVIII, 1 (2008), 41. Prior to 2012, Canadian Heritage was funding some 4,000 Indigenous groups and organizations, primarily Indigenous women’s and artists’ organizations, friendship centres, and cultural and media organizations. After 2012, many of those programs were transferred to Indigenous Affairs.
34 Indigenous Contributions to the Manitoba Economy, January 2018, Brandon University, Rural Development Institute, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO), Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO), https://www.brandonu.ca/rdi/projects/indigenous-economy/.
35 Ibid., 36.
36 Ibid., 20.
37 According to the Indigenous Contributions to the Manitoba Economy report cited above, 96.5% of 19,821 jobs or 19,130 jobs are for 63 First Nations (FN) and 8 Tribal Council (TC) governance. This averages to 270 jobs/FN+TC. Extrapolating the same average to Canada’s 634 FNs and 80 TCs works out to 192,377 jobs, or about 200,000 jobs nationally.
38 IA’s number for the on-reserve population in 2016 is 436,780, but on-reserve numbers are often inflated due to reliance on per capita funding. A report on urban FN populations calculates the on-reserve number at 373,500. Sources: INAC, 2017, Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence, https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1523286391452/1523286414623#tbc7; Urban Paper re ASETS Renewal Issues regarding the Indigenous Urban Population, Report to the minister, Employment and Social Development Canada, March 2017.
39 Harry Swain, 2010, Oka: A Political Crisis and Its Legacy, Douglas & McIntyre, 35.
40 Wayne Helgason, A Rethink of Indigenous Funding, December 27, 2018, YouTube video, https://fcpp.org/2018/12/27/a-rethink-of-indigenous-funding/.
41 The 2018 and 2019 budgets announced $4.757B and $4.730B respectively in new Indigenous program spending over a total of six years. Government of Canada, Budget 2018 Chapter 3-Reconciliation, https://www.budget.gc.ca/2018/docs/plan/budget-2018-en.pdf ; Budget 2019, Chapter 3-Advancing Reconciliation, , https://budget.gc.ca/2019/docs/plan/chap-03-en.html.
42 Prime Minister’s Office, New Ministers to support the renewed relationship with Indigenous Peoples, August 28, 2017, http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2017/08/28/new-ministers-support-renewed-relationship-indigenous-peoples.