Outline of Judges

I. Double Introduction (1:1–3:6)

Foreign wars of subjugation with the ḥērem being applied—the pre-judge political/military; BACKGROUND—the incomplete conquest (1:1–2:5)   A

Difficulties with foreign religious idols—the thematic summarizing outline of the spiritual; BACKGROUND—the incomplete faith (2:6–3:6)   B

II. Cycles of the Judges (3:7–16:31)

Major judge cycle: Othniel (3:7–11)

Major judge cycle: Ehud (3:12–30)

Minor judge: Shamgar (3:31)

Major judge cycle: Deborah and Barak (4:1–5:31)

The narrative (4:1–24)

The poem (5:1–31)

Major judge cycle: Gideon and Abimelech (6:1–9:57)

Gideon (6:1–8:35)

Abimelech (9:1–57)

Minor judge: Tola (10:1–2)

Minor judge: Jair (10:3–5)

Major judge cycle: Jephthah (10:6–12:7)

Minor judge: Ibzan (12:8–10)

Minor judge: Elon (12:11–12)

Minor judge: Abdon (12:13–15)

Major judge cycle: Samson (13:1–16:31)

III. Double Conclusion: Specific Conditions During These Times (17:1–21:25)

Difficulties with domestic religious idols—the origin of the premonarchic sanctuary of Dan (17:1–18:31)   B′

1. The idolatry of Micah the Ephraimite (17:1–13)

2. The migration of the Danites (18:1–31)

Domestic wars with the ḥērem being applied—the Benjaminite atrocity and civil war (19:1–21:25)   A′

—The rape of the concubine

ḥērem of Benjamin

Problem: the oath—Benjamin threatened with extinction

ḥērem of Jabesh-Gilead

—The rape of the daughters of Shiloh