

March 2nd. I cannot but think that Providence itself hath smiled on this strange undertaking, else how could it ever have come about, against all expectations? My heart full to bursting.

Despite joy at being rid of him, find myself afflicted with strange tender feelings for Bro Balty, which hitherto I have never entertained, as a consequence of his incessant neediness and importunings.

I pray he will not make a pig’s breakfast of matters and reflect ill upon me. Yet I can foresee no reason why he should not be up to the task of making Puritans yank out their hair, since he has made me yank out mine on so many occasions.

Tomorrow shall inform my wife. Doubtless there will be a scene. In anticipation thereof, today purchased a pretty pearl necklace at a cost of £4 10s.

And so to bed.