It’s a column, not a support column.
A beam is simply a beam, not a support beam; it’s presumed to be there to provide support. Columns and beams are different things: columns are vertical, and beams are horizontal. A column usually is made of steel, concrete, or masonry; if it’s made of wood it’s a post. There are no “nucular” engineers or “masonary” walls. A building foundation rests on a footing, not a footer. A sink in a kitchen is a sink, while a sink in a bathroom is a lavatory. A bolt and a screw are not the same thing, and by most standards a machine screw is misnamed; it’s really more of a bolt. Steel isn’t a pure metal, but an alloy; and stainless steel isn’t stainless—it just stains less. A hot water heater is simply a water heater; water that’s already hot doesn’t have to be heated.