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Adams, Abigail

Adams, John

Addison, Joseph

African-Americans, see blacks

Alice (slave)

Allen, Jane

Anderson, James

Anne, Queen

Armistead, James

Armistead, William

Arnold, Benedict

Aron (slave)

Articles of Confederation

Ashby, John

Bacon’s Rebellion

Baker, Eliza

Ball, Joseph

Bassett, Anna Maria Dandridge

Bassett, Burwell

Bassett, Burwell, Jr.

Battle of Bunker’s Hill, The (Trumbull)

“Bear, The” (Faulkner)

Berkeley, William

Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution, The (Kaplan and Kaplan)


in communities of free mixed-race people

departures from America of, after Revolutionary War

escaping slaves, assistance for

as indentured servants

inferiority of, whites’ belief in

and Revolutionary War: exclusion from American army; participation on American side; participation on British side; veterans’ treatment

slave purchases by

see also slavery

Bland, Richard

Blenheim estate

Blinston, Catherine

Boatner, Mark M.

Boson (slave)

Botetourt, Governor

Boucher, Jonathan

Bowden family

Bowles, Capt. John

Braddock, Gen. Edward

Brandywine, Battle of

Branham, Caroline

Bridenbaugh, Carl

Brookhiser, Richard

Bruton Parish Church

Bryant, Linda

Bunker Hill, Battle of

Burgoyne, Gen. John

Burial of Latané, The (Washington)

Burnaby, Andrew

Burrell family

Burton, Judith Saunders

Burwell, Nathaniel

Butler, Pierce

Byrd, Lucy Parke

Byrd, William, II

Byrd, William, III

Cameron, Mary

Camm, John

Campbell, Christiana

Carleton, Gen. Sir Guy

Carlyle, John

Carter, John

Carter, Landon

Carter, Marcia

Carter, Mary B.

Carter, Robert “King”

Carter family

Cato (Addison)

Charleston, siege of

Charlotte Temple (Rowson)

Chesnut, Mary

Chorley, Kenneth

Christ Church (Virginia’s Northern Neck)

Christopher (slave)

Civil War

Washington’s descendants in

Closen, Baron Ludwig von

Cocke, Catesby

College of William and Mary

Colonial Williamsburg historical site

Commager, Henry Steele

Congress, U.S.

Constitution, U.S.

slavery, provisions on

Constitutional Convention

debate on slavery

Continental Congress

Cook of George Washington (Stuart)

Copley, John Singleton

Cornwallis, Lord

Costin, Harriet

Costin, Philadelphia Judge “Delphy”

Costin, William Custis

Cowpens, Battle of

Craik, James

Crow, Hyland

Cupid (slave)

Custis, Daniel Parke

Custis, Frances Parke

Custis, George Washington Parke “Wash”

Custis, Jacky

discipline problems of

sexual relations with slaves of

at Williamsburg

Custis, John

Custis, John “Black Jack”

Custis, Patsy

Custis estate

Dabney, Virginius

Dandridge, Ann

Dandridge, Bartholomew “Bat,” Jr.

Darrell, Sampson

Davy (slave)

Dawson family

Declaration of Independence

Dinwiddie, Robert

Donaldson, James

Douglas, Stephen

Drayton, William Henry

Dunmore, Governor

Easterbrooks, Prince

“Elegiac Poem” (Wheatley)

Ellis, Joseph

Ellsworth, Oliver

Emerson, Ralph Waldo


Evans, Joshua

Fairfax, Bryan

Fairfax, George William

Fairfax, Lord

Fairfax, William

Fairfax, Col. William

Fairfax family

Farrand, Max

Faulkner, William

Fauquier, Governor

Ferling, John

Fischer, David Hackett

Fleming, Thomas

Flexner, James Thomas

Flohr, Georg Daniel

Foner, Philip S.

Ford, George W.

Ford, Priscilla

Ford, West

birth date of

claims by descendants of

documentation about

favors by Washington family to

marriage of

wills of John and Hannah Washington concerning

Foster, Eugene

Founding Brothers (Ellis)

Founding Father (Brookhiser)

Fox, Jinny


Francis, Jacob

Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, John Hope

Freeman, Douglas Southall

French and Indian War

French Revolution

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

Gates, Gen. Horatio

George II, King

George III, King

George Washington Birthplace National Monument

Germantown, Battle of

Gerson, Evelyn

Glover, Col. John

Gooch, Governor

Goodwin, William Archer Rutherfoord

Grant, Jehu

Green, Thomas

Greene, Gen. Nathanael

Griswold, Mac

Grizzard, Frank

Guilford Court House, Battle of

Gum Spring Farm

Hairston family

Hale, Nathan

Haley, Alex

Hamilton, Alexander

Hancock, John

Harrel, Moses

Hemings, Sally

Henry, Patrick

Hercules (slave)

Hill, James

Hirschfeld, Fritz

History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880 (Williams)

House, John and Margaret

House of Burgesses

Washington’s career in

Howell, Thomas

Huger, Daniel

Humphreys, David

indentured servants

blacks as

criminal proceedings against

Revolutionary War and

rules of servitude and

Washington and


enslavement of

Washington’s encounters with

Interpreting Our Heritage (Tilden)

Intolerable Acts of 1774

Ireland, James

Isaac (slave)

Jay, John

Jefferson, Thomas

on Articles of Confederation

black inferiority, belief in

emancipation of slaves, rejection of

emancipation proposal of, before House of Burgesses

sexual relations with slaves of

on Washington as legislator

Jemmy (slave)

Jenny (slave)

Johnson, Samuel

Johnston, Henry

Jones, John Paul

Jones, Thomas

Jordan, Winthrop

Judge, Ona

escape from slavery of

service to Washingtons of

Judith (slave)

Kaplan, Sidney and Emma Nogrady

Knight, Humphrey

Lafayette, Marquis de

Armistead and

emancipation proposal of

and Revolutionary War

Washington’s relationship with

Lamson, David

land speculation

Langdon, Elizabeth

Langdon, John

Latané family

Laurens, Henry

Laurens, John

Laurens emancipation plan

Law, Eliza Custis

Law, Thomas

Lawler, Edward, Jr.

Lear, Tobias

Lee, Ann Carter

Lee, Gen. Charles “boiling water”

Lee, Frank

Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry”

Lee, Mary Custis

Lee, Richard Henry

Lee, Robert E.

Lee, Thomas

Lee, William

Lee family

Leutze, Emmanuel

Lewis, Fielding

Lewis, Lawrence

Lewis, Nelly Custis

Lewis, Robert

Lexington, Battle of

Liberty Bell

Lightfoot, Armistead

Lincoln, Abraham

Livingston, Isabella

Locke, John

London (slave)

Lossing, Benson J.

Lost Cause nostalgia

Lynch, James B., Jr.

Madison, James

Making of Citizens, The (Merriam)

Malone, Dumas

Maloney, Elizabeth

Manley, Sarah and Nan

Martin, Luther

Mason, George

denunciation of slavery by


Mazyck, Walter

McCullough, David

McHenry, James

McManning, James

Mercer, George

Merriam, Charles Edward

Mifflin, Thomas

Miller, John Chester

Minute Men

Monmouth, Battle of

Moore, Bernard

Morals (Seneca)

Morgan, Edmund S.

Morgan, Philip D.

Morison, Samuel Eliot

Morris, Gouverneur

Morrison, Jane

Moses (slave)

Moses, William

Mount Vernon

agricultural practices at

economics of farm slavery at

scientific approach to plantation management of

slave barracks at

Washington’s acquisition of

Washington’s dealings with overseers at

Washington’s personal management of slaves at

Washington’s visit to, during Revolutionary War

Moxley, Joseph


Myrtilla (slave)

Nace (slave)

Nancy (slave)

Nassau (slave)

National Park Service

Nell, William C.

Nelson, Thomas

New York, Battle of

New York Times

Nicholson, Francis

Niemcewicz, Julian

North, Lord

Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

Ohio Company

Okeson, Reverend

Olney, Capt. Stephen

“On Being Brought from Africa to America” (Wheatley)

Oswald, Richard

Otis, James

Paris (slave)

Parke, Daniel, II

Parkinson, Richard

Pasteur, William

Peale, Charles Willson

Pearce, William

Pendleton, Edmund

Peros (slave)

Peter, Armistead, III

Peter, Martha Custis

Peter, Thomas


Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth

Pioneer Farm

Pitcairn, Maj. John

Pittsburgh Courier

Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (Wheatley)

Pope, Nathaniel

Posey, John

Power, James

Prosser, Gabriel

Putnam, Gen. Israel


Quarles, Benjamin

Randolph, Edmund

Randolph, Peyton

Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington (Custis)

Reed, Joseph


gentry of Virginia and

slavery and

Revere, Paul

Revolutionary War

American setbacks in, due to failure to recruit blacks

Cato and

economic causes of

emancipation proposals during

espionage during

France and

Hessian units in

indentured servants and

peace treaty of

slavery and

smallpox used as weapon in

taxation issues of

training for American troops in

Washington and

see also under blacks

Rhode Island, Battle of

Rhode Island plan for emancipation of slaves

Richmond (slave)

Rights of the British Colonies (Otis)

Robinson, John

Robinson, Mike

Rockefeller, John D., Jr.

Rocky Mountain News

Rogers, J. A.

Roots (Haley)

Rowson, Susanna

Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation, The

Rutledge, Edward

Rutledge, John

Salem, Peter

Saratoga, Battle of

Saunders, Catherine C. Ford

Schuyler, Philip

Secordia (slave)

Selig, Robert


Sequeyra, John de

Sex and Race in the New World (Rogers)

sexual relations between masters and slaves

anguish suffered by masters’ families

brutality and shame suffered by slaves

corrupting effect on masters of

historians’ views on

incest and

lies and evasions surrounding

prevalence of

self-hatred in slaves resulting from

suppression of facts regarding

see also Ford, West


Shays, Daniel

Sherman, Roger

Shy, John

Sierra Leone

Simpson, Gilbert

slavery, slaves

Africans brought to Virginia

breeding of labor force

child-rearing by slaves

child’s status as slave or free

determined by mother’s

Constitutional Convention debate on

constitutional provisions on

corrupting effect on masters

crimes by slaves

education for slaves

emancipation proposals: before Congress in 1790; before House of Burgesses; by Lafayette; during Revolutionary War

escapes by slaves; by Judge

family separations

former slaves’ accounts of

games played by slaves

Indians as slaves

Laurens emancipation plan

laws regarding

liberty and representative government, relation to

military role of slaves

Niemcewicz’s observations about

origin and development

passive resistance by slaves

psychological effect on later generations of blacks

racial prejudice and

raffling of slaves

recording of births and marriages

reenactments of slavery

religion and

repatriation of captured slaves following Revolutionary War

revolts by slaves

Revolutionary War and

Rhode Island plan for emancipation

selling of slaves; reenactments of

sexual fears of whites regarding black men and

social transformation resulting from

surnames for slaves

tobacco planting and

treatment of slaves

Wheatley’s life and experiences

see also sexual relations between masters and slaves; Washington, George, and slavery

Smith, Samuel Abbot

Sparks, Jared

Spotswood, Alexander

Spotswood, Elizabeth Washington

Spotswood, Governor

Staines, John

Stamp Act of 1765

Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus von

Stuart, David

Stuart, Eleanor Calvert Custis

Stuart, Gilbert

sugar planters of Barbados

Sweig, Donald

Swett, Samuel

Tarleton, Banastre

Tayloe, John


Thompson, Joseph

Thompson, Mary

Thomson, Charles

Thornton, William

Tilden, Freeman

tobacco planting

Tom (slave)

tools used by slaves

Trenton, Battle of

Trumbull, John

Tudor Place mansion

Tull, Jethro

Turley, Paul

Twine, Peter and Elly

Twohig, Dorothy

Valley Forge encampment

Van Lew, Elizabeth

Varnum, Gen. James Mitchell

Venus (slave) (West Ford’s mother)

Vergennes, Charles

Vernon, Adm. Edward

Virginia, colonial

see also Williamsburg

Virginia Gazette

“Virginian Luxuries” (painting)


Walsh, Lorena S.

War of 1812

Washington, Ann Aylett

Washington, Anne Brett

Washington, Ann Fairfax (sister-in-law)

Washington, Ann Pope

Washington, Augustine “Gus” (father)

Washington, Augustine, Jr. “Austin” (half brother)

Washington, Bushrod (nephew)

Washington, Butler

Washington, Corbin (nephew)

Washington, Frances Appleton

Washington, George

birth of

birthplace of

chariot purchase by

childhood and youth of

at Constitutional Convention

court and vestry positions of

Custis estate, assumption of control over by

death of

debt problem of

dentures of

descendants of

education of

electoral victories in colonial Virginia of

eloquence of

as father

foxhunting of

gambling of

honesty of

horse-breaking by

human nature, view of

illegal actions of

indentured servants and

as inspiration for slaves desiring freedom

inventions by

larger-than-life quality of

legislative career of

marriage of, see Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis

memorials to

military career of, in 1750s

myth of

naval career considered for

physical appearance of

political pragmatism of

presidency of; behavior as president; election in 1789

racial views of

in retirement

rules of behavior of

self-discipline of

smallpox infection of

social standing of

surveying career of

theater, enjoyment of by

wilderness experiences of

Williamsburg visit of, in 1769

will of

writings: advertisements; diaries; directives for farm workers; letters

see also Mount Vernon; Revolutionary War; specific persons

Washington, George, and slavery

baptism of slaves

clothing for slaves

Constitutional Convention debate on slavery

corrupting effect of slavery on masters, criticism of

Custis slaves, acquisition of

defense of slavery

education for slaves

emancipation failures during his lifetime, consequences of

emancipation of his slaves

emancipation plans devised during presidency

emancipation proposal before Congress in 1790

emancipation proposal before House of Burgesses

emancipation proposal by Lafayette

emancipation proposals during Revolutionary War

escaped slaves, dealing with; Judge’s escape

fair-mindedness in dealing with slaves

familiarity with individual slaves

family separations

fears regarding America’s future were slavery to persist

Fugitive Slave Act

house slaves

housing for slaves

Niemcewicz’s observations on Mount Vernon slaves

Pennsylvania’s residency rules for slaves, evasion of

Peter’s selling of slaves

pleasure in power over slaves

presidency, slaves kept on hand during

punishment of slaves

purchase of slaves

raffling of slaves

rations for slaves

relatives kept as slaves

repatriation of captured slaves following Revolutionary War

repudiation of slavery

selling of slaves

sexual relations with slaves, see Ford, West

teeth of slaves appropriated by Washington

treatment of slaves

vacillation on issues related to slavery

Wheatley’s contacts with Washington

Washington, Hannah Bushrod (sister-in-law)

Washington, Henry (slave)

Washington, Jane Butler

Washington, Jenny (niece)

Washington, John (great-grandfather)

Washington, John Augustine (brother)

Washington, Lawrence (grandfather)

Washington, Lawrence (half brother)

Washington, Lund (cousin)

Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis (wife)

Black Jack tale and

Custis name kept by children of

Daniel Custis’s marriage to

Jacky Custis’s death and

Jacky Custis’s relationship with

Patsy Custis and

death of

domestic life of

Judge’s escape from slavery and

Judge’s service to

Niemcewicz’s assessment of

physical appearance of

relatives of, kept as slaves

social standing of

Washington’s compatibility with

Washington’s emancipation of his slaves and

Washington’s marriage to

wealth of

widowhood of

Washington, Mary Ball (mother)

influence on Washington of

Washington, Mildred (niece)

Washington, Richard

Washington, Richard Henry Lee

Washington, Sarah Tayloe

Washington, Spotswood (cousin)

Washington, William (cousin)

Washington, William Augustine (nephew)

Washington, William D.

Washington Crossing the Delaware (Leutze)

Washington family cemetery

Washington Post

Washingtons and Their Homes, The (Wayland)

Wayland, John W.

Weems, Mason Locke “Parson”

Westover, James

Wheatley, Phillis

Wheatley family

Whipple, Joseph

Whipple, Prince

Whipple, William

Whitefield, George

White Over Black (Jordan)

Will (slave)

William and Mary, College of

Williams, George W.


civility and manners in social activities at

“Publick Times” celebrations of

revelry and gambling at

slave market at

Washington at

see also Colonial Williamsburg historical site

Wills, Anita

Wilson, Ellen

Winter, John

Wolcott, Oliver

Wollaston, John

Wood, Gordon

Yorktown, Battle of

Young, Arthur