Who Are You?

No one will ever know you better than yourself. No one should have the power to define you more than yourself. Seeking approval from others allows them dominion over your identity.

The outside world will never have a great picture of what’s inside; WE barely know. Our opinions of our identity aren’t always valid or accurate either, but they definitely affect how we feel about ourselves.

Closing your eyes, shutting the fuck up, and exploring what’s inside is a great way of getting a firm grasp of who’s really there. That picture will never be captured with a camera and can never be validated by the people around you.

As Dr. Seuss says, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” There is no normal, and what’s considered common isn’t common everywhere (the more you travel, the more you’ll realize that). If people don’t like you for who you are, change the people, not yourself.