You Only Have So Much Time

You can only make so many people happy, and no matter what you do, some folks will never be satisfied because they depend on you for their happiness, which is selfish of them. They’re toxic, and you’ll be better off without them. Put yourself first; it’s not selfish.

Expecting others to put you first—that is selfish.

You’re writing your story right now.

If your life were a movie, would anyone want to watch it? Our favorite movies always have our hero overcoming challenges and becoming better for it. Are you trying to overcome your challenges or running from anything that is remotely uncomfortable?

In this day and age where everyone is praised and congratulated for every little accomplishment, I think it is important to focus on those who are still trying to overcome the obstacles. Instead of celebrating the winners, let’s celebrate those who are trying to win, still uncomfortable, grinding, earning every inch they receive. Encouragement goes a long way.

Everything I do comes from the support you show me. The legacy of Humble the Poet won’t be based on Kanwer Singh’s work; it’ll be more a result of the relationships and connections that were formed between me and all of you throughout this journey. I appreciate you all immensely, and those connections keep me working harder and harder to reach the next milestone.

Things tend to look easy after they’re done and impossible beforehand. Every person with aspirations will hit obstacles and meet naysayers. It’s up to us to decide whether we want to focus on those telling us why we should give up, or those who are pushing us along the way with their positivity. It’s also up to us to decide if we’re helping others on the way, or giving them reasons to throw in the towel.

I don’t know what my story will be like when it’s all said and done. When I’m dead, my legacy won’t be of much importance to me. Although I do know that I would not be able to exist in the present peacefully, knowing that I gave up on exploring what I have inside simply because things became difficult.

I’m a survivor, and so are you; it’s what makes us a special form of life on this planet. We adapt, change, and grow to enhance our ability to exist and thrive.

We all have the ability to be the heroes of our own story.