We wouldn’t care about what others think of us if we realized how rarely they do.
We use our imaginations to assume what folks MAY think of us in various situations. Those judgments are really a reflection of us much more than the person we’re projecting them on.
Basing even a pinch of your happiness on the approval of others forfeits it. Life isn’t American Idol; you’re not auditioning, and even in those rare instances where someone else’s opinion can determine your future (job interviews, American Idol auditions, meeting the in-laws), you’re still better off being yourself and allowing the confidence that comes with that to shine.
You’ll never be able to make everyone happy; trying to do so is a key ingredient of failure. Speak your truth, and speak it loud, and surround yourself with those who encourage you to be the person you want to be.
Write your own story, pave your own highway. I’m most impressed by folks who AREN’T trying to impress me. That type of honesty is attractive and empowering, and everyone on the planet is capable of it.
Those who really matter will never give you a hoop to jump through.