Do you want to simply live the length of your life, or the width as well?
What are you capable of? I don’t know, your mama don’t know, neither do your encouraging teachers or friends. But you do.
Our time is on a budget, and like all budgets, you use it or lose it. Bruce Lee died at thirty-two, but he seems immortal because he spent that length living the width, and accomplishing in that time what many of us have only dreamed of.
Great individuals have the same amount of time in a day as we do. They have the same number of hours and minutes in a day, but for many reasons they choose to spend those hours and minutes very differently.
The person who cures cancer for good could be reading this right now, or watching TV in the other room. Even in Sikh heritage, the third Guru didn’t get into the game until his seventies. It’s never too late to start, and finishing last is better than didn’t finish, which is better than didn’t start.
Jay-Z said, “Don’t be good m’nigga, be great.” What greatness lies within you? Do you have it in you to share it with the world?
We’re not all here for the same reasons, nor do we know the purpose of others, unless they’ve revealed it.
Go on . . . be great.