Penal settlement established on Derwent River, later named Hobart
Possible birth of Truganini
April: martial law declared and original people expelled from areas of settlement
March: George Augustus Robinson sent to Bruny Island to hand out food to Nuenonne
April: Robinson finds Truganini at woodcutters’ station at Birch’s Bay and takes her to Missionary Bay
October: Truganini becomes second wife of Wooredy
January: Truganini, Wooredy, his two sons and Dray leave Bruny Island with Robinson
February: Robinson’s mission to clans of west coast departs from Recherche Bay
May: Umarrah and his two companions leave Robinson’s mission
June: Peevay joins the mission party on Robbins Island
October: the Black Line begins in Launceston and the mission party goes north-east
November: Mannalargenna and Trowlebunner surrender to Robinson
December: Robinson establishes a holding station on Swan Island
February: Truganini, Wooredy, Dray and Kickerterpoller in Hobart with Robinson
March: Truganini and friends return to Swan Island from Hobart; Maulboyheener and Lacklay arrive; captives move to Gun Carriage Island
June: Robinson’s mission to the clans of north coast and interior of the colony begins
August: Umarrah and the ‘Stoney Creek band’ surrender
December: ‘Big River people’ surrender
February: mission party visits Flinders Island
March: Umarrah dies in Launceston
April: mission to the clans of the north-west begins
May: Kickerterpoller and Polare die in Emu Bay
July: Wymurric and his people confined on Hunter Island to be sent to Flinders Island
September: Tarkiner attack Robinson at the Arthur River
November: mission to the clans of north-west coast led by Anthony Cottrell begins
January: Cottrell’s mission party arrives at Sarah Island in Macquarie Harbour
February: Truganini leads mission to capture some of the Ninine people
April: Robinson arrives at Sarah Island
June: Robinson captures the Ninine and Lowreenne people
July: Robinson captures the Tarkiner people
October: mission party returns to Hobart with Robinson
February: final mission to capture the last of the north-west clans begins
January: Robinson announces Tasmania cleared of the original people
May: Tanleboneyer, Penderoin and Nollahalleker die in Hobart
October: mission party taken to Flinders Island and Mannalargenna dies
March: Truganini, Wooredy and four others leave Flinders Island with George Robinson junior
July: George Robinson junior and mission party return to Flinders Island
July: Robinson appointed Chief Protector of Aborigines for Port Phillip District
February: Robinson takes Truganini, Wooredy and Peevay to Port Phillip
April: Maulboyheener and Lacklay arrive in Port Phillip with their wives
August: Truganini runs away from Robinson’s house in Melbourne and is returned
April: all the Van Diemen’s Land people run away from Robinson’s house
May: Lacklay disappears in Westernport
June: Truganini runs away from Robinson’s house and is returned
August: Truganini runs away again and is returned
March: Robinson expedition into the Western District with Peevay begins
May: Truganini and Maulboyheener run away together
September: Truganini, Maulboyheener, Peevay, Maytepueminer and Plorenernoopner move to Westernport
October: two whalers murdered in Lower Westernport
November: Truganini and her four companions arrested in Westernport
December: Truganini, Maytepueminer and Plorenernoopner escape murder charges, but Peevay and Maulboyheener found guilty
January: Peevay and Maulboyheener executed for murder
July: Truganini, Maytepueminer and Plorenernoopner return to Flinders Island with Wooredy, who dies en route
March: Truganini married to Mannapackername
November: Henry Jeanneret dismissed as commandant of Wybalenna
December: Joseph Milligan appointed as commandant of Wybalenna
December: Jeanneret reinstated at Wybalenna
February: Walter George Arthur and others petition Queen Victoria
March: Jeanneret returns as commandant of Wybalenna
May: Jeanneret dismissed as commandant of Wybalenna
June: Milligan reinstated as commandant of Wybalenna
July: Truganini’s husband Mannapackername dies
October: forty-six people transferred from Wybalenna to Oyster Cove station
October: Wooredy’s son Davey Bruny dies at Oyster Cove
April: Robinson visits Oyster Cove and records thirty people living there
September: Mathinna dies by accidental drowning
December: Milligan reports twenty-seven unidentified deaths at Oyster Cove since 1847
April: Calder and Kirwan visit Oyster Cove and record sixteen people still living there
June: Milligan dismissed as superintendent of Oyster Cove
July: John Dandridge arrives as superintendent of Oyster Cove
October: Tanganutura dies
May: Walter George Arthur dies by drowning
August: Dray dies
June: Henry Harrison Pybus’s offer to care for the eight people left at Oyster Cove refused
February: Jack Allen dies
February: Bessy Clark dies
July: Patty Clark dies
August: Wapperty dies
January: Billy Lanne and Truganini presented to Duke of Edinburgh
March: Billy Lanne dies and his body is mutilated
July: Mary Ann Arthur dies
July: Truganini moves to Dandridge house in Hobart
May: Truganini dies in Hobart and is buried in secret
December: Truganini’s body exhumed from her grave and given to the Royal Society of Tasmania