What you are about to read is a true tale of great loss and horror beyond what nightmares are made of. That loss behooves me to confess my sins before God and man by telling the story of what happened those tragic nights in Gainesville, Florida, as close to the actual events as my memory serves me to convey.


The writing was difficult for me because regardless of what has been said or believed, I am not proud of what I have done. Terrors upon terrors have befallen me, and I boast not of the suffering I have caused, because I do feel regret and compassion for those that remain. It was tempting to dress up the story, in respect to the deceased and their loved ones, but if I am to lay my soul bare before you—the reader—I must speak truly.


Dear reader friend, hear the declaration of this condemned man: There are forces that move in this world, forces you rarely see with the natural eye, because they are supernatural beings. Every now and then, a soul is born with eyes capable of seeing into that realm that goes beyond imagination. I have seen supernatural beings of darkness reaching for me. Oh God, they never stop reaching for all of us. They want our minds so they can destroy the creation of God.


As a child, my self-esteem was broken down. As a result, there was an opening in my mind—a crack, if you will. I’ve always been sensitive to the spirit world. I know when a demon is peering out of a dark corner, as well as I know when angels of great beauty and power are hovering near. In the course of my life I have yielded to both powers, and there is only one conclusion: Right and good always follow the heavenly. Wrong and evil produce nothing but HELL.


If you are one who hears the night calling and cannot resist its seducing, find you a place to pray and ask our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to help you overcome these evil spirits that roam the darkness in search of a soul to devour.


Christina Powell…Sonja Larson…Christa Hoyt…Manuel Taboada and Tracy Paules. I’m sure they were fine people and did not deserve the treatment they received at my hand. My tears pale in comparison to their suffering. If only it had never happened. I cannot go back and undo what was done. If only I could, I would give back what I took.


I know, I know. My tears mean nothing to you, and after you read this book, if you choose to do so, you will hate me even more.


It is in my heart to ask your forgiveness, but how can you forgive such an injustice? I only know I am deeply sorry for what happened. Words alone could never express my remorse.


I have prayed for you, that the good Lord will help you get on with your lives. Such is the plight of the living.


Perhaps on the day of my execution or death you will lay down your hatred and bury your anger with me.

